Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, p. 15

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-' - --'T--T----? - ~ --T 4 'T .4 r - . - - ~. A ~BP A t~ P~v~itD A ~W??V t V ~~WPAUM TJIUBDAY, ME. lth, loge TES L.ANADL VAAr<EÂAAIÂf", B WMAIVv ~TheOrono News Mrs. James E. Richards,, Editor Mr. and Mis. Robert Col-, Club, Mis. R. J. Taggart pre-1 Mr. and Mis. Wilfred San- ~ "Ot Westen, were weekendý sented Mrs. MicRenria with a derson, Columbius, spent Th.ur- affs of Mr. and Mis. Nor-' nLý:klace and pin set. sday with Mr. and Mus. Wm. rd" Kennedy and Wayne. Mis. MRnn thnked Ro'binlson. a~r.nd Mrs. Fred Hunter, everyone for ber faiewell Mis. John Morris spent Perry, visited Mr. and 'ts . Monday with Mr. and Ms *M Mns. Gordon Cassey andisocial time. Mr.Jm Malley, Mr. and .:/ âmr.Peterborough, spent M.W.E i.R~ .UOhwvs i*1. Mr. anti Mr. Mr Wm X.Amtogr-Ms o î saa - ... - ý. i 6bUS'M.YWIM .1 L 4ir YL .' Io Ld .Lowes and child- tuîned home last wek froin ited lvii. John Paetctuon,-.xMrencand oeqn Memorial Hospital, ~ i.RyPto n thran ideal that shoulci appeail M .M' iton Biicii is new liv- ville. Orono frends on~ Saturday .. ...ho aIl reasonable nations, andn iÙg lnx Bow nile The public sebool teachers Rî' tr n ubrMr. KJirushchev's insistent, M and Mis. Earl Taylor' ef Clarke Township held theiî of homes in thbe Kirby district . * desire te tbat end should b. «ýt dd the funerai of ber1 February meeting et Clark. eeeopened to te mnyheartily su.pported. He cou.ld ae brýother, Mri. Harry Hepple- Union School on Monday. stiOiided mris~ôits from the begi by setting an exempleM atpri at Kirkland Lake, on1 Mr. Douglas Ganisby, Tor- severe blowing Sfonw storniion The newly-electeid oxcecuive offioer of te.(Cadian Ladies' Curling 'of bis ideel right et home gaturday. onto University, spent the Sunday. The Armoies, Town Asaion which was fcrmod Fcbruavy 2nd ini Tcrontc with with his next-door neigbboî M ,Mr. and Mrs. W. L. King weekend with flus mter, Hall and severel homes in Or- upent Friday ini Toronto and Mis. Ken Gamsby. ono aise, gave overngt shel- delegates from aine provinces attcndig ame, from loft te right, nations, - Poland, Litibuenia, ar tbir5 daughter Marilyn, nurse-. Mis. Fred Tarnblyn, Mi. ter for the stranded motorists. MrsL Thifza Kirk, Port Arthiur, OnaroSomta-Timurer; Mrs Ean B ugaryH. iigt aim Su Èrý.ra4nlng, îeturned home1 and Mis. Carlos Tamblyn, vis- Mir. and Mrs. Raymond Hazel Watt, Port Arthur, Ontario, Presidont and Mrs. Muriel tiiet h. la existing in peace ar w4h thern for the weekend. ited Rev. and Mis. John W.1 Clapp, Tyrone, visited Mi. and Youngsen, Reg"n, Sask., Vioe-Presidont. Represeatatîvos cf ail with thoie couritries; but it ; Mra. Albert Morton was Wilkinson, Dunbarton. Due Mis. D. G. Hooper on Friday. provinces except Newfoundland, formod the. Canadien Ladies' is net a co-existence. for as sp cobeick undiofa r. Wn.tbas retd but Wilk iviong by te TeaersicGronu willCurling Association with Dominion Stores Limited as their sponsor, nations tbey have no existence. n Cobldc evedy.hs etrd ngwllb lvigbyte eeaeriiip il , At the close of the Second , On Monday vng thiity et Duabarton until June. b. held next Sunday at 7.30 during a two-day meeting in Toronto. ThW first National Ladies' World War tii. Allies egreed or £ionds and relatives callel Mr. John Gabrath, New- p.nx. at Orono United Chureh. Curling Championship, calied the Dominion Diamond "D",wlte a ca-occupation cf Eastern et. the. borne cf M1&. and Mis. market, visited Mr. and Mis. Special music wiI.l b. render-Sb.field in Ontario in 1961. The. 1962 round-robin championship Europe pending the. conclu- 0.; Cowan te honor Mis. A. W. L. King. ýed by the Orono Higb School Dominion Diamond -D" wilI be held in Regina, Sask., home cf sien of e peace treaty. which !ut.Kenna who is going te live Mr. ,anri Mis. Edward Hegg l. Glee Club under the. direction rs Youngson, the. Vico-President. was te release those countries SP w.