Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, p. 12

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z. f- 7-- 7. p 'l-t 1A7EÀ WELV m CAAmANATM&~3EWULmMvE& »ITAM1 I!HUE~&T~ i. lUth, 196 SPORT0piC5I' Bp Frnk rohun MA 3-7u4 FIVE-PIN GOLDEN ANNIVERSAEY Did you know Ihat 1960 coninemorates the Golden Annlversary of 5-pin bowling? Thomas Ryan of Toronto ereated the gaine in 19M9 1 satlsfy Uic Toronto -Bowling Club's desfre for a faster, leus strcnuous gaine than 10 pins. Se made Uic pins inaller, cut their nuniber in hait, and substituted a uinaller bail. The fast and lighter gaine was approvedl quickly and la 1910,thU irfet 5-pin league wau organized and soon uiread mcous Canada. TIhe tiret known perfect score was roiled in 1M2 by Bil Bromfield. - Everyone lu Bewmanville is weil acquainted with Alfie Shrmbb's racing records, but hius reporter was surprised to find n. shrubb's naine in bowling history, also. "The tiret peCrded game havlag a score of over 400 was bowled In 1910 by Alfred Shrabb, a fainous Englisb Ionlg-dislanoe runner, then living lu Canada". Don'l forgelt t enter thc "Masters"p 5-Pin World Championship, open to ail male bowlers. Qualifying rounds of 10 games wilil b. bowled at Liberty Bowl, with ne entry fee required . First prlze is an Austin Healy sports car and $1,000).00 cash. That's net Uic Liberty Bowl prize, but the winner of the final round aI O'Connor Bowl in Toronto. t. t tf f i CENTRAL ONTARIO BADMINTON TOURNAMENT The hlgflght o! th. Bownianville and district badmnin- ton season, l ina"reporter'. opinion, Ie thc Central Ontario Badminton Champlonshipu, whlcb are being played here Fr1- day sud Saturday. Thtis wiil h. Uic hhird straight year that the local club bas hosled the tourney, with entries froin Oshawa, port Hope, Picton, Trenton, Peterborough, Bow- manville sud pouibly several other places. For mnany years Uic Bowmanviile Badminton Club dominated the champlonshlps, but recently Oshawa'B Flying Club has been th. powcrhouse. George Long and Ken Smiith wlU h. on hand to defcnd tbefr tilles, but Doreen Reddoch, fourth rsuklng Ontario player, and Kay Hopkins have been barred frein the tournament. Chie! hope ainongal Uic Bownianville players wiil be the teanio! Gary Tighe and Bll Burgess. Afler p laying in the finals for five consecutive years, thc teani was broken up when Tlghe was living lun Oshawa, but now they are back logether again, sud Gary wi.U h shootlng for a final berth for lhe ninth straighl season. Spectators are welcome 10 drop lu amy lime bo watch badminton atItIs best. The schedule for events is as follows: Friday, 7:30 p.m.-Men's sud Ladies' Doubles, including qwnsolatieris. Saîurday meornlng, 10 o'lock-Men's & Ladies' Singles. * Salurday afternoon, 1 oelock-Mixed Doubles 4 o'ciock-Veterafls' Doubles Salurday night, 7:-30 o'clock-Finals. Lunch sud Dance following Finals- I. f l tf t NiO MIDGET TITLE THIS VEAR Bewmanvllle didn't gel very far In defending their Ontario Mldget Chanionship, Ibis year. The locals didn't gel past the tiret roii d, losing 10-1 and 8-0 against WhitbY. With msuy Midget-âge plaYers moved up te the Juvenile club, tbis tean was forced to build up from scratch, sud certainly bore ne. resembîsuce le last year's titie-holders. Undoubtedly Whitby were the better teani, but if Ihey gel very tar il will h. surpriing«. However, this reporter tant remember seeing a Bowmanvile teain thal for the most part didn'l even appear te h. trying- Several fans tlid us that Ibey didn't think