Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, p. 13

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I!EUEUDAY, TED. 10h, 1066 - - @AKANAN TATEDMAN. EOWIIANVH.LU. ~TARTO - -~ PAGE 1~1~ L»#«e to tihe Editor eKinsmen Celebrate National Kin Week jGive Report to Public 'Dear Editor: As publicity chairnian of the Bowmianville Kinanien Club we would like to draw t.he Ï>ublic's attention to National Kin Week which will be held from Feb. 15th to 2Mt. ýWhile we don't believe a prvice club should brag about tgadnievements, we do feel 0.epublic who have support- ëd us so well have a right to know what we have done. 1rr *à reason, we intend to promote this special week by oubmtting a report of our «Uvities f0 1the peope throug pour aewlpaper. .Our efforts aw yof know have been directed in the main t.oward the. financing of! artifi- cialJ e in the arena. This was et big undeTtaking for our club which was very Young at that tinie. However, I do believe it has muade the Yinsmen Club of Bowmianville what it is ta- day, a young man's service or- ganization whose aïm is to take care of! "our C>mmun&ty's Greatest Need". This project has kept Our club busy year after year to rneet the heavy financial obli- gations entailed. Many tumes l'have heard niembers asic why we should continue to mnake these payments when the club ets nolihing out of it. There ~sno gteat satisfaction in working bard naising money, on&y to hand it over to the town at the end of the year. ' hen., we stop to think what tf would be like in this town without artificial ice in the 4rena. Who is getting the ben- efit? The kds are certainly being helpedi. You can see Iheru every Saturday morning if you are up at 6:30, headling to the aren~a with their hoc- key equipment. They are stiil there at 6:30 in the evening,1 Air, Rail or Steamship TI1C K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 Bowmanville - ù»ýaduit In9truci. You euld "aim oh nw moy c~skating en ride nights, even the. girls wt b ave now taken up broombe during th. week. h. moi eacli of us watch 1h.e rena activities, the more we res ize that the Kinanens dec sion to be responsible forf >nancing artificial ice was ii deed a major effort to met "Our' Conununity's Greatei Need". Without it, oui' Juver iles would have no place1 play lhefr .hanipiona&p hci key and the youngsterw froi a wide area around tItiscor ruunity would have no fail] ties for regular recreation aw ice. Aft the end of titis letter la statement of the debentur debt payments which the Kme men Club has met during thl pust few years. It will be not ed that we stili have severs years to go on this proje<i but 1 feel confident that th club wrnl continue, wlth th pubfle's assistance, to cari out its part of the obligatior It would be appreciated1 The Canadien Statesmai which bas been most belpf' to us in helping ta raise al this money, would also se ifs way clear to publish ti report ta the public durirj National Kin Week. The Kinsmen Club took ci fiis proýect soon alter fil club was formed in 1950. Thi total cost for the artificial ici plant which was started i 1953,was for $45,000. We rais ed through drives, car draws etc. $20,000 which was paic in cash and the town issuec debentures for $25000 ovi a ten year period. To date, w4 bave paid off $22,675, $6,4V being interest. Balance stil to be paid aniounts to $9,67! including $895 interest. Ti will be paid by 1962. Total amount paid wvill amiunt tc $52,370. Yours sincerely, Art IHooper, Kinsman Club Publicity Chairman, ORDER VOUR SEATS NOWI CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW COLISEUIM-TORONTO MARCH il O19 TRIO COTTAS-Amazingly different o POMPOFF WeIDY & CO-Spain's Royal family of Comedy * GUY THERON & CO. -The finest bicycle *ci ever developed a FRANKS