Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, p. 4

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PAGE F %Ta "MS CANADJAN STATUMAN, EOWMANMiVLlE.OZTARJio ~Ju8 I i )RIALS The Cause Everyone Honors We are glad t» report that aimait *veybody who à somebodY favors S"rtherhooed. Leading publishers, cdi- 4otalltaauthors, clergymen, actors an2d other "1greats" are earnest Mn their endorsement. If cverybody agrees, what ila the probleiu? Why not just practioe Brothierhood and quit talking ';%out it? 'the problem la that it is "easier to talk about a virtue than to practice IL iàp service la the hypocrlte's way .of keeping fromn looking at lis con- science. Don't mlsunderstand us. Talk Is important. OnIy through wcords can a problern be stated and solved. But talk should lead to action. Words with- out deeds are impotent For those who talce the ideal of Brotherhood seriously, a Christian par- able points out their duty. When Christ the King cornes te judge the world, he praisca the blessed because they helped hum when he was hungry, nakcd, sick and in prison. Thcy wanted to know when they had donc no. He apswred, "Inasmuchi as y. have done it unto the least of these my brethrcn, ye have donc it unto me." In other words, Brother- hood, la if anything, a way of action. Groucho Mar, the comedian, in a rare moment of unsniiling acriausaass understated the case for Brotherhood: "Today yau arc betting your lfe on this country you live in. If we want ta win the prize of national strength and security we've got ta work togeth- er. Let's respect each other's race and colour and creed. Let's make Brother- hood Week, Feb. 21 - 28 last ail year.» If we could make Brotherhood Week lait for ane day, if ail of us truly practised for 24 hours the ideal we say we believe, the world would lisec thc greatest and best revolution in the history of mankind. &Ioung 4000" Iman 's (3olmn tip-in oea i ut of mertal ed as in unz«enerate i hands ltogeter-or la real- Maybe se, but I fanl to su ly affected by Divine force. anything wrong in My refu- Then, why do they make a sal to do wmçthing that was mCokr f the very religion only a matteir of form whlohthey espouse? least, I was consiatent iC lk Once, I was requested te is more than van b. sald f«io, asic the blessing at a meal, borne of the types under dWs and when I declined, was rat- cussion i t.h1 article. otetters to tlhe &iitor C.., e I s ~* The Grits read the. Star; the Tories rend the Tely; intelli- gent people re-ad the Globe and Mail, and our subscrlp- tien te the latter newspaper ha& nine more months te go. One of rny favourite feature wtiters la Scott Young, wliose column '«A Close Look" ap- pears on the Sports page. Hlowever, no one should mis- takenly think that, because of Its location, It only reports who won whiat athletic, event. Ris articles are pithy, up- to-date, down-to-earth vignet- tes of many kinds ef people, usually connected with sport- ing events. He is neyer afraid te flay the hide off anybody-from -the chief pooh-bah to the low- ly swamper, and, he la neyer sparing of praise where it is deserved. Besides being pene- trating analysis of his subjects, his articles often contain rich, subtle hunior, proving that Scott Young himself, is a pret- ty human kind of bloke, who lias become wise te the ways %f men through a long, hard ,emester in the university of hard knocks. Last week, he touched on a subject that has claimed my -attention for a good mnany years-;that of people, i var- ious walks of life, beseeching divine blessing on their res-. pective pursuits, or projects, regardless ef how -incongru- ous the case xnay be. I agree with Mr. Young, one hundred percent, when he ays: "I count myspif te be as gQod a Christian as the next chap, but each time I hew~ someone referring to Heaiven as being a Place which May control the fiight of a puck, a football, a basebaîl, it seema te me an effront to the who]e idea af religion. As if "Up There," a gigantic elec- tronie homard existed which decided when Bronco Horvath Would get a goal, and when Jean Belliveau would get a goal, and planned the whole thing to keep not oniy us, but the players in suspense. This ringing in of Providence as the unseen member of a for- ward line, pass defense, or double-play combination isn't confined to, sports. Generals, presidents, prime ministers ail do it, on a grand scl.I s cosnmon, in war, 1for both sides te petition the 1Alrnighty for a littie help &5- 9fore going into battie. A new >plant for making bail bear- àings is opened, and a minis- eter, priest, or cloquent lay- Smin will asc for Divine as- tsistance in ils future opéra- tiens. Mr. 