Canadian Statesman, 25 Feb 1960, p. 8

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PAGE ZIGET SPORTropucsi 87 Frank mbun MA 3-72U4 BADMINTON TOUBNA3MN Oshawa's Ken Smilth hîîs been ln the wlnner's circle nay Urnes but up until last weekend lhe had neyer been able to capture the Central Ontario triple orown - ingles, doubles and mixed doubles. Last year Ken won both doubles qyents but hie was unsuccessful la a bld ta retain hlm sigles tîtie. This year, Smidth went into training, deterniined ta sweep everything. He got himseif into excellent condition, losing seven pounds la the procesu and he did sweep every- thing. As expected the Oshawa Flying Club domninated the champlonships as Lil Beamlsh added the ladies' singles crown to their winnings. The ladies' doubles eluded the Oshawans this year, as Peterborough took that tîtle and aso the veterans' men's doubles crown. For Bowmanville's Gary Tighe, it was the first Urne in fine years that he hasn't reached the finals la men's doubles conipetition. t. t *t t 1t BATS OFF TO B.B.C. For several years we had competed in the C.O.B.A. tournaments, but since becoming a reporter we coiiteiited ourselves with sitting in the lounge, just watching the play. This year this scribe set up a press box ia the refreshment1 booth at court level, under the pretext af helplng out. Not anly was it a good spot ta watch badminton, but it certainly made you aware ofi ah the work that went into mnaklng the tourney a success. Every member oi the Bow- nianville Badminton Club must have contrlbuted towards1 what was, la aur opinion, the best C.O.B.A. tournament ta be held here, in the last few years. Despite Friday night's bad weather conditions, flot one c ontestant failed ta make an appearance. In ail nearly 150 entries were involved, and everything went off fairly well on sehedule - certainly a tribute ta everyone connected with the tournament, and in particular we'd like ta, say "'Hats off ta the Bowmanville Badminton Club". t t t i .tt JUVENILES MEET COLLINGWOOD NEXT Bowmanvllle Juveniles will meet Collingwood la the next round af the O.M.H.A. playaifs. They play in Colling- wood either tonight or next Thursday, and bere Saturday Dlght at 8 o'elock la a two-game total goals series. Colling- wood eliminated Richmond Hill, taklng bath games, 5-2 and r 2-0.0 The local crew saw their vlctory streak broken at 20,n but ran their unbeaten skein ta 22, playlng ta 5-5 ties wlth Oshawa and St. Michael's Juveniles last week. These two clubs provided the toughest competition the Bowmanville If tearn has met so far, produclng a couple airéeal crawd- * pleasing attractions. The pressure applied by the locals in S the dying minutes of each game was tremendous and well- n appreciated by the fans. But we'd like ta see a full arena as 1 Eowmanville's Juveniles attempt ta bring this town aurS second straight Ontario Champioashlp. Haw about giving s' -them the support they deserve? t t t t , TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY To-night's suddan death contest will decide whlch team will enter the Town League finals egainst Stephen Fuels. Hoopen's Jeweilers held the iavoured Ken's Men's Wear ta a first game tie and won the second, but Kan's roarad back last week ta even, up the sanies. Game tme Is 7Z o'clock. 