Canadian Statesman, 25 Feb 1960, p. 9

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THTIRSDA'Y, PMB. 25th~, 1I Ken Smith of Oshawa 'Wins Three Awards ln Badminton Tourney Ken Smith of the Oshawa Flylng Club took the Central Ontario triple crown, win.ning theb men's singles, mcn's dou- bles and mixed doubles, in the C.O.B.O. Tournament played here, Friday andl Saturday. Lil Beamish. also of Oshawa, w as a two event winner, talk- Uicth ladies' singles title and teaming with Smith in the mlxcd. George Long was Smith's partner in thc mcn's doubles. The Peterboro club won the two remaifling championship, as Maurice Charltoni andl Marg Baker wcrc ladies' doubles winncrs andl Ralph Charlton and Grant Henry took the vet- emans' doubles. In Uic ladies' singes Miss Beamish won the f irst gamnel Goodyear Bowling TeGoodyear League stan- dnstigihtened considerably, as the first andl second clubs both lost, IRst Thursday night. The Combines blasteal Uic lea- guc-leading Office 7-0 to move right up into a second place deadlock with thc Beits, who handed Uic Hose their second' straight setbFeck, by a 5-21 count. The Rose slipped to third by a single point. The Lead Press stayed in thc thlck o! thc battie, down- ing Uic cellar-dwelling Braid- ers 5-2. The Tigers also took advantagc o! the Office los3, proating a 5-2 win over thc Fan Belts te clumb within seven points o! the top spot. The Machine Shop staycd a point back o! thc Tigers, by virtue of a 5-2 win over the Cornets. Jin Houck took high triple honours with 692, followed by Ron Maynard 679, Karl Piper 674, Tommy Grahamn 657, Ar- noldl Lobb 656 and Howard Bromell 643. Tommy Graham racked up a 300 single, whilc other top efforts were turncd in by Joe Piper 288, Ron Maynard 280, 240, John Stainton 273, Jini Houck 267, 229 andl Arnoldl L*bb 2 64. Team Standings Pts office _____24 Belts - -- -22 Combines _______22 Hose -----2 Leadi Pres______ 20 Tigers _____17 Machine Shop ____-16 Fan Belts 13~ Cornets ._____ 12 ~"4ders8 11-3, but Mrs. Charlton even- cd thc match with a thrifling 11-10 win in the second clash. Miss Beainish had rallied te, even the score at 9-9, after traîling 9-5. In the deciding game the defcndirng champion ran up a 6-O ead and was neyer hcaded, winning 11-3. Smith rcgaincd the mcn's singles title from Long in an evenly matched contest, as both players displayed a tre-1 mendous array o! shots. Smith edged out a 15-13 decision inial nîp andl tuck irst game, and appeared to be wcll on the way with an early 7-1 bulge in the second gaine. Long bat- tlcd back to square thc score at 9-9, but Smith broke loose for four in a row, !inally win- ning 15-11. Lil Beamish teamed up with Aureen Landon in defence o! the ladies' doubles crown won hast year when Doreen Red- doch, was Miss Besmish's partner. Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Charlton were la commuand o! the first game, thzoughout, posting a 15-9 victory. Miss Bcamish and Mrs. Landon led 12-9 in thc second, but the Peterboro duo rallied for a 13-13 tie, andi then reeled off five consecuitive points to take the charnpionship. The mnen's doubles was in doubt right up to the final point. Oshawa roxuped into a big 10-3 bulge, Henry and Crowe turned thc tables to move in front 12-10, but Smith and Lon.g bounced back with f ive straight to take a one game lead. The second clash had the c.rowd sitting on the edge o! their seats as the lead switchcd several turnes. After Henry and Crowe had built up an 11-7 margin, the Orçh2wa pair roarcd back to grab a 13-12 edge. Henry and Crowe