Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, p. 14

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w* aM u Births i' GES Aic ad Jec arehapy to announce theq rraiof their son Randoiph Soot dy)at~roa Monday, February 15th, 1960. A brother for Brenda, Bonnie-1 lou and Garf. 7-i COWLING-Fred and ,une are happy to announce the birth of a son on Feb. 6th, 1960, at Community Hospital, Port Perry. 7-1* DeLMLE-Harold and Agnes are happy tb announce the bùrth of their daughter Carol Elizabeth, on Fobruary 14, 1960, ini Memoial Hospital,. Bowinanvifle, Ont. A sister for William, Walter, Ronald and Joanne. 7-l* HAMMOND-HarOld and Hel- en Hamniond, (nee Osborne), are happy to announce the birth. of their daughter De- borah Lynn, 7 lbs., 5 ozs., at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Tuesday, February 9th, 1960. A baby sister for Mur- ray and Sharon. 7-1 LEASK-Bill and Barbara are happy to announce the birth of their son John David, on Feb. 9th, 1960, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, a brother for Susan and Ricky. 7-1 MURDOCK-To Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Murdock (nee Audrey Venton>, a daughter, on Feb.1 131h, 1960, ini Mountain Hos- pital, Hamilton, ont. 7-1 ROUGHLEY-Jack and Doris (flee Chartran) are happy to announce the birth of a son, John Andrew, on February 11,1 1960, at Oshawa General Hos- pitl. A brother for Scott. 7-1* WOOD-Keibh and Jean (nec Wilson), Bowmanville, are very proud bo announce the arrivai of their chosen daughter, Julie Jacklyn, February 12, 1960. A, sister for Charles. 7-1 Deaths .MDERSON, Margaret Rose- Suddenly at Newmarket, Onit., on Thursday, February 111h, 1960, Margaret Rose Anderson,j beloved mother of Phyllisj (Mr&. James Jesson), Bowman- ville, and the late Editis (Mrs. Sidney Evans), New Jersey, age 64 years. Rested at North. cutI & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville, where service was held on Sat- urday, February 131h at 2 p.m, Interment Bowmanville Cerne. tery.7-1 IDORNEY, Caroline - At St. Joseph'& Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday, February 14th, 19609 Caroline Draper, In lier 75th year wlfe of the late Arthur DorzneY. loving mother of Arth. ur, Fred and Jack, Toronto; and Mrs. Fred Midiane (Mar- jonce), Los Angeles, Cal. Rest- ed at h. Chapel of Foster and -"TUrench, 56o Annette st. (ai Rtznnymede Rd.). Service was held on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. lnterment Park Lawn Cerne. tery. 7-1 ELLIS-AI, Oobourg Genera. Hospital on Thursday, Febru. ary 111h, 1960, Ena H. Euls, in ber 641h year, beloved wife of ,RyEus, Coîborne, (formerly Bloowmanvflle), dean niother ? 0, Ena (Mrs. Claude Bisson- ebI ), Bowmanvile; Helen Floyd Bissonette), Mont- re1~Chrissie (Mrs. James Ecl), Shiloh, Man., and Le. roY, Cornwall. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Mon. day, February 151h at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cerne tory. 7-1 GODDARD-At Anden Nurs- ing home, Oshawa, on Monday, Feébruary 151h, 1960, George Goddard, aged 78 years, belov. ed husband of Florence Sip. son, R.R. 3, Bowinanvllle, anc dear father of Louise. Service was held ini the Morris Funeral Chapel on Wednesday, Febru. ]ROAD, Ernest-Paused away in St. Joseph'& Hospital, Toron- b o Tcs4yFebruary Me IWO, Erneit Hoa son of Un. R~Ben ley, Whtby, brather of lila and Dorothy of Toron- to, Edward of Newcastle, WilI bIam of Peterborough, and Charles of Baltimnore. Funeral waa held aut1he Flynn's Funeral Rusl4ence, 1278 Weston Rd Meunit Bwnnis, on Thursday, Jlrar1th at 3o'clock. In- townt Sanctuary Park Cerne- ]Room nd Board o_ r ror uni bOar& -- InMemoriam BnRD-In lovlng memory cf a dear husband sud father, Ed-n wand D. Bird who pasaed away.1 Feb. 21, 1958. Eis memnory às as dean boday As in the heur ho passed away.C -Ever romembered by the1 faanily. 