RETRIEVERS -Greatest refrieving ctin sport show history a JIMMY RISI( end NORMA-Sensofional horsethoe pitcliing a# ifs best a BOS IIAWTHORNE-Worid's casting champion o. THEf SLICKERS- ~ Thse most popular performmng seuls ever WAMBOLDT SISTERS & PETERS BROTIHERS -Combine for exciting acts of log rolling end cane titing o SQUARE DANCING- Guy end colourftl o GO-KART RACNG- A thriff-c.minutel Performances Twaoe Doly (Exeept Sonay) 2.15 P.Mnd 8i .15 . . Prites-Eveningo mad Safrdmy efternens-Ail Samfs fee.rvmi R.eervéd Seots $1.25-Box Sauafs$1.75 Plus Admission ta Iuldng- Adultus 50J (on udvanced sales only) Children 25J Admission t Buildings Onl>-Aduits 7StS Clildren 25J Admission tcket InoNdces fimerrcas Fnss Springtme Ehiition-Svn lgrit shows I n -iliidings MMs lis. il @.m. te Il pw. (u7 excep Sunduy) fer ominintictkets, write (eiidesinq chaque m er sy eider) le: lie nadian Natbwni SotmrsSo m- 11-1 1w lay rho fi- in- .et wtL c- on Mayor Wifrid Carrutuerm tuer. wer. tlree taxi services "If an operator wants to -addj in!ormied the * Bowmianville i Bowmanvi]le ail doing well. cars over his quota lue must a Town Council meetin~g helti Rates Lower Bers apply ta council for more li- tre on Monday evening that Ed 1%1e Mayor inquiret wihe- cences," The Town lerk re-i is- Rundie, wbo bas been a lead ther tue present taxis are giv- plieti1 ho er in Little NHL activitiesig satisfactory service and Refuse Application 1 t- hati suggested that Bowman- ho their rates compare with The motion to refuse Mr.1 al, itteisen ivito atiotue 1962 taxi rates in otuer towns.iMEwna taxi licence made1 etLitle HL o hld he 962Couneillor Lathangue saiti by Couneiblor Lathangue was4 hc Touriaaent in B inanville. rates are lower in Bowman- carrieti. he His Worship pointed ouf ville tuan ini tewns of cou-1 No Home Delivery 1 n. ment theLttlherelBournan- parable size. He added thaf A lette- from the Munici-1 S. mentc' enf enenial Yea h- service here is gooti. pal Service Company offering1 in M' b Cu e conducteanti he Ceuncillor Latuangue as- to provide a nunibering sys- anule tw l o receive agnd phb serted that if is net the nuni- t cm for tue tawn was receiv- ýu ity fhadrom iB ofom pub-ber o! permits granteti but tueecd anti filed on motion o! l avent fon tioye prt in a number o! taxi-. unifs tu at Councillor Presson, secondeti ee Lit tarNi. o naentart ineamatter. "There are nine units b2r Councillor Lathangue. The saLidte. ounmet e peirafing here now. Soec Town Clerk explaincti that wa*ie saneibytu towns bave ane unlit per 1,000 even if suoli nunubering were In M ayor fb a i. bdu e rpeuple, othens have ane per' carnieti out Bowmnanvillc stili LittMayorNHLannhe uleoura-1,500," he explainedi. is not sufficiently big enough1 n itte NtsHs anbe altieunat- Stifling Competitlon? for the provision of homne mail1 'erably abead o! time, so if "I wontier if it would be delivery. coni eiei otnite stifling honest compefition if Councillosr Fiee, secondeti -nvitation it shoulti be sent to tbis taxi licence were not by Co0uncillor Hughes, meved lS tu, omte e.H tdt granteti, Councillor Ken Nicks that tbe $10 fee for mernber- ithat theue ment will be remarked. He saiti a man cari sbip lu tue Nortihumberlandi- d belti in Eastern Ontario in corne to towuu andi open a Durhami Firefigliters Associa- Er 1962. clothing store, or other refail ion be paiti. This was oerried. 