forced a five point playof!, and bounced back again to tic 3-3, after Smith and Long had gone la front 3-1. The next two points went to Osh.awa, as Henry's smash bit the tape on the final shot. In the mixed doubles, Bea- mish andl Smith successfully defcnded their titie, de!eating Verna Rose o! Peterboro and George Long, 15-12, 15-12. Henry andl Ralph Charlton o! Peterboro had a littlc too much experience for Bowman- villc's Mel Burgess and Dr. Keith Siemon, winning 15-10 and 15-8 to again capture the veterans' doubles champion- ship. Ladies' Singles Quarter Finals-Lul Beamish (0) dc!. Rose Delucie (O) 11- 1, 11-1. Gerda Smith (O) de!. r" I I I I SIXTY-SECOND I I I I INDOOR PICTI M'oayoo U'«Mn& WITH Nu MSpdF»a â»PdaftIi Up INow wc have the amazing 3000 speed Efilm and the repeating wink-Uiht-d that lets you take indoor pictures anym I LASHBULBs! This ncw film is 15 times ýO light than previous film. Used wit mi~vnk-light, which automatically winks a )ws when you press the shutter, it mak* i ictures in ordinary room ight. Nom ,Z4ow indoor pictures are casier, faster, m~ &u vefr Wr adry n just 0 JURY & LO1 YOUR IREXALL ST4J Ji KING ST. W. "MuCANADiAN STATESM. EOWMAI4VILLEONTAIU Juveniles Tie Oshawa Who Exp Iode in 3,rd Alhfjm Tpfl; ç m-1i ^ IlcrI IlI ilà Dy JIM Clarke For 40 minutes last Wednca- day night, Bowmanville's Ju- veniles plical their hockey wqres in championship !orm as they had Oshawa Juven- iles mireal bcncatb a 5-1 lead. Tlhc visitors explodeal la Uic third to even the count, 5-5, wice the 350 stunneal apecta- tors were unable te, rouse our hornesters wvho appeared lelg- weary after their previous night's effort in Trenton. Bowmanville goals werc scored by Jim Rickard who bagged ttvo on thc night, Brenton Hughes with one and Grant Fhintoff, also witb two. Oshawa's Buddy Yabn collcct- cd two, Ron Wright, two, and Bob BishQp one. Around The Rink Allan Woodlock was Bow- manvillc's outstanding player ia this game, as he engineered the majority o! the local at- tack, as well as per! brilliantly on the blucline. "Woody" had about a bai! a dozen drives !rom the point in thc final period, anal came close ta connecting a couple o! tin-ic. Bon Thompson sharcal the goaltending dutica with Grant Wright for this exhibition contest, and Ben reccived a loual ovation, on his departure mid-way through Uic second, Betty Owensworth (P) 12-11, 11-3. Marilyn Kellar (O) de!. Mary Nesbitt (O) 11-9, 11-8. Maurice Charlton (P) dc!. Maurcen Juby (Pic) 11-7, 11-1. Sem!-Finals - Beamisli de!. Smithi 11-5, 11-2. Charlton dc!. Kellar 11-1, 11-2. Final - Beamish de!. Charl- ton 11-3, 10-11, 11-3. Mcn's Singles Quarter Finals - George Long (O) dc!. Mel Burgess (B) 15-9, 17-14. Bill Kellar (O) de!. Lionel Owensworth (P) 15-10, 15-10. Jack Rosa (B) de!. Bill White (O) 15-12, 15-1. Ken Smith (O) def. Bill Suth- erliand (W) 15-9, 15-10. Semi-Finals-Long de!. Rosa 15-8, 15-3. Sniith -de!. Kellar 15-1, 15-3. Final - Smith de!. Long 15-13, 15-11. Ladies' Doubles Quarter Finals-Marg Bak- er andl Maurice Charlton (P) dc!. Ann Vern and Joan Cie- ments (O) 15-11, 15-1. Ruth Thompsan anal Verna Rose (O&P) c. Lydia Bates and Pcggy Frank (B) 15-0, 15.2. Betty Lobb andl Colleen Hut- chinson (B) def. Gerds Simithi and Marilyn Kellar (O) 15-4, 15-3. LiI Beamiali and Aureen Landon (O) dc!. Ana Christie anal Donna Daq'idson (O) 15- 5. 