Trnsport topplesSF gaêtime froapift rocketa lsa le oi e irîCal IiMi ltidme amO wu OIl. posesson oli liait place in MilIce lHockey 1Dive Arbie Cothmcted l ithaisa ta goRAINdY League acion on [We 23 às they edged (bidso and Ivo. Zlien. superdeoire Contry Mark«t 53 'Illeic Sandctopoe oeil ahaad early lute t bid put Sandsaie &top the loqsue oi i1à00w- -hn Rkb har10enn muraifrt in s po int1) grugglelu. lrecly belo ait belli but Squp ?J0oe came buck wth two 0"1 Century 21 Golden Hak and Sralgh Une on the sUutge ahifl Plye ua i ly aCellas I-ce. ceth oth 14 poits netted boti maore. 17 sc" éamiti lb Hlawks kept romentum wth a 7-Idecîclne&"ltst llinaateeDive Aitrm»d Mika over WIest End Buebugitralmtlit ne, Vn Wart. prennilly c powecrlliuse quai, littereal. Aller lisai Superdroice clor e 1. a Haggrt Crane Service handed Mien a 7.1 pro"utmdepatent for ta egM'oIW patng Wth 2 pit lHg artl ut a i Sandaite w u roinlg Op for àoIote suris. polntromthe tu aor cubs. Wth 4.97 remaitlg t%4 play Joie Geta aoay (rte lb. euvi ceoeed-dtaced dui e yrnNewmnonand Kevin Sndstote corlng -as welléptesà; n owsde, At 14g joy Norl&M fl ot the go- ployer bail er. tian on Igant 7he gateate hud I olitacilato 1 dii ouiCiii- oa ltrly even gin terM ofniacorig util monuo=lxnîsecod later Neoman provda the lttler part oi te final frfite. B wie lied the paddng. eaalaledi by Shnnn ai one afer tvm perlods andail cee point Sraight Une Fnc actuotly lid t one Supercholce led 3-2, But loIe in th la* b~oit agoai tnggfart Tliey scoreal thgi tarîio Ilndainne popped tIlre gats ta buy ol olhIm nP*ge of the second. JoMi le inuiance ptcy -..-a . c pa F o on th bard wi1h à Inte I.arly gong it oas a punchecite-1 10 .411.1 punc-h ecliange Dean Villa opened lb. Rit Hagrt corne bck olIli a fonis-goo sorlng tngve Superchote abrief I-6leý huet laie Inlthescon perio and, wth A-team oût of ci A J". iurbtovac penalty shoit gaoa a basment by mutýgthi sndwno the diferecern nRealty World l'haetorni 1- lt.he iaon. gingou -1 ortneera 001 0 win over Coaches Suliay ini 5esIndor Frankel Seel. ATeéeborehelpedacmW by Scer acting -anofortunae atiqe nefront ian ibl, ahi In aher gantes Candy SrMsc coqinuedoi0n cored on ic uc ang.onT efoley bai Ica the standngs aller beatlcg Winkys nette tie and Jin Innes once for Masent Co.,v Pestr 30en gale by Daruty Cgeron AI Cluca fred Fakeli I)on. PDal and Ray Crtwright. ATeins loisd lheneli uoui ni the Kamis c5oiutaiu 0clln t h standng, Pacing a -proiblem for Diet Qentre Èeps iâcîug waoc a proleem fWa tn 11 ilet Cent re montA reps le reneS &liie-4bt le untl ihe% lereied lu ksep mne riva; tha- -Ist.r. tarer cintraI le reps ..played lhcee ganta belon. Chîrlsanddrol1edtwo decliliion But on i ren.iich tbey caille qbg;(0Wi C-, îgeloooe deffoaledlton110e-3 al rI,.-at Ai-coi and <rngvlle <imueed Nl1,11)r 5t ai Qangeville. but Me aome ,ý-d Gd eorgetown 2-tlenIlir Rfinlanigue il f-I Ir lit unfirscoiteiapait Gerptoan %iitîitn came out fiai adeivitrs Mo1pbd r, rîck fév-ggoal tend Milon riqe on in hi- .eind per oi 10 leai 32 lrlam lIgy ittiapoli and Ibm Borre ad Mite go- rheiana]uitDaid teIW maie loiguaile mdt ýred Hlla dded th* other aMe maîtti apiegàmo i detenme le idi teMs ihrd peiod lu proct awricu- morde111 of ris trs but GaergetOee rallied L 10 aOM thr.