Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, p. 5

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F. un LUttm PAON ~ TMf CANADIAN STATSM, DOW MéNVUL& oe!WE ion MedingProvidence Couple RnState i 1 S~=e ion Metingf door ece1 E Ifof" /V<i the. chair and coiuted the buui- Rememboces o amlod. She welcomed E hallthdedowntiix.teains oBranch 178 wM lincluded MmX. Sf riniy U n ted hurc hal n i. tir.P. o al, &S.D. Eé. ThTritUltdCrc Teelcino!teofcrGeorR.0,T.lrk, frooe ProincialdpAy in theDistrict AcnMn . ol , M r& 1.Km, *teneramee nting oe CoAnandaakng hatonly Tournament i Peterborough, TeTiiyUie hrh Teeetoso h ge eri Canatiamn o r c hnm ang e ae 1 iii UicndFebruary 20Ui .Aniiual Congregational Meet- resulted inithe followng e oeS caih .Wle Bauxh 178 of Te CQucian- miii e Me ade n thCon ebiury atheld in the church on iiig elected: S rwn .BvrtcW Leion lait Thursday was Braflch bydaws subnutted by Jack Adams ssud lbat the The mnuutes oftels WU Py January 27th, Eiders: Messrs. D. Wl1 ,C yctad V ahwo I(0manAdirCortie.Iii Gorg Gaha ad he om-Zoe-PblGeSorgegCoteGrahameyandandthth ninitcr Rv. m.Zconne, .PubdlieayweS eeced.Thse lt tdated as an honorary Inmni nittee and approved by. a will be held at= i Leglon trasrxsrepotae nd K. Houalander, presiding. The Bowen, Jim Houck, JiHa-psetSe rdmaeU a wê b~drnn Hoard general meeting of the branch. Hall, Bowmanmville, on Friday lrasz. r prtW i envalo metigpene thabi!mnR.SvnsG.BreHcomtceo35 ebr. Nbýrey, Bownianville. Ralph It was Moved, seconded and evening, February lgth, at 7:30 Vroswrhp eýwiLhter-SudrKýSak Wtibicop, Newcastle, trans- carried that these by-laws be o'clock. The winners of thé»c Pleaders reported, u w orsh£rom te r icic r- GS acnder, . SHamkloW rses r .Mc n - 1. dhi. membership from altèred accordlngly. Brandi Public Speaking Con- group activities. mittees werc heard. elected. Tlhese with peettute ocmlt h or thé Lindsay brandi to Bow- DoLn Dudley wifl attend the test which took place here On 3M Pm s ToPoM.A .Mrlywss-Edr osiueaS manville. The crmo was DitrctMembership Meeting January l5th will meet UiceMWho Fnes th e d inr, cMtr. A.A.he rer wa s te-56 eid ers nttt eson0 !1 imea oai-kled- out by Vice-presidelit to be held in Cobourg on Sun. winners frorn other branches gave a splendid procceds Session was given by Mr. Earl Stewards: Messrs. D c i.WA evdrfebet Vfnk Burns wlio wasinii the day, Fcbruary 21. He will re- throughout Uic Zone. Tii. par- sttement for Uic la6t dinner, Osborne and showed 20 meni-___________________ éhâir, assisted by Past Presi- present thc mcmbcrship chair- ents, relatives, and friends of and told of future plans.Pln bers reccived by transfer and dent Albert Mavin and Scr- mmn, Doug Walton, who will the speakers are invitcd to at- were made te co-oferate with 31 by profession of faitli. gea4t-at-Armis Jini Woodward. ha unable to attend. It was tind, and ail menibers of!h Uic r .