15-12. Semi-Fin.als - Baker anal Charlton de!. Thoinpson anal Rose 18-16, 15-12. Beamish anal Landon de!. Lobb and Hutoli- inson 15-7, 15-13. Finals-Baker anal Charlton de!. Beamiali andl Landon 15- 9, 18-13. IMca'. Doubles I Quarter Finals-Kt.: Smith and George Long (O) def. Joe SMarkle and Jack Ross <B) 15- I9, 15-7. Mel Burgess and Keith ~ Semon (B) def. Ralph Chari- ton and Lionel Owensworth (P 4-15, 15-6, 15-9. Bill Bur- gess iand Gary Tighe (B) de!. mBll Kellar and Marsh Sîcasor (0<) 18-17, 15-8. Grant Hen- Iry and Ken Crowe (P) de!. Bill White and Gus Long (O) I15 u-13 as-1m5t5an Logde!. Burgess and Slemon 151,15-9. Henry and Crowe de!. Burgess and Tighe 18-15, IFinals-Smith and Long de!. ___ * Henrey and Crowe 15-12, 18-16. - I Mlxed Doubles BU R E Quarter Finals - Maurice 0B[0ý* Charlton and Ralph Charlton D~ffh'o (P) de!. Marilyn Kellar and [J ~~) IBil Kellar (O) 15-8, 12-15, 15-11. Betty Lobb and Keith ISlemon (B) def. Marg Baker and Grant Henry (P) 15-2, I17-16. Lil BeamILsh- and Ken Smith (O) de!. Lydia Bates and Bill Burgess (B) 15-10, I5-1. Verna Rose and George Long (P&O) de!. Peggy Frank a nd Ken Crowe (B&P> 15-11, 10-15, 15-6. *Sii-Finals - Beamlsh and jSmith dc!. Lobb and Slemon I15-11, 15-6. Rose and Long Ide!. Charlton and Oharîton I15-6, 15-4. an Smh dfRoeand Long 15-6. 15-4. moq w ffl eterans mens' Doubles Semi-Flnals--Kelth Slernon 1Polarid Land and Mel Burgess (B) de!. Bl be, combination ILegge and Gus Long (0) 15- vher WIHOU I Finals - Grant Henry and smore sensitive Ralph Charlton (P) def. SIc- th the Polaroid mon and Burgess 15-10, 15-8. iway dark shad- I Consolation Wlnneri * SUPCIb iiidoor Mens' Doubles-Dick Law- ore fiashbulbs! ene and Alex Davidson (O). ore economical I Ladies' Doubles - Lydia secods IBates and Pcggy Frank (B). seSndsMens' Singles-Charles Pub- low (pic.). jLadies' Singles - Maureen Juby (Pic.). V ELL Mixed Doubls--Ruth Thom- )RE paon and Gus Long (0). (O) Oshawa; (B) Bowman- BOWMANVILLE ville; (P) Peterboro; (Pic.) r Picton; (W) WhitbY. illy mi - E peniod. Ben handled 17 shots success!ully during his stay between Uic pipes, andl hand- led hiniseif weii, making his best save in the second, when he blocked Bobbie's acreeneal point drive with his chest. John Clark, Grant Flatoff, and Bryan Hughes, one o! five lines employed by Coach Mike Osborne perforrmed well, with Grant picking up a pair. This trio made their presence !eltl whcnever they werc on the tee, with their leech-like checking. Bill Osborne wasn't ini the lincup, and Uic defence su!-1 fereal noticeably, particularly in the third, when some o! Uic forwards wcrc running out o! steam. Jim Rickard continues to play fine hockey, as he notch- cd two goals, andl bas thc abil- ity to make that fine, accur- ae psa te one o! bis mates, which atarts off so manY O! Bowmanville's scoriag drives. Ne Yeo was back in bar-. ness aftcr an absence, and lookeal impressive, espccially during Uic fil'st two perioals.1 Nels when the legs regain i sanie bat zing wUll be an adalca asset te thc local defence. Jim Topping in Uic Oshawa twine made some tremendousi saves, after a wobbly !irst pcriod. Jim balkeal Tcrry Black, Jim Rickard, Allan Woodlock, andl Brenton Hugh- es as Bowmanville threw 38 sbats his way. It's possible there may have been some fans who, during Oshawa's uprising in Uic third, expecteal Bowmanvîlle's ex- tensive win streak stoppeal, but when the final buzzer wcat, Topping was being sieg- cd by thc local trIggcr-mnen. Mixed Leaguel Bowling Money For ldeas Flighl Sergeant; Allan Rosco Baker (center) of Bowmanville, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker, Solina, is presented with a cheque and certif icate of award by Squadron Leader Frank Jolicoeur (right), Camp Commandant aI Air Defence