Winter survival at Mounftb.rg You 00w have a chance tu bI«n soan=bgi o oiinr.mdi~u about how tu survive in hm widenaprh' thanka Itut h Monberg WidUiîfeCentres .Letmu . ofa,« s Ihea o r v Haitn.w xpans vvfor PFiclay.Jan, a, &0 U aot Thès l.urnelime Jyoi m wi eia Ja13) ai Mounlsherg Itorp.ed Oui.arg koklng o ae -e ,abitdo.edlee aniimafrin hàuantau anànim mme =wlll b. coviieud in "tllàsW4ie amiote ob. lisrda fornmat iv' e 1 . = â bpa lAM e , È1. taesour The Feston on %inter survivat adlbAt lM W4M hnwllb ie llowed neuf S%"dy on cros-cmunty ski- l Is dW then àaNi o tbve qus.aZ mure The infortn&Uomi lb pro sv ab lb. skistaff 0 of 'eglate Sport. n or idhese expert-n cen dicuPtUn face Of cr- ý'o4Jntry wth beginners and experts ( ine 111, h.îve berned hou easy it ta tlogo skiiîR. "ou ..renvted tu0*y the. ifferent __ILDVAia levelý dilra i.< ai Muntsherg wnc'h yet * 0*S,,., cbiseti * P ,.,.q ? t., . .. in Fnah u a-tou IR DO C m siece SUNiDAv BRUNCIH Adulte *Chadrens (,oeiph liom end Highouan 401 1416191h4 81RPRZE BOARD MAini 0:30 p.m. ft.g. 7:18s P.m. * mita Puoms*1 MQ#ANDAY PMATINEE MinI 12:30 p.n. Re. 1.00 wu y W Mni Mini 12:30 p.. Refg. :oé p.m. EIlJA.o STEN( kNIGHT -Plon.fib Steak butr- CIoioe teaha guit rM oui PsmoUs BakedPotoorRce Qoffoeeor Tea Ne.w Yok Sscq. h/ai or Seak Qsargad il. 00 PRIME-RIB NIGHT -flc Huas Seia* Chie kIi, c.aprfectioant aqWoiNldlprelo Saiad Bar bfaked Potalo or fRire Coffereor Tea $9.5 RESERVATIONS: I ~ - the olde Hide House -I. Cbam Choriter Salad lBar ('repe SM Jacques, Hi-k Lojbsier Tait or Ataska Kînit trab jngý Ilrcadedo<y%leri -SalmnonSteak Coff r or Tea $169 Jeck Tanu oi..'0.pfa<aae siai mon"saaanhi ae sson tteh*poefac nae Ta O '*ecnu.mftood a 9" t etaa, 08cMo ano.., sevmwv va. g.s, l ie -1 is cu anchoa. . , d.ftn et ,àcaV... 0-lVapZ it- od of th sep. .g t.a I n *tMJe N-m h» Ods ý .e. (598334( f j, 483 SPEER8 RD. OAK VILLE sph",n Oak .cdie Beave'. 8424481 REAL r5 No BINGO PL*VEO WITNDM ASR $l'su JAcISoT NTLY $4.500 WLL 60 DroplIn And .4mpIe Our Great Luncheon tpeciais la tme omt Fm% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e t.. Mlb y ftfl4oR4 ~Oei p "e' a - 4r. 4 .. * r' * I. --a,-- M. -..Mod q4àà A S;,:' /> RED NULL VHIA 1 Pt 1 Allio in: lit% IEWS - El