«ýh ber daughter, Mis. Ralph and chldien, Fraserville, spent of Mr. John Ford, and thce___________ from occupation and ensure ar Paillips in Calgary, Aberta, Sunday with Mi. and Mis. Wn., Orene Public Schoel Gîe h hl fErp gis end presented Mis. McKenna Robinson. Club under the direction of,- future aggression and dom- c* with a set af matching lug- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mtchell'.i. A. Collison. Other youth i l ination by Germany or eny M~ gage and a puise of money,ispent Saturday with Mr. and participation of speèial inter- Ki n D e t . e rpwî by Mis. Winx. Robinson, and Mis. Colin Taylor, Bowman-' est will be included in the ser-OntoecdiosSveta on behal! o Orono Skati.-gt ville,. vice. ______ __ia joined ithe. formation j. tecoming ah United ~o Nations, the pur- Beco ing a Prble pos ofwhich wes te estab- lisi international peaceful co-W existence. But Stai used theof UN. as a platform foi com- edhsobligations enteîed inte Tc The parking problem on the possibility of meking Beei et Yalta. Instead cf witidraw- From mperal O l Sp akerBeech Avenue, Bowmanville. Avenue a one-way street, or ing from the occupied coun-* An informative address on nîany more important fieldsjada in 1980, and thice times Bowmanville 'Town Council along it thinkîng of the. preb- incoipoiated into the vi 41O1 and the Road Ahead"1 over e large part of the west- more cars on the roads. ield in tic Councîl Chamber lem, and added that ît could Soviet Union. And now Mn. waa given by Maurice W. ern sedimentary aiea. Serving Motorists on Monday cvening. Owen net be wîdened on tic east Khrushciev, who denounced bi Crompten, Toronto, et the "Tih. oil produccr's main Fagan, a Beecb Avenue resi- side. Widening would be the ruthless acts of Stalin, tt dlinner meeting of thc Liens Twc Thirds of Dema.nd concein fer thi. public in tic dent, addiessed counicil and possible on tic wcst from Con- insists that Russien annexa- K lb in the Liens Conimunity "Canadien crude oil now future will be te, serve the ptinted out tic inconvenience cession Street as fer as Morley tien of Eastern Europe shouldC Centre on Meonday evenig, supplies about two thirds of motoning public. Service sta- and difficulties he bas been Vanstene's property, h. told b is be regerded as a permanent w~ Pcb. 8. the nation's demand as it is tiens have only increascd faced witii due te cars paîked fellow members of council. status que in any peaceful ce- l. Hokey Draw Wlnners piped from Edmnonton te To- eîght per cent since 1950 cein- along tic nariow roadway.- Appoint Committice existence settlement. Th. Club oelebiated thie ronto. The east coast and Mon- pareil te a population increase Block His Driveway Cou ncillor Keiti Lethangue,i That is historically typical brtbd.ey of Dr. R. E. Dinni- treal an, stili supplied by for- o! 80 percent in the lest de- Mr. Fagan drew attention tei secondcd by Councillor Ken o! the craft and cunning o! gell. The. wunneis of the. boc- eign sources froni their re- cade. tic fact that as Beech Avenue Nicks moved tiat a commit- Russian diplornacy. The. Rus- key , draw