'Young alse nientioned tsomnething that repeatedly thappens; an athiete making Fthe sîgn of the cross before rentering conmpétition. Quite recently, MY wife and I saw two boxers cross themselves, before they left their respec - tive corners, ta try and maij the ather fellow's body, that imge of the very One they 9each iniplored to «aid in their tnefarieus task. I wonder what passed through the mind Of the boxer who lost. Like Scott Young, 1 simply cannot believe that any ath- tlete, if he is intelligent, reail believes that each shot, each punch, each swung stick or Fbands warmly. "WeII, It sure was hard te get away in the middle ef the week. . ."1 1 started to tell hlm, and sny .wite bit me a kidney punch . romn behind that almost downed me. W.hen we got to the Lieut- enant-Governor, I watched the guy ahead of me in lune, to see what he'd do. He bowed slightlY es he shook hands with the L. G. Se I did. And when my head went down, my eye was caught by some- thing. A big fat flap of red- striped fla ,nnelette Pyjama pa1nts, drapeci over InY shoe. It had slipped Out Of my sock, 1where I stuff thern se the; won't show. 11orvatii vins te acorlnj 286 Aylesworth Ave., honors, but, te tell the truth, Toronto 13, Ont., I'm net going te b. praying Der Feb. 3, 1960. for him would it be fair Io DerMr. James, Belliveau or Hull? I received your card remind- Edgar Metzler, Pastor, ing nie that my subscription First Mennenite Church, la about to expire. Please re- Kitchener. new it for another year, and you are right, when you state ý690 Ceahuri Ave., that you feed sure that I have Toronto 6, Ont. received more than the cost Feb-uary 6, 1960. of titis paper, ia enjoyable ~Eltr reading, etc. 1 Da dtr Hcre's hoping I don't miss. Your editorial "dHow Té a copy, as I do like "'Ed, Stay Young" la the fineat plece Youngman's" column, «'In the et literary stimulation I have Dim and Distant Past"', "The ever read. It la aomethlg we advertisement section" and should ail 'clip eut', and read the Statesman as a oniplete each day. paper. Thank you air. I arn sure Sometime I would like to that concise article wiiib. a know the history o! the large, great comfort te many read- white brick, building near the crs. end of Orono'a main street. It Most sinoérely, looks like it has been a hotel Marion Ford (Mm. R.W.) PRELUDE TO SPRING Now, thc days are getting longer, And the sun's a littie stronger, In my heart I hear a robin sing. Though the ground's stili white with snow, Underneath, are flowers I know, Just waiting for the first soft kisa of Sprlng. Sa when the path is rough, And the going seems quit. tough, You can be se very certain of oie thng, I If your troubles seem "en masse", Don't forget, "this too, wiil pass;" Wunter's always foilowed by the Spring --Marj oanc C gh Mako sure that the addresses on your letters and parcols lpluo these 5 points: " Full name of person ta whomn your mail la add ressed. " Correct street address, rural. route number or post office box number. " City, town or village. " Province, state (or equivalent) and country. " Your name and return 'address in upper loft corner. Remember, Postal Zoning operates In Vancouver, Wlnnlpsg Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quobec. Whon wrltlng te Ihos citles be sure to Include the Postal Zone Numbor. .4 SU TYOUR PONTIAC DEALER TODATI *Sinee thc Inception of televioion, It has tal4en its toils and caused its disr ruptions, but one of