7-l*8 CAUGHILL-IR leving me-C mory of Edward J. Caugill,: Vteran cf World War I, who passed away Feb. 20, 1940. I, wbe oved hlm, sadly misa As Il dawus anoîher year, lu my lonely heurs cf liinking,, Thoughbs oc! bu anc alwaysr near. -Lovlngly reîembered snd sadly rnxsed by his wife Flan-1 ence. 7-11 FARROW-Ilvi vng memory cf my dear iusband, Victor Farrow wio passed awsy Pcb- ruai-y 201h, 1958. Twu years have passed since liaI sad day Wben the eue I loved wasé taken away. A silent tiiought, a secret lear Keeps bis memony ever dean.1 Tume takes away the edge a! grief But rnemony turns back eveny leaf. A happy homo we once enjoyed, How swecb the memony stil But deah bas lefi a lonelines The world can nover fil. -Lovingly nemenibered by IWifo Leona. 7.1* FARROW-lu loving niomony o! a dean father sud grand- fathen wbc passed away Febru- ary 20, 1958. Gcd saw you getting weary So Ho did what Ho thougit best, Hecme sud stcad beside you Adwhisperod "Corne sud rest". You wished ne une a lasI, farewell Nor even said goodbye, LYou bad gene, before wo knew il *And only God knaws why. I-Lovingly remembered by son Lawrence, daughter - in - law Matha sud grandchildren Lorelei sud Alan. 7.1* *FAIRROW-'-In loving memory. o! a dean Dad sud Grandad " Victor Farrow, wio passed !way Pc. 20, 1958. aIl only takes a li1110 space **To write hew muci wc miss ycu, » But il will take lie rosI o! our lives To fonget the day we losI you. --Sadly missed by daughtens LHazel anad Daneen, sons-mn-law Gus and James sud grand- children. 7-1 FARROW-lu loving memory a o! îy dean father, Victor Far- rrow, wbo psssed away Pcb. - 201h, 1958. Within cun store cf memonies 1- Thene hoids a place spart, ;- For no anc cisc can ever be 1 Mare cherished in oun heants. t -Lovingly rernembered by s Betty, Lloyd sud children. 7-1 ýFARROW-lu leving niemony 1of a dean Dad sud Grampa, 1Victor R. Farrow, who passed away Februany 20, 1958. aWiat would we give, bis band lu oclasp, y is dca, kind face bo see; rTo ba bis voice, te se his smie, As ithe dayslihat usedltq sThougi is sniile is gene forever, And bis iand wc cannot bouci, , Still wo have so mauy me. mca-les, Of the anc we lovod sa, muci. 1 -Sadiy missed sud ever ne- membencd by daugiter Edua, ;- sou-in-law Paul sud grand- rcbildren Janet sud Paul Jr. e 7-1* ý- IOUNTJOY-In loviug nie- d mory af Theron Mountjoy wbo e psscd away February 18, 1958. ýlke faUling leaves tie years . slip by elWOOLNER -Inu loving re- )n membrauce oe! my dean fatier, mî Charlcs Woolner, who died on I ive In a remenibrance gardon ky O! happy dsys wc'vo known. rSinco you have goesfintalnd I reUL& aLCAuu£I Tic regular meeting cf the Canadian Diabetie Association (Oshawa Bnanch) will be held Febnuary 251h at 8 p.rn. in Mc- Laughlin Hall, 338 Sinicce St. N., Oshawa. Subject for the evening will be "«Diabetic Camps for Cijdren". 7-1 Woodview Community Centre -Monsten B i n g a. Twenty gares-twenty dollars; five games-thimty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door pnizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-If Ontario Farmers' Union are holding a special meeting for ail farniers in Durhami County at Pontypool Orange Hall, Feb.ý 23rd in the aflennoon. Special speaker, Mn. R. Usick, President cf Manitoba Fanm- ors Union, commencing 1:30 p.rn. U J. Wood, Director. . . 6-2 Engagements Mn. sud Mns. Wilmot Shane wish to announce the engage- ment cf thein daughter, Damla Dianna, to Garnet David, son. of Mn. and Mrs. David Genoux. The wedding will take place on- Saturday, February 2th aI 6 p.m., at St. George's Ang- lican Churci, Centre Street, Oshawa., 7-1 CR&sofTnks Many lianks 10. W. H. Brown, Case dealer, for use cf steve, aise te Enniskiilen Grecuhouse for plants for Our turkey supper. Haydou Churci Stewards. 7-1 I would like lu bhank the neigibons, frieuds and relatives fan gifla o! food sent in le niy family, and for help in any othcr way, abso for cards sud lettons sent nie while I was in Kingston. Mrs. Muriel Stevens. 7.1e I would like te lhsuk ail my frieudsansd ueighbouns for their kind remcmbranccs dur- ing rry necent illness. A cure far superion le lie medicines was the knowledge that I was in lie thougits and prayers o! so many. Miidred Colley. 