were: Satuiday, serves of crude Oil and natur- "011 producers are contin- is only 21 feet wide and bis tee be appointed to have a siens are said te excel al ltJ ..ett Jimn al gas. ually wonking in close co-op- car 18 feet long, it is impossible meeting witi the Liens Club other people ini two tiings; ,lWedne yFebi.uary G.Fo26Yer eration with connufity plan- fer hlm te get it eut of bis and a member o! the Traffic one is tte gaine o! cbess, and s( 17112,-KeJth SFaorl2t0fl, Hew nets te provide sensible zoning driveway whcn cars arc park- Advisory Conirittee an-d work thc otiier matbematics. Thieà erd Wood; Saturday, Febru- "It Jae etiiated that there 'by-laws, and te permit the cd across tic street fromn it. H.eout a mutuel agreement for latter is preved by their eut- 1V SeUt, jack Kelloiigb, A. is still a sufficient aiplyo! construction cf service sta- bas bed excellent co-operation thi. solution o! the, parking standing suocess in space na-B ra& lhonpson; Wednesday, Canadian crude où in the tions. from the police when h. has problem. vîgaticîx, wbich enabled thcmt Î;bry 24th, Bilan Hamil- ground ho lest 260 yeare at thie "In som - parts of Canada called them, but even tien it The motion was carried, to encircle tic moon tit m, MIaV Joncs; Saturdev, irate it is now being used. If t.e automobGile population is takes an bour te get bis car and Mayor Carruticis express- perfect accuiacy, And thbe Se- F.boeiw c 24hStve smegal, the Athabeekan area is de- ncreasing faster tian thec bu- eut. .ctihoetatcdfficul- viet leaders have in recent pe Marsso; Wcdncsday, veloped, it la estim'ated thc mani population," Mrn. Cromp- He pointcd eut that even in iswud esov byar dmntae hi Ï Mus 9iI RaphMcntyecrde cil supp]y will lest foi ton said. tic summer the. problemn istis oud >e ovd yyas emntîed er ~phKelu;SaureyMech400 years. In closing i. mcntioned sev- ticre, but cmpiasîzed that its.n."iakyu n .r.a. sueiit ina tAie che ge. 124xS K ~ cas, Mut'ray Lai- CnoBeesmsie real f the experimental pla- is intensified in tic wt rM.Fgnsiadn !interntoa dioxcy murh, K dy ari ntn. escftBeue f rue siie tcr i trc fetof tbat he hoped a solution would Ever r move or refusai to move 1 mersi1 a, ss o theuseof cudecil henther isthre fet mati a.calcupredion th alikew J.Gsei d Nrman Stt . "One cannot b. pessimistic ini automotive and acrenauti- snow on itier side o! tic soon be found as he bas w ait acal clated wtat ke- - Wlh ~nia op in predicting tic cil produc- cal research. road. He said be always keeps edfv ereo t xectly whîat he was -doing ,wih ]mpeia,011 ing possibîlities. ForecastingI Harry Cryderman moved e bis own diivcway siovellcd, Apply For Grant. when he made a quick pact I rMUice W. Ciompteni is a the findings o! ou cen.havelvote c! tianks te, Mn. Cremp- but added tiat 1net aeh bis A motion was made by with Hitler at the outbîeek I ~b be of the Sales Planning1 its risks as according hore ton for bis excellent address neigibours bave theirs sbov- Ceuncillen Lathangue, second- of the lest world war. Tien, 48nê c-odntinScto !ports we will have about 10, nti i nutyadte dlled and park on the road cd by Couniciller Nicks, that Àrhen HRitlir moved hi. an at- Isipntl- orilnatro eno thi 0,(0 mu eel nCn uue osented y peoplenttcndingthe apyToinea iin !mac u b sic' I ~s~iifld8ig eaet _________________________ wiîc adds te tic problein i- on Clerk be eutoized taok on Russie, Stalin check- Robetc Knt sain Depin ntuc-popeatnigtoapyt h Dprretofmtdhm y wthn i ]kOgo-t enet sake n reod - , (j:-,unctions et tic Lions