6'e Reeve Sidney Little, second- shop anti not needt t obtain A irequesf for a grant fromu 75cd by Councillor Glenholme a licence as a taxi operator the Canadian Mental Healtu. jU Hughes, moveti that Mr. Run- would bave to do. Hie asked Association was referre t f1 7dle's request lie accepteti as if if w<îuit be wise te prevent the budget conuuittece on mo- uice hati rade such ta success a mari from earnîng a living tioni of Counciflor Lathangue, ai o! tue last time, anti council as a taxi operator.seo et by Cuclr invite fuie Little NHL ta bold Anyone wisluing to start a Hughes.1 tu e 1962 Tournensent in Bow- refail business in Bowman- One Day a Year 1 manville. This was carrieti. ville must- obtain a transient H. Edmondson's request fort New Taxi Application trader's licence, R. B. BRey- permiission f0 fence a roati al- An application was receiv- nolds, the Town Clerk, sta- bowance by bis Pine Street ed froirn J. Mc-Ewen for a ii. ted. He saiti that Mn. McEwen property was dealt with. If cenoe to apenate a taxi lucre, bar just rnoved ta Bowînan- was explainedth iat a spur lines Councillor Keith. Lathangue ville f rom tue wcsf anti wanf s crosses tue alowancc anti stateti thaf he believes that te operate one taxi cab. only fields are behinti it. ItI the prescrit taxi services lucre Adequate Service Now was moved bty Councfllors shoulti be pretect cd as taxis Askcti for an opinion by tue Nieks, secondeti by Coundil- f are the. only transportation Mayor, Police Chief Kitney 1er Hughes, that permission service in tue town. "If coun- saiti Bowmanville lias ade- b. granted Mri. Edimondson 4cil grants tuile man- a licence quate taxi service now. Hie for $.00 a year anti witu the fit will harnu the present busi- peinteti out tuat lu places provision that the fence be nez o! tue taxi operafors where permits are given f0 taken downA one day a yean te now here," be asserteti. too many operators some can protect tihe town's f itle. Counefllar Latuanigue poin- flot make a living lu tue taxi Three Man Arbitrafion ted ouftlthalue had lied 10 business and are hiable to turu A request froru the Bow-f years experience in the taxi to booflegging. The Police iainville Police Association I business here, anti tuat lue is Chie! saidth te taxi situation asking for a one mmnArbitra-l well aware o! the problems in Bowmanville is goo0d. tien Board in place o! tue tuat coult be createti by the Couniller GlenhOirne Hu- Pnfflnt thre. asdacset granting of toc many taxi li- ghes pointeti out that a taxi If was saidti lat if would not censes. He moveti that tue operaf or already in business be ativisable f0 make a change application bu refuseti. Reeve bere cari adti cars, wfhile a in fthe Act. Arbitration is f i-c Sidney Little secondeti the mnan with only anc car is af ual anti bintiing and tii la mre" motion, a serieus disativantage If he desirable to bave thiree arbi- Councillor O. J. Pressonl cannot obtain, a permit to op. trators than one. If was mov- agrectinl general that the erate if. He asicet if an oper- cd by Councillor Presson, se- town could bave too nsany ator already lu business cari condeti by Councillar Hughes,E taxis, but he reinindeti coun - add f0 uis fleet witheut ob- anti carrieti, that fth. nequest cil that until quite recently faining extra permit. for thern. be refuse&i £Recreation ÇReviews I Choral Society tact the Secretary, Mira. Jack 'Me Bown'snvile Choral Bridgeland, 478 Fernbifl Blvd., Society held tbeir annual elec' Osbawa. tion o! officers at the comple- If you are interested ini join- tion of their practice on Mon- ing the Choral Society please day, February lst. The offi- feel free to attend one of their cers for the 1960 season are practices. The Choral Society as follows: President, Milton meets every Monday at 8:00 Rainey; Vice-President, Wal. in the Bowananville Town. ter Goode; Secretary, Mrs. J. Hall. Bridgeland; Treasurer, Mrs., Hockey Mothers D. S. Ferguson; Past-Presidetit, Threuamotyme- Joh Phhip; Lbraian Mis ig o! the Bowmanville Hoc- Dora Purdon; Social Conven- key Mothers' Auxiiary will ors, Mrs. Gordyn Brent, Mrs. be held at the Lions Commun. M. E. deJong. ity Centre on Tuesday, Febru- The. members of the Choral ary 23rd at 2:00 p. Society are practising for the It is hoped that a tew more Peterborough Music Festival mothers will turn out for this whioh wil be held sometinie meeting. Any mother who has early in May. a boy playing Uinor Hockey It was also decided by the i Bowmanville is welcomne exeoutive that the Choral S<- to attend the meetings. ciety make themselves avail-, Chess Club able- to any organizatioristur We have had an inquiry as, groups who would be inter- t o the formation of a Bow.