Command Head- quarters, St. Hubert, Quebec, for the suggestion of a device which, locales machine equipment behind clos- cd panels. This is the second award F/S Baker has received for his suggestions. tion of teletype equipment. The first was a modifica- -National Defence Photo TYRONE E-xplrera wusheld in the~ Sunday School room on Thurs- day after school. The mneeting opened with the hymn "Fraise Hin, raise flim". Charlotte Aniis read a story out of "«Wonderful Th"ns Jesus Did". Grace Moore asked us ques- tions about the story, Charlotte led in Prayer. The Keeper of the Log read the minutes-of the Iast meeting. The rol eil was answered by "My Favourite Part'. We then sang a hymn and dlid some crafts. 7~he followlng is a list o! our new officeTs: Chief Explorer- Charlotte Anriis; Keeper of the Log- Sandra Hall; Keeper of Goodyear Hockey Hose Win 9 Sunclay a!ternoon at the ter, w Memorial Arena, the Hose cominl broke into a 6-1 first period Cuilou lead and went on to de! cat 5--l. J the Fan Belts 9-7, tying the ed onE best o!f£ive series for the hind t Goodyear Championship at one period gaine apiece. Fan Bet goalie Witl "Red" Mantie had an unusual short, off day, wihile at the opposite from. en*d John Fowler came up loser's with seve.ral key saves. How- the m ever, the Hose won on their gered. merits, playing a fine two of the way game, whýile breaking margii through for a !ew goc>d scor- Wcs ing opporturuties. early Paul McCullough broke a Beits 1-1 tic wide open with. three but " goals in a minute and !orty for thl seconds. Dan Girardi had op- ed ai cned the scoring but Don For- the pi der picked the corner on an way r along the ice drive to put the and h~ Fan Belts on even ternis. Man- scored tlc was given an assist on the gaine play. MvcCullough. stairted his mnade splurge less than a minute la- throul [GA- SAVE 23e Orange Juie3 .A. FANCY SVE 16e AhppleSSauce 8 rozen YORK FANCY - SAVE 16e Tis c ream Style Corn 7 Kleen ex pkgs luLEAN - MILD CURED - PEAMEAI CANADA No. 1 GRADE - P.LI. 6 L PAGE I Sm7 to Ti eith "'Hank" Lane's goal, ig 50 seconda after Mc-1 .gh's third, te make it erry Mari errison bank-9 ,in off Mantie from be-1 lie net te end the firal 1scoring. àthe Fan Belts a mian Bob Fairey took a pa Raye West to tally thc ssecond goal at 5:57 o! iidalle session. West tnig- the only other mai'kcr eperloal toecul Uic Hose1 I te threc.1 st's blistering slap-abÎot1 in the third put thc Fan1 right back la thc gaine,à 'Buck" Cowle countcred 4 ie Rose at 3:47. Lane adal-1 riother mid-way through )erloal on a nifty tbree- passing play with CowleJ WcCullough. Ray Preston db tenicest goal, o! Uic at Uic 11:03 wihcn hei an endl to end rushi [h thc entire Hose leam.i le Series Lanes third tally proved te be the clacher 33 second4. later as bis apparent attempti. ed pasa-out deflecteal off! Men-o tUc mb iecage. Thec Fan Belts wcren't giving up too easily, Bob Johnson scoring at 15:59, andl Preston tippin.g Johnson's drive past Fowler with two minutes r" maining. The losers puJical thelr goalie in favor of a sixth ut. tacker as soon as Uic puclc wcat mb bbch Hose enal. "Moe' Richards piobably stopped their best opportuaity lwhen L lic drew a penalty for falling on a loose puck In front 01, the net. The Lune - McCu11ough * Cowlc lUme collecteal 16 s5100 ing points, McCullouglh setti' thc pece witb thrce goals an, three assista, while Lane e liaI-brick and a pair of as- 1 sists, and Cowle scorcafln andl assisted on, four cthers. Ladies' Af lernoon Lge. Bonnie McDonald bowlcd a lovcly 306 gaine, Friday a!