1-t t t t GOODYEAR HIOCKEY FINALS The Hase squared the best aif ive finals at one wi apieca with a 9-7 victary aven the Fan Belts lest Sundey. The important third game lu slated for thîs Sunday aiternoan at 1:30. i. 1* t i~ t SPORTSMAN BOWLING TOURNAMENT Friday night is the deadline for entering the Sportsman Cigarettes 5-Pin Masters' Tounnament. If you haven't put your name an the list, at Liberty Bawl, we'd suggest that you do so lniediataly. hi Memorial Arena Bowmanville Friday, Feb. 261h PUBLIC SKATING 8 to 10 p.m. Aduits SOc ADMISSION - Children 35e - Spectators 10e SATUIDAT, FEDRUARY 27 O.M.H.A. PLAYOFFS HOCKEY 8:00 p.m. CGLLINGWOGD JUVENILES DOWNANVILLE JIJVENILES AMSSION Aduits - 50e ChiIdren - 25e halders have until 7 p.m. Friday to pick up tickets CHILDEEN#S SKATING Wsdnasday, Marck 2uul 3:00 to 5:30 p.M. ChIIdren............* 25e Adultza ccompanying ehildreu. . . 2 wEDNESDATD NAICE 2ad HOCKEY 9:00 p.=. NAPANEE Muults-?Se êDMIMSON 35 e' I -t c s t 1 t t C t rg Ic t T to 2' B tI b( ul fa vi th th PE fI vi wl hi la b< tel bc Kt o' a fe4 ce a a hil 731 67V oni Ca pa4 ed Me 26! D. K. 2. B. F. 13. T I -- 1~ i OWfl League flockey v. .2 r :4: vien's Major BowlingI li\eIi 5 rurce L/Wjdiui Wlith elimination staring them la the face, Kan's Men's Wear ralliad la the last hall of the game to score a, 13-6 win avar Hoopen's Jeweilans, last Thursd-ay night, at the Mamorial Arana. The win evaned the best of three set at one wln apieca with one gaine tiad. The daciding con- test wiil go tonight at 7:00 o'cloek. The first period sae-sawed back and forth, as Hoopar's forged la front on Bob Shen- idan's goal, Kan's tied it and want ahead, Hooper's regain- ed the lead again, and finally the Men's Wear evanad the score at 3-3, Don Prout was ln the right spot ta deflect Bob Abbott's drive past goal- le "Slip" Rowe at 6:05, and iDan Giriardi tunned the trick again on Hank Lane's blat, two minutes later. Ron Bur- gess found the corner on a shot from centre and "Clint" Farguson intercapted a clean- ing attampt ta, put Hooper's la front for the second time at 12:25. Don Masters came back 32 seconds later ta even the count. Burgess notched his second et tha fiva minute mark of the middla session ta put the Jewellars ahead for the third tume. But Lana weaved right through the entina Hooper's club for the best goal ai the night, to spark the Men's Wear. Masters complatad a pass playj with "Mort" Richards and1 Lane ta make it 5-4, - Prout's' second tally at 18:24 sent Ken'sî Thrilling Final Pe Gives Juveniles a In Exhibition with Bill Osbonne launcheda rocket Saturday nlght at 17:50 oi the third, enabling Bow- mnanville Juveniles ta gaina braath-takinig 5-5 tie here with St. Michael's Juvenilas. Russell gave the visitons the lead early la tha final period, wvhen he tipped the puck be- hind Wight, after Speyer bal shot. This goal stirred Bow. manville ta their siege ai St. Mlke's citadel, whene Caseyi Soden was forced ta miake some iantastic saves. Despite the contlnuous assault on Sa- den by the locals, it appeared that Bow-inville's undefeat- ed streak was about ta be- come non-existent. For tan minutes, the agile Soden plugged the aven wi- lening gap la the St. Mich- ael's armour, as his mates reeled benaath the funlous et- tack, but nef used ta topple. Gary McCullaugh, wbho play- ed e powenful game, was vic- iizad- twica, bis finst after >ursting la on Sadien, anly o have the St. Michael's goal- iemaka an unibelievabla lung- ing seve on bis screaniing dnÀve ta, the bottani corner. aàry had enother