-.OfSewrs..Theewee26mrraespr Other members o! thc cxc- announccd that thc brandi brandi are welcoroie to bring Install a double or triple sink fornicd; 30 funeiçals o! which HB cùtive present at this meeting bulletin la to be entered in their faniilics. The Ladies' in,,the church kitchen. MQncy 12 werc memibers of the churcii wWe Secretary Ron Richards, Uic Provincial Bulletin Com- Auxiliary of the Canadian Le- was voted to- Uic nurscr fund and 45 baptismals ,during Uic By 1ee a ue 1%èazurer Jack Rice, Jack ptto and the bulletin cdi- gion will serve a lunch. and te Uie Evening Auxilary's year. 1thight, ogWloEge = E ihrswsgv twsmvdb ilMt flower fud The Conunittce o! Stewýards' Barncti, GebheHge.e noain ord ih lel rnscne yBl It waa decidcd te pay a report waz given by Mr. R. WEAVING laUcm tdtdhe i etugu ko i Thee'member's fees te attendas eitedj.h bulleingawUic ttrearauce178 Fi-everss iées o!atteddcra.ts!llTii.thekindsuerf Fob versyien wflsh tr Iluat President Ed Rundie had since ita inception apart firm on record ai wanting te Con- cour»e at Pive Oaks Camp, nancially Uic church showed definition o! Uic word ev,(a ~~hv m been invltcd te represent Uic 1958.59 when Don Marsdcn tinue Uic observance o! Re- Mac o .i n ebrrcit o 2,3.7wt ofra ltb Luglon at Lions Ladies' night, was the editer. membrahncc Day. On aniend- was free te attend. The Oh- expenses amouniting to $24,- ing threads; to entwln rt Yebruary 22. The fin o! Mur- Sports Chairman Jack Knight ment by Ross McKnight, se- awa W.A. Presbytery Execu- 436.15. The M. & M. report was a fabric indicates th wdct Hbb Crn"ti dèdi-, and Welsh was thanked announced that the Zone conded by Don Cameron, this tive meeting is to be helci In read by Mr Houslander in fiel ar o "Ti.Caadin tae for the particularTy good work Bowling Tournamnent would motion will be in the form Whitby United Church, Fcb. thc absence- of Mr. S. R. Many people may s.aa o,' > O 9,o hn donee ln fixing and painting take place in Bowmanville on of a resolution to be present- MA 3ad-he358'lmetig ams.Ttwreoren 3:00 mdmwevig he thie ceillngs Mnd cleaning Uic Mardi 5th. and that twolcd to thc next Zone RaJIy. frOhw rsyeywl 1,0.0hdbe owre h i o=wt ha held in Port Perry United to the United Church of Can- tricate mechanism, bu er Church on Thursday, April ada. Mr. W. B. Reynolds ex- are a great many MnEtos! a Hear.Address on Brotherhood 2Mt. pressed t> appreciation o! weaving. A letter was rcad by Uic se- the congregation te Mr. Ray Weaving coin be u dnwt i cretary froni thc Victor mis- J. Dailng, Treasurer o! the a long blunt needie orbi n Mr. and Mns. Harvey Baie. sion, 'the United Cliurch home ohuroh 'and Mr. Stuart R. on pieces o! cardboado for uned nuoiers in Toron- Je-mes, M. & M. Treasurer who wood, or.on franies o!fi ie S tu d en ts G ive Q u a lifies On February 9th, 1960, relatives, friends and te, asaking for financial help are rctiring after maiiy years and shapes. Then thee r tneighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey in their new building projeet. o! .faithful service. . many variations o!: mil~ Barrie, Providence, to celebrate with themn their 50th Tis was a gencral letter sent The reports of Uic various boorna, from Uic sirnplct in out te ail W.A.'s. A donation organizations wcre rcccived with a metal shed te eart They Respect in Parents wedding anvray will ha sent. and adopted as read. Gary the warp threads, so a;hti Af ter the bride and groom were seated their It was décided te hold a Crombie gave Uic report for can be passed back andfrh O ~grandchildren Heatheir and Kenneth Barrie prescntcd Sprlng Tea and feature a Home the Sigman-C and Tyro boys on to