the boys caned whelher they won or kst. W. dpn't pXpect 1* wi l the Uic ne, but if Ibis attitude i. correct ît's Ico bad. Trenton were no match for the Juveniles~, but they kept lu Ihereail the way. When k--they !inaily scored a goal, tbis scribe was lu Uic Trenton dressiig room., One of thc players naced in frein lhe bench ta tel su injured member of thc teani, and you'd have thoughl 4hey bcd won tic gaine. t. t t f tf t JUVENILES RACK UP 201h STRAIGHT Bowmanville Juveniles advanced into the third round 'xf .M.H.A. play, taking Trenton twice le rack up tlieir l9th ýnd 20th wins o! the season, without a legs. The loughest ppposition bo date was encountered last night when the :uveniles met Uic powerful Oshawa Juveniles. No report ibn the gaine is avallable, as Uic gaine was piayed- after the 1ress deadline. There is aise a possibility liaI St. Mike's juveniles will h. here Saturday nigit. ft fi.t tt TOMN LEAGIJE PLAYOFFS i Ken's Men's Wear will h. facing eimination when theY pie0ý Hooper's Jcwellens to-night at 7 o'clock. A few e- bogwere raised lasI week, when Hooper's, with only thre regular seasen wins te Uieir credit, battled Ken's te a 3-3 itandof. But the Jewellers provcd il was ne fluke, edging the Men's Wear club 5-4 i the second gamne, and only nced Stic lo-nighl to take tie four-point series. rOODYEARt LEAGUE PL AYOFFSWi Sunday aflernoon at 1:30 the Fan Beits and Hose wi jangle in the second gaine of a best-of-five series fer the kague ciamnpiolship.Thc Fan Beits posted a s-0 shutout i ie opener sud are 'strong favorites te wrap Uic tille up in Canada's "Quidoors Girl" l Adults SOC - Adulte - 75e A ah Town League Hockey Hooper's Edge Ken 's 5-m4' Hlooper's Jewellers camej thce ltlwo periods. £reom béhind a finit peiiod de-; Ken's went in front aI ficit to edge Ken's Men's Wear 12:50 of Uic opening pcniod,--as 5-4 in Uic second gine of Uic Bih Crossey cennccted on Town League semni-final ser- passes from "Squealc" Brooks ies, last -Thurâday nigit. The and George Heath. Bob Mar- win coupled with last, week's jerrison evened tie s&nre les tic gave Uic Jcwelers thrce tian a minute later, and just points. Aiiother tic in thc as it appecrcd that Uic first third ganie would put Hoep- peried was going te end in a cn's into ,Uth finals, against tie, Don Masters found the Ste-ahen Fuels, mark at 19 ;30 sud "Hank" the winnens werc without Lane added anether with goalkeeper Howie Mashinter three seconds left, te, give Uic because of, sickness, but vet- Men's Wear a 3-1 bulge. cran 'Slip" Rowc 100k over The Jewellers came roaring thc net-mindlng chores, hold- back in tic second, rapping ing Ken's 10 one goal oven lu three markers within sixi V~en's Major Bowlingl Seleclion of the «Ouldoors Girl, of Canada" and a wildlife exhibil will be two cf many features cf the 1960 Canadian National Spcrtsmen's Show in the Coliseuni, Toronto, from March il bo 19. Here, Nancy Robson, chosen as the "Ouldoons Girl of Canada" lasI year, shares a hot-dog with a jungle beasl. Dogs, inci- dd1-.a.' ly, wil also be fealured at 1h. big springtimne exhibition as Canadas largest dog show wil be held in conjunction wilh the Sporlsmen's Show duning ils lastfourdays.