the biggest upsets was the recent disclosure . f riggcd shows. Most peOple are acquainted with this and the scandal it caused as weil as thc disillusionmcnt of a lat Of ~'viewers. May now b. that many people do not believe what they see or hear on T.Aithough there may b. fakes, the public daca net like ta think that it las bn duped. With the disciosure af rigged quizz shows, attention was turn- cd taother parts of the TV set-up and now the spotlight la on thc coînmerciais. Samimres we think thc commercials ane even mare entertaining than the actual programme, but here again we arc lni for a let-down. No doubt many viewers have seen the demonstratien af a safety razor ahaving a piece of sandpaper ta which a shaving crcam has been added. Weil, according ta findings of a committcc Prabing. advcrtislng, this toc la a fake. That anc on thc aiuminum foul wrap i another anc conjured up by the admen 'f TV. It turni eut that quit. a number F of thc .dvertising stunts on TV are donc by means of trickcry. Several ieading big advcrtisers on TV are named as participants i thia tricky business and &long with thcm- several advcrtising agencies. This ivestigation la geing There ls cvèry indication that this oçssiofl of parlianient, vil deai with the outmodcd liquor Taws 0fèrv Suce and that regulations regarding madvertising will be reviscd. And it la âbout time. For toc long Ontario ad- iiertising media have been prehibited from carrying the same advertising that la continually beamcd inte their homes by television, by magazines and by radio frein across the border, says Thc Uxbridge Times-Journal. For instance, in the past six weeks we have, twicc received as a supple- ment to one of the daily papers a 20 pagc tabloid effort in black aid white and in calour. Nine full pages cf the firît edition werc given over te beer and liquor advertising. (It was print- ed in thc U.S.) Andi tIat saine issue the government of Ontario lad two iul page ads, one a deal on tourist ai- Love cf gessip, especiaily scandai- oua gessip, la se hngraincd in thc humai race that it would b. uselcas te protesi about it. One may deplare thc faci that ene's next-deer neighbor îabitualiy beats his vife or that the mai twa doons away Io accustcnned te rali druik tIree nigîts a week, but one stili. wanits te learniail thc details that the other neighbors can tell on invent. Even when thc subjects cf gossip ane unknown te anyoe in the neigîber- hood, the details, if lurid enaugl, be- comne everybody'a business, saysTI Printed Word. A Canadian just returned from a vtsit to England brings back the f ollow-' ig priceless (in more than one sense ci the word) true story. Mm. owmm1DB Nw neh t.woudel dependent cmd Tb* Oro=o News lOth YMU cdolContinueus Service f0 the Town ot Bowfmcnvilie and Durham County on inithc United States. As far as we know, nothing has been said as te Canadian TV. However, a large propor- tion of thc United States programmes are carried on the networks of this country. Te say thc least, all these things are misleading te the viewer who la led ta believe that this and that product are far superior and theref are a much better buy. Many a persan gees eut and buys on the strength of thc tests that arc made and apparently preven. Ncwspapcrs are careful ta guard their readers against fa] se advertising and many a cencern has been turned down because their products were not ail they purported to be. Such h a lois to the publisher, but it is his way of protecting his subscribers frein be- mng deceived. At the same time it up- holds the reputation of the newspaper for publishing facts which can be relied upon and trusted. The newspaper association aise keeps the publisher in- formed as te thc shady advertiser and such advertisements are refused. This la ail for the protection of the public. No newspaper would hld the confi- dence of its subscribers fer vcry long if it permitted faise advertising and false dlaims ta appear continuaily in its columns. The public must be pro- tccted from sudh things ini TV adver- tising. tractions