thc more compiatd~ L) u ri g I-I 6. S ) isc ssio n thern with a corsage of golden 'mums and a white Baking Sale. There is aise to groups. Little Miss Margaret kinds, but ail quite eaiy p D u in i c s i n boutonniere. be a talent table and a sale Plummer gave Uic report for erated once Uic technqe sb Mr. m. Baggmastr ofcereonie, s o fo good used clothing. the Alice Jackson Mission îearned. Mter methdso Ues ic heinclement wea- interesting panel discussion by the. adolescent learas to niake few well chosen words of cnrtltosand calledte metn g s cia abose ur a Bh por ad oupne Suotnfr-aing eopn b dncbyus ther there was a large attend. Grade 8 pupils. The past pre- rtght decisions for himself, lhe on Mrs. Kcnneth Werry to read the address. Mr. enjoYed by ail. day School report by Jack a foundation. once at Uic meeting of the sident, Mrs. D. MéDonald, may b. given more freedoni Douglas Wight and Mr. Ross Lane presented thern iDi nn aveae !350 ieek- Seis evig Bowmanvillc Home and School presided. in inter decisons." wt euiflDusoa carad'omi n ihan aereof 50 meek-rs Swig olweavrii oc .Asociation field in thc On- The six panelI members, Need Supervision Aïdi Help witha beutifu occsionl char an/ Tomieeadthe raised Uireads !hc tearoStevetniholgon, F ebray ion, Rnal hesn, en o- teel cetm fprnsStephen Barrie wt odje 0rad r.R H w to Aid Sunday School is inadequate towelling. tariey Steet Sch Fol on We10.Nionl enmucl n, anMi- Questioned as te whethcr Lane on behalf of Salem W.A. gave them a gift of rin htred Abo tae Cadwvnghnatoe Tii.memerswho ad rav! trl Shoo, LeoreFowcrare too active in organizations, chocolates. The bride and groom voiccd their thanks 1 Tanttmoecasosar the rainstorm. to bu present Ralph Cole, and Douglas Ni-- ad sitat1erei.te111dffrn. eh woec rwarde by cois ~triO Sreet ~hooîRonald Thomnpson gave the and apeiainand friends were called on te say a II *O u nd a sisans ere n hfohr mdifear.mod weerwre yhearlng c appaioSre coooiinthtte hul ef wresfcia galiions lnST l eu oaiatiSeho oflthefor bmakiet.g nar tie iF?..i M' excellent address by Rabbi wcrc introduccd by Mrs. Ken a onio t aat U. H<~G ew od o ogrtltin.S. t. PauI'fs iA Auora nizadetheion th efo aiet. he hae a wmnsu... IL.NorenOshwaandanhaweasrdand waachir athom moe tan way H A hor enertcmetawsrhengivnshrsrrauIS VM chuch nclde he oma'sree wcvin, ageo sume man ofth dsussion due to sadta .l nne uer lxBri eie onlge r.Gro e. Association, the Women's Mis- hobby. o! the vision, and they may necd Ae arerctdamnlge r.Gro ec Thankfulncss" was Uic sionary Society and its Even- The advantage o!f evn Uic absence o! Mrs. Robertlhl ih Uieir horeok M ent beesuse of illness. cpwmwr. and Mr. Orville Ashton sang a humorous duet entitled theme chosen by Miss Elva ing Auxiilany, the Arnica Club as a hobby is the nimero Qualities They Respect Teamwork Important "Aunt Gerush and Uncle Josh" accompanied by Mrs. Orchard for Uic meditation at and Uic ncwly fonmed young usef al ai well as artitcati hestudents were asked aI repy to an inquiry as te Edgar Wright at the piano. Mrs. Elsie Waters rad a St. Paul's Wmans Association Popl's Unioni with two cles that. cn bu nadeeto hetqaiisUe epc what contribution ohildren poem centitlcd "The Golden Wedding". A quartet colt- meeting i Uic Sunday School groups, and the Jack and Jil inexpensive materiali n, ~ s.An .