- 'un.ioe.rei geais 1 i- SMiltonî reis reversiedlher pre.& nance f0r ih'openag' i1th. 'initial (â. rgeio-togante, [bey came 01* katlag bard in the upening mînoînt but cornll rullîliçI r.Sud the opprieni u"% 1 Orngev flIlai Id -0 aller one pari. Mnlony km4l.i Me scure fr ilon id th 1 Me second imaebdOrangeville came bock uniitloforpaleslv lb. final perial sirdii «uanà ailfierent try Miltone shubvad oraongeWiles trongeoit lior. wo w ua responible for o bt trick shIr - day. ouiandMte.cviilgil yerS -Wud tlrggevilie ail the boar unil laOi mniiel beiýe. Me gurde eded. DéaI Cetre 100k h. land mduay Micougb Me fnat frame ohen FesiVilen 7à"em ack oneain he teconrfbrntII fknngevile net. 5NU11 ten q24 wom jelley lai Duaee SwlimdBft coneede. Jan i1t1 11 alamiaion Me plày. MilnplgyoailtWht clafence for mast ai Me thin perioi andl Bradoni Botaiteh W&W hai b.blugWdhimera alil t n8- tadn (O ie p-00ireid hUl . t W est a lilebut Silon hel* thImENo top-.ima ve the in - 1)10 Conterep are76-3 wth lives e1 gardes reiinilg.Lut aeek Mey Plah & Oe-10Um t1innant eit utMarklemn reulftsa vllale et ou atinte I Làcwsi1n pla y*Gff ,tdromp«.81 . ltà Jane ..,aergme in 10laa aNui.ulk d. o l iliied yoOnere itaer utu a Frmer, icfeated rîrîr. ~~Mleaaiuga Jeta It ibouced Preotje4- They %look aiîthe), inco they aoît.ek 1 lie - cull They peld tpit up [lu-se Milceiloqarbi ofVnisl ia- 1lhe> %rosi nl 10-grne.plaie - iogoîluit Mai*mulSct iieo.tranle i,.i,ank ,i a îtenàoint coich &AiColend Rab Wilam coidoules.o inuall.% i troudllivInar Ovml e W M uo DougDrenandni cl i. ai ne liai perlî,rîvin-vrhitlaeen Sgad ile &oded lhing i lh. Petntue anad Wayne The> % s e e t reIn to in &aWth"m&Y Rnay Biersa oued th. ither oalAi&"ea îO.1 pul i1 11151jlmbeeo RIvera ledàbai pr ad rw" s 1tv sitirk played goia andheli tbe oddndoime Steamers stymied Millto,, in 010 eerl crobeollco»ves. Blaif redailieiremepy4d ipil ieU tturîng uni- Icri-oleequinte h.awu lhiruieo hm sa ecblm r" 0 fred io orenil hîmeeli 12 1.1mi funMe Mie puck 'E1 2~ rann net but a Iillue delenier jêoped hbmniel b en-gtoon Pmi PR u tb IMbdp- aimca the crea. en bloW à arPkiaid of hile. DDa a e,. 1U le g. 100k efoni Molir. Duvai. Piee jeffey nd Mit SXeantern mnaged l eIo in U rnem lai' illodwt arai Me aier =Ilton ttih,în aind sagquence i front et h. Milles lavelsi 10 telo MaW t)akvilie nilIKeMcfleed auSrod ai ilil roui# u« vailtlle t pot M)rlday dccc' ahei fai oe i al more tlimon otOkville cmee 10 hiliar h ma n".l minutaes aiing warflmei lmr delleted Coi"rne Ime l 1pAm *Cost of regional studfes at *2.4 qiIlion' for 8 yqrs elanoi Religion ai qiet .4 milleonL-hommeanil baa abul ,tudmc ice 197 BAMiltr. Mulkewlclm mihbel eue Pm And allhough Buili eMyor mt yBad ohetirner lm eo ey~eoU-peme naenoapiilgot. uS70OOpriauon "Ail il lala a).Tbmare amauciol the irenteory of regional tuldt00h e-,.