and thc other by its Depart- ment cf Transport. At thc same time said goverlnwmet las ta- date e4iorced4 legislathon tIat prehibits theit, owni provincial news media from carrying beer aid liquor ada. It obviousyiy laa case of do as I say and not as I do. The situation as it now stands la idiculous. -Vast sums cf money arc going eut af the province as thc aniy means available to advertise a legal product that is under the contrai of the Ontario Goverîment for the simpie reason thnt the governmnent has not made its advertising legal in the coun- try i which it hlids contrai Canf us- ing, isn't it? Yet, no more confusiîg tIan ha the legisiation that prompts it. If ever a law needs revising, this la it. And it la ta b. hoped that the combined brains of goverîment in this year of 1960 wili see fit ta, make the necessary amendments. I recent years thc cveryday scandais of îneighborîood, apatutent house, towî or village mnuit have be- corne. tee mme or tee familiar for satiat- cd appetites. Caterng te these, saine newspapers and magazines now range to the distant pastures of Hollywood, Las Vegas or Miami for fascinating titbits. Tic darncstic misadventures cf Marilyn, Brigette and Ingrid become front-page news across the continent. Essentially these are tic same as those af tic family next dean, but pleity cf people must love te read about thein or newspapers aid press agencies wouid econemize on getting tic atonies. Inta a quiet littie country tawn tIen. irrupted Big Business in th. shape ef an ultra-modern store. To mark the opeîing, thc manager an- nounced on great posters: Reduction i Bacon Prices! Frein 4s. 6d, te 4s. 3d. Opposite the big store there was a dreamy uitile general store thc owner o! whicî immediately repiied with thc announcementof - Bacon Reduced ta 4s. Thc nexi day the big store preclaim- cd a Startliig Reduction! Bacon 3o 9d! Acrosa the way, île littie slop answer- cd with a reduction te 3s. 6d. S i wcnt on until with thc amail shop's Posters offcring bacon ai 2s. a pouîd, îe manager of thc store went aven and saw thce"tile iman". «Look here!" said the manager. "We can't go on like this! We shaH ceut each other's throat!" "Oh, I can carry on!" said the tile mn. pI nont worrhcd." The manager was curious. "Laok," h. saidà, teU me, ao mmxitoman, how do you do it?" ,~Ah weIL" uaid the Ut. ma, "thai'd be ielin#! W. a&U have car trade secreis, you koew.» Iemanager was bcvilderçd. «U a good feltow, and *3i me!" h. urge& "8AU righ," sald the Utile mam . "I will. I don't »Ui baconY»-Industry.' Read ln one of the. gesip cohun the other day tha Car- Grant, the miovie acter, ma-ide a special trip by jet 6,000 miles te Hlongkong, to see his tailor. The item vent oý,:"Cary thinka t"sparti- euarOriental auitmaken ta the best in the world, and is anybedy going to argue vitli Cary?" Met me, Madame. Conslder- Ing that Item calmly. I eould *nly corne te the e@elusion that Cary and 1 have a lot difger.nt tigs on sur -mindi And 1 I at Mr that la euvy. 25 IMAiS AGO (1'ebrusry 14, 1935) Mn. and Mra. Win. P. Jgal Brown St., recently ceerateci their Silver Weclding anniver- sany on Febnuary lat. Sevena] beautiful gifla of ilverware vere pnesented by thein Bow. manville friends. Congratulatiens te Misa Paul- !nc Wagar, second ycar tudent at the University ef Torento, an winning a $10 priz. fer bcst poeen offered by the. "Act' tue official ergan of Victoria College. Mr. Alex Birks, Toronto, at- tcnded the High School At Home and apent the weekend vith bis parents, Dr. and Mns. W. H. Birks. Col. R. J. GMU Brockviile, spent thc veekend here renev- ing aid acquauntancea. Blackstack: A very enjoyable surprise party was held Sat- urday night in honor et Mr. Samnuel Fergusan's birthday at hid home. Oven thirty friends assembled and thc evcning was spent kn gaines and dancing. Salem: Miss Giadys Can. Toronto, spent tue veekcnd vith her parents, Mn. aid Mrs. W. J. Cana. Tyrone: Congratulations te Mn. and Mms.HItold Burgess on the arrivai et a baby boy. Hamptefi: Mm. J. âA Graves vho has