opportun- ity to, tia the gaine, oniy ta have Sodan deflect -a whining klast wide af the cage with is glove, aftar Gary outdis- tanced bis pursuens. .Even the foot stomping, vo- cal encouragement by naarly 400 bowling fans appeared ta be as futile as the locals' hast paniod lienoics, until Bil Os- borne's guidad missile with two minutes and ana second aemainIng. Churning up the ai t boards, Bull cut towards centre sharply as ha cnossed the blueline, and boorned a lw soraanad backhandar into te bottoni lait hand corner. !he ecstatie thrang thneatened ýblow the lid complataly off iae anena iollowing this goal. owmnnvilla swarmad around the St. Michael's end for tha est part af the final twa min- tas, with Malx Wisernan just iling ta steer a nabound ba- iind Soden. Homesters Take Lead Jin Riokard sent Bowman- ri11e into a 1-0 laad at 3:01 of ha first, when ha slamnied ie puck home aften taking a sss fnom Terry "Jet" Black -rnm . bahind the net. Alex drc'w an assist on ha goal. Chcescewski put the isitars on aven terns at 9:04 vhen he jarmaed the dise be- iLad Ban Thanipson froin the de af the cage. Loitus dug the rubbe.r out froin behind athe net, and Ben had no chance jon the play. Brenton Hughes r- took Bill Osborne's pass ln- asin-e the blueline, swept in .front, and flipped. the puck Sover a flopping Soden, at 9:59. ,With Chascewski sitting out a holding penalty, John Clark's low, screened shot dfrom 25 feet out eluded So- den, and put Bowmanville ahead 3-1. y Christie launched a point e blast, which hit a leg, and e Cassidy swatted in at 1:07 of , the second,, slicing Bowman- dville's lead ta one. It took *only seven seconds for Brian *Hughes to ýinýcrease the lead to 4-2 as he unlaaded a slap eshot from just outside the *blueline. St. Michael's Chris- tie dropped to block the shot, Sbut the puck escaped the large defenceman, and the obscured Soden ia the net. Burkett, and H-eenan conined at 8:38, as Burkett blasted the puck be- rhind a helpless Ben Thomp- son, £rom the left side of the cage. Heenan slid the puck to Burkett after circling the net. Russell got his first of two for St. Michae]s, at 12:25, after Grant Wright replaced Ben in the net. Wright had little chance on this one as ,Russeil belted the rubber be- hlnd him, after Gary circled the net. Soden made a beau- tiful stick save on Brenton Hughes near the end of the perlod, from the left aide tabout 20 feet out. With the score reading 4-4, the stage was set for the iran- tic final twen-ty minutes in which Bowmanville outshot sthe visitors 17-5, but seemed 1destined to defeat -after Rus- 1seil's goal at 3:49 laomed larger as the dlock ran out. The locals concentrated drive pald off however, and a jubil- anýt crowd saýw the boys ex- tend their unbeaten streak to 22 games on the strength of Bill Osborne's goal. Around thie Rink St. Michael's Soden was tre- mendous in goal, as he hand- led 37 shots during the game, and almost succeeded in hold- ing the Bowmanville crew at bay during the final twenty minutes. John Clarke came up with another fine game as he picked up a goal and an as- sist, on a line with Brian Hughes, and Grant Flintoff. Bryan Hughes -played a strong game, and his second period goal was a dandy. Brn- an revels ln the rough going, Legion Bowling Two teanis wound up tled Averages or- the league-ladership, fol- UP Teoand Includlng Feb. 16 wing lest Tbursday's Legian Naine Gaines Ave. >wling