Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, p. 6

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PAI SMx Scoutmaster McCoy Importance of Scouting ifn Developing Character Outlined to Rota Thimportanc et th Boy th. rWtarians of Mr. MeCoy' Scou movement ln develop- oer f devotion ta the. causi Ing character wus emphaulzed fsouting, and of his excel b Mel hcCoy, the Scoutmaa- lent work on behalf of ti ter of. the 181 Bowrnanville boys. Scout Troop, in an address at Mr UCo was boin ir the luncheon meeting Of the Grand Cayman, B.W.I. and E3owmanville Rotary Club first Canada in 1952 beld at the Flying Dutchaian as a representative of the Boy Motel on ffdy Scouts of the British Wesl Captain Normnan Cales, Iadies, Captain Cles said. Foi chirman of th Youth Service a mnm of years M. McCo: Comnittee of the club, intra- was a District Scauter in the duced th. speaker. He tbld Isands, and h. bld tbe great SPECIAIS ose PEPSODENT TOOTH FASTE PLASTIC FLABHLIGHT Bith For 98C 650 LIFEUOT BRAVE CREAX PLASTIC FLABHLIORT Bolh For 6k Pertassin Couth Syrup 75,-1.25 Nyai Creophos 1.i0 Owbridge Syrup 50 - 85e SPECIALS 630 IPANA TOOTH FASTE 2 For 99C, 25o COLGATE'B TOOTH PASTE 2 For 59C 65o PRELL SHAMPOO 2 For 98c One-a-Day Multiple Tablets 1.49, 2.75, 4.49, 8.75 Gertl-Tablets or Llquld 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 Scott's Emulelon 100, 2.00 Halibut 011 Capsules- 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Alphamettes 1.00-1.85-3.50 Cod Liver Of1 90c. 1.50 Paranrettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 DrIstan Spray $1.25 Dristan Tabiets 1.25 - 2.25 3.75 Duckieys Mixture 59C - 850 Vacuum Botties 79a New LlP.Quick Rail on Noizema - 1., 1.35 8 Shades 1.28Vale Va - 1~Ravel Blshop Lipstick 1.16 Value Wlldroot 713o 1.00 - 1.50 COWLING'S *PHONE MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WB FIT TIRUSSES MA.1-5m8 HAPPY, VALNTINe SHIOW "~THIS HAPPY FEELING" (Color) DEBBIE REYNOLiDS . JOHN SAXON CURTJRGIENS ai". Wait Disney's "NIOK?" Color Adventure Complet. Shows at 7'and 9:15 SAT., FES. 13 à- malines Special VALENTINEC TRECATS FOR THE KIDDIES ERXT NON1. TO WED., FMB. 15 - 17 JAMES STE ARTe VERA MILES PROM WARNER UROS. TECHNICOLOR £EWmàtloY.kLUMWà UT. De, Complet. Shows a1t 7sud 9:3 p.m. rrians ,'s hono.r af havlng six of lME sea Scouts choerita form part of l- this Guard of Honon when e Qucen Elizabeth II Wte Jamaica. in His inspiring work with id bbc Boy Scouts durin hi 3 teaching carcer in Canada bai q met wîth dccidcd sueccas st Gaptain -Cales asserted, anmd r hie added that the BorNvan- ,y ville Rotary Club was Privil- ce cged ta have hixn address the t club. The speaker cullined the hlstory of the. Boy Scout movement snd statcd that it was first organized officlally 53 years ago. Thc founder of this great work for youth, Lord Baden-Powell, during tic Boer War, 1899-1902, saw the need of discipline to corn- bal thc enemy, and becausa of the need, trained maen and boys, Mr. McCoy stated. Worid-wide Movement He explaincd tint from tuis patniotic effort Lord Baden- Powell receivcd thc inspira- tion for tic inauguration la- ter ai tic Boy Scouts, which eventually grew into a world- wide movamant of grant in- fluence for good. Ha added fiat no other organization bas left such an impression on thc youth ai so many coun- tries. Parental Encouragement 1Mr. McCoy aIse stresscd the importance of parents taking an active interest in lie Boy Scouts. Fathars and motiers who encourage their sons ta belong to Uic Scouts, and who lcarn of