been vlsiting Mra. R. Katerson returned te her home in Wawanesa, Mai. En&ikllen: Somy te rep that Mms.Thot. MeGdiI teU aid broke her rigit arm- on her way te Young People's metng con, edeay night. Maple Grove: W@ welcome Mr. and Min. Barnne, Vancou- ver, teoancemunlty having Purhaed ti. lace \iormierly ocpied by Il. A. Gover, latey b M.Disney. Sea: Mse Evelyn Thik, Ruth McKessock imd Helen Bake spnt the veekend wlth: Ma Ad AIU Providence. Nestieton: MIssLis Veale entertalned a number ef friends te a party on ber bfruhday. Nevionville: MNa.mrLou Samis, Bowmanville Hospital,j visited ber parents, Mr. and1 lis. Bert Sang. Orono: Mr. Omm msb. ai-' tended a gathurlng of tthe Dur-g ham Club la Toronto on Titan-1 <dwcauirt theii.annuel Jr.I 1a= 0rZ sedJudging cempeti-i ato e t Bailieboro ce Jeu. U~tbreeslocal bos cu q oreeacb vlth a prize et two1 bushels ci reglsted O.LC No. 21 b.nler. The. standuin ucern- peon of 40 contestants wau:i RolndI; Jack:Be làe ~n;Garnet PRckard 4tb.1 1 have a Perfectir good suit. As far as F-m eonceriied, iL's Just as tood as the. day 1 geL Lt, four years age. Every year about this time there's a newspaper conven- tion, and every year iL takes me about three weeks te asic my vife inte gaing. She can't go beçause sh. hasn't anything te wear. "Se buy* yourself a dress", I say. Turns eut she bas a dress, but she doesn't have a fur, cout. Thnt brings that conversation te an abrupt Then ase tries te make me teel like a heel with the old reverse psychology. I can't posslbly ask Mother te keeP the eidren agaie. And- yeu know hew vora eut we are alLer a convention. 1 haven't a stitcb te wear exoept that old black tblng. My Inoning la tbree weeks behind. 1 sim- ply can't go, ln tact 1 don't even want te go. Why don't you go aioe? Yeu'd enJoy gettlng away trom us ail for a couple of days.. This 1 get at lunch hour, for exanmple. I arn supposed te reply: "New, came on. sweetie. Your mother won't mind having thc kids. It does us good ta get away. That black dress looks terrifie. Don't worry about yaur lron- ing. You know I wouldn't go without you." What I say la: "O.K." Wien I get home at six, aie has a dress ripped apart, her mother lincd Up, and la desperatcly iraning cloties for thc whole family for the weekend. * 4 *V 49 TZARS AGO This year, %be tnied a ne'w (February 16, 1911) glmmick. Instead of that trne- Mr. Russell Langmaid, Dan- worn anile about ba-vlng noth- [hlngten, bas sold his tarin to inc te wear, aie assured me, -Mr. J.'ý L. Pansons, Pickering, with some coldaess. that 1 was 1for $12,000. Mn. Langmaid in- se ahabby she wouldn't bc 3tends going .te Edmnonten, Alta. accu wlth me i a ragpiickerç' ,te engage inithe real estat;e niY, let alone a convention business. of urbane, well-greomed news- .Miss Florence M. BeIlinan paper editers. twho has been holidaying at* * ihome, left Tucsday for Toron- Tuis was unf air and she te whcne sic vill attend thc knew iL. I have that good grav millineny openinga previous te suit. I have a genuine Harris àgoing te Fort Wiliam, whcrc tweed jacket, made in Mon- ah. vil b. k charge af n large treal, that I got at tic samn millinery establishment in New tUrne, tic year we wcnt t< tOntario's hustling metropolis. tint convention dewn east, Mn. Gea. J. Raye left Mon- about 5~6. Andi n good stout day for Tarante where he ia pair o! black sioea, resoled a accepted a position with a larg - couple of imes, but taking a olesale firmn. nice. aune, that I bougit for Town Coundil met Monday the saine trip. evening te consider thc sale etof the electrie light plant ta Sey- ytpotlaabtsab >mour Power Co. It i, under- but atoPter i L a tshacoac »stood thnt a favorabje aller will tbaud wen aibogit ILisen b. mmde if terma can be agrced yas taan u olitI airtere upoi. er g rma laifoc Mr. Ir. H. Morris lias returr.