______________ Fan Be Ifs Ta ke Fiïnal Opener 3-O From Hosè' De pi. Thc Fan Beîta scoreti a 'goal racking up thc shutout, as a pcriod te chut eut the Hase captain Lloyd Hanmilton cm- iý-0, in lie opcning clah, o! ployed hsfrtsrn ieu a best o! five seies, for 1h.eI ia tigueu GoedYea-r Cliampionship, Sun- for moat o! the gae, le kcep day afterneon. play lu Uic Hose end. The Hose, with golile John Hamilton was lhe pace- Fowler sud defencemna" Dan setter for Uic winners, scoring Girardi playing major roies, an uriassisted mcrker in ticl put up, a slubborn baIlle. first and adding the clincher Goalie "Red" Mantie hati a lu tbe final stanza an a pas comparatively easytilnimen frein Ray Preston. Raye West foundtheUi range in the second peried, with George Heath Legionandi Bob Fairey drawing as- Leg Ton second gaine gees tuis Bowling Sunday afternoon et 1:30. The three top teamns contin- ued their own first place bat-I tic, last Tuesdcy night, asi Keith Yeos outtit took over lie league leadership on e 5.2 win over Bill Veitch's celar- dwellers. Ernie Perfect's crew. dropped frein first te third as Doug Taylor's leamn, wiipped them 7-0 te tae over the run- ner-up slot. Bill Bates' bowl- crs defeated Frank Sarnils' club 5-2 te consolidate their hold on fourth place. Arnold Lobb set thc pacel with a 670 triple, wiUi Tomn- my Grahain's 294 effort tcking, high single bonours. Other bigh single scores were re- gistered by Keith Yeo sud Arnoldi Lobb boti wili 264, Dick Perfect 257, Murray Grant 253 and Ernie Perfect 251. Tcam Standings -PIs K. Yeo - ~32~ 'D. Taylor 3W_____ 8 E. Perfect 289 B. Bates F. Sanila______i B. Vilch 6 Howard Rundle 221, Tom Ma- son 215, 207 , Norm Vansteine 218, 202, John Bondie 215, 207, Jim McKnigt 203 sud Rton Carter 202. Boys' Team Standings PUs D. Oke 12 J. McKnight il U. Thompson 10 T. Mason -_____91 J. Rund-is 0 J. Phillipa O Helen Vanstonc's teai ba- ted Brenda Oke's outfit 7-0 te take uncisputedpo.eson of final place. Maiyn Mooreas club aise swept t10 hem second sralgil win, but sippcd two points back. CannleOsmond's bowlers were on the short end o! a 5-2 scorc, and Linda Brooking's teai dropped their second tilt, laslng 5-2Z W Vir- ginla Brown's crew. Virginia Brown had a sood afternooii, rnllng 264, 210 and 190 for a fine. 864 triple. Ber- ta Hlggon bad 268 and V&8 whfle Kiaren Beauprie bowled 274 smd 510. Girls'Team gtandtm# IL Vansboi -12 V. Brown 8 B. Oke ----4 L. Brooking 4 ri Osmond Thc moat intensive medical searci in history is going on for a drug tiet wihi cure can- cer. Atheugi ne "lwonder drug" bas yet been found there are a number o! chein- icals that assist in thc treat- nmn !cner. Russ a Hdian bas set Uic pace for Uic iigh single game o! Uic season. Dutchc amne up wilb a 375 gaine high for this adiedule and aise topped John Ford's 370 bowled in Uic !irst scihedule. Anyone bcating HaUmnan's gaisl going to do anme top notch bowling and have lots o! luck. Motn Brook lied a nice 312 gie, n eis308' Mur- ry Th gi bsbet gane Dutah Hailinan alse won thc ligh triple witi gaines ef 207, 229, 375 for 811. Dr. H. B. Rundie has started le click and bowled 248, 288, 265 for 801. Tlhis is H.B.R.'s best ef- fort ah Liberty Bowl. Wild Bil Oke had 773, young Doug Shfrk 709, Rusa Oke 703 and !lrn Perfect 702. Culh, McDonald bad Uic low single gaie 104, Dr. Bàd Ewarî 108, Coulson Woolner 113 and Jack Munday 114. George "The General"' Joncs t. in Uic news again, titis time with the 10w triple 412. Joe Nowlam was nunner up, 421. Aliey Chatter Wild Bm 0Ok. bas laken over top spot in thc averages. Bil le hittin~g the dead wood at a 245 clip for 9 gaes. Dr. H. B. Rundle is holding down second place with 238 and Doug Shirk là travelling at a 235 clip. janzen'. tmnain still on top having accuniulated 8 points, Lariner and Bill Oke's teanis have 7 each. A new membcro! Uic league is the hard bail pitchmng star Jim Mooncraf t. Some good gaines were bewled Ibis week. Ben Thomn- pson bcd 265, Harold Bennett 254, George Stephens 255, Gee. Gisuville 28, Rosa Wrigit 275, Rusa 0ke 271, Jim Caflan 286, BUi0ke 293, 255, Bil Bates 260, Murray Larmer 289, John :Ford 273, Deug Shirk 285, 251, Roma MeKnight ,291. e Team Standings DTeain W L Pta Janzen.