7-1 Harvey sud Noule Bannie would like ta take Ibis oppon- tunity te lhank ail their rela- tives, friendsansd neighbors for lie lovely gifta, cardsansd flowers sud for the lovcly sur- rse party sud te Salem, W.A. g>risthe lovely box a! candy given lien on thc occasion o! licir Golden Wedding Anni- versary on February 9h. 7-1 Jack sud Alice Burgess wisi te express thein lianka te Dr. Stoney, nurses sud staff- e! Me- monial Hospital, Bownianville, and a special Ibnsukato Darl- ington Township sud drivers anid friendsansd neighbours c! Salei for fiowers, sud candi and their willinguess sud as- sistance te help lu any way liey cuuld. 7-1 We wlsb b siucorely lisul oun frieuds for lie niany acta of klndness shown us durngu the loas of a dean wlfe sud mother. We deeply appre ciale Vie kinduesa cf the Menicnial Park Ladies for thoir kinduess follewing lie service, aise ta Vie neighboura o! Souli Ward and Beoch Avenue, te lie L.O. B.A., Foresbers, Lions, Rotary, Specialty Paper Staff sud On- tarie Hydre Staff, to Dr. Ew- ont sud Dr. Slenioui sud ta Rev. W. K. Housiauder our sincee Fred sud Gary Giffin. 7-1* er Sinco you bave gene firsl sud Notices Il I remain_ _ _ _ 1. There'a eue tVig I would Nw" lbi col Ld baveyou dc, NwalePbi co Saik slwjydo le pali of Sehool enroilmeut cii ai deatb 1r54F 10 nItrts<coo1lui LFor soon ruI follow you. tomber, 1960. mnay be surc y, And 1 want 10 know each stop on Woduesday, Februam I. you take between Vie bours cf 2:45 e. bat1mqV wN tek Mu 8:45 pan. lu bhc Senior B eO Fr me day down the loueïy of the wmhooL. The childi - roai have reached his fifth bi you'll heur me eaU your day pion lu March 31,1 * name, Daddy. MrOIOf ug" la nequlrod. L-,Daugiter Barbara, und son., P iei B.ILmunru 4 Aim DUulas, 4 AM-- SAVE on lumben, direct frai mil te you. Phillips Lumber Ce., Kinniaunt, Ont. Phone 17 n Il. 13-t! ELECTRICAL Ropairs. Prompt service le electricàl appliances, large sud smail. Lander Hard- ware. Piano hMA3-5774. 43-tfl FOR good quallty "WaIkin's Produets"' in Bowmanville tele- phono MArket 3-2039. Henry Adanms, 67 Temperanco St. 7-1* DO your own floors and rugs -RenI a sanden, faonr polisher or nug cleaner (shampoo mebi- od). Wc sand faonrs. Lander Hardware. 5-bf INSULATION, blowing meti- cd, witi rock wool. Work- manship guaranteed. Froc esti- mates. Harry L. Wade. Telo- phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf RHEUMATIC Pain? If you. suffer fruni backacies, lum- bago, scialica, Iry Rumnacaps today to help bning you prompt relief. Druggists everywhere. 5-4 WORIC boots sud shoos ut ban- gain pices, browui snd black, ail mies. Bowmanville Sice Repsir, 80 King, St. W., Bow- manville. ,RanI o! Bowmnville Clesuers. 42-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service sud complote stock cf batteries sud cordsata Higgon Electnie Limlted, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvillc. Phone MArketj 3-3305. 7-tfj GET bic jump on old man winten. Sec us for freec esti- mates on "Cariayes" Alumin- tam Doors and Windows. You wil be amazed how economical they arefroni Cowan. Equi- ment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, or Phono MArket 3-5689. 40-bf ON Sale -Unpainted ehests, $15.95; 3-piece bedrooni suite, $89; spring-filled mattress, $19.95; Danish styled chester-n field suite, foani nubben, $199;« steam irons, $14.95; used nug,, lilce new, 6 x 9, $20; refnigerat- ogaanted, $59; bed an sprang,$10. Mrpy Furnitu) CKig West, Bowmanvill MA 3-781.7-1 Uj, m~*A IWnrkrWnntÀd IReal Estate for Sadlec.dEsItate.for SàÈdlior e Articles for Suie GOOD mlxed hay. Phone RA1 5-4055. 4-4* 3r" NORGE electric range. MArket 3-3394. 7-1* ]RADIO, table model, $8. Tele- phone MA 3-3970. 7-1 WATER for mie. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, COlfax' 3-2131. 36-tf 'USED rug, good condition, el x 91, $20. Phone MArket 3-3957. 7-1 OATSp cats and wheat mixed. About il tons. Phone COlfax 3-2525. 