Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, p. 5

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2 ~ - £1 >.r Y- '~'. t " .~iCj T' >tt.~., - - *1 Ca van Man Elected Head District High School Bd. .During 1, Reginald Faflis, a repres tative of Cavan Towniff was elected chairinan of Durhami County District H School Board at a iee, held i Orono on Wedhes evenmng, Jan. l3th. Hes oeeda A. H. Strike, Bown ville. J. T. McCreary, P Hfope, recejved an acclar bion to the position of vv chairman. Comnittee chairmeni pointed for the coming yi ore as follows: Finance, J' Mcreery; Management, A: H.Strike; Property, W. Kçyes and L. A. Par] Transportation, Bruce T:i B3uilding, Clare Allun. -MT. Strike, the retiri chairman, wýelcomed two i nembers of the board, E mpett Creighton, Port H<y QUARTS- 18c, 2 FOR 35 SIX 12 OZ. BOTTLIS 41c PLUS DEPOSIT WG.27 SEE US FOR THE BE CANADA and CANADIAN W, SPECIAL! THIS WEEI VALS (SEALER AN] FOR HARDWOOD FI INTRODUCTORY OFFER Reg. $2.30 Quart ABERNL PAINTS & WA 33 King st. W. Meeting at Orono ýsen- and Fred Lycett, Orono. Courtice %ih Scliools. A ship, Tribute was paid to the late mneeting was planned with tihe the R. R. Waddell, Q.C., former Oshawa Board of E-ducation Righ vioe-chairman of the board, to discuss the possibillty of ting who died laut month. Mr;. some Darlington students at- day Waddell had been a charter tending Donevan Collegiate suc- member of the Durham Coun- next year. nan- ty District High Sohool Board. Watcr at Milbrook Port A letter was read from C. ima- A. Holmes, Public Sehool In- A satisfactory water supply ice- spector, informing the board front a well 120 feet deep, that' the. Port Hope Public producing 10,gallons a minute ap- School Board has the right ta has been fpund at Millbrook, year appoint a reoresentative to it was stated. The board ap- T. the Durham County D-Istrict proved sketch plans subinit- A. High School Board for 19160, ted by Barnet and Rieder, C. and the appointment wiil go and authorized the prepara- ket; ta the Bowmanvile Public tion of working plans. ink; Sehool Board for 1961. This At Courtice six test water appointmnent is made by the holes have yielded only one ing Public School Board with the well giving 10 gallons a min- nëw greatest number of pupils for ute, it was explained. The Em- the preceding year. idea af using *creek water was pe, Permission was given to the abandoned by the board on Port Hope members of the the advice of the Northunib- Durham County District High erland-Durham Health Unit School Board to deal with a and the engineer. request from the Port Hope Carroll Nichols' motion was Recreation Commission to carried unanimously that the build a skating rink in the present well at the Courtice north-west corner of the High site be fully developed to dis- School grounds. cover its complete potential, Transportation c o n t r a c s and that Oshawa be approach- were approved amounting to ed. regarding the possibiity $8,208.60 per month. A letterl of putting a water line ta the was received from the Depart- sehool, then if neither of these ment of Transport concerning plans prove successful, the a recent inspection of Garton's building committee seek new buses. sites. It was pointed out that Tentative approval was re- the new high schoiol at Cour- P ceîved from the Muinicipal tice would need frôm 8,000 ýto Board for the issue of deben- 110,000 gallons in a six hour tures for -the Millbrook and1 period. Every High School To Receive Gif t Set 0f Encyclopaedia Nearly 500 Ontario high to seçondary education in this .chools wifl share -an unprece- counr" M; îms said that dented million-dollar git ta1 over the next few weeks more Canadian education announc- than 1600 sets of the latest ed here today by Charles L.1 edition of the authoritative Simms, Fredericton, president Britannica would be going of the Canadian School Trus- into the libraries of English- tees' Association. I speaking high schools, includ- The gift is being made by:1 ing private sehools, from coast Encyclopaedia Britannica af ta