action. DougTyorD Taylor ear trounced Bil Bates'D alr5 2 >wlers 7-0 ta draw aven with E. Peret ____485*21 aith Yao's outfit, winnars K. Yqo 5148 -218 ver Ernie Pefect's outfit by __K._____ 51 208 5-2 score. The loss lait Par- 1A: Lobb 45__208_ ect seven points off the pace'W. Bates_____ 48 202 ithird position. Bill Vaitoh's F. Semnis_____ 48 200 ellan-dwellers movad ta W. Veitei ____ 33 2001 riUin two points af iifth, wifhTfi i ___ 1 9 5-2 upset win aven Frank R.wGrahtm 51 194 us'erw.M. Grant - 51 187' Jack Marttîn rolled ganies R. Stockcer __ 51 187 f218, 277 and 241 ta, take C. Trawin____ 48 186 igb triple bonours with a L. Weîak 45 186 6 total. Ron Johnson had J. Gaddes____ 51 1851 2, wbiie Arnald Lobli was R. Perfect ____ 51 184 ne pin beck et 671 Sid Bob R. Calae ___-_ 48 184 4k totaiied 660. J. Barclay - -___ 45 184 Nom Adair set the single H. Bennett 51 183 ce with a 301 gama, folaow- P. Bathgae 24 182 1by Bob Cale 279, Jack K. Devies____ 3 179 lartyn 277, Arnold Lobb 271, M. Yourth____ 14 178 [axie Yaurth 266, Ken Davias I. Beaupnie - 51 17.1 35, Ross Wright 263 and N. Adair - -____ 45 175 ýith Yeo 259. V. Cannons____ 45 171 Team Standing. J. Knight 45 167 IR. Johnson ___ 43 161 Pt8 R. Rogers -___ 51 160 Taylor 37 J. Newnman___ 45 160 Yeo-______ _ 37 R. Lockhert 43 160 Perfect____ ___ 30 'R. Wheaton - 50 151ý Bats __________19 C. Bonathon___ 24 151! Semis_____ __ 13 N. Moonay 42 140 j Veltch 11 W. Wallis _____51 121 I IIy J ju m eI~ Bob Willams flnally came out of an ail season slurnp ta two up. Iwla high single with 359. Bob Prout hIt agala after 36 sec added two, more scores ai 228, 220 for a grand total ai 807 ta onds af third paniod play, but Win the high triple money. "Jiggs" Cowlin.g scooped the Jack Landen was second with puck la from a scrainble ta a 353 single game which us- put Hooper's back into con-1 ually would take the top prize. tention. John Clark potted Jjin Jack finished bis night with Olinski's nebaund little over 779. Ralph Kelly had 729, a minute later, but Laurie Glen Hodgson 726, Jack Gay Garbe sent Jerry Marjernison 720, Jimn Castle 719, Morley into the clear et 13:18 ta re- Etcher 709 and Don Bagnell vive the Jewellers' hopes. 701. Ken's put the game an ice Ron McClean had a singe With five markens la the last game of 115 ta top the low six minutes, the hast ana com- bowlers. Bob Kent had the ing with ana second remain- best low triple 429. Roly ing in the ganie. Masters cam- Coombs bowled 445. pleted a hat-tnick effort, Gi- Wild Bill Oke is stili hold- rardi and Lane each natched ing down No. 1 position la the their second talles, and averages. Bil as 232 follow- "Squeak" Brooks and Abbott ed by Dr. Howard Rundla 230. scored ta complata the rout. Murray Larmer's team is back aon top with 9 points with * Bill Oke's aggregation havlng the sanie number of points rin ribut.less pins. Mare naws next E R%% 5m 5 Tie' St. Mikes and lie was a real eggbeater in the corners, digging out that rubber. Gary McCullough was out- lucked by Soden ail night, but came up with a great game, as cid Terry "Jet" Black, who really got flying in the last haff of the gaie. St. Mich- ael's Russell, Speyer, Christie, and Heenian were particularly noticeable, with Chadscewski a frequent sin bin visitor. Lineups St. Michaels-Goal1, Soden; Defence, Chiristie, Ch.ascewski, Beliniore, Scandiffio, Gary; Forwards, Speyer, Loftus, Cochrane, Heenan, tCassidy, Russell, Raino, Burkett. Bowmanville - Goal, Ben Thornpson, Grant Wright; De- fence, Osborne, Woodlock, Co- verly, Yeo, Peterson, Both- well, Forwards, B re nto n Hughes, Gary McCullough, Gi, Brian Hughes, Clark, Flintoff, Wiseman, Black, Rickard. A OPEN Bc E VERT Phone MA ORDER VOUR, weak., Team Standings Team w Larmar - -9 B. Oke _ _9 Janzen -8 Brock 8 Haliman------- - 7 D. MlcKnight - 6 Piper -- ------ 6 R. Oka ------ 6 R. MeKnight ---6 Dobbhin., 6 ~agnell 5 7 5 Gay5 Samis ______4 Perfect ______3 Leslie -3_i Averages Name Gamnis Bill Oke 12 Dr. H. Rundle - 12 Ernia Perfect - 12 Al Osborne ___12 Doug Shink 12 Dave MeKnight -12 Russ Hallman- 12 RussOke---- 1 John Stainton 12 Larry Piper 12 Pete Dobbins 12 Pat Yeo ---- 12 JTack Lander 12 Don Bagnaîl 12 Murray Tighe- 12 Bill Bates -------- 12 Murray Lanmar - 12 Ra]ph Kelly 12 Jack Bond------- 12 George Stephens ---12 Bud Moses ----- 12 Elton Brock --12 Bill Westlake 12 Hap Palmer 12 Ed Leslie 9 Bill Sihotter 12 Frank Lewins- 12 Dr. K. Slenion- 12 Ted Bagnell 12 Hlank Janzen - 12 Blil Nicholson --3 Frank Williams - 12 Ben Thonipson -- 9 Ave. 232 230 229 227 227 225 224 221 218 217 217 216 214 214 213 213 212 212 212 211 211 210 210 208 207 206 206 206 205 205 205 204 202 202 , Osbr- 5 7 5 Ross Wright - 12 201 ILadies' Major Bowling Bernica Buday's bawlens Brock's crew 2-i and Ollie handed Nana Nornis' teami a Patfiald's pin-spillars climbad 3-0 setback ta increasa their au fteclarb iteo îinst place margin 2-1 uiasat victary aver Doris points. The loss pushed the Joll's teani. Nonnis teani, who hava been Mary Wilcox nalied a fine shutaut twica la a row, deep- 285 game ta taka higb single er into the cailar. Dot Brooks' honouns follawad by Bennice outfit broke bac.k into the win Buday (271), MSlrna H[opps colunin a 2-1 declsion aver 260 and Onie Etcher 257. Onie Etchen's crew. Kay Beau- Bernice Buday smashed pnia's squad droppad -a 2-1. out a 720 tripla, wlth othen gama ta Lole Wright's club,ihigh totals going ta Mary Wil- ta reniain the only team with- cox 705, Helen Dunn 682 and out a win. Rai Stringer's teani Em Stringen 623. downed Donna Praston's bow- Games ai 200 and aver: M. lars 2-1 ta stay within two Wilcox 285, 223, H. GilhooIy points ai the leaders. Joyce 211, H. Dinn 253, 251, J. Ba- Ly1e's teeni edgad Hilda ker 233, G. Luxton 202, 0. Et- cher 257, D. Brooks 204, 204, E. Etcher 225, B. Brown 209, 202, J. Sellers 216, E. Wool- ner 204,202, D. JolI 228, 203, UBE T W. Bates 219, S. Davis 250, O. Petfield 254, E. Bromail 212, uaa204, E. Stningar 221, 204, S. W L ~Biokaîl 253, D. Preston 204, O W L V D. M.Kin.g 207, E. Cox 232, M. Harrison 206, 200, N. Gay 247, BASE UINE 223, M. Hopps 260, H. Vivian 205, J. Lyle 226, 223, K. Ste- UlsysAvaiahiephans 216, B. Westlake 213, U eysAvaiableI. Covanlv 204, H. Birock 226, p 202, P. Heynes 202, 211, M. r Hendenson 220, B. Buday 271, J 255, E. Holroyd 209, S. Brock 218. :>W LING BrncTeani Standings Pts i Br Be]udeay 9 DAY Dot Brooks - 7 LoaeWright7 L -631Em Stringar .7 Hilda Biock ______6 Onie Etchar 8 Do>ris Joli 6 Joyce Lyla 6 SEATS NOWI Donna Preston ___6 0111e Patfield 5______ Kay Beaupria 5 adàIL Norma Nonnis -____31 TRIO COTTAS-Amazingly different a POMPOFF TifEDY & CO.