7-1* APPLES-Mclntosh, Spy and LaSalle. Will deliver. Eimer Cox, MA 3-7189. 7-2 REBUILT electrlc mnotors, new guarantee. R. D. Morton, tele- phone Orono 14 r 16. 6-12* NEW Hohner 32 basa accordi- on, Lloyd baby carrnage with pad. Phone MA 3-3592. 7-1 ONE double bed and spring, one 3/ bed, spring and mat- tress. Phone MA 3-5403. 7-if CLOVERS, Grasses, etc., in- cluding improved varieties. Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanville. i 5-tf "iCOPYRITE" duplicator, good condition; best offer. Contact Recreation Office, MA 3-3335, Exrtension 6. 7-2 KEYS eut automatically, while! you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 46-tf RELIABLE woian would like baby-slQtfn-g. Phornê MAaketý 3-7036. 17.1 FOR anl your painting and .,ppein, a3-2MelleRozerna. > _hneM_ -28. 4-tf IFiclistress and neçd anrest, give Dunn & Goodall's Deliv- ery Service a test. MArket 3-3842. 6-2* PLUMBING,' heatlngL caves- troughmng, free estimates. Har- vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf MARRIED man with family would like steady employxnent on a farn. Separate house. 7Phone MA 3-2590 or Clarke 3621. 7-1* FOR chhnney work, new or nepair or any brick, block or concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Cg11 L. Turner, Phone MAUrket 3-:5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf Herman Van De Bell GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1 Brick, Block, Concrete and - Carpentry e New Work and Repairs PHONE MArket 3-3694 7 Mli Lane 5-tf Coming Events Browns Came Show, Bow- manville Town Hall, February lmt, 1960, 8 P.m. 53 'The Orono Skating Club Carnival will be in the Onono Arena, Saturday, Feb. 20th, 8 o'clock. -7-1 Buchre, sponsored by Fourth Cub Pack at Memorial Park, February 24 at 8 p.m. Admis- sion 50c and light lunch served.* 7-1 Dance at Tyrone Hall, Sat- urday, Febnuary 20. Clara Nesbitt's Music Makers. Spon- soned by Orange Lodges, Ty- roue. Admission 75c. 7-1 Dance In Pontypool L.O.L. Hall, Fniday, February 19th. Proceeds for Junior Hockey Teai. Draw will be made for prizes. Adults, 75e. 7-1* Join our Collector's Club cf Fine Shelley Bone China Cups and Saucers. Membership i- ited. Sec advertiscment oni page five. Hooper's Jewellery & Gilt Shop. 7-1 Olde Tyme and Modern Dancihg, Saturday, Febmuary 27, Solina Hall. Jim Fisher and Orchestra. Conditions per-, mitting wo may use aur full group including vocalist. 7-2* Leap Year Dance Party oni Saturday, February 27th, 1960, at Blackstock Recreational Centre. Old lime music o! Jake Van Dam and lis group. Everyone Is welcome. Admis- sion: gents 75c, ladies 50c., 7-2 (Tsi) Arends Elecîrie Motors REPAIRS te ail your eioctricul equipment EEWINDING Sales & Service MA 3-3058 U3 Thirul St. Bowmauvillie --1-tf OSHAWA T TELEVIISION AERIAL INSTALLATION & RE Phono Bowmanvilie Oi 3MA 3-5919 RA BELL AN» BOB LE Repairs RADIO sud tleevisioni Prompt service. Pick-i delivcny. George's, 85 E~ E. Phone MA 3-5713. GUARANTEED television sud radio service, to ail makes. Sanie day service. Television Service Ca. Phono MA 3.3883. 49-tf REPAIRS sud rewinding, armn- alunes turned, te al makes o! electrie meons. Higgon Elec- fric, 38 King East. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-t REPAIRS to al makes cf sew- ing macie.Fe pickup and erys Bargain Centre, 9Kn .Telephone MA 3-231.44-tf fnigenatons, domestie and com- mercial; nilking coolers. Hig- gon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-f Fincmcial - UNLIMITED Money Loans- To ciîy and fana folks. Money fer suything sud anywbene. Phoneoro write now. OPS Iu- veslments Lld., 99 Avenue Rosd, Suite 310, Teronto 5, Ontario. WA 2-2442. 7-i 1MONEY TO LEND. Clients' -money for discount purchaseofo .finst sud second montgagcs snd Jagreements for sale. Reply in twriting giving details of secun- 1ity sud teria o! purchase ta Crolgiton, Fraser, Drynan & Murdoch, Box 201, Oshawa. 6-4 Rest Home -Accommodation for private i nd semni-pnivate patients, lounge TV. Fully liconsed, tiew building, modern. Visitors webcome. Reasonable rates. Phono Newastle 4441. 