-OMWSlycbathre- h asi, eUpbhi Ohhom questeq. Burliermom CoUhrlkg glai nlpis, ouil doilmkool N a à lutai Mulkich oInisdern if th. report wourlmomeéy or DM folthl waa obliiod th emey » Nt coirîmddat aU» le ,iumply Mayor Brd repaaîed o detalled l iaic he reÈoluroid or bwum o olaîle iaina% crnmctqàrck I u, 1im.I Mid id il eotaah iliv7ls noDec 3. tar, bbfnl iomoOto benîàl il .==aa, aaaoc oniblrumîte si gy 0wu rome*atii y gimyaàa 1 MMM setetaff lior (crWU e MM l. 101and "Wmepublé# orklladevOtUsitMeo îimpletion, lini a u tile. ciunihmm tuitesiet aper MM i rosind fl wetnd l d iidgmuagci- Mietotal 132. Pkleri gh»a comaiclest 17 pe ciitm- lie. Ilegioni. fianmce m. lduchiit &adelnlltli"m "tnk30tl I hom ndcoouicmmlafl ii0w paroitm, "alii neevl a tr. $7674 ai uiie ,= dsa. oelpfi*W e 'nlie rOU Wshw gag dhlrcg h. glit- lalhu= ««»anlpi c4 d ar erl. tatdm oe.W umloei lm hggil prce=a bm y10Itle aneagaflmespetga iza.cala for snaeeald00.eIiJt tUmeee tla tol i S lUllebn. 011 t - @Wh-genire Maaey. ieMn& irem ---re5ma uiuoam. 4 niB40,oranme mu "W Um le monthfor% ulag0i n ill lleh MAilg tweédi"Y.b Cotail meetig. mlooa a Wlanutl el. &Wui arl Bliieladhe ho"baùaMie Pali beahoidy platoee.i uliag Imm, o xrfirefolaêah. fpovi a rot- 111 liesblative sme klWe i ialit, riait l i *remeard ie aiase- gra.ýorg plil6tilose. ion. 16 out 1Maile U Mia ussa or IdesI mke My lapolody 11r hLW 87,9» 1MI.»eDlut speuxm l'ntitmil.i*O uat'My2tilotid louou o erel-mia Mrse @»a t bs luI mmne et the "a utana. PUr h10a omu Me ocutet a 2l, usaoald bkg U essUeer. Hck Blmd min Sm the ml't ofnitIspalrjthe uam minute mnrk. Gord Adm omi asho dd on h. emini ofGuy 1McGlmW twongoals n0 eeuiCI ls«. Wllb six aeOM&l leff ie Utàâlne codibtI crne bock in the linacoridme tha H t sent - lJohn AuiMld picksal aq t00 midi @aglnallo e dgean e d MGùmcis aisisted on ca" nihite004nI.. Mri Shopprd andl Poul McC*un bitue goila ech aseC.itry 21 Giua Hawks .tloed Wet FmMdi 7-3. RaWk IES ch t a o3-tle"ilate Mi Rg framesand maie t 6-t by h.oM4 il the aseInd. Ibe o M- de tte cans hocuit lo.ifri-t» beiron. MIk Mlillly. Jo. i9Mbde Keilli Nefipum acred Ilaok'oUim e l. Frank mreck. JfReéOMM p rd Geto armn Welitile Au a ellar : gol. bylaon amrrou M F PaO el eriled talce fer m Atlouglh ily W wifti u Iliee cone« i olh lanae ia 11 111Al gante.elller team demdbaelbsm Pointe in Mile fut panai aiea. lhl r anoms qemi d ba 9 w u él ocse aho inu 4mmpaon togther aid lookaI inip-laatW ihu* they (il beled un a penaltyipol. uIbey regaînea the Initative hoove. oand c~Ue damn effortsby Barry Abraham, md Ray Mumi TIi.sceunidh al atut a ofut pane and neyer mooed. Phaîldme came close olm Mike Pukavimm.iuandBole Gibvoiebluted boU-vioUeyo frontci. e . but alleaed a miarp O(baadefenmes 10 break dlinnài2oe 2 reuter*iUck - iî1 eh ltowever. Coacims ea le eec Phnlea offensive olihmore ilion equol effort. cornug agoniinaily cie mrney intas.Neit PloUc bhai h. bast oportuinty t0 Itvul the scure, lringitn (Ive *Metabut