Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, p. 3

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A W - E4~ **** TM CAA1WAW TA'PI5AIL ULWUENVELUTR BlAMIf Annual Vestr etn eed ai Blackstock Church The Annual Vestry Meeting mentiancd as worthy of good that the election take place b>' ' of St. John's Churcis, Black. support, and il was atated ballot. Alter thse votes had stock, (postponcd irom Janu- tsaItishe new (reviscd) Pra>'- been caunted Canon Chaper- ary 25th on account cf badl er Book would be lssucd dur- lin announced tlxat as M. Neil l weather conditions) was held ing tiis ycar, and used in Bailcy had réceivcd most Jn tise Parish Hall on Monday, tise Churcis as soon as copies votes he hed tiserefore been Feb. lat, 1960 at 8 pa.. in. were availgble. elected as Peoplc's Wardcn. Mite of a rather cold evcning Thse Financial Report was Mr. Hnrry Hall was again there waa a very fai attend- given by Mr. George Wolf e, rc-clected as Lay Delegate to ence of members.' and alter soare questions isad thse Synod, and was heartil>' Canon Chaperlin occupied been asked andc! nswered, he th-anked for hi, past services, thse chair, and the meeting iioved its adoption. Tis was especialy during last year' IýS was opencd with apprapriate seca!ided b> Mrs. Scott and when there were thrce occa-1 paesas well as rememn- carried. It wns nated, how- alons on whlcli he was calledj = res befare God af those ever, tisat thc Asseusment ta attend tise Synod, including1 Who lied Upassed an" since thse (for Synod purposes) and !tic the matter