7-tf LAXEVIEW Manon, Pont Penny --Oldslens looklng for a home away frona home; brlght cheen- fu noonis, lounge and TV. For fi panticulars Phone Pont Perry, YUkon 5-7967. 5-41 I Wanted DEMD andiimnned to ck,. TWOchic lts u ilag c Hýampton. Phone CO 3-2672. 74tf SEVEN-roomf brick bouse witi garage, central location. Easy .tonexs, private. Phone MArket 3-3970. 741 PIN boys. Earn £004 roney I seting ' ns.Apply-Libertyl g ÇP eeMA 3-5663. .4-4 CAP>EkTER wantcd at once. Write Advertiser 19,, c/r> T Canadian Statesman..P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvllle. 7-1 RELIABLE young woman, preferably with soine exper- lence in short orden cooking for snack bar on Highway- 115. Mell's Service Station, New- castle. 7-1 CARETAKER for Memonial Park Club H-ouse. Application to be sent bu Mrs. Frank Thonipson, Duke Street, Bow- manville, by Mardi 8th, 1960. Rate o! pay, $10 per week. 7-2 WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Durhamo County and Bowman- ville. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Onlyl reliable hustlen considered. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. B-140- 131, 4005, Richelieu, Montreal. 7-1 FEMALE Secretaries-We have two senior positions open for fully qualified and expenienced stenographens. You should be adaptable and capable of work- ingindependently. 5-day week. Central location. Sickness and life insurance benefits avail- 'ble. Reply to P.O. Box 201, O:(shawa, giving panticulars of -,our experience and qualifica- à ons. 6-2 MODERN 4-rooni apartieênt sud bath, heated. At 12 Di- vision Street. Imniediate pos- session. Apply 10 Division St. 7-il APARTMENT - Living-room, bedrooni, kitchenette and bath. Inlaid linoleum. Cox spart- ments, 23 Tempenanco. Phono MA 3-2555. 49-tf V UNFURNISHED iousokeeping IV rocun, beated. Sepanate en- france, running waler, cup- SALES boardi, counler, basement star- EPAIRS age. Reasonable. 10 Lanibs Lane. 71 bshawa LARGE, bright furnisbed nooni -8180 oungo'nd floor, beated, coul- SASK ral ,j ontaining uew breakfast 39-tf suite, sink, bot sud cold water, electric slave sud nefrigerator, dishes, pots sud pans, bcd- chesterfield, uew wardrobe. repairs, Phono MA 3-7201. 71e rý9 t Nursing Home sud gentlemen aI Lyntanhurst Manor RosI Homo. Telephoue Onono 1771. 6-10* ROSEHAVEN Nursing, Home of Millbrook. Propnieter, Mrs. Gladys Westbake. Regislered licensed nursing hume han va- caucios for up on bed patienta. AU patients on gruund flour. AUl the latest fia-o equlpmont plus fine alan systeni. Day sud niglil nursing cane. Reg-' istened nurse on floon. Tay service, gocd home cooked meals. Inspection any lime. Reasonable rates. Piano 82J, Milbrook. 7-2 Found TAILGATE for small Truckon Concession SI., wesb cf Liberty Street. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Phono CO 3-2685. 7-1 * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES AIYIcL Ton SALEC LIVETOCE FOR SLEI m03 1T .- m>WAWm CADi FOR SmL "mB?- FOUUR»- ET. CS.i ne" ...48meru r yul a mi8nu Mluai ho poi by date of fnertloo H aoditionel 25o wilbe ada. A ohafrlof 25c wU bumode Os, BOTOU - OMNOEVUTS A» 011D OF TAllE 40 a Word wltb a minimum ai 51.00 ftu 25 words or lem. $LWO pet bmrto aie0 l"De "a £ lin "m ou ut01.50pu C abaifmum 0, . bic AddàtIM molnut the uome M Ckmilod Ad@ mmib.ta t"i. ais.mot "tr thon a 6o'dock anom- Wedopdey. le mafm movemoYOMM as r " out fOr od oses U .tvUmsghFum" ~~atdIua >ma 0:30 NAKo 11 àU TM~ A nw Leask Real Esiate M. E. LEASK1 Real Estate Broker 1 *4 rooni new bungalow, cil1 funnace, handwood, iled bath-9 rooni. New garage. 5 rom bungalow near Caes-.1 area, hot waber heating with oùl, 4-piece bath, heavy wiring. On 7/ acre. $1,500 cash. Ternis9 on balance. 65 Ontario St. Eowmianville MArket 3-5919 sales Staff: FreUy L. Ames - MA 3-3406 7-1 Pel er Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 180 acres - 7 room brick house, full basement, furnace, bathroom, L-shape barn, gar- age. A very clean fanm. Pnice cnly _$ 13,000.00. 