twoc ar. sansied Mite onîher tref ir e jual inchea outaid te Mmark. Gccd giiltenig [romi hltelame wu trgely respenalte for keeping Me cre W cloue. ie lagaine ou on coampte ut jit hue compeuttve h. leogue l. ulowigalcMin ternicm u h lkoe forgranted. ino mater wber they Ile Ie tandiega N s.. c o lie . qlooem au ry i sortiearn o a keoctgSIllon ou oW&t place when the t00 majoraiget iuiadaclunhed n Ti- Couiety hockey iotion racenily Bal oh.n il ecdd notbung bai really ben settleal )11ei cnCoa.Ig..'ibteebai GorgetonagaAinsi Merogi-t aiea mui. ain situaion for Gergetown if Mey oaited to siay ln contention for top spot In Tri- Cornaty.Bult (inaeiscoutilel put George. tow0 ay andiâbai t nfle for à 3-3le. fihat Isi cas Georgetoon olti a glimmer of liglt aIihe end if thé tunnel, si for asctilitc place gien laillier moent action Cornts cloblered the boita of h. Heapeler tlIe Olympica In Iler irait oiaentlmte.aineHlton hnri Htapeler the 9"d aide of a "- chutoul Mlton 0wu ltta je 0Into 0action agole lait hums doy ifler 27) but rautdtore noli aaillable il Pua time, i longue pay. Gergetown drew tfrait hieduring o poer play lite Ln Me irai perld inaimesretilated mone aller oben tennit coptole eve Scpncll calied le a Geoli Pollen p&ua lIéperici endio lat a -.lliule Tiere oom on coreg but pleny of ad"e during the rhippy scond perid. In th, final trame Georgetowni lrged oahdagain but agaileComete rame hick le make it 3-9 cbirtly iller Scannelt netted bhiescond il theeh niduéanlted Johnson pui Contsl on top alil JiPM five minutes remainin inlithMe gaie floIn- lng a cet-up by Sinneland im lunDckaiar. Bu it oulm lion one minute telt Gese- tuon pulleal Ibeir galle ici comilsi se dwling oanixnn-allack. ', In flespeler, Bob SntuIhi oent Mh inep oui wîth oiere 10 play a rc.-chachig f am Ile tatir nucceedd ta Me audit hebeggitie TomFfi141 ooahe 10 a liseconid ebutoutcil h. enl Mlton coring oaa ollpead @a"i Ileopeler Scannbel icorelin le t. irs! frante oth &aisito luPollen andBlankeair. bis DelPapuanmd Kevîn Gervanie Ueeiane, api in vthe midie pfW, wi. alMi i aa Johirn and Del PpiWIII ta the lai period Milton look cmploté, rontrol cf the gomre, Pollen and F.à horgan iicorii FLOORING Carupet Valuer SAVE 20% i h ORUCE DOOIT-YOURSELF OAK FLOO*ING Deo offl miSpAwâ 01p eu aiieaae ai ~ -I '-i OOMCOR -. NOVELLA* Peach Ers fi re tor horizon bise, 100% nylon -cul Etloop f nain bocka. DOMCOA --VGS Gotrien poppirotl irel 10D% nylon foarn bock 3 m ascouchguard roled. % NOWM.> PEEL AND 12" i VINY4)U FLOO TILE Savo 26% PEEL 8T1CK 12'x12" STANDARD fILES SAVEA* 25% wi Aaaoelad C.6ua M" alaci Ca..^mSoc Od $875 sq. yd. ROAW slie aq)gs sq. ~ PARQIUéT FLOORING THE DO-lT-YOURSELF PREFINISHED SOLID 04KI PARou5"YOA WAIdUfTON[1 CMISTNJT TON£ cý cwfipl FT. umrlm E0 a . t u iIONT STORE i., n mCSuRS t .i YalvAg%çrvce you can Buid, I - r I. oO doesnt coun: j uswo I a lules - i'gale swing.s tfWilra irpper ave lu Jr. B action e a"r*,vII ?huodny Imm lut therlueoneatenî7 I Ifeor> Pgli.i. W Cornets tie G'town 1 mmuma 1 "q