Cen- Higbweys for statutory giants. pact te tth. western alhes. is -telfo Lisp haMr. munity Centre, wiio park their This was ceryied. Heow Staliri used and abused '-ucars ini tic street. A rcquest from tie Bew uhat pact, particularly 'Mi Crompten bed previcusly been oeWySre avl M9 buthe edokC UtieOntario> Public RelationsOeWaSret -nvleLosCu akigbigig butt ddok Flh ereettveo h- Marg Vanstone the trunk. Two more hula- Mayor Wilfrid Caruticis counicil for a giant equal O i Benlin and the. wholc o! lat er w-sentansefnre 10 -Tii. sid the Lions Club hed do- the. taxes on the Lions Con- Estern Europe, la a well-b Company for some ycars, and; And flaie Mile. oolis bang fromi the l rccthte situation a certain munity Centre was reccived. known niatter o! recent bis- tkwfim' mrktig rgan ye biggest dance o!f ete' the.t eameunt wicn tiey made use This rcquest was gra-nted ontoy Y Khrusbchev bas inherit- twfSsmaktn ra-yaoui "At Home", was on ti. ote!alheti spede availeble on e motion by Councileor Stev- ed that situation and h. 'basa izatiOn. tamly a success. Lest Friday~ On the back wall ticre is tic club's propcîty for park- ens, sconded by Cauncillor decaird lus intention o! d.9- 'iBefore joining Impenial 1 cvenin-g e huncred or 'more an island scene wfiich covers ing. He asked Police Chii! Ken Nicks. fending it wîth long-range nu- ()ilM?&. Cnonipton was icad;couples danced in the. gaily- a good deal o! the: Wall. It is Bernard R. Kitncy if any con- Costs Club $10,000 a Yeari cleer missiles. He doesn't need of - the_ National Film Board's decorated asscmbly hall and pictunezsque witi its blue wa- sideration iad been given te orclo elyFc s- ml rsaymr n a Cérnmerdial Division. As such i were served refresinients i ter, white island sand, and making Beech Avenue a one Couifo rantwcsley Fconas- snuehrma asthe ore nid bas lhe, was responsîble for ~the th gymnasium. his in tic background. Un- way stieet. The. Chic! replied c ftsgatws ecnefce s ecoc ewc connmercial distribution o!f u ers trn a-dret i am trestat be bad rccemmcnded that tinu, forever because it had peeceful cc-existence and ne iiaius et oly n Caada h~i s ut aiic hnd deoa- saeneat he gilsew e n pa rkin bees bnned on the east been made ennually in the existence. And now be ià sit- aiis n 40 o ierCn d ,boSuntnies sn e or -s me p et y g rl r ej y ng p i ne past. H .e sked if the. Lions timg ba k nid saying, *"It' loin 40foiin eresentties tbons were better than even. the tropical sun. Foolypake coUlect fees and nuake money your move." But we dont ahrfrc m itnc," r . ente Let me guide you on an ima- Eaci of fhe pillais have - oryPke on the rentai of the. Commun- bave ta move uight aiway. Ih ar antit1& ent ginary tour thiat will tae us been dccouatcd well. Tic large IMr. Fagan said tiiet lest Fnl- iyCnr.Cuclo tv ol ews oke ir bakhotcB.a.fomlfhwn rageetovr day nigbt exit frem bis drive . ete.CucllrSe-would . wae e m k ep hm ýIe spoke o! Mi. Cromnptonsi t de l est rîdy n. f Wrm anl igits.rranmet-be lrfu th ime ilefohis car. H. ens said the. Liens Club keepsi tin. hormey b. somery four yeicarsh , an e lat Frda ,i e!e a el lgservice c lo ina thebl orth orm niy e tr ,nc e so AWfourt-awilsere fth ur'te tcoicLions arki wng lo anning et a cost *ta the club of ,!A Foceduring World War WP e h !Vesrises bird settled on a vine abovetdconittbew tavn CmuntY etr ru-esoaton oiuhrr. - dl tios whoe planned fnooer by gre tn oti th t cin arsin tnder about $10,000 a year over and wà e hdbe engagedIhs h attcnded thc dance. yelow streamners te complete poorly parkcd, tiat if tbey baci above receîpts. Couliiller And in,,uditoriial promotion on Mac- Finst, as we enter the. door, the pictune. been parked pnopcnly tîcre Nicks pointed out that the In W y lean's Magazine, and for scv- wc find a large displey o! ntels alteei awudhv enronfrCommunitv Centre is etthle eW lyears with the. Canadienibeautiful corsages whîci were Onticlas wal tenois thoed avebee îom fr C lou alilat o te urisPulih-mae y hestudents. te- water scene witb the native more. nilrdisStvn s posratio wtii.anthenio s r.