* ested ln having the Choral So-1 manville Obess Club. If you ciety perforru for them. If are interested in such a pro- you know o! any interested ject or know o! someone who organization have them con- is, please have thern contact l'I the eceaw.Jîs OfficeO-4 MAI r--------------------------------------------------- .=. - - - - III ----------------------------------------------------------------- ut' 11111 iii WMM ~ Tee Pees won their second straight playof! gaine by de- feating the Cuba 5-4. The win moved the Tee Pees inte sec- ondi place in the playof stand- ings. Larry Perris anti Bob Slecp accounteti for ail the Tee Pees goals. Larry Perris scoureti three goals anti an as- slet whule Bob Sleep scoreti two goals andti wo assists. Bucky Hughes (2), Davidi Kerr' anti Taullie Tiiompson accoun- ted for the Cubs' four goals. Bon Riichards anti Bucky Hughes picicet up assigsa on tue Cubs' goals. Eaclu feanu collecteti anc penalty. In tue fourth Bantam. game o! Lihe day tihe Huskies finally foundth le range anti came Up with tueir first win in ten games ta, defeat tue Braves 4-2. Bnian Down (John Depew), Wayne Pearce (Bill Depew), Casey Denhertog anti Don Martin were the goal scorers for ftie Huskies. Ricky Lucas anti Brian Forsey (Murray Brown) accounteti for the Braves' two, goals. The teams eacu coilecteti two penalties during tue ganie. Pee Wec Hockey In thue first Pee Wee gaine o! the. day the Wings broke a three gaine bosing streak by tiefcating the Rangera 6-2. Paul Huggett (2), James Mc- Infyre (2), Paul Lucas anti Locke MeNair were the goal scorers for tue Wings. Mke, Gibbs accounteti for bath tihe Leafs' goals. lu thse second Pee Wee ganse, the Bears defeateti the Cana- disas 3-1 to unove into sole possession o! first place in flue playof! standings. Lawrene Wright o!f the Bears scoreti two goals andi eue assist ta leati tue Bears' scorers. Terry Slebarth accountet fer flhe Béars' etuer goal. Bill Surn- merofaord (2) and Morris Hon- eymn collecteti assists on tue Bears' goals. Bruce Mieadows (Cliarlie Ewarf) accounteti for the Oeuadians' only goal. In tue thir'd andi final Foc Wèe ganse of tue day the Leafs handedth te Glants their fisrit, defeat in ten games by a 1-0 score. Terury Smith soedth te ihuing goal for thec Le-afs eanly lunfthe firat perieti. Bath teana uussed nuny opportun- ities fo score. Ronnie Sinzp- amn of thi.Leafs colleotsed th. only penaty ci the gaine for interférence. Atout Hockey In the, tiret Atom gaineof th. day tue laidans stililuhelt their jiuxs over tue Hornets by defeating tuein 1-0. Tiie In- dian have becs-ithe1 onîy team, ho defeat the Hornets no fan f11. sason. Michael Oke (Jciunny Oyler> soredth le ýwku1ng -mÉ1w #l m.ii J E I ( f I t c a I a Juvs. Defeat Trenton 12 to 2 In. Playdowns Ladies' Majl Bernice Euday's bowlers roanped to rthi rd mfralght win, a 2-1 decisio over Kay Beauprie', teau, to take over undisputed possession o!f tret place, last Monday nkght. Whhie Euday la undefeated, the Beauprie club la still look- ungfor their first vicliory. Noles than seven feam are tied for the runner position, a single point bi;ni the leaders. Doris Joll' crew mnade their first win of the achedule, a big one, trouncing Norma Norris' outfit ta rnove info second. Joyce- Lyle's club also broke inta 