the ideals, abna, and principlas of Uic movement, assist thair boys 10 derive -he most benefit tram Scouting, he stated. Oustanding Members The speaker told ai ouI- standing men of many na- tions who have been Boy Scouts, and remarked Iliat Uic training Uiey had receiv- cd lu thus way whcn young bad been a deccided influence on them laten lives. A Farce for Peace Thc joining' ai bands by pScouts duxng a Jamnboree %s symbolie af Uic encirclement of thc world by Boy Scouts, Mr. McCoy said. Tirough Uic Boy Scouts and Uic Girl Guides, young people lcarn of the customns, hopes, and tears o! Uic youth of oUicr countnica, snd understandlng leads ta brothbcnood, a force for peace, thc speaker point- cd out. Training For Frtur Boys arc trained for Uic fu- ture ini tic Boy Scouts. Quali- tics of ieart and mind are developad, and good work habits arc learned, 1fr. MoCoy told Uic club members. Scout- masters and Oub Leaders try ho do their bit ta assist lu Uic great worlc started by Lord Baden-Powell, snd there is mucb ta be donc, Ibhe speak- er said. lie paid tribute ta thc Bowmanviile Rotary Club for Uic interest talcen by their menibers in Uic Boy Scouts, and Uic hclp given aven Ibm ycars. A vote ai Ibanka ta 1fr. Me. Norih Nestlelon lle winneqs oi the Eudare Party 'held at Uic C.O.F. hall, Friday niglit wcne:: High lady, Mrs. Elva Van Camrp; Higi gent, Mr. Kennetb Minshall; consolation, Mrs. Ivy Hooay and Mr. Eli Mains. Doar prize ta 1fr. Orval Quackenbush. Another Eucbre lu two wceks lime. Thc Fanmens Union Meeting was quite wcll attended Tues- day evaning aItihe home oi -Mr. and Mrs Geo. Presser, lira. Malcolm Emerson was lu Toronito kaeping bouse for ber granddilrcn Thursday and Fradiray whilc Aneansd Edgar wev nl Detroit picking up ftic latters Master o! Education I I I I I t t I I t I 'I e Coy for bis Inteuestlng taik on the Boy Scouts, was given by BOll liesburger, nmd Oea. Vice, tic president of the club, also exSueadappreciation te Mr. XcCoy for bringlng the club a mesa. r.gardlng tb. worthwhlle endeavars o! lbe BOY scouts. Ouëstsa atlt.eluncheon meet- lxii were Howard Vice, AI Re.d, Normmn Siaco, and John Geike, ail of Osbawa, Narman Sisca, R. J. Welsb, and -Chur- les Evans, Bowmanvill. af YELVERTON 2 & Gad t report that Mrs. W. Malcolm la pragressig favaur- 'eh1y since ber recent opera- tions on ber leg and hope that she wiU h. able la returzL home ~i thenottoo disbant future. W bas thm been spending mant of hMe lime with thc Ho- wdPhinluToronto ta h. wthdi es commuting dds- tance of the. hospital. A seedty convalescence aise to Mms Wesley McGU1 who at im ofn awriting la in Boss Mémorial Hospital in Lindsay On Tburedmy evenlng Yelver- tan was repreeentcd at the Dir- ectoirs meeting of Durhanm Fed- cration of Agriculture held aI the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples and Mrs. C. Staples Sr. Yclvcrton W.A. met for tic February meeting in the chu- rch on Thurs. Feb. 4, with av- erage attendance present. Par- ticipaling in thc Devotional canvencd by Janet Spenceley were Ruth Wilson and Bileen Macolm. Minutes were read by Sect. Isabelle Wilson. Ro aloil was answcred (by Ihose who remcmbercd) with a gft af ana!pcon ta the baz- aar. Financial reports by Treasiter and Flower Com- milIce Convenor. The Mèreh meeting invited ta the home of the President Mrs. Joyce Mal- colin. Mrs. George Wilson was in charge af progm, as foul- ows- a Valentine Reading_ Mary Moore; Ruth Wilson pro- vided organ music; Emmnia len- ders contributed a reading; a girls trio- Linda