-re ing Comxpany of Piladelphia. s1vs meene aie ic and ove ten bl waerCOU teouevard on the cash make a real contribution. e .1!liae o ti. urts Pblsel s tria e the lad e - menk c n d oe n palng ware oif lei ossSeusaklraio n i in - qrre Lca er ut ticir fevounites and pini n ht uf h seei iecudb. usèd for widen- Tii. Building Inspector's Re-M rg rie Kathleen S eyo!pite ef these av bens.~ heridoovnt-eplaiiî ing thc street. Reeve Sidney port foi january was rc!cnied Bwne ivile, a dweg. ider dd of.-'-. inhtvc p e ! i-c a- i waner thiing tic sorLittle said tiat the. Traf!îc Ad- tetice Board o! Woiks for fermer Ktle t.qre t1Ate aersrkigth hre.1This week we go way eut on Bq. ,'le duhýrOi. icenael$30 nid a grass but built on ticvshe oad hd cnidrd suy a fragile 11mb and asic why the Dr. and Mis. V. Storey, Mr., mission tcenml 30 sand. Tii. farnily are placeci _big hullabaloo ebout trying te Kent pointeci out. The Cromp- W. tien clumb the. stairs and ousie C>r om nJvth keep yellew colour eoit of tons have on. son, and foui' prepare te enter tic dance. outsie teimhomearerntc. ot tiiet w. aie dlaughters, the youuigest born r W. sec thet a ciainming tiat: ae.e t rsmraie heihtasbnbutovn Tii. hall was perfect but it : £ e t""" t e i particularly interested lu the la4t mont. cedhths enbitovr1cl o!thiat produch; we use Ini discussing the future o! tic outside entrnce and w. could not have been se, beau- Enniskillen, Ont. better tienilegel, and tii te r because 1h is botter. At thxe cil industry all develop- anc made te feel that w. anc tiful without the help of oui e.1,190 detmigcres into oui the saine time wc honelstly iitrs, neoniatten how impon- in the South Islandis entcning art teacier, Mi&s. McMastcr, e.1,96. avrzigc tat lxyar, il . ieea native but. and oui owui art class i the Dean Editor, bhornes f rom abiaad or Que- question the ban and wonder trough chemnical research, Mr.' Tien wc meet thi. recepti eol icnrtltions on page fourteen Feb. ilti bec. It is net teat the brancis under thée democratic principles Crompten predicteci. H. spoke lin., wich this year consisted thcrn n a fine job don.! 1 issue cf Thc Statesmali there of liquer or wiere theema f heh"'tl s ucW of,. tle large oil consuinptiOn of Mr. Dippeil and Mus. Lcw- Tic gyninasium was aise is an article, with wiicb I b. had egally anid illegaily, belicire tixat . ."caibuhld a in t"scountiy, and- pointedi is; Mr. andi Mis. Lucas; Mi. gaily decora ted on a Valen- îcartily egîce, "Tih. Real Ccst are not readily known. Juat botter mousetrap», etc., andi out that in addition te gaso- -i andi Mis. Stacey;, Roy Chant, tine tient.. Red aend whiteilo! Milk" and Iarn in agice- as tic effccts cf iquor are ais e blieve thit the butter lic ~x betin ohtieave- oi Sudet ~uncl Pesi etsreamers werc stietcied ovcrj met that the milk pioducci net noticcably ,nnoblcd ýbyproducers e! tuis country bavea oh hhi& beecaçruied on in ost light was put on the. bird andi will b. adcxithsd FREE. or bigcted or beflightfolt 1k, of lands that naye