100 acres north o! Bowman- ville, 10 rooni fully modern house, L-shape barn, very good 1. soul. Ownen will seli or trade'ý on house. 6 acres with 7 room stone house, large L-shape barn, good location. Pnice only $10,500.00. Ternis. 1 % acres with 8 roui, brick house, two bathroomns, modern kitchen, near Bowmanville, facing Highway 2. P n i c e $12,000.00. Easy ternis. 1 %/ acres on Lake Sturgeon, 10 bedroom. lodge, large kitch- on, 7 single cabmns, 2 double cabins, 3 boats. A neal buy at $17,000. Ternis. We have a good list of houa- es, some Vith very low down payment. 189 Scugog St. .flowmanvilie Cail MA 3-3644 galesman: G. Blyleven Phone MA 3-5300 7-1 For Rent THREE-room apartment with bath, stove, refnîgerator, wash- or, dryen. MA 3-3611. 6-tf APARTMENT in Victor Manon, King St. W. Available im- mediately. Apply Wm. Curtis, MA 3-7035. 43-Uf AVAILABLE immediately, , - roon office, 2nd floor, i', street. S. R. James, 24 King R ast, Bowmanville. 44-bfl John F. De Wilh ' bgaller aud General Ensurane Newcastle Phone 3341 Salesmen: 0 Donald MountJoy, Bowmanvillo a, MA 3-3950 - ca Rosm Davîlson, Bethany pu Phono 21 r 4 JE 7-1 bu TU ENNISKILLEN W, ai On SatuMday eveuiing, SIDa, thc homeof !Mr. snd IM. Harvey McGll wau lie perfect place for s deligilfül gathering vi wtieu !&. sud Mns. McGlll royally entcrtaluod the. Sm. Choir andi hein wiives, bus- w bonds sud apeciai fniende 10 a Party o! Ruchre snd Lost Hein. The pnizo,, provided by wi Mns. E. A. Wery weme wonui for bigi scores by Min Betty , Kuox, Mms. M. Stainton, ?&. tj Joo McGili, Mn. J. A. Werry, BC Misa Btty Jane Wenry, IMater 0 Charles Ashton, sud low soe by Misa Elesuor Lgtn n.G R. Virtue Mr. E. Wright, Mr. l IL MeGii, Ms Betty Wright i and Master Lawrence Wright. Pl A dellcious lunch wuasesrv- t« ed by Mmm. McGiII,,amslsed by bar daughter Mnm R. Vinlue, A short business period was conducted by Pros. O. C. Aoh- ton wbeu plans were made for a ouchre sud lest beir party for everyon. whlch la to be held lu lie Coanmunlty Hal on Foi. 20 t 8 p.m. . )4r. E. Wright voloedtheb. precl*tlen of th e = 0e and Mm.McGill th hou- pltshlty. Wi. meS eting The sunsieand a fUne afternoou brought a g ccd num- ber ef ladies out to 1he W.. und Valentine Tua, F.b. 9, et the church, wlth Pr...Mm .P Ta" 1 pruslDIng.The blasas $14,500 li a YEAR for the REGHT MAN Ws don't want te, misiesi yon Into tbinklng that making $20,000.00 ln a year is as easy as fallint off a lot . .. But we do puy our mon froni $14,500.00 te $50,000.00 In a year und we want the same kînd of a man lu the..Bowanaville anea. Bers are our nequrement .. a-~ 46 to 60 ... williing to ac- ept responslbillty . .. able 10 make auto trips te, sumnunding terrItory te eall on our cuslena- ers. Vie don't expeot you to gel rich thes tiraI day, but wo will make Il wonth your whlle igiel from the tarI! This la a full- lime Job . . . Il pays mlghty weil. t la nlhnulatint und fuled with big reward.a for honest effort.- Sound worthwhile? Thon tell us about yourself, your sales background and your earnlng requirements. Lot me heur front you Immediateiy. E have a mighty Intenestlng offer for yen. L. B. Swailow, Fresîdent, Box 789, Font Worth 1, Texas 7-i Livestock for Sale ' YORKSHIRE chunks. A. L.9 ixichard, CO 3-2722. 7-i mILL pigs, hay and straw. j-ustin Wood, MA 3-2388. 74* YOUNG Shonthorn ccws and bufls aI farner's pnices. J. Baker, Hampton. 48-bf ONE reglstened polled Here- fond bull, 1 ycar old. Monley McAllister, Campbellcroft, R. R. No. 1, Ont. 6-2 PHRASANTS, 3 females snd 1 maie, neasonable; oue pain black and white Engllsh rab- bita. MA 3-3430. . 7-1 Wanted ta Buy YOUNG r don keep for breeding. Phcone 33 - 19, O ono. 7-1* IJSED twin sînollen. Bruce Taylor, Enniskillen. COlfax 3-2695. 7-1* ALL kinds o! live poultry wsuted. Hlighest pnices paid. M. Plaît, Belisuy R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 coleel. 4-bf Carm for Sale 1951' CHEV. %-ton truck. James McLaughln. Telepione CO 3-2735. 