coast. Later, sets will be Canada Ltd. presented. ta those French- Terming the donation of a speakmng schools which would set of the Encyclopaedia Brit- like ta have it. annica ta every qualified high The sets will be presented school in Canada "the largeat bY the chairmen of local single contribution ever made school boards or equivalent bodies. Presentations will be made in metropolitan centres i the naine oai each school's first principal, and in sinaller EST ... centres in thie name of the persan deemed ta have done p AIMI'most for the coninunity. PAINT ~"The sheer lçgistics o h d glit ire breath-taking," Mr. Simnis told a 'Meeting ai lead- rALLPAPERSimg educatorsan prs e are ta be replaced Pon a regu- lai; basis. the retail value of the donation is well over one million dollars. More than ane K ONLY thousand local school boards are învolved in presentations ta the 1600-odd schools with P A R a total enrolîment of an estirü- P ARINSH ated 650,000 pupils". D FIISH)Kurt R. Swinton. president J00RS AND GYMS of Encyclopaedia Brittannica of Canada Ltd., tld the meeting that lihe had wondered -for some time if the average secondary $1.4 5 chool library contained an ~TH Y 'Sve disclosed a' onty widelackand Britannica de- ALLPAPER cddt do something about it," esaid. Phone MA 3 5431 "First, approval was sought and obtained from the ten provincial mînisters of educa- Hooper's Jewellery itvite~ i aIo Ji JEWELLERY & GIFT S HOP 29 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5747 n a A E e 'J F THE tCANAflTAN SA'PESIEA1t UWILMVT.T.U fl?1PW Il Architecture Stuçients on Tour Examining one of the air-conditioning units in the new multi-million dollar Union Carbide building in Toronto are three third-year students froni the School of Architecture, University of Toronto, during a recent field trip. H. Cannon (lef t), building maintenance supervisor, UCCLtd., and A. Brighton, representative of Shore and Moffat, project architects, explain the operation of, the unit to, left to right: J. 1,. Kalhok, Simcoe; D. N. Wilson, Guelph, and A. F. Jammer, Hampton. -Photo by Herb Nott & Co. Report to Counties Council Heal th 'Unit Estima tes Up $8,500 Over Last Year Estimated expenditures fa the Northumberland-Durhar Health Unit show an expectei total of $155,400 in 1960. Thi is an increase of $8,500 ove the amount expended in 195E Earle E. Walkey, Reeve o sClarke Tawnship and Chair Etian. Lists of the schools wer tacquired, checked, and cadi fied.. From. the very first w realized that the Caniadiai School Trustees' Associatiai was the key ta distribution a tthe sets. The cooperatian o Mr. Simrms and his fellow of -ficers and trusteéS bas madi 1the whole 'pragram possible". Britannita. officialS had t( 1find starage space for araunc 90g tons of boaks-enaugh setý ta 1111 a bookshelf a mile anc a quarter lotig-and arrangi for shipment tb over 1,00( Canadian cities. towns, anc villages. The sets in transi' will caver a grass estimateci distance ai ane and one-haJJ million miles. 1TYRONE Last Friday evening the Evening Grou p of Tyrane W. A. catered ta a turkey dinner ta the Teachei;'s Federation when 37 teachers wcre pres- ent. Little Helen Harvey 13 in 'the Sick Children's Hospital for observation. Mrs. J. A. Pogue, Banff, AI- ,berta, spent a week wîth her sister MIrs. j. C. Cook, Mr. Cook and famàl.y. Mr Stanley Harmer and Mrs. Kenneth Harmer, Clarkson, also Visit- ed their home. .Sorry ta learn Mrs. K. Col- bary is in Memarial Hospital, Bowmianville, suffering fromn a heart attack. Steven Nastofi is in~ Osh- awa Hospital for observationl. Mr;. and Mrs. Trewin Scott and farnilY were supper guests of Mîr. and Mrs. Harvey Part- ner. Orona. 