ciiosenhisens etol llbu- Io! te favorable ereas, yct thc it wes very beautiful. There will b. pizes fer spot wio are concerned for the way cther titan the Iighesat way ridiculoualy unfair. A certain- Wty motnt fields disccv-1 On the cutais wc sec the. dances and a giant door prize we seerniho b. going. We beau know? Whet happes wiien quantity will continus te b.' aluntil 1947 had been the native isianders in their gay for the bolder o! the lucky o! a proposadutcsyol etoesnddceoasl hte tI colouued or VajyadNra iadnaUtive'deost. f ticket. baciced W hle liquor tradc, ho arc vocal, and wben those net nid surely the. addition cf l«I ihave their ad's made legal ini wii are unselfisily cencera- e little yellew wlU net swelli ee 147Ime Inialare mpal othce fThs bn "'s casualneoui apes. We do net doubh, cd bhave lest beat anid have the sales te suchani extent thet mis8 Ledue No. 1 well brougitl buiît. 1h looks perfccthy net- thcso enspes.le poliical-eeolioiflc poweu i withdrawn tram tie arena? boey as a butter roducer willl- a »w cil era ho Canada i~ural standing hall withh is long Prices aeeas uulmm twllbith antu n.jWxthapn hi i uit b. put eut toe sfuc,,. ut'tert dj2o,000y.0 34t1ide T eevscvnn i e.1 abr 5.ndnnmemens Some nwsp an#wo pedfou athproisbea th'e n i u stm n et Lqà08500,00twenhy veen et Ieest fifteen feet higi., 6fe. income above civie duty, mayldoubt tixet the Bible and hio. continue 1oled the. brea 4«n, gave new direct ion.-Tiiere is a monkey swinging Don't foîget te corne early' jein forces. tory is unimpeaciable, and o! the nation. But let'sl .ctllty te i-Ope. .~t. o a ulehoo hi ic rani- id . on o!hi' fish 5 1 will b. cleimed that le-'tuat "Ill fare thie 17 -d, to hb. fair about lis ccnupetitlcn.î leta the diaccvery cf 1 es and ita mother ha cimbunà there. Ih begins et 8:30 P.M.1 galized adverhizin< iflkViîu u ry hn-fbig ia- ra I FI 5 uIVAM .- - weaithIi ncoses, but uwre - deu decgy"4 otixýg 80 1 shafl antilut inte ranks o!f txe 'xnncity of bigots and o-oders' who den Iatunressxg lte pro-ý fitscf'te" irde' is anythlng bnit te decuee fci pblic good. hruly, Fred P. Reed Chess Game In Europe 13Y Lewis Milligan th se in Cn se th Ci A Sc a PAGE ?r_ A I-A YOUR AD IN PAYS OFF FOR EVERYONE' Yez, any way you figure it, the local merchant draws dividends from bis ad in this paper. A Iow-eost ad i' this papers colunins adds up to increased interest and buying in local stores . .ihonietown shopper's good wUll . . . in more ail 'round prosperity et homet That's why a word t. the wise is. IT ALWAYS PAYS TO ADVEUTISE IN Read by 25,000 Prospective Customeru WeekIy T' R-' ,', 4. --T ~ t t ,- . .- w., '*<. - I - BROWN'S BSnox's H. and S. Club lield tI àWr ipmitIiy meeting at the J Khocl ça Tumday ,ea*Idg, 'éb. MU. PreideM rMs. J.1 >une ld dierge f Ui* bus-1 ofs pato b. eeting, dur-, îgwlxplans werc disus- 1 Fd radn< ftxe !outhcoming ird party and da'aw on April ish. Mii. Mouneeri Powell con- Juhed a ne o! cuchreand ie lucky were Mu. J. Cursen anid Mut. Wilde Sinxp- ïn. Mus. May Sinclair and Mr. ArcbiceBrown beid the iow1 mare. Lundh was servec anudi Rsocial half heur enjoyeci. 