- ternoon February 19th in the Afternoon Ladies' League, to give ber high single for tbe afternoon analý took higlh dou- Despite terrible weather games anal stays on top of conditions, attendance was league witb a 213 aver nearly perfect Friday night There werc cleven 200 gai as Miost o! thc lowcr clubs bowed-Betty Richards pulleal upsets on the first div- Ollie Patfield 249, 212, ision. Art Spicer's league-leal Etcher 244, 235, Ri-da MC ers took advantage o! thc sit- ey .228, Marion Cr-owe uatrndefatng'Fre Luc-Hilda Simnick 209, Aura1 tons teain 5-2 te increase their win 204, Bea Wilson 203 margia to four points. Shfirley Davis 200. The Car Elton Brock's bowlers hung ies scored a shut out over a 5-2 setback on Joe Now- Bluebirds as dial thc W: lan's runners-up to move into over bbc Robins Wbile a bird place tic with Bond. Bluejays anal SparrOWSs Jack Bond's out!it were Up- bbc points for one ecd. set 5-2 by Bob Mitchell's ccl- Ta tnig lar-d'wellers, w'bo now have Ta tnig Company, fallowing Bual Ed- Tam mnondson's 5-2 hasse t Jim Wrens Cox's club. In lic other con- Canaries test 'Cee Mutton's team com- ýBluebirds _______ plebeal thc 5-2 nigbt, winningSarw by thal score over Pat YeosSarw ___ crew. Robins ___ Lou VicIai andl pat Yeo Bluejays dcadlocked aI 723 for high Averages triple lionours, followed bv BI eMaDonalal jack Brough 677, Arnold Ollie Patfield Sleep 650, Dorc Mutton with Ena Etcher-- the ladies' higb o! 643, Jo an Betty Richards Brunt 621, Elton Brock 618 Marion Crowc anal Ken Luxton 609. Shirley Davis_____ Donc Muton took tbe higli Doris Roîroyal single gaine with a 276 score, Sadie Bucknell-- while other big gaines wenb Rilda Simnick___- te Lou Wclsh 261, 244, eAlcHogn Curtin anal Arnold Slcep 252, l\tiriel Crougli Onie Etcher anal Gord Wîco0x Barb. Courtney- 240, Hilda Brock 239, anal Helen Rogers -- Joan BrunI, Bon Mutton, Jack Betty Kelly Brough andl Howard BronielI Bea Sellers -- all witb 238 gaines. Evelyn Large Team Standings . Hilda Mooney Teanis WL P' Bea Wilson- --- TemsW PsHelene Rundle___- Spicer 9 3 22 Daisy Bell -_______ Nowlan___ __ 8 4r 18 Aura Trewmn -____ Brock____ __ 7 5 17i Velma Kibson ____ Bond!______ 7 5 17 Ruth Goodwin Mutton ______ 6 6 13 Mabel Williams___- Luxton-_ _ _ 6 6 13 Marion Gibson - Cor ______ 5 7 12 Marg. Coyle Yeo -_____ 5 7 12 Marion Wiseman EdImoncison -____ 4 8 8,Millie White ____ Mitchell - -_ _ 3 9 8 Nance Calmer Averagez Agnes McColloch Naine Gaines Ave. Nellie McFceters Cozette Neade --___ Art Spicer 0 240 Jean Lobb ------- _ Elbon Brock - 12 226;'aronMacDonald Onie Etcher ___12 222' abion c! -o Duke Brunt __ 12 219 BraaClio __ Rap Palmer___ 12 218 Jack Bond- - 12 213 Leo Curtin - 12 Jack Brougli 12 208 Wialter Rundle__ 12 pat Yco -___ 12- 206 Carabe Reynolds -9 Bob Yake -___ 12 204 Marie Yeo----- - 12 Joc Nowlan ___ 12 1941 Duaine Palmer 10 Cecil Mutton - 12 1941 Audrey Sleep. 12 Dot Bond____ 3 193' Don Bradley 12 Lou Wclsh 6 192' Evercît Wînacott- 12 Gordon Stinger- 12 191 Essie Cox 12 Doug Reynolds -9 191, Kay Luxton 12 Arnoldl Sleep - 12 188! Jim Cox- 12 Hilda Brock - 12 187 Bob Mitchell 12 Morlcy Etaher - 12 186 Ferne Bradiley = 12 jim Gaam ~~ 9 186 Rick Goulal __12 Fred Luxton - 12 184 Ada Luxton 9 Ken Luxton - 12 182 Ruthi Mitchell . 12 Donc Mutton - 12 182 Marie Curtin - 12 Howard Bromnell- 12 182 Clif! Evans --12 Jessie Heenan - 8 182 Betty Brougli 6 Mary Wilcox - 12 181 Doreen Charles 12 Joan BrunI 6 17g Ruby Spicer 12 Em Stringer 12 176 Ivy Rundle ___12 Ron Multon___ 12 172 Kay Graham 6 Marg Ferra ___ 12 17'2 Ladies' Rigli Single - put Bartels___ 12 167 Dore Mutton........ Carole Oke - 12 166 Ladies' Higli Triple- Amy Wilmacoît - 12 166 ocMto Gordon Wiuicox - 6 165 Dr utn___ Mike Heenan - 5 165 Mens' High Single- Jean Evans __ 12 164 Pat Yeo Ruth Yake___ 12 163 Lou Welsh Bill Charles 12 162 ris' H e Triple- £mma EromeIl - 9 102 Lou Welsh tbc age. ames 2 93,, Ena [on- 221,- Tre- andl inar- r th rens the Split Old Souh -F O RANGE J UIc E Kraft Canadian, ONd English Pimento, Swtss CHEESE S L 1CE S Aylmcr - Fancy - Save 16e TONATO JUICE 8200. $ Aylmer - Boston Brown - Save 16c DEANS Wilh PORE 7Tin: $1 Save 16e - Bec! or Irish YORK STEW 41C::,$ Saico - Fancy White - Save lic TUNA % FISH 3T0:. Tomate or Vegetable - Save 13e A o.H$EARTY ENERGY FOOD AYLNER SOUP S'Tin's I IQ S 2 Chocolate - Pineappie or White Save lic - Pilisbury CAKE MIX - 3Pkgs : TIN $1 PIKGU. 10L.£I BAGS - TOILET TISSUE 8 Rolis $1 rip reh etuc L 2 or 5 We reserve the rlght te lImit quanlities rs FehLtuc BED2,fr mi IGfi Presents Mlonday Through Friday *Televiuion's Famons Kindorgarien "ROMPER ROOM'! SHOP AND SAVE AT 0 0 9 Check your local newspaper for lime and chaume!, on daily Monday through Friday 276 Bowmanville IGAMairket 643' DO EAU VILLE - ONTAIO 26111II NWATE 231 iz M il - '-e.,- 2nd BIG -WEEK While They Last 1 FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY2t Zth, "thSt Cottage Roils 16.39c SERVE IT RARE - MEDIUM or WELL DONE TABLE RITE RED or BLUE BRAND Prime Rib Roaist "]aORT IL. 69C aieh Treasure- JanLce Malettie. The C.GJ.T. meeting of the Tyrone Brandi was held ithe Sunday Sdioël rocm o! Tyrone United Church. We openàed the meeting by repeating the C.G. I.T. Purpose and by singing thie C.G.I.T. Hymn. D.ring the ne- creation period lwo Mimes were playcd. The business sec- tion and thc Worshlp service followed. Misson sludy was held in which we declded to make Missionary Villa g es. The meeting closed wilh "Taps" Neighbours and friends of Tyrone Comununity met in the Communàty Hall last Thurs- day evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pariner and family who have recentlY mo- vcd to Orono. Mns. J. Gibbs and Mrs. R. Cameron, escorted Mr. and Mirs. Partner to thie plat!orm and pinncd a corsage andl boutonnaire on icehon- oured guests. MrS. Trewln Scott re'ad a short addrcss and they wcre presenteal with a swivel chair, gossip bench and a co!fee table, botih made fitt- ing replies. Mira. D. Davcy, Mcssrs. Heniry Stainton and Stuart Hooey supplied music for dancing, witi Bob SIms as caller. Several enjoyedi a gaine et oerds. Lim*i wu thon'Ç ved. The Evetilng Group of W-41 ,will meet at lb. PMOM44 fTwsday .venlng. Tyrone bat managed toug dug out alter th. terrible MOeY.W storm About 30 attended Sur*:" day Sehool and arOuad 50 at4 tended th. diurch service. q, Mn. W. Miller and Mr*u. Cjj Stiewwrt mw a robin lat wee» and ver kindly went out mn* fed il, mo m.ybe Sqrimig lsa a ound the corner. Mins Mary Stevens, Bown%wb4 ville spent the. wcekend at bm'i and Mrs. I. Philp. Saturday evenîng MW.a Mrs. H. Ptiilp, Miss Jee Phil Miss Mary Stevens, an the golden wedding anàve ary o! Mr. and Mrs. W. W. MuW ton utt ie home of tiheir soi* Mr. and Mnr. Douglas Muttos4!e Dundonald. Mr. and Mrs. GI K4>vae. Long Sau-1t, were stiormn staye<t >#e weec wlttiMr. and Mr&' S. Goble. Mr. anid Mrs. James Woodley aind chlkbrn wcr«' Sunday callers at the Goble's. Mms James Woodlley and childrezi returned- home on iSunday after spending a week Iwith her parents at Aurore. 1 1 White Swan - Save ge TT q lvdm- 1 V.R.Airby

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