5the win col- umn taking a 2-1 decision over Dot Brooks' bowlers. Two teams aecepted lheir firet setbacks, as Hilda BroCk's club dropped a 2-1 verdict to Onie Etchers squad, and La- la Wright went down to de- feat at thie hands of Donna New Taxi Turnec Down Littlie N.H.L. Tournament Invifed. Here A gain in 19 62 Council Agrees. fo Pro jecf 01 flie day flue Bombera de- featedth te Bisons 4-1. Bob Howes, Joe Hircock, John Taylor andi Normian Neatis ac- counteti fer tue Bombera' four goals. Rennie Webb kept tue Bisons fron being blanked, wihen lue scoreti the Bisous' only goal at the 19:59 mark o! tue final period. Lions MWitget-Juvenile Leagne In ftic first Miltget-Juven- le ganse o! tue day tue Coin- ets tiefeafedth te Mareens 5-1. Thse win move th te Cornets into a first place f ie witu tue Beekefs lunfthe playof! stand- ings. Don Bagneil (3), Gien Blackburn anti Roti Taylor were fthe goal scorers fer fhe Cornets. Davidi Wooiner, Roti Taylor, Bob Burgess anti Neil Hooey picceti up assists on ftue Comnefs' goals. Keith.Bail scor- cd the Maroons' only goal miti- way through tihe first perioti. The Maroons collecteti thure o! tue four Penalties luanded, ouf in the gaine. Iu fthe second Mtiget-Ju- venule game tue Rockets de- feateti the Raitiers 3-0 to move into a first place fie. Richard MeLean accounteti for ail tbree Rocicets goals. Howie Poilard anti Grant Flintaf f picked uo assista on MicLeans' goals. The Rackets collect cd two ef the three penalties hantietiouf. Gamnes Scheiuled For Saturday, February 2Oth Pee Wee League-A.M. 7:00-Rangers vs. Bears 7:45-Hawks vs. Gianfa 8:35-Leafs vs. Bruina 9:20-Canadians vs. Wings ibntam League-uA.M. 10:20-Huskies vs. Flyers 11:05-Braves vs. Pirates Il :55-Lions vs. Tee Pees Atom League.-P.M. 12:40-Indians vs. Bisons I :35-Bombers vs. Rama Lions Midget - Juvenile League-P.M. 2:25-Rockets vs. Orphans 3:10-Cornets vs. Generais Girls' Broombaîl lIn the first Broomnbaîl gaine PlaYeti last Monday affernoon thec Avalons de! cated the PresicYs by a 2-0 score. Elaine Eilificlti anti Gertrude Cale were tue goal scorers for the A.valonis. The gaine ha@ been protesteti by tue Pureslcys due to irregularities in changing mies. In -the.second Broonibali game o!fLthe atternoon the Fa- biens came up with their best scoring effort o!fuihe season to defeat the Boones 4-0. Joan Crawford anti Pat Kilpatrick each coilected two goals for lue Fabiens. Santira Johinston of tue Boones andi AlIréda Jones o! tue Fabiens collected the only- penalties o! the.gaine. Ga.mos aSoduesifor 5:1b p4m-,Avaone vs. Eout 6:00 p.m.-F&biens va. Pree- leys. The. Canadien Cancer Scie- ty la organlzed lu 2000 Cana- carris on education porn and givesamssiatanc, teaincer patients. IL aloo provadisM".- or 1m w umu EVANS 50 FT. WHITEFACE Power Tape, Housed in zinc plated, steel vinyl covered case. Finger tip power blade retrnt. REG. $8.3 $10.10 3 CHIROMIE Cabinet Hardware Beautifully chrome plated on hlgh quality steel. De- slgned te, enhance modern cabinets and kitchen cup- boards. Chrome Knob - -.15 %'I S. C. Hinge .26 2%" Back Plate .10 18" Pruning Saw Double edge blade. Coarse tooth edge for qulek cutting. Flne tooth edge for hand-to- ge-at spots, H a r d woo i handle. REG. $1 .84 ged lni fte nme li-h tu oth Att SIUR fl flIlE witk rubber non-slip kandi. NIAI TRiAIS an U'WIu sous 16 O.-, PERFECT lu Icum caàw bOUBlE STMENGTU WUIU &ý ShA iSm GyRIATEST REGULAR $3.98 ci CUSIIION eUP vSHOCK - OUANTITY 1MAXIMUM COMPORT, SIREfiGTH & SAFET? NOIE BARGAIES AT on1 WHITE ELEPHANT TABLE 4 PIECE CANISTER SET B.outf &mro ,w.d csign. R.nd..d en bright --kitchom cdean"ý'colour baickground. Hondylknob top. R.quired un every k tchen for teo, oSf fee gr f tour etc. .Inside moti* 1 If =4 nak éhrpro<*, *bute prof, -»A * net in HAND Scout Axe Stront, Swedish f orgte d blade. Hardwood varnlsbed handie. Just the thlng for camp or home. REG. $ 1.85 8 IROOL LUNCH KIT REG. 1.25 SIEIL65Sc Ail metal witis plastic bandI0. W hi t. u 7 ltn'ttn. Vm.uum botti. belder. At- ta'activ.Iy flMseL u K!NG ST. W. BOWMANVILL9 k .