~g~g5TAC ~ nost li parents. Thcy agreed om, Dugla a happy o int g<~Gro BriW.BagDulsWg The Scripture passage wasthese groupa reported a very i.sed. - tht Uiy lce prens etakehom, Dogla NicolsPoit and Orville Osborne sang two humorous numbers froni Luke 17, "Ten wercgo er cacwrigo ln o S D UI W tantrcl the iprnshomcwoke d out that tamnwork ha im- -ego er eaewrigo S and ne i their proler n portant, as then work seerna entitled "Harvey Barrie Has a Farm" and "The Bull- cleansed but only on. returnn-Mr. Gordoni Elliott, Chair- Uic spring "H-OBBY HO VWU SUA Di* plandiuerea O bldeni yon like pinay. If the faandly works dog on the Bank" with Mrs. Ethel Couch accompany- o! te gave thanks". The pres- Man for Uic Christian Educa- AND SALE"'. Pleasedue ierad soulde together there la more time ing them on the piano, followcd by a sing song. Mr. cnt day 'ratio o! Uiankful folk tioli Cornmittee, stated thein broher ad sstes houd fr leaure h aded. Brgg henthnke evryne ho adhelped tonie ight h less. We are allmain concern thus year wouid * ~ ~ W have equal opportunities, and foglnue .add rg hnthne vrocwohdt ae~ ityo! taking Uic good be the improvement o! the ohiltiren shoulti bu able te res- The. Homework Question this evening a success. thinga in 1f, fer granto!, but Christian Education organriza- B te ae Spect their parents' judhgment, Commcnting on homework Mrs. Ina Wight and Mrs. Hilda Willard poured Uicy have ail been bought tions. The lack o! suitable ne- and accept punishmcnt when Lenore Fowier asserteti that tea and coffce fromn the tes table attractivcly decorat- with the pnice of aomcone's cornniodation andi sufficient necessary, thie panel assertcd. one to one andi a half heurs liéGood Fd---jedrsi orte ai AfoaneGie sei ai mon cd dyed with golden 'mums and candies. u iaes frUcvros D Alloane Givn sems -Aar aoait eff ay ms ective cl<sing t<> youth activities andi the Sun- V RaphCoewh ws skdShe saiti that it should be donc A delicious lunch was served, followed by the Uic worship penmoti was con- day Sehool was a handicap at ALWAYg Ralh Clewh wa ascdon school niguts, but net on cutting of the wçdding cake by the bride and groom. tributeti by Miss Heather Uic present tume. mm Tast etter shudb ando ie, re gn-n A pleasant time was spent reminiscing old times. Webb with two »clos, "Tiiat's A report o! Finance Planning ahul h crntiorgien e adn a choice o! ne- Why I Love Himm" andi "It's Committee, given by Dr. H. plied I"I think it ahoulti ha creation for chiltiren, Nellie in My Heart". Miss E. Ordi- B. Runtile, statedthe Uic te ms given but that dmesnot mean Venaneulen stateti that this ard was A il J wai . cemne te dcvciop an overal *T*@CIA RB yen, shouldi not hclp with wonk dependa on the chlldren andiIf ISe ~TTf CM1rs. David Armistead led plan o! future expansion o!famsu om * anound home." H. expaneti the parents; one cannot gen- argEU RU A t end s a poneli prcscnting signi.. congregational facilities and fPENII5,5CRAîaeu that if an a]lowancc bai te hae eralize on this point. She a * p nt facti about White Cane wc can do no better thon to carned a chilti expeets to be added that n particular type !N i.m.LJ eek which hs at present ce!. start by obtaining as compiete ELECRICLTDb. ) paiti