Rowan, Mar- guerite Wilson and Carol Sta- cey provided a vocal treat. Hastesses for' the delicious lunch, Peggy Stacey, Mrs. G. E. Wilson and, Mrs. M. Rowan. Mr. and Mi's. Ray Robinson and faniily werc recent guests af thc Howard Robinsons of Peterborough. On Sunday the Ralph Malcolms were supper guests of tic Robinsons. On Saturday cvening a ga- thcring of the elan at the Rac Malcolms prioc fia lheir sdied- uled departurs fot "down 19 .t" Munips have mades hheir un- wclcome nidular appearance lu aur cammunity. Hope they don't spread Ibis direction. A former residenit of Yelver- ton, Mrs. Rolland McGill, is currently lu Lindsay hiospital. Mr. and Mre. M<çGlll rccently celebrated their 50th wcdding ann.tversarjy. Her friends at, Yclvcton wish her a spcédy' recovery. Mise Barbare Wilson lu com- pany of a fcw af han littie friands, clebrated ber 6th birlhday this wcek. Mr. Frank Glasberger enjoy- cd a trip to Delii Iis week. WESLEY VILLE Thre positpozied Sunday Scbool meeting was held ah fthc homE of Mcr. and lis. Clarence Ni- chais on Monday evcning, February first. Tire senior girW lsamîe was divided ho form an inleirmediabe class with Mrs, Clarence Nichais as leacier, Donna Oughtred and Penn] Austin, assstants; lira. P. Snell ta retiin thec sendor girls' class. There w'aa conslderable discus- Sion about ailier dapartmeuhs of thc achool, ami memnbers hurried away aften enJoyinig lire. Nichais' usual deicious rcfreiumcnts, as snow was drlftlug badly but all wcre able ta rai home without mishap. Neigirbours wenis sonry ho hear thal lins. Mary Topplu idl nccnhly, fr'achuriug a bip, sud le in Lindsay Hospital. lins. Harold Reave la in Tor- auto wihh daugliter, Jane, lins. Don McCéll, wba is ill. Choir practice wu e bld as usual, d'uring the weck but ou Suudiay momning Donna Ough- trcd was argandat lu Mrs. Re- evc's absence. Tte cboin's an- themn was accourpanied by John Groenisvcld, at Uic organ. Mrn. Handing's serinon, was bas- cd an a text from "Isah',, Ha newcth down ccdar-to-urn sud warmn himscif withl parh ho eatetr flesh-nd the. nesi- du. thereof ho maketh a God. To-day too, God may ba senvad with trat wliich iu lefh. Lovcly pink sud blus violets werc iavcly tb sec inItis cliurch sud flic congregation, bosked lu thc warm-th froan the furniace. On Monday afternoon some of the men ,Clarence sud Car- roll Nichole, Perey Snell. Geo- rge Tufford sud Len Oughtred rernoved the giave pipes froru the diurch. of Ibi executive of the Bcd Cross met aI lins Ar- nold Austlu'e home on Satur- day aftennata outline an- rangementi for tihe sprlng cani- paigiL Mmre. .Wltoewas In Osh- awa withMàs. H. Broklug aImt wcek mel returned wlti the good oeWu tiraI Dorothy Mmi X. Sbirmr, was home fron tue hospulal whenceuse has been mince tiere nd of lest rer, 'fofawlig a car accident. Smn Pllip wu expected bomne 2rom Toronto too, although -he wv til b. in a cast. Mr. and ms. Hector Denke mre spendin1g soc» days in T~oonto. Several white owls have been seen ln varlaus parts o! th. counmunity, la the past two wesIoe. Win aid Mms. lbndyç end brly spenlSunda mter- mmn witb lMr. anm e.Wal- ter Loagymr, Elisabethville; Mr. end Mre. E. Karvonren ai ETOatOM4 WM h E. Brwowclou- Tyrone Hall Holds -. Ifs. Annùa-Ol Meeting. The . aul'meeting of tbe ance fhm 0*«ercrnmunlty Tern. omn hall was membersansd contInued cold hcd on .Januay 2lst with weatheirtheyun people 15 recrtaenoou in inJiu-sbould enjay n= 4houio mease over ls cr f.R skating Gibbs, chairnian ai the Board, Tefflwgprsh presidcd. The. treasurer, lins., Th * stawnd forsn agreed t Mdfrappoint. J.Gibbs, rcp=e a ban ment ta u ord rR balance of 31.6 The totalth Bor:W financial statement fllw Gibbs, Chairman, Mr. 1W. Tay.l Ibis writeup and it l l tii lor, Manager, mm s. ro Spry, hope of the Board thal every- S.mtrY, ). A. lIiesburger anc will read It fully and adm.W .Tlsug talc. particular note o!. thc Any ihn .rent Uhc amount af money requlred Hall shouldcontact r.W for, upkecp alone. Taylor, Colfax 3-2318. i Mr. R. Gibbs outlined the. Durîng tbe eoming year! projecela completed In bbcheut your Conimunily Hall Board ycai. The stairway and down- wlll h. holding Zguchres and stairs complclely sheathed. and Dances In orden to ralse the insulated; new; loileta mastal- extra funds ta kcep opcrating led, new scrcens lu upper and inmpraving . Hal windows; ncw china cuphoard Please support tthmelRabi. for Church W.A. and flQw efforts and belp make Your Lcdge cupboard lu Hail kit- Comnxunity Ha Il one t. be chen, have grcatly lmprovcd proud cf. the appearance and value of the hall. Mr. Gibbs thankcd Balanice Jani. 16, 1959 $385.89 bbc inembers of bbc Board Revenûs for their co-operation and many hours of willing volun. Rentais etc. -____ 403.50 teer labour. Much needs to be Board cuchres, donc lu thc comlng yclr ta Dînces etc., 175.34 furthcn improve your halli. A Bank interest - 5.08 ncw platform will be installcd immediataly and it is boped $969.81 that funds will permit exten- Exzi.adîtures siva painting insida and eut. Caretaker - $180.00 Mr. Win. Thicaburgenr re- Heat -_______ 159.14 ported tiat some progress had Hlydro 57.49 been muade Iowards ainalgani. Supplies for Caretaker 30.00 ating the Hall and %Park Insurànce 30.00 Boards. As soon as tic., ne- Furnace cleaning etc., 19.501 cessary By-law is passed by Elecînical wiring - 11.82 Township Coundil, another Piano Tuner ~ 10.00 public meeting will be called Advertising 7.00 ta mnake plans for park lmn- Major repaira 63.68 provemants and appointing an New equipmnent, (cups, interestad conmlittee ta look ketties) . 38.10) after this project. Plumbing supplie - 24.02 Mr. W. Park was appolnted Scriens _______ 80 la iead a oonijmittae ta con- struct a rink ut the Park as $648-751 soon as possible. With assist- Balance $321.061 Business Directory Accountancy BAT J. DILLIING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. . B . COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Ste. Phone MArket 3-3612 *YALE, FRIEDLANDER HUNTER & CO. Aceuntants anid Auditors Liccnscd Trustee lu Bankruptey 64 KCing St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Onbario B. L. Yale, C.A. IF.. Fiadlauder, B. Com., CP.. MONTEITH -MONTEITH RIEEHL & CO. 'Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 - omnil Cail ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Montelth, F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.LA. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. P. Lightfoot, C.A. C h ir op r a c ic 0. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., corocfHorsey St Phone MA 3-5509 Offce Hours: By Appointment D e nia1 DI. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldgs. 40 Kung St. W. Bowmanville Office H ours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday aud Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 bHuse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON > L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville LOffice Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Ciased Wednesday - Sundays DR. C. Y. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanvilllc Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta) 6 p.m. dally Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 STRMKEani STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, DA. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowxnanvllle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L IIOUGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Publie Temperance St. - Bownianvile IL RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.D. Box 0. Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consutation b appontment W. KAT LYCETTI D.A 1 Barrister and Solicitor 1 In the offices af PL R.MWaddefl, Q.C. jlnStreet, Orono, Ontario 8»M SHAMILTON - OrO Phone 1 r 18 Plret Mortgage Fundla Reuldences - 1'arms Business Propertie O pt la 1 0 r y- Fin=EA. DEnli. O.». Optometrlst 141 in S B.- Bowninle Telý1?hone MArket 3-325U âodyto Saturday c 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wednesdaye: 9 ta 12 Thuraday evenings KEDRON Tim, negular Febnuary meet- ing o! Kedron Womans Assoc- iation was held on Wednesday ai terneon in fthc Lower Hall of thre churdi. Following a piano preludie played by Mrs. J. St.arr, lire. P. Maun'tjoy led in worsbip. Scnipturc was read by lra. R. Dale and the tapie was taken by lire. C. Hopkinh. lins. W. Woodward, president couducted business, lu whlch il w'as decided ta have thre us- Yual bazaan in May with coun- 1veuaom to becarTanged by-bbe executive. It wms also passed, on motion, hft 2 cl'ozen new hymnarica bis bou3lrt for use in thue chlurch services. lits. W. Woodward and lins. D. Love wcre apPoited as possible degatJas ho the Leadership Trainiing Courne atIFve Oaks la early March. Kedron W.A. wll joi in the World's Day of Prayer on Friday, March 4, aud Uic March negular meeting wlll be held an fthc saea afternoon, with Mis. H. Pascoc,bMrs. M. Walter and lins. J. Glover lu charge. Tue prograni cansisted ai nsionae-y study an Africa based an the study book, and was taken by lins. W. Werry and Mis. C. Hopkins. Hoetesses for thes tes. hour were Mas. J. Glover, MIrs. L. Tragunna and Meu. W. Moaunt- The. Junior cangregagton dinnen was hécd an Saturday in Uic Lowcr Hall, with Valentine motif maklng thc sctting colourful and at- tractive. Perfect attendiance awands prasente ta 9 girls and boys,-- John, Marley aud Reggie Davis, Linda sud Bren- da Hopkins. Gloria and Harold Mountjoy, Donald sud Dennis Werry. In the 40-45 Sundays present group were Marlene and Sylvlà Wood. Bible baok marks wcre presenited ta new memibers Neil Lave, Janice Johnston, Katharine Rasnak, Janice Sel- Ieck, John Simipson and Deb- orai Wilson. Leaders for thc Jr. congregation urge thc girls nd baya ta use their envel- opes, "i thus assure credit for a'ttendânce. - Teen Tawnyoung folk are holding a skating parly tlisi carnlng Satunday evcning, Feb- ruary 13, at N. Oshiawa rInk. Aftenwarxds, Mar. and Mrs. Ralph Cralg will welcomce Ibose pressit ta, their home for a social time. Members af Kedron Cub Pack will lrold thaur first of- ficiai meeting on Fnîdiay et Kedron, undien leaership of lire: Robert Dal. lre. Dale reports higi entirusisa amoarg th. boys wbo bave atlended a few prepar'atany meetings in hen home. Kedron Scouts wfll hold their finit aiurcb Parexde for th. ycar, on Sundoy Febnuary 219 wbcn lthe boys wlU sit wibb tel troap, In a body. ?n. and Mn,. M. Morgan cen- lentalned friends at a panty li lbefr boon n Fiday evening. Priz. wlnnens, were, r.,N Crauenan, lire. M. Walt.ns, Mrs. H. Bennrett, Harold