-Spain's Royal family of Comedy GUY TIIERON & CO. -mhe finest bicycle acf ever developed FRANK'S RETRIEVERS --Greatest retrieving acf in spart show histry. JIMMY RJSK and NORMA-Sensational horsesho. pitching ut ifs best a BOB HAWTIIORNE-World's casting champion a THE SLICKERS- ~ The mosf popular performing seuls evera WAMBOLDT SISTERS & PETERS BROTHERS -Combine for exciting acts of lag rallizsg and canoe tilting e SQUARE DANCING- Gyand calourful e GO-KART RANOý- M.ufumusTwloe Delly <Isoept Send.y)2.15 p.. and 8.15loi.. Pri«-vmulus oeilSaturd.y ufteruems-*hi Seul s Iserved ce.served SentSi 1.25-Box Seats $1 .75 Plus Admission ta Buildng- Aduits 50e (on advanced sales only) Children 25J Admission te Buildings OnIy-Adults 750, Chldren 25J 1 Admission ticket Isludes, *mpIWs Fioot Sprlésgtme fxlhiios-Sov. gréa showh a -lisp o, kme Il «laê Il p... (floUy sxpt Suaday) Fer om.élu ..Iiduf s, wf Ite («enlomu l ea t N e orila ti SCOUSIUM, l«OwN@. CANADA amn m Averages Onie Etchar - .223 Mary Wilcax 210 Dot Brooks ___ 208 Hilda Brook ____-207 Barnica Buday 199 Helen Duna .-- 198 Kay Beaupnie 197 Joyce Lyle ~____195 Eni Stninger - 193 *Peggy Heynes - 189 hNorme Gay - 189 *Doris Joli _____-188 jPat Bartals _______187 Grace Blackburn ____186f *LoaeWright 186 Ena Etcher 185 -Donna Preston _____184 '~Marg Perris ______184 IEssie Cox ______175 Ollie Patfiild _______183 Norma Nornis ______183 Shirley Devis 183 Key Stephens- 182 Audrey Rickaîl_____181 Wilma Bates ---______180 Helen GiIhooly _ 177 Baba Brown ______177 Marg King 176 Mlyra Hoppo 175 June Baker -_____173 Marlon Slaght 173 Shirley Biokeil _____172 Joyce Major - -______171 Mary Harrison _____171 Betty Wastleke * 171 Bernice Terry 170 Helen Vivien .170 Em Bronial 167 Gin Ellis-----167 ',velyn Embley-_______166 Xudrey Osmond 168 !{alen Niekolson ____166 vlanor Lez-mer ____160 Vileen Holnoyd 165 B.arb Bathgate 185 Vivian Cowan _____183 Theima Fonrester ____102 Sedie Bucknell_____162, Hilde Simnick _____161 iBern!ýe Partner i1e il Jean Sellers 11 TEE CANADIANSTATESUM. DOWMANVUILEONTAIZO 5-2, ta leave the lasers al h alona la the cailar. Te n g -Shirley Coombs rolaed a big * 282 ganie ta take high single I hoiiouns, followed by Helen BIlig Vanstona 217, Linda Brooking Munay 07,ShaonMeMur. Don Oke's outfit opened up ter 204, and Sharon Burgess a two point lead over their and Audrey Spicer bath with nearest rivals in the Teenaga 201 scores. Bowling League, Satunday Linde Bnooking lied a 506 ,aftarnoan, defeating John triple while Audrey Spicar ta- Phillip's teani 7-0. L-arry tallad 541. Thonipson paced bis crew ta Girls' Team Standings a 7-0 shutout win over JohnM.Moe---------------1 Rundle's club ta move into the M or-------1 runnen-up position by snglp H. Vanstone 14 point over Jin McKnlg9ht's V. Brown - .10 bowlers who won ovar Tom L. Brooking 9 Mason's team 5-2. C. Osmond _-- ----9 Larry Thompson was the B. Oka ------------------ --- only bowler to go over the 600 mark, and he aven beat COBOURG BOPS BANTAMS the 700 bannier with games ai 239, 274 and 221 for a fine TWICE 734 tripla. Othar high single Cobourg defeated Bowman- games ware rolled by Leele on successive days 4-2 Rackhain 231, Tom Callan ad villexibtonBntm 227, Tom Mason 225, L. Tay- hockey aven the weekend. In lon 221, Ron Carter 213, Don Cobourg, Friclay nigh't, the Tordifi 207 and John Oka 206- homesters built up a 3-0 edge Boys' Teani Standings and held on grimly as the la- D. Oke------ 19 cals stonmed back, late in the L. Thonipson 17 gaine.Z)ave Kerr notched bath J. McKnight -____ 16 Boiwmanville goals, with Gea. T. Mason 11___i Bail assisting on the f-7st, and