1 Mr. and Mmr. R. Page and 1 fmily n itMr, aid Kmns. "Ca -tOturde=y afier- coon and evenuing. Mr. nd Mms. J. Pitt and Jo- ane, Toronte, witl Mu. and Nin. H. Piht. Mi. and Mis. R. Simipsonand àamiily lied dicuner with Mr. and Mis. Erie Balkid on Set- urday; Nancy, Georngie and Su-. san remaining over wihh Peggy and Eric until Sunduy. Mr. Jini Rogers, Hlamnpton, speuit Saturday niglit wtt Mu. Tommy Simipson. Mr. and Mis. Parkinson, Tor- onto, with Mr.nd Mus. W. ClU on Sundiay. Miss Helen Dennis, Toronto, spenit the weekend wituh Mr. and Mus. H. Sinclair. Mxn. Frank Simnpson and bilcirca, Touante, wit Mi. andi Mrs. R. Simpson on Sunday. Mr. nd Mns. Stan Couch and Linda with Mr.and Mis. JCurson on Suinday. Mr. and Mis. H. Mdllroy verc enteitained et Vie home of tiiei daugluter, Mis. Russell Powell, on'Saturdey even-ing ou thseocoasion o! Mr. MoUl- roy 's biitiday. Mis. W. Farrow is spendiuig this week in Guelph as a dole- gahe to, he Safety League Conu- vrntion. Master Keith Cail la ccle- brating luis ninth birtiay tuis week. Conguatulati e n s, Keih. Craw!ord nd Miss Helen Cra- i-ford, Port Perry. nie guests were receved by North Nesilelon Mr. end 5mmn. Mialcolmi Bmer- son were Saturday eveing dirgucots witli Mr. andi MIrs. Mervin Bird, aud famihly, 3rookliai. Vernox Malcolm visited Dan- wy Porrill Wednesday eveniing. Mr. Edgar Emeroux alled on Dr. Bowles and' !Iouseicld aIse luis parents Mr. and Mis. Malcolm Emerson. Har'old McCoy vlsited Mark Malcolm. Mi. and Mus. Alan Wilson visited Mi. and Mira. Orval Quackenbuah, Sunday evening. Vie Malecolm and fa.mihy cal- led on parents Mu. and Mus. Re MlAWeom, - Janehville,'ta wisi tem a ploasant tnp te Floerida. 3Oth Anniveruary On Wed., Feb. 10, thue W.A. iad W.M.S. of Nestlohon Ucited- Chlurch celebieted flueir 3t anniveree-ry ini thc churci basenient. Nestletou ladies iad as theïr guests over 50 ladies Enoni Blackstock, Cadmxs, Cee- sarea, Blackdtlck Anglicanx, rqestleton PkTsabye£-zan, Mnfr. F. ~Mnr. A. Wilsoni and Mnu. , SadIer and ee wi a- inted ta ma h ive us ok con Jciliuwu pfeddig.- President Mms. V. Malcolm1 teck the c>W r d extezided a welcome to overyone and op-j ened the program with the1 hem song followed by Rev. P. Romeril leadding in prayer.j Hynn 388 was sung and Ms.1 K. Saimells gave the welcoming1 achirea ini a few well chsen9 werds. Mrs. V. Malcolm called on Mrs. F. Crawford for greetings1 end Mus. R. Sadier brought1 greetings from Rev. and Mrs.1 B. Harrison (a former minis- ter). 'lh. Scripture was read by Mrs. W. Jackson from Luke :17 capter, verses 11-21. Mrs. R. Romeril gave a most intereeting.- talk on "Africe Diaturbed",- stressing the tact that Afrioa looks to theo West- orn world for Chitiamity, anid asked tihe question: "ls oui "ay always Chirietan.?" She alse saâd, wc somstimes go around with blinkers on, not seeing ail wiio are working for the. kaigdcm cof God. Our prograi coninued with two humorous readungs by Mrs. F. M. Archer- "Tbings my Miotuher lie"and 6"The ci'ay focd we et". Mrs. M. Emerson gave a splendid paper on the History of our Cburch and W.A. whid was apprec- iated by all. She told us bow our church had been built in 1900 and lie opening services were held on Oct. 29, 1900. Mr. Marwood Veale was the guest soloist then and when we had oui celébration ini 1950 Mr. Veal0 favourcd with the same solo. We hope to celebrate oui fOt annoeversary titis year Our W.A. lied sixteen members ini the beginniing nd we riow have tbirty-two members. Mis. W. then fav- oured with a lovely solo- - "1Whispering Hope." Mrs. Grent Thompson gave a reading in her usual capable manner, "The other wornan's chàld," anid Mrs. Vasidstance gave a solo- "Stranger of Galillee" which was enjoyed by ail. Greetings were brought from. the. different groups by Mis. R. B'utt, Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mis. Granit Thompson, Mis. F. Crawford, a former member, to which Mis. M. Emerson re- plied. Hymn 164 was sung and