____8 1 8 sLaiier -_ -----_-_-7 2 7 B. Oke ____72 7 tBrock _ _6 3 6 Piper 5 4 5 D. McKnight 5 4 5 1R. McKnight 5 4 5 Dobbins 5 4 5 R. Oke _ _ _45 4 Halinian_____ 4 5 4 Perfect _____ 3 6 3 Osborne _____ 3 6 3 eS ai s.__ _3 63 Leslie___ _- 3 6 3 Bagnell-____ 2 7 2 Gay ~2 7 2 r Averages Naine Gaines Ave. Bfi Oke. 9 245 Dr. H. Rundle- 9 238 Doug Shirk ___ 9 235 Ernie Perfect - 9 232 Al Osborne - 9 230 John Ford ---_ 9 230 rPete Dorbbins - 9 230 Dave McKnight- 9 225 Russ Oke____ 9 225 Jack Bond____ 9 224 Bud Moses____ 9 223 Russ Halinan - 9 223 John Stainton - 9 219 iBil Shotter ___ 9 216 ýElton Brock ___ 9 216 1Pat Yeo ____ 9 215 Bill Bates_____ 9 214 Murray Tighe - 9 213 1Larry Piper - 9 213 iHank Janzen -..9 212 Bil Westlake - 9 211 Murray Larmer 9 .211 Frank Williams- 9 210 sFrank Lewins -__ 9 210 George Stephens- 9 209 eBruce Mine - 9 208 Don Begneil 9 208 Ed Leslie -____ 9 207 DHep Palmer ___ 9 206 -Ross Wright 9 205 tGeorge Glanvifle- 9 205 ýSi Trewin 9 205 tBill Hearle____ 9 205 iBob Martyn 9 205 1Ted Bagneli 9 202 rRalph Kelly 9 202 Ben Thompson - 6 201 tFred Cole ---__ 9 200 Dr. K Semon - 9 200) Mixed Bowling Leaguel LJoe Nowlan's team edged Jack Bond's bowlers 4-3 to jbreak the existing deadlock between the, two clubs, but while the cc-leaders were bat- ted Bob Mitchell'a teain 7-0 te moe.pcst both by a single point. Pal Yee's crew rnoved into contention by virtue o! a 5-2 win over Fred Luxton's club. Jim Cox's celer dwellers pulled off a 5-2 upset win over Ccc Mutton's pin-droppers to move out of Uic basement. Buti EdxnondsoiVs squcd slip- ped intolast place, losing 5-2 te Elton Brock's bowlers, who took over Uic fourti position Onie, Etcher rolled 753 te take higi triple honours, fol- lowed by Hap . Palmer witi thc men's îigh e! 727, Gord Stinger 682, "Duke" BrunI 671, Elton Brock 661, Jim Gra- hamn 642 sud Hilda Brock 636. Hap Palmer's 318 effort was iigh, with otier big scores going te Onie Etcher 305 and 233, Gord Stringer 290 and 234, Morley BIcher 283, Hilda Brok 21,"fluke" Brunt 263, Jim Graharn 239, Marg Per- ris 238, and Elten Brock and Marie Yeo boh with 239 gaines. Tcanms W L Spicer 7 2 Nowlam ____ 7 2 Bond _______O3 Brock __ 5 4 Luxton __ 5__ s4 Yeo 4 5 mutton ____ 4 5 Cox 3 ô Edmondson____3 ô Mitchell -- -__1 8 Averages Gaines Art Spiccr 'S Duke BrunI ____9 Elton Brock -9 Onie Ieer 9 Hjap Palmer -___9 Jack Bond - 9 Bob Yake ___9 pat Yeo _____9 Jack Brough -0 Jim Grahamn - 6 .Toe Nowlan 9 Gordon Stringer 0 Cecil Mutton - 9 Morley Etcher - 9 Doug Reynolds - 9 Arnold Sleep 9 Mal Perrin -9 Hilda Brock ___9 Fred Luxton 9 Jeasie Heena -8 Mary wtcox 9 Howard Bromnil- Ent Stringer . .9 Pat Bartels -9 Ken' Luxton -9 AM.