Wcrny, Harvey Pasca and BossLee. Mr. Everett Mountjoy wbo bas been wlntermg lu Phoenix, Arizona, witir bis wlf e, daugh. ter, H. Gannon nd twln crend-daughtcre, bas suffered a temporey illnest, but le grely Improvcd according ta Mast rlecest intortnation. KedroziHolstein lancedersl elttended them muai meeting or t", .Onlerio Caunty Hol- stein Club aetlianchster, on SSatudadW. Walter Vavis, Rob- etFlettL Clarence W.ryand Harld «Tywone amang *oase presented wiIb long-lime production certificates. liurray Ifountjoy wai nmade a director of lihe club. JoÈn Sulter, nu In- terested breeder, was axnongi the memibers rm c edroeun. UnMs. Murray Maioloy adi Tm CANAbTAN STATEUMN, EOMNLLEI ONT CAIO pu w*ek. on lthe ocsion of21C" 401h wcdding anriversgry of Mr. and Mme C. Xverett Love, membere of their famfly beld a party en Sunday eIt ti. home oMrand Mm. H. A. Weary. Mr. ami Mrs. Làeland Love, Marilyn and Sharon, Mr and MUe. W. Kit* and Stephen, ail of Toronto, wes present, with mendiersaifIthe famlly from Oshaws and Kedron., Tmr. ld Furuhr. We .Cash STATESAN c L A Sas i F i E D 8 Pho» IArket 8-33U SEST DUY - SAVE 9c CASH - OGILVIIE - WRIE OR CHOCOLAT£ oz. 2 foC Cake Mixes. £ r65 BEST BUY - SAVE lic CASH - WAGSTAFFE'S Raspberry or Strawberr'y Jams si OZ. JAI BEST BUY- SAVE Oc CASH - PURITAN - WITH GRAVYt Meat BailTN o 9c BEST BUY . SAVE 6c CASH - CRISCO Shorteni ng uIFST Env - SAVE 16c CASH - MOTHER PARKER'S Tea Bags _____________________________________________________________ I- FEATURE - BAVE 25e CASH ý2uaity TUeat s SWIFT'S PREMIUM GRADE A Pre-Dressed, Tender-grown - 2 -3 lb. avg. CHICKENS SWIPT'SPREMUM - HOCKLESS Smoked Picnics IL 39c, SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD, Small link, casing Sausage -lbL 49c SWIFT'S 4-VARIETY - 12 oz. pkg. Cosked Real Platier Pack flg. 45c Jres/ f[Procluce TROPIC BEAUTY B.ANANAS 2I L.27c IL», SWEET SPANISH E lONS -2 Foi 25c IRESE, SOLID - CELLO TRAT SEUSSELS SPEGUTS - - 19c ONTARIO - Ne. 1 QUALITY WAIED TURNIFS - - Lb. 05C CRISP, CURLY - 10 OZ. CELLO EAG SPINACH - - - 2For29c 'RD W IT THEaRE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE* Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria 2W~ m guemb ts her homes en Thu- raby evenlng,, members of 1M5 nursig came of Oshàwa Generul Ho*pta iPas were made during the- evenlng for thes 1-year reunion of the clame, Io be hcld this coming June. mrm.mE.2. Puai of FMit, Michigan, has been a guest of her sster, Mrs. J. Campbdll se).Campbefl during the, RURSMAT, F"M. llth, lmW Se OFF PACK 1 LB. PKG. 31c' 4 v 100 OFF PACKA 80 BAOS ~3 GEM- 1 LB. PKG. NMAIGARINE 5 Lbu.$10 FEATURE - SAVE 7o CASH BRIGHT'S GOLDEN 15 OZ. TIN PEACHES'2 For 39c FEATURE - SAVE 4c CASH SUPREME, HOMdOGENIZq 1% LB. POLY PAIL 4ýP PEANUT BUTTER 55C FEATURE - SAVE 4e 'CASH AYLMER DMANZANILLA 8 OZ. ICE BOX JAR STUFFPED OLIVES 37c FEATURE - SAVE Be AYLMER - 16 OZ. JAR SWEET CHEMINS 35c SUPREME BRAN» 51 GAUGE - l5 DENIER MYLONS 89C BUPREME BRAN» PEANUTS BLANCHED45 1 Lb. Pkg.45 SPANISH 1 Lb,. Pkg. ____35c GOLDEN HOUE ASSORTED - 1 LB. BOX CHOCOLATES 09c RED & WHIE JELLY PGWDERS 3 lgt. 25c m AUNT MXARY'S- SLICED Bread iLOA l SUNDAM - FRESH - BAVE 4 Chelsea Buns* cluster each 31c FROZEN FOODS BlEDS ETE BDiN-N E B DEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY il OZ. MeG. 69r. BES T FoRD Hfoo* UIA EANS 1n OZ. PKG. 29e KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - AST OF TOWN LNE ORONO -Cornisi, Marketeria BLACKSTOCK *Blyth's Market 6il -i ýil«

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