for anything he does. necreation shaniti not j,. fonrc- A nn uai Ladies' iYI hII ebrating is15harniversary.teereport as possible rmth COIACT RMR l Maklng Owu DecJalons o! on a chld, although in most WieCn ,k,,rtChiar Education Commnit- Asketi if she thinits child- respects parent. know what 1eMIDloucational la character and te t their plans andi ne- REFRMfATOM-ELECTRIC non are allowed to malte hait. She said shie respects f 4 5~ia f I l f fI~net associateti with fuait rais- quirement. andtihUi plant ne- MOTI- SALES -SERVICE enougla of their owai deoisions, ber parents for caring where O f J e uII> lDe II I Lodge Unj. cessany te carry thern out. T.V.1A11-APFIANCES Lana Morrisen answered: "We she is, andi what shc la doing. "Blindncss Is your business". Plans have been te com - _____________N * ,want parents beside us, not Firm'ansi Fair Teacheru Members o!f.erusairni Lodge, special tiraws with Uic luckY We muit ail ha aientteel pile a 1960 budget for th,.1 ovenus. h dolecentla e i six pupils stated Uiat Bowmonvile, celebrateoi their ladies haing Mns. Cliiloid prevent accident. whîcia are Boarnsideati on !sUicom.ia a chld, andi nt an adut. If tiey like a teacier to e ha fn, annuel Ladies' Night dining Swallow, Mni. Carl Bradley, respdrisable for a large percen- Badja sso iiscm fair, helpful anti undenstanti- andi dancing at Uic Lions Cen. Mns. Fred Hoar, Mrs. Deug tage o! thie 2,000 new cases o! mittees have been set up and ~S q~ BAUIFL HELE CPS& AUER ighavi' a sense of humour tre Satunday evening. Feb- White, Mxi. Clarence Ropen blindness in Canada every can let us know of their res- BEA FULSHELU UPS SAUERS 'angdexvlplagiingthewo ecx. ruary 13Ui.- andi Mxi. Alvin Stacey Jr. year. Safety ineasures ahouiti pective estiniateti require- o! icpaai orthir ror as he peu-tr adinduesom . mn0 00,teyer actly. Mrs. B. L. Bunk Uiank-. Guests were receivcd by . An excellent crowd-pleas- ha observed i ola et o Ui er LO AC ed the pafuisugetions. he i th iiih. Wonîiipful Master Lloyd Ayr.e n prgr p athnpe yandintelom.Trn a i FORCMf lt " i fl ugesios. heaIO n-andl Mrs. Ayre, Bro. H. Gr- ented t he au Brothens every way possible te lighten wsl Bowmaaiville Cerne- treduccd the speclal speaker, mai andi lra. Grahami and atPhilyatebrdnolUcbini e arer For YouAustine v roum£ U oe Rabbi Norden, wio camne to Bre. B. Heaidry anti Mns. Hen- Dancing was enjeyed for Uic Considen making a contribu- aibaenFin usi M'aaeih ens ofemrnandno ice~o.tio te ceye-bank-Give a Turner, Charles Osborne, Gar- Osh nganwa itvaxay rmSrere .htabe uic upnderb taenew liglat. net-+Rick,L W1(71il :iaBrth- Rabbi saiti and quotedteincl- MeKeever, Grand Registrnr was from Thc Letters o! St. Suddenly ln Newcastle on junction "Thou shail love thy 1Th, toast to Grand Letige Paul Vo the Colossians, verses January 1, 1960, thc death neiglabour as tlayseMf." wus proposeti by V. Wor. Bno. 1 te 14. lins. Weish descnibeti occurreti o! lad. L. Geongina lEST...AUl Came rom Adam Walt Paicoe anti respondo! Holeman Hunt's picture, "11h. Clemence, wifce!ofUih laVe 'SU us FOI Tm.E " Everyone is a desenant te bY R. Wor. Bro. Russell Os- Liglat of Uic World," Uicecri- William J. Clemence. of, Adam .Wo ml came froan borne, District Deputy Grand ginal o! whicihengs in St. The former Geergina