- Winacot -9 DONa Mutton 9 minutes te lake the lead for Uic finst time. Launie Garbe counted Uic tirnt on a pass frein "Archie" Crossey and Clint Ferguson lriggencd a pair lu tire minutes and 31 seconds, Ron Burgess sud Bob Sheridan drew assists on lie first, while Bon Polard was in on the second. Masters sud Don Prout combined le set Dan Girardi up for thc tying tally at 13:43. Garbe's second goal on a pass from' Bob Marjerrison proved to e b.hUicwinner, ceniing at 6:09 o! Uic final stanza. Mike Heenan - 5 Gordon Wilcox -3 Emmna Bromell -6 Carole Oke ---- 9 Walte.r Rundle -9 Jean Evans ____9 Marie Yeo ___9 Ronnie Mutton -9 Ruth Yak. ---- 9 Carole Reynolds -9 Leo Curtin -- -- 9 1 Duaine Palmer 9 Kay Luxton ____9 Audirey Sleep ___9 Rick Gould --____9 Bob Mitchell ___9 Bil Charles ___9 Essie Cox -____9 Don Bradley -9 Joan BrunI ____3 Marie Curtin -9 Cliff Evans ____9 Ada Luxton ____9 Ruth Mitchell -9 Ferne Bradley -9 Lou Welsh --~ 3 Everett Winacot -9 Ruby Spicer 9 Jira Cox ---9 Betty Brough 3 Peexi Kilpatnick 9 Ivy Rundle .. 9 Doreen Chanles 9 Kay Grahami _-__à Ladies itigh Single - One Etcher ___ Ladies High Triple- Onie Etcher -__ Men's High Single - Hep Palmer --- iMcn's High Triple - Rap Palmer____ La dies' Aflernoon Lge. On Pfidey afterneon, Feb- nuay 2tb terewee seven 200 gaine bo l he icAter- noon Ladies League. High sin- gle gaine went te Betty Rich- ards wien sic rccked up a nice 254 gaine. Other 200 games wcre Boninie McDonald 227, Marion Crqwe, Doris Holroyd and 0111e ]Patfield ail with a 215, Bea Sellers 2009cand Alyce Hedgson 204. High double for lie afternoon went to 0111e Patfield for her 407 effort and Bonnije McDonald leadla the leugue witii a 194 average. The Bobins scored a shutout over tic Sparrows for twe points andthe UcWresssplil Uic points wïth 1he Bluebirds as did tic Bluejeys with Uic Canaries fon i point ecc. Team Standings Team points Wrens...........................3 Bluebirds ..........................3 Canaris...- ............2 Robins .......................... 2 Sparrows ..................i.... Blueicys................- .... 1 Averages Bonnà. McDonald. ......... 194 0111e Patfield .............187 Marion Crowe ............185 Betty Ridhards ............183 Sadie Bucknell ............172 Shirley Davis .............166 Velma Kitson .............165 Doris Holroyd ............165 Marg. Coyle................ 161 Alyce Hodgseri............160 Evelyn Large .............159 Ann Whitec...............159 Barb. Courtney ............-158 Helen Rogers ..............53 Muriel Orough ............. 151 Betty Kelly ............ .. 150 Be. Sellers . .......149 Hildia Sirnuck . ............ 148 Daisy Bel. ......... 142 Mabel wiiazns .... ....... ..141 Helene Rundie .....135 Cozette Neadao 133 Rubyr Spicer ........... _132 Marion Wiseman .. ....... 131 Hilda Meoney ............ 129 Ave. aroem i.;ouisn..'bol. 240 Ruh Godin...- -12 234 Nellie MePeeters .~ 125 233 BaR Wilson ....................-124 230 Jea L-Otb ............ 121 225 Marion Gibson .........- 121 224 Marlon MacDonald .......121 213 209 202 J . 202 Gooduàar 198 196 1951 Bowiung 191 loi Jack Bond was th. big son 190 la lasI Thuraday's Goodyear 188 League, rolllng a temndoua 184 814 triple to, set a ncw reCord, 183 for the season. Jack started, 182 off wlt the cnlit's bigisin- 181 gle o! 337, tapered off te M0 178 and tien camme bock wtth a 177 271 gae. Murray Grantt was 177 a single pin Ott he h4 175 g]. mark at 338, wblleother 173 top scoes wenl 10 Fred Smith 1711325, Irwin BeauPrie 278, Bil PR 8 t. 10 p.m. ADMISSION Chldien 35e - Spectators LUT ADUMION zac Childes- 5 -- E ------------- Nicholson 268, 235, Frank Mo- poition. The Beits won o" hun 253, Charlie Vanstoui. 