J. Rundla 0 Bob Slaep in on the second. J. Phillips 0----- At the Memorial Arena, here Marilyn Moora's teain defea- Saturday afternoon, Bownian.. ted Virginia Bnown's bowlars ville grabbed an eanly 2-0 5-2 ta take aver the girls' iaad, but the free-wheeling leagua leadership, as Helen visitons pumped la six mark- Vanstone's club wane handad ens ta reigister the win. Ker a 5-2 upset by Linda Brook- again scored twice, whila Sleep ing's outfit, ta slip back ta added Pý single and assisted second. Connie Osmond's team on the othen two. Bail picked defaated Branda Oke's crew up a pain ai assists. Poor Mileage Cam* Be Your Fault When you complain about t--- * * -poor mileage don't blame your car or the gasoline you're using, because chances are the blame - generally lies in improper car *maintenance or improper driv- - ing habits. * 1 Under-inflated tires, for In- stance, can decrease your mile- age, as well as prematurely Bill Steven wear out your tires. It's the same with a dirty air filter that can starve your mixture and consequently cut mileage by as much as 10%. Other factors can be a faulty manifold heat contrai valve . . . properly adjusted choke . . . faulty spark plugs ...incorrect plug or point settings ... a plugged or bent tail ppe... a faulty radiator thermostat that causes slow warmup ... or even the crank- case ail being too heavy. Your personal driving habits cen also be ta blame. Sustained driving at 60 miles par hour, or greater, increases ges cansumption by 10%51ota 15%7 - over driving at 50 miles an hour. City driving is also hard an gasoline. If you pace your driving ta traffic and ta traffic lights ta avoid unnecessary stops you can save one gallon out of four. Fast stops and starts, Jackrabbit get-aways and traffic weaving are other gas wasters. So drive intelligently. It's safer *. easiar *.and mare economical. At Robson Motors Ltd. you'il find that al af aur used cars have been thoroughly checked for these gas-robbing fauits. They're ail ready ta give you miles and miles of dependabie ... economical transportation. The other factors are Up ta you. Billt iua IS YOUR CAR SHOWING SIGNS OF RUST ?. .. Get a Free Estimate fromn us on Body & Paint Wor Guardian Wlth the Experienced ]paissi Maintenance and Body Men we baye we can give Fou Fast, Guaranteed Servie. New Car Sales are above &Il exfeotations consequentîy we baye a go<>d seleetion 01 A1, recoditloued, guaranteed USED CARS Turnover et these used ES hâba also been above average. If yen are Interested la a good Used Car' aow 1 thO tUff. te eontact ene et eur saiesmen. ________ ______ ' - *,~*-*-*- - -. -.*~--- ~ *- - ***-**~,* -* - ..- - - -~..--* - -~ -~ -. Jý- -»-"r *0000000« nnr àâr il- .4ý TKEURDAY, MMR. M50, IW Town League Hockey] Star of the Weel GARY "RFANK" LANE With elimination faclng his team, Gary "'Hnk Lç couldn't have picked a better trne ta turn ln his best eff of the season, as Ken's defeated Rooper's ln last Thursd>as Town League playoff. "H-ank", a top performer with the Legionnaires, played a sound garne on defence and scored twice, while assisting on two more. Perhaps the turnlng point ln the game came in the~ second period, when Lane went through the entire Jewellera club ta, tie the score. After.that, Ken's were neyer headed. That's why "Hank" Lane won the Surplus Sales' Star of the Week Award. 1 )II el 1 lm- vi- 1

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