'BilLae Mr. -and Mrs.Bi La, Newcastle, were. dlinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. H. Skinner. The C.G.JT. girls and lead- ers attended church in a body on Sunday marninig. Hennie Reyenga and Shelagh Murphy received the offering. Mi;. Russell Hardy, Toron- te, Mri. and ivtrs. Harvey Strong. Salem, Mr;. and Mrs. J. Welsh and family, Baw- manville, were gucsts ai Mr;. and Mrs. George Alldread. Sever-al ladies from Tyrone Wlhitby lodge Monday lodge Monday night. Mr. J. C. Cook and Mrs. J. A. Pogue, wcre tea guests oi Dr. and Mirs. Dobson, Peter- borough. Ted Bartlett, Bowmanviile; Miss Kay Davey, spent Sat- urday evening with Audrey Wood. 4-H Club girls and leaders entertained their mothers to a supper on Saturday even- ing in the Cammunity Hall. Major John Foote, Cobourg, visited Mi;. and Mrs. Walter Park Si;., last week. Sunday visitors wîth Mi;. and Mrs. Walter Park Si;., were Mr;. and Mrs. Henry Shermito, Osh.awa; Misses Sandra - and Donna Bragg, Bowmanviile: MI;. Lauxie Sta- pleton, Newtonville, also Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bur;gess af Bowmanville. The Èast Group af W.A. held a quilting bee in the Sun- day Sehoal room Monday and Tuesday. Mr;. and Mrs. G. Kayac, Mi;. and Mrs. Fred Partner, Mr;. and Mrs. D. Davey, were. Sat- îi-day evening visitors aof. and Mrs. Stanley Gable. The weight ai the snaw and ice daniaged the fruit house of 1k. Rab Roy. Mr;. and Mrs. Allan Thies- sen and ch.ildren, Mr;. and Mrs. Keîth Robinson and Mi- chael, Bowmanville, Beverley, Sandra and Arlien HaIl, Mrs. K. Rahm and cbildren attend- eda birthday party for Faith ruiesse:n iat the home ai Mr; r man ai the Board of Health, year maintenance costs will i m told the United Countieslshow an increase as the board 'd Council in Cobourg recently. will pay $ 1,380 ta the United;l ýis Counties for rentai of part ai'ý ar Payroll and transportation the Bowmanville Registry Of-i 9, account for 91 per cent ai the fice. It bas also pad$60" f Unit's budget leaving nine per peti tr yasfr h r--cent for the six offices. This ofes in the Uyieds $6,000 Building. e The Health Unit was found.I -Parent C..ounciI ed in 1945 when the popula-1 ie lion ai the United Counties was Ele ts f1iers 1136 It is o 77 712 Inii ! Plans Program, The highlight of the Janti- 0 ary 26th meeting of the Osh- cawa and District Parent Coua- , cil held in Simcoe Hall, Osh- 1 awa, was the reading of the e new officers for the ensuing termn by Mr. Delbert Arkless Irepresenting the nominating b committee ai M-. Arkless and 1Mrs. Jack Luke: President, f Mrs. D. G. Arkless, Oshawa; Secretary, Mis. Ralph Camp- bell. Bownianville; Corpes- ponding Secretary, Mrs. W. Brown, Oshawa; Treasurer, 1%&;. Jack Luke, Oshawa; Di- redtors, Mrs. Walter Dyl and Mrs. Dave Clark, Oshawa. M.r. Walter Dyl, Oshawa as Vice President and Mrs. A. Rose, Bownianville, as Director, were elected by the members on Tuesday evening. Following the electIon, Mr;. Arkless moved that no officer should hold office more than two years, and this was voted on and carried. Announcement was madle by Mrs. Arkless of an executive meeting to be held at her home, 163 Central Park Ave. South, Oshawa, on February 3rd, 1960, in the evenîng. There was a good attend- ance of members at the meet- ing who 'were welcomed by the president, Mrs. D. G. Ark- less, and proceedings were op- ened with the repetition af the Lardi's Prayer ini unisan.. The members were rernind- ed ai the Parent Council Euchre ta, be held at Eastview Palk Clubhouse, Oshawa. on We2- nesday evening, January 27th and of the Euchre on Thurs- day evening, February Ilth, at the Mémorial Park Build- ing, Bowmanville. Committees were appointed to deal with the variaus featuires, and al the Bowxnanville membersi will lend assistance at the Bowmanville praject. 1 Mr;. Arkless rerninded L'le! members ta, keep in mind the Cerebrai. Palsy Week whichi is to be held the first week i May of this year. During \the business session, Mrs. Ralph Campbell of Bow-, manvîlle reported several splendid contributions fram Bowmanville friends. The Public Relations and Sehoal Board reports were given by Mr-. Delbert Arkless. ,Mention was alsa madle of the recent donations of the Helping Rand Group of Sim- coe Street Church, Oshawa, also the assistance af Mr. and Mrs. Pretty of Pretty's Furni.