the Mizpali benediction re- peated iunilson. >The tee table was graced with a linen tablecloth and deconated with a bouquet of bromie anid yellow cushion munis. Pouring tee, Mis. N. 1 M3elow and Mis. G. Campbell. A very datinty lunch served by Mis. A. Williams, Mis. 0. Quuckenbush .Mrs. J. Nesbitt, Mis. A. Hylandi and Mis. M. iNesbitt, essisted by Mis. W. 1 mcCey and, Mrs. D. Thompson making tea and Mis. Geo. Bow- ers and Mrs. B. Heaslip ar- ranging the foàd, Ail enjoyed a social ha11f heur. It is wise to see your doctor. when you suspect the presence of can cer. 1 Regular medical check-ups 1and lung X-rays are inwor-, stant in the contrai of cancer. .Detection of cancer inii ls early ýstages improves chances cf .suecessfultreatment. - , 'l .. . 1.. 1 1,ýl, 'l , lý ýj- - 1 -- 1 'l lýý ---lýtf,, UBITIJMy . »IS. ItHD GRIWqN The. dea4h occurred sucAuuI- ly ot Leco Clara Griffin, fged 33 yeer et ber home, 26 Besch Avenue, con SI tury, Febru- .ry 13, 1900. Mrs' *Goiffin, wtio h.d beeft ini poor heaitt for several months, was bo n lOshawa and was thie coughtér of Mr. é$ and Mrs. Frank Jones of that City. The. deceased married Fred Griffýinin 1945 and since their marriale they have made thed home iBowmanvIUle. Thres>à years ago Mr. Griffin became ~ caretaker cf the Lions Corni- munity Centre and Mrs. Grif- ~ fin wfis well known for ber kindly and courteous inanner eý tiy menibers of margy associa- tions, from the youngest of thie Cubs to the most uentior mem- ber of the. Senior Citizen. . Club. Site wus ajffiliated with Tx'inity United Church and ù was a membýr cf Bowmanville L.O.B.A. Surviving. a4 well as her husbend anid parents, je a sonl Gary. The. beautiful floral tributes from relatives then~ neigti- bours, Lions ClU, Ro;= Club, Fife and Drum Band, Foresters, L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. were evi- dence cf the love aind esteemn i which Vii. deceaeed was lield. Funeral service was held ini the Morris Funeral Chapel on Mondey, February 15th., and was conducted by Rev. Wni. K. Houslander. Interment was lin Bowmanville Cemetery. Pallbearers were E. King, G. Virtue, M. Yourth, E. Read- or, G. Webster and H. Gibson. SOLINA In spite cf the bad westher and îcy roadis when we exper- ienced the worst blinding bliz- zard of ttiis wintber, Suriday School and churdh services were taiiry well attended with 83 at Sundary School. While returning home after church, several met with difficulty while trying to proceed up Solins road nort!i and had te returfi bo the villagfe and Vry otAier roeds. A film cf Africa was shown at Sunday Sehool with Mrs. .Murray Vice, coniveror of mis- sionaT~y programs, reading the. commentary and Harold Yel- lowlees, operating the, pro- jector. 1The Womens Intitet met ton Ttxursdiay atternoon, Mis. .Tom Baker opened the meetdng iandý condîucted the business periodi. Donations were given .to the Auxiliary of the Ohuld- 1reni's Aaid Society. the Red .Cross, the Mental Health As- .sociation and the Adelaide 'Hoodiess Museum. The. prograni was icharge .of Group 3 wl thei leader Mis, - 1C. Pascoe presiding and Edîî. cation the tene. The roll call was answered with a Canadian author. Mrs. Don Taylor com- mented on the, motbo Rest not benieath the trec of knûw-. ledge, Clinxb it!"I Conmunity' singing led by Pearl Leach was 3en4joyed. The hdatory cf sev-1 .eral farwms on the severrth line written ini the Tweedsmuir FBook waa read by Mm. B'urney fHooey. Lundi was aerved b1i the. grcup incharge.

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