AI- CA AD AITone man, there la ne differ- Muster. The toast Uicth la- Paul's Cathedral, London, anti lan, Uic deceaseti wai born e CANA A PANT ece. lsoman was eatesi dieswa proposeti yW. Ena. aur own claiach lias a beau- Féen a-Uminl 1882 anti Sud la the image o! Geti. Whatever James Marr and respendedt o tiful anemoriaI wintiow on Uic liveti near Cobourg until hem CANADIAN WALLPAPERS teeî pr fteDvn'coéiluion o!f Mm. Mire's ne. wihthe worcia o! John Rus- te Shaw& Section. Sic was reiinaocr rcecbiMs I~t ie tUcsm oi.1h5walneimrig a10,e oig,',~., in 611 o! us." spoise ahe wai presento! with kin, "Beliolti I stand at thi. deveted i wfe anti mother at a auiu oqe fmdm-da nikic, ni!lo-afihu td anto!N-O F NUt ~PStIO ses by Bro. B. Hendry. o! by a prayer. matie Unitedi Churc, i, g of many différent- peope, Trinity Ladies' Quartette, Mn.g. piizrtliiis. y 0 1 WEE ONLY wlth veai titonal bRck- tomettem T1h. Jcwlsh star L. Van Dniel, Mxns. S. James, Preticcasd by lier huibaxici " grounda.fThank Godthe l di-,boome a badge o! henour lins. O. Richamondi and her on October 12, 1945, sheJ AK i semao! e@ic ha: flot ai- wern with courage durhng mothcn, lUn. D. Alldreati. Tic laives te moum b er asd ed d wc pride ouselves la Nord« ai thei meeting. prcciateti numbens "Wlaere ,aivc;Charlc, Ottawa; Il, LAD IES' V A a" Tm being tolerant. Toler_____________la bThegmessage o h oinEe uWap ncopn ay(Mmn.. Grahami) , Pn- not encugh, it ianogative. It pk-ture shown by tie Rabbi led, fellowcd by "Teada Me ttbc. MIch.; 3«Dn (Un.J. 3 JGS.W he not eneugha t tyou Z do 110V enpliasimetithe luportance o! te Pnay" conblned with "-Juat Hlmie), Newcastle; Isabel PLAS IC uuv im~do anyone henni. W. mia e n vo"i&ng glandei anti uanders, Fpor Tcday". (Mrs. R. Sacerty), Fort Wil- ~~pstvandi stand up where netteU mlx witi those who do LaVer, Mr&. Wilson Pring Hama; Mabel (Ms.. R. Goode), (OORW _________ injustice fs dons. Enlfghton- injustice, even if this mas sang "If I Clan HeIP Soeae- 0fl0 miand Arthaur, St. Cath- TMRI 8 ILbr e ek-9 5mentla he est efece." to wimagainst Uic atreani. body" and "Jeans la My arinea. Two dilîdren pre-de- Badge m et e r S lmn..Alfred Samelis thanked Nelghbour" in ber usuel pleuaMa-ascd ber In 1912. Ais Mri- ADD&rUVCA fim was presentoti by Rabbl Nordou for hi. kafor- img mannen. Ira. D. Alkdread Vlving retare.*X brethar;l RDAr FBU I1UL5¶ÔE~EEFEI~JRabbi Norden that h. b.d b- Maiv adlnspanlng acidrea. wus planist. Mrs. AI CuUhet- tire. statuMaine gRrAYaF BR ARndt A B E N ET Y'Stanedfro te Io aoo hakedM«I, lut, snEvening W.A. presdt, chfldrema PAINTS à WALLAEE I C n ID'e rnipo!Otnie treihanked thc sololat. !iwal yee jd zi We'extend a cordial invtation to all teop dgorGtmdOpon PA M W LPrming It h. statedt lat In Rit- Saolfo btlngUcpo St. Paul'& minWte. Rev. a. c Morm 7Funeral haipel on: ad look ever the. lateo ahob 3 Klg St W.?I~ A 3.dI~ ler's pcnsecution Jews were je7r odu uc wsA unr lee film ttîp. Moday, Jaauary 4, 1960,,"I a tm ILW pe M orced te wear thc star et Da- ieived by thceanothers of entitîci, *lis Your Home eu?- 1were conductoti by Re. . C~%, - vii te identify then i mser Grades3 emd 4 pupuls. This centnaatod lis hippy Fshor ci NswOest&L!éa. law b %l gý %eeî a 't 'j:" * r * t, 'j

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