- ture Store, Oshawa. It was. also announced that a radia, aý quilt and a hand hooked rugi would be drawn for shortly.1 The school and clinic are' always happy ta greet the nurses from the On.tario Hos- pital, Whitby, on Wednesdays and from the Oshawa Hospital on Fridays. Several tables af cards wei;e enjoyed with Mi-s.: Norma Harper and Mrs. Wil-1 liam Macey looking after this feature, and refreshments were uerved under the super- vision ai Mrs. Dave Clark and, Ivirs. John B3othweil. Cet Cash Toéday For OId ApplianoesI *bwUgh 8 TA TE 8M A N C LA 8SI1FI1E D S ?hem MAtket 3-3303 i Il. Lettuce 2 Iclans' servies m a mfl28: full time and ulWit part time staff members "This year we have to budget for the salary and transporta- tion ai an additional nurse be- cause ai the increase in the population, and also the meed of extra clerical assistance," Mr;. Walkey asserted. There are also salary increases with-, i the schedule appraved by the Board oi Health ta b. con- sidered. "'The board wiil ask for con- tinuation ai national health' grant assistance i the amount of $27,480. This is a 100 per. cent grant. Included in the budget are estiniates for anoth- er sanitary inspecter and an audiometer technician to de- velop a hearing programn in thc sebools. National Health Grants Administration is pro. viding grants in aid for these persans, as well as for another sanitary inspectai;, two public health nurses, dlinic nurses, andi clerical assistance. Altogether1 the increase in basic staff an-j nual salary increases, and sup-1 plementary salary for staff on, National Health Grant will i-. crease the board's budget byg $6,795, and transportation coss by $1,180.1 "As ai December 31, 1959, ,the Health Unit is expected tai SOLI» HEADS . 5cl have àaisrplus 0or*$p»&8.of this amount $4,148 àa consider- ed as a provincial surplus. Under th. new systeni of ac- counting inslituted for alU health umlts in 1959, thec sum of $4,148 is flot ta b. used, but kepl as a surplums in case of emergency. "The Provincial Accounta Branch of the Ontario Depart- ment of Health has expressed the hope that a similai; amount ýý will be contributed as a surplus by the Counties. A ficed sur- plus ia recomnxended as the Board ai Health la unable, by law, ta, borrow funds, or to aperate an overdra!t. Approx- imnately one month's operating costs should be canst.antly available. The surplus estimat-I ed is considerably less than the normal month's operatig expenses of $12,800. "lIt ls the recommendation ai the board that a United Counties surplus a! approxim- ately $4,400 b. carried ta match that being carried by the prov- ince. The board has alsa ap- proved the increase ti estim- ated costs for 1960. Ini order that these costs may be budget- cd, council is asked ta, apprave an increase ai $6,850 ta raise- Uic caunties' allotment from $66,450 ta $73,300," Mr;. WalkeY stated. bAdn'-l Wfinfl Chock-fuI of health ls a dairy diet Smofl.n up, folk# se »M eto tvy 5. ancing for; additional phys-' AU Fpod Features Effective Februsir 11, 18. 13 KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ 16 OZ. 5c FRASERVALE PROZEN FISH & CHIPS 24 OZ. ?.59C W. reserve the rlght t. litit quantities 15 OZ. TINS FARS 65C 37e 109F 6 5c MAPLE LEAF BONELES ROLED Lambc FrontsC POUND Maple Lad Cooked Ready-to-Eat Hockless Smokod Pork Shouldors Lb. 39c MONDAY THRU FEIDAY ON ... CIlCH-TV Channel Il- Hamilton - 9 -9:30 a.m. CKVR-TV Channel 3 - Barrie - 11-11:30 a.m. CKWS-TV Channel 11K - Kintaton - 12:30,- 1;30 p. CHEX-TV Channel 12 - Peterborough - 1 to 1:30 paq, WiKBW-TV Channel 7 - Buffalo - 9:30. to 10:?Qan. SHOP AND SAVE AT B owmanville IGAMarket 10 VEUVILE Toms m ONTANI IGA Market 'uwcam. r!g -...... 4, - -' - t- DEL MONTE - SAVE 6c - FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL INO 39« YORK KAM - SAVE 25e LUNCHEON MEAT 2 YORK - SAVE 25e - SWEET MIXED PICKLES 2Ji SAVE 20e - IGA SUNNY MORN TEA BAGSM U.S. No. 1 GARDEN FRESH New Cabbage 2 1FOR 25c CRISP, FRESH U.S. No. 1 IGA NOW HEADQUARTERS FOR TV's ROMPER. ROOM TME SHOW FOR ALL CHUIREN 0F PRE-SCHOOL AGE LàýLM PAGZ LENHALF PINTIS BY RAE DeiIP'i i 1 .9 il- jý 3f 1

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