- DerIl Johnson, Trenton seconds later to fool tue Tren- s' i.-8-uam Dy iu111tu goal-keeper, was the most ton goalis with a uliden b,.. Em Stringer's bowlers edg, outstanding player on the ice, tween bis skates. OUie PaL! ields crew 2.1 lu spite of the 12 goals that The homesters, kept up a tue renimning contest. got past hum, lu a juvenile sustained attack itue sec-. Barb Bathgate net the pa playoff contesf, here Satur- ond, tallying four more lu the witu a glittering 321, gail day night. Johnson robbed tue first eight ninutes. Jin Rick- followed by "Gin" Ellis 21 locais o! at least ha]! a dozen ard notched tue firat at 1:s6 Donna Preston (258 eud M, more mankers, as tue high- as Terry Black sliti the puck ra Hkipps 257 flying Bowmanville crew con- across, after being tripped. Kay Beauprie's 663 toi troled play almost through- Mlex Wiseman started the took high triple hanours, wi ouf. play. Bagnell counfed his sec- other high scores going The visitors appeared as if ond on a golf swing, as be "Gin" Ellis 623 and Gra they might given tue local and James bofli took a swipe Blackburn and Essie Cor bc crew a battie, during tue firstat Brian Hughes' pass. Bag- With 619. twelve minutes, as Bowmau- ness marked up the hat trick! Team Standings ville led 1-0 on a goal by 49 seconds later, roaring in toi Brian Hughes froin Doug take Brian Hughes" perfect Bernice Buday James and Don Bagneil. But pass on Johnson's doorstep. Hilda Brock_____ fthc locals quickly rarmmed Black completed tue scoring Doris Joli -_______ in six goals in six min- at 7:58, as he !ound the bot. Lola Wright utes to lead 7-0 at the end of, tom corner effler stealing the Donna Preston the opening, perioti. James disc fromn a Trenton defenti- Dot Brooks______ stated the deluge. at 12:25, er. Onie Etcher_______ going in alone and dleking the Gary Chard and Gary Eru Stringer goalie perfectiy before slip- White finally Put Trenton on Joyce Lyle ping tue puck into tue cage, thue score sheet with ufl8ssist- orme atNuis _____ on a picture effort. Brian ed goals, 48 seconds apart, Kay Bapi Hughes intercepfed a clearing early in tue tiiird. The lasers Bapi attempt to set Jamnes up. rappet inl another, seconds la-1 Averates t er, but it was disalloWed be-OreEcr-. 2 With Dou Jaune.cause fthc puck 1usd bit a Dot Brooks _____ hooking, Joe Botuwell leaP- beam before tuesotW5KyBape-____2 ed igh inluthe air to * bat ruade. MeCuou h twha kGac e Bacunn 2 down an icing attempt and th final marker lufo fubnguHlaBrc r-_____2 pass f0 Brent Hughes for the ging af the 10:32 mna trkon a No rNouris_____ 21 third tally. The saine conubin- pass-out froin Giu. rk Pnat Bra rs ___ _21 atin pid ff gan, hi~tini<t - TES-Ilhe Brian Hughes- Mary Wilcox ____ withBotwel filuga baze T s-Bagneli ine set the Norma Gay froin tue blue line, alter esBi1soe neadMr.Pri Hughes bad lost cointrol ir _,siBdin ooreoers ant ag Pru ____ front of the net end lae. .se nfu tes a-Joyce Lylei to hederee laye neli picked up one assist andi Lola Wright -___ ta hedeenc payr.his hat-trick and James Em StringerI Bagneil was ail alune tI ollected one goal andti tree Ollie Patfield ____ front of tbe net to beat John- a5sist . . . Bothwell made 3ev- Donna Preston v___ son at 16:44, on a pas play eral fine rushes, as did de- Bernice Buday -_ i with Brian Hughes andi James. fence-niate Bill Osborne . . . Doris Jol...... ...... Don Tiley spent only three ail o! the forwards were fil Essie Cox --- ___ seconds lunfthc penalty box for on the scoring, picking up af Peggy Haynes1 f afing on flie Pack, when least a single Point apiece . *. Joyce Major -___ Brent Hughes slaimmed Gary Bowmnuville seoned once in Helen Dunn ____ 1&cCu1blough'is face-off! pass tue first 12 minutes, and were Audney Bickell____1 into tue rigging. McOuilough able f0 notoli but one goal in Ena Etcher-_ __1 took a pass fr-om Irv GUI, 24 tue last 33 minutes o! the Shirley Davis gaie... 10 goals lu tue otuer Kay Stephen_____1 In tue second Atom game 15 minutes isn't badl though. Madmo Slaghit---------. 