- sidekick who'd gene a bit ai- cd from tue Goodyear Tire an cohoîje. The two top baLLon. Rubbr Co facory t Akonbole. are sloppy as a sow'n car, Ohubbwere e'. aory atfoka' but the bottom ane sinys but- Ohi, vier h.lia ben fr ntoncd. And the linlng la like 1couple of mentis learakng the ~ r, eahbe n fiais pints e . tr 'P1 neyer uem te itIL zipped fig business.or th u.eeld veather. Orone: Mn. Geo. S. Henny bas ** decided te go West te Saskat- chievan, where he has bought1 AU Inx ail, I'm net ashamed ahall section o! land near tuieb enk any campany, villa eof Marshal, on the and I havcn't been turned ci.1rA away frein any place since the Darlingten: Misn Birdle Bunk time the waiten in the. pub estertained a panty et young aaked mie if 1 was 17 and I people very peasantly Mon- sald sure, I'm 19, and lie saad day evening. we-U get tihe eout cf her., Hampton: Sono etfE-iland sennY. You gotta be 21. concert and basket social Mon- * day nigit was a great success, What started the O01< Girl itehall bcing packed te the on this jump, __j dobelieve, doors. 1&. L. A. Toi., Boy- usa my long underwear snd manvifle, sold the baskets. lis recent unfertunate betray- Ennlak*iUen: Mn. and Mrs. al. This winter, I've given up Elias Ashton emntetained tue my youibful vanity, wibh great young people of thia viciity relief, and gone bsck to ihat one evening tbis week. dellght ot my childbood, long Loia: Saturday evening tue underwe. Ne more siver- maCny f OfdsetMiss Edith Inin ushorts for me. No more Vie ge ndai lien home pre- creaking blPa, treherous ijUs& anMrria. M. kldneys sMd p.reysed kue.- Vy yto orden and Mins Lena ~ Pryior rsad a nicely werded Onl, trouble lu tuai 1 have addeaid Misses 1 iTay- jusi the one suit, vhich I geL Ion, Liazi VIkaa,, f'e on Christms. Se, wien it's Paso.,Floenc VieEf fi"einithe wash, I have te vear Vicd er id loa le Wcry peu- MJama bottoms, or isk a cold. Wuieadeaith ale sewcr.Couple of veelca ago, we vere Mis Vie mde sutabe rpyait the opcnîng eofLthe Legisia- and a very pleasait e*ein»g turc, and attcnded tue Lieut- vaestnca.use w encant - Governor's reception Haydou.: A vey ontyed- alterwvards. There was a big ttoo lue ai &e h ofetlineup te shake banda with andc W. IL Creeper on tue host andhbis wife, and Lh. Wednesday, Pb. MLliwten Premier and bis Wife. taeindaughte, Ida Maude, was: *00 united la marriage vlth Mn.' h Premier was ral Aeader Grant, Tenante, byrI triendly. u.4o glad yen ceuki Bey. ]EL 8. Bifee, Tyrone. 1nv.".be beaaed, eMd shoek w ee is it ~,,. :~ Advertising and Television 2 Chathain Ave., Toronto. February 3, 1960. Dear Editor. Your commnunication te hand and ini reply wil say resding news from Bowmanviile and surrounding towns and vil- lages is just like home te me as I was born and lived seven miles north of Bowmanville until on compfleting high school years I attended Business Col- lege here in the city. % As I arn now a senior citi- zen I surely enjey every item in your paper. Many old-tinie friends have gone on but many of their descendants live tIlêre stiil. Se 1 amn. encloslng amount for six months' subscription, and sorry I arn Inte in re-mit- ting but we have had a death in our circle au that caused this delay. Thankig you for past fa- vours. Yours slncerely, Mrs. E. Rose ini the early coachlng denu~ right or wrang? Witii this last reniark 1 vii close. I remain, GO» AND TRE NUL Frein The Globe and Mail Le, the prophet appeara ou the sports pagel Three oheero for Mr. Scott Yeung'&a Mut at the vulgarizatioû et popular religion illustrated by Bron- eo Horvath's attempt to, make God the divine-wirepuller be. hind the National Hockey Lesgue acoring ruce. I'm ail kn favor ef making the Chris tian falth relevant to. every area et 111e, but thiklnd e1 buddy-buddy, Big Fellow rée. lationship with the, Almighty la sacrilege. And the. voie beonuse it's se weIl accepted kn the current atmoaher. ci secularized plety. Maybe you should bave Mr. Young do an eccasienal ipievu for the church kpage!1I hop POLITICAL AMMUNITIor4 -.aSUGAR and SPICE:- Ip.nsed bysDii Smiey Revision Long Overdue Everybody's Business How It's Done SUSRIPTONRAIES $50a Ye# etlb. Umad m u W &utbuid moe U.c wona M Mm Joe..Mm ouve ; 1 . 1 1 IL f ~~Y3 ;~ s ow,%Tm neietie.

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