7-1 '55 CHEVROLET Station Wag- on, V-8 meon, low milleage, ~rivat e; $1,250. 5-room apace eater, $20. MA 3-5219. 7-1: ALLSTATE Auto Insursuce. Save 20%. Six months tb pay. For personal service ut your home eaU Oshawa RA 5-2802, coilect. 2-tf1 SES Ted Campin Molors ma a-4du - am .RA 854571 M? King st. Haut (lad BHut et Wihum Rd.) OBHRAWA 10-tf IGEST prices paid for used fumnlur, apliances, Iode- visonscwugmachines, etc. Aise selsdexcbsuge. 59 King St. W. Phone MArkel 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHIST pricen paid for live1 peultny, gooBe fesîhers, feati- er tieks, ncrap iran, rags, moIassasd raw furs. Phono RiA 8-2043 Oshawa cdlleet. 48-tf, Personl HTGENIC supplies - (Rubber gods) mailod posbpsld in plain aledi envelope with price liaI. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T28 ' Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 01, Ham- ilton. ont. 1-521 dl PILE (Huemorrholda>. No pWced up pnomptly. Tel o1I1ui il 108tmalter bow long you bave had COlax 3-272I.-MI Pur I A NEW 14 x 24 grader tire Ibis complaint we may be able lfanm, Tyrone. 37-f chah, South o Cadinus lu Carl- te belp you. Write for lme >.IwrighlTowUbp. Ifinder pieuse package of Pylatum, lu Brand- ]Piano Tuffing InoIi2yRoBd S rntnetM.ed PharmnaceutIcal Agecy 71 - 111:14t. 1a4St ± ilet odU guAT --o A y3 v. *. - ~ -Tain - CVADANWfAau UOMAIYH1ACUAUO inesday aflernococalions M&r. sud Mns. Frank Dor- &s, Bowmaawl-le. mmn. ROY snd Harold Spry ffotter, N.Y., woen w;;keajÀ itors ut 3M.a.nd Mmrs. E Ights. &Wa Shaon Wery apnthUe ekend with Ma !Whty jane îry. . Wr. aid ?MN. oYd 1%100 ± family,- Burketon were k Mr&. andl Mi'. Carl rIz.. mmlis L BOWMan daugli. ce if. ndmm WIlfred vanai, Enniskiflen,-le bWnig Wmtulated -en pammlng *Ae ade 8 Piano exambx#iom o! Royal CSmarvetony of mu. with Honora,1"m uwau Mdi 3rc inl aa liasof hr 1a aue3a M330 -3o à YOU T H PREFERABLY WlTH MGH SCHOOL EDUCATION FOR POSITON 0F Clerk Messenger APPLY Personnel Manager Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company BOIVMANVILLE COPY o! "Fainbalru's Histomy and Reminiscences of Bowmau- ville." Twenly-flvo dollars of- fcred. Write Advertiser 16, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.. Box 190, Bowuvllle. 6.2*1 Plasfering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO ANI) NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 Ki"g St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf KEITH DAVEY Livesiock Shippers AN» GENERAL TRANSPORT Phone CO 3-2639 46-26e Save money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanvile CORNER KING & ONTARIOI 24-tf Iubber Footwear RepaIra VULCANIZED Jamieson Tire Shop KING & SILVER ST. BO WMAN VILLE 1- ý amen -1; 1. :>l É McQuay aud Kidd - REALTORS Membens cf Oshawa Ir District RoiRel ate Board 1roouiincarne home, very central. $13,000 wat low dowu paynIent., rustem 150 acre faniru sraa goad earby baud. Sacrifice ut $18,000 with $4,000 down or beat offen. Building lot aI Maple -rove on Highway, $1,100. Cottage cn Scugeg Lake, 4 bedrooma, balinooni, garage, Sicpherd inboard cruiser. Prie- ed fon quick sale. Cabi WALTER FRANK 177 Chance St. MA 3-3893 Bowrnanille 7-1 Peler Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 1» Rint St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817. Salesmu - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Beautiful 6-rooni new brick bungalow o! modemn design. AUl modem conveniences. Close te sehool. $78.00 per îonth includes taxes, principal aud interest. Full pri c e o ni1y $12,900.00. Ternis arranged. 1 1.4-storey 6 nooni home wili cil funnace. Large lot. Garage. Priced te sell. Law dawn pay- ment. Easy tennis. We have s tuyen for a bungalow in le Orchardview Bbvd. ares. List with us for belten ne- nuits. 7-1 De Wilh Real Es-tale 100 Acre fan on higiway, 85 acres wonksble, largo L- shaped bank ban, lheubouse, etc.; 8 noomed home wilh ail modemn conveniences. Pnice $18,000. Ternis anranged. 100 Acre farm, 75 acres wonkable, flowing spring, 601 x 42' bank ban, double garage; il roonied brick home, furu- ue. Asking $15,000. Tennis. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM, commutiug distance o! Osha- :wa, excellent bank barn, bulk codler, etc.; 8 noonied homo with ail modern conveniencea. Pnice sud ternis arranged. 100 Acre farni, iocatcd 4 Smiles froni Oshawa, 95 acresý Sworkabe, A-i soil, croek, good bank barn with water bowbsi; '7 roomed home, beavy duty wired. Price $25,000. Ternis 100 Acre farn, 65 acres :wrkable, renainden Wood, 60' x 30' bank barn, drive shed; .T roomed homo, beavy duty 1wired. Pnice $9,000 wlti $3,000 down. e50 Acre farm, 40 acres wonk- u ble, lange bank barn, drive shed, creek; 8 roomed brick homo with funnace, runniug .water. Prico $13,000. Ternis. 8 Roomed brick home with ail modern conveniences, bard- :Wood floors liougicut, il furnaco, etc. Price $10,500 witi $2000 down. ,2 Bedroom. bungalow In Newcastle wlth ail modemn convenionces, hardwood fboons, full basement. Garage. Price $10,000. Ternis. y3 Bedroorn brick bungalow ' i Bownville with ail mod- cru couveniences, hardwood suad bile floors, full basement, .modem kitchen. Prico $13,500 with $2,000-. dowu. .2 Bedrooni bungalow lu gBowmsuville wlth ail modemn tconveniences, full basenient, .modemn kitchen. Pnice $8,500 3 Bedroom bungfpaw lu ,Bowmnisvible wit lt modern couiveniences, hardwood fionrs. iAsklug pricc $10,000. Ternis. . 13 Roomed brick home in *Newcastle, close te main streeb iwibh extra lot. Asking $8,000 ,with iow dowu payment. MmrA, PEU. Utb. M he devotionaïwas rby Mrs. M. Staintoi% aise gave nome thugte ",Stewardship". M- 1'P s gave a report of -bhe ting aI - Newcastle .o! the >ytenial officers wbich ah* Mms. R. Virtue attended« ntly. le programi which wus ln ge cf Mns. F. Beckett was ollows: piano instrumnenta] L. Lamb; readin,'Mn,. L rp ITen. Ways te KilI a tq, The chapter "On 6- [e,' froni tie Atricau ly was well pneparod and. an by Mrs. R. Vintue. ae Africans cann>t .bave past cornpletely and yet' enot completely entered pnesent, but they are mov- changing froni aid te uew. bridge spans tic wiole of ca, sud evenything thaI can do te help. Africans in building and in bhc cross- fr9m lie old to lhe new serve ta bring peace ancf nrstauding, flot only in ca, but in lie world. As Afnican friend put il "W. ,notl bave the good of aur ýtic strengti o! aur rota. wo must graw." hauks are due Gnaup Two the lovely Valentine Tea ch was semved te raise iey for supply. ýrup 1, 3 aud 4 had a su- ;ful bake sale, afler the con- ;on o! the meeting. Ir.-and Mra. Arthur Jackson [Stanley, Toronto, wene iay visitons ut Mn. and i. R .j. Ormiston, rernuin- over-night ne the blizzard wîorse. r. snd Mns. Adama Sharp .e Sunday visitai-s at Mr. [Mrs. Earl Masters, Bow- aville. Ims Elsie Oke sud Mr-. AI- SOke were Tiursday boa sts of Mn. and Mrs. Clan- Avery sud fanully, being occasion o! Mn. Oke's birti- iss Laura Flelden, Union, sWednesdiay tes guest cf and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Ir. aud Mrs. Stanley, Rahus family, Il. snd, Mr. Har- Hamailton and famlly, Mn. ak Hopkis, Blackstock, re ovor-night guests ait Mn.. [Mrs. John Gniffin's,, as- ir car were suow bouzi thigbway. Many mure homo lad over-'night gucats where.r storn ad delayed liez»u tic niglit. Ir. and Mrs. Sandy Mccc.. rley wore Satra nn tors et Mm-.sud44ened, &sa. Rowan and Miss Annie I rany Yelverton, were Thurt.~ visirtons withMns Mr.L &r. Clarence Avery, Uin& 1called on Fnldu.y il Mr. LMirs. Clarence Avery's. &n. sud, Mns. E. Crydermen, LKeM h Solina Leslie Mid- ton wes'e over-nigit gel ,W-. sud Mrs. Leotiard Stain- ýail were unable to get ne- leased to report Mrs.. W. gley was able to corne home in hospitai. dms. Lamnock and Miss Oak- 0ononito Teachers Collage, with our Senior loucher, a. Taylor far tlii week sud wlth the Weam'sz for 1h. ek. &r. and Mn. Clarence Av- and fanilly were Salur- , 1 ; 1 1 . 1 ( 1 1-1 ý-1- - 1 - 1 -jý : 1 ýi 11 :1 1 - - - 1 ', - 1: P- 1 - si il .24tbl. . - - - -- -1-- --

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