1 -3335, Ext. No. 6. Dancing Classes There are still saine open- ings in the. Wednesday aft er- noon anti Saturday morning dancing classes sponsoreti by tue Recreation DepL. There are classes in ballet, tap anti batan twirling. If furtuer information la re- quireti please contact tue Re- creation Office et MA.3-3335. Dantans Hockey In the. Baritain lagugaine o! the morning ftue lyers de- feateti the Pirates 5-2 to move inta sole possession o! finaL place in flie playef! standings, Gene Balson was th1e ldg scor- sr for tue Flyeas scoriràg three gols andi assisting on another. John Hugget (Bon Harper> andi Phullp Bragg- accounteti for thue Flycr' otuer two goals. Paul Peferson collecteti thre assists ou Gene Balos' goals. Peter Werry (Davidi Puk) and Terry WalLon (Don' MoMur- Ler) were the goal gettSu for thue Pirates. In thue second Bantain game of thue day flhe Tigers won thein gaine wfh the. Lions by default. Thi. Lions defaulted th1e gaine by beln 13mits lat. in à grth ue gaine,.l an exhibition maieflat fol- lowed thbe T*e adeleafld the. Lions by the e o! 5-3. la *t ikfiEc ami McGREGOR HARDWARE LTrD. A. PAGI TEMTEM jor1Bowling j, Wilma Bates ._____ 0 Audrey Omnoni ____ M7 Marg ing - - 17, Hel2en Gholy 175 LBeruice Terry 178 Betty Westlake ____174 Babe Brown ____174 Sadie Buckneil_____171 Barb aleau 0 Hel e colon ___ leu Thelma Forrester ___ 18 1Mmra- Hoppa 1la Doris Holroyd 108 June Baker ________167 Evelyn Exnbley 167 Gen EIls ____167 Eleanor Larmer ___166 Jean Harness _____165 Em. Bromeill_____165 Helen Vivian _____164 Vivian Cowan _____163 SaIIy Bisonette _____163 Shirley Bicicell 163, Mary Harrison ____168 Bernice Partner ____162 Eileen Holroyd 161 Gamet of 200 aid Over B. Bathgate 321, D. Prestos 1258, M. King 229, E. Cox 208% 1208, L. Wright 250, N. Gay 207, G. Ellis 272, H. Brock 209, P,, >Haynes 223, M. Slaght 216, H. Gilhooly 231, 207. 0. Etchet 232, 208, B. Buday 213, K. Beau rie 241, 223, M Hopps 257, . N or ris 235, P. Bartels 216, 207, D. Joli 221, W. Bates 251, D. Palmer 239, M. Gibbs 221, 207, O. Patfield 207, E. Bronichl 200, A. Osmond 202, G. Blackburn 256, E. Stninger 226, S. Biekell 200, N. Bryans 210, H. Simnick 231, J, Lyle 200, K. Stephen 206, M. Perris 229, B. Westlake 238, D. Brooks 208, 206, M. Wilcox 230, 208. KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Bob Youngae and fanily, were Sunday sup- per guesta with Mr. and Mr&. J. Neal. Mr. and Mms. E. CDurog,- gay andMarie visi>ted with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgison o! 0&-1 awa. A euchre was held on Satiww diay niglit in tue home o! Mrs. E. Couroux, wiifth the ladies high going to Murs. G. Mandera, the low Su Murs. C. LAng.sta!f; gents hiigh going to Mr. C. Lanigstaff, low ta Mr. R. EUliott. The. proceeds went ta fthe youing lads. basebali teani. QMr. and Mri. Bob Young- man4 Debtie andi Galle viglted lier mother, Mirs. D. Black of Courtice on Saturday. Mr~. and Mrs. J. Neal, Ne!"li and Kenrxy visited with Mr. and Mrs. K. Nel o! Orono cm Saturdây. ?&fs. J. Yendnick spent Monm dey in Port Hope visiting fr1- ends. Some o! the. tobacco grow- ers le! t 'on Monday *f e .salie banna in Deliii PIA MIIIMIIMAT, M. loth, lm -10"' ý CMAMM »OwMAliV= CUTAMO 1

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