235 Ui Machine Shop 5-2 te ta end Stan Hodgson 234. over third, whiie Uic Bra Following Bond' record ers dropped their fourth i tripe c e Bill Nicholson row, h18 ime 52 t0tUic Cou 736 Fred Sih7 11, Murray clU. Grant 65, Frnk Mohun 028, heam Standings Maurice Conway 619 and Ir- win Beaupnie 6021 The firal place deadlock Office wcs flnally broken, as the 0f- Roe fice trounced the Tigers 7-0, Beits while Uic Hose were- defeat- Lead Press _____ ed by Uic Fan Bels 5.2, Tic Combines -_____ Hose now Irail by Iwe points. Tigers The Combines nbounjded Machine Shop frein last weeklis upet i o1 Fan Beîts biast the Lead Pness 7-0, ty- Comets mng Uic louers, for the fourth Braiders _____ 1651 LIBERTY BOWL LTD. BASIE NE Ailsys Availahie for ake Rid. n 4OP EN BOWLING 147 145 144EEIDA 143 142 Phum MA 3-5663 149 139 135. "Why Don't> You 4 Get. a Horse? Rtemember that cry? It's quit. a. few years smce itwas in its Shey-day, but most of us are Sfamilier with the era when it Swas the standard gag for the local wag. Even if you're flot you can picture the littie gaso- Slime buggy faltering down a muddy street with the chances an even 8 to 5 that it would Bill Steven reach its destination under its own steain. In those days it was a rich man's loy ... and the only impression it made on the average man was that il was a per- fect subject for ridicule and jokes. Today however, there are probably enough 11horseless carrnages" around to give every man, woman and child a ride at the sanie lime. And to eet them to their destination without having to 'gel out and get under". Which ail leads up to the fact that cars-today are no longer a plaything, but a basic form of transportation . . . a part cf our way of life. . and to many even a means of livelihood. What has been responsible for this great change in such a short period of time? Namely, il has been research by the leading car mnanu- faclurers. Research Ihat has resulted in ail the modern improvements that we all take so much for granled in today's cars. That's why, today, used cars are such e good buy. Because in the last five years automo- bile manufacturers have been building in more and more good and lasting features to make cars last longer and operate better. Anid at Robson Motors Ltd. you'l find a handsome selection cf these good, late model used cars. Each one has been mechanically checked and inspected to give you, truc value for your dollar. Drop insoon. You il be glad you did. Il YOUR CARS SHOWING SIGNO 0F RUST ? .. . Get a Fise uhlt freinus D.dy & PEut Wetk manteu8c Wltth .e xerl.aeu va" wo ogie v tlem., New Car a" mdlmduasngdiyp e.qu.m*Iwe haWe a P" musledtlei USED.CARS Aul E-ieoeiMd daum*eei - h...' E i Memorial Arena ýowmanviIle Friday, Feb. 191h PUBLIC SKATING 1~ & T, SATIDTFMIMAIT 20 EXIIION GAME- 8:00 p.m. IL 111k'. "Najor A" Juvoles swmanviile Juvomios ADNRSSION ults - 50e. ChuIdren CILDEENS SUAMON Wodaeuday# Fohrury 24 3.OE te 5:30 P.M. Children -...............*a2k Adults affmpaylng eldren e 25 VEN ES!DAT, FEUAT ?A HOCKEY INTELDMEDIAumTE U"0 LAYOFFS Town.,League Hockey Star of the Week ba v e r e a y it t h e& s t d e la t h e p la y fft , a n d o e0 1 e b ~ leders le Laure Garbe% Star of the Wek, ad inner ci h, Bowmanvfle SurplunsSors awalrd. Laurle, a playur wh neyer cuit. trying, playd a bIb part ln the lftt migan sd then Urned ln a terlc flcetI the secod omutitto paRS E HoPWr's vlctory. Gerbe acored £ pair of marers, moneto!wMhbwus hhe wlnner at 6:0 of the *mnl period, breakng..a 4-4 deadlok Lature Gerbe tà perhapi 1he moat enibitious player la 1h, loop, as bishome t. in Toronto, entiflllngair a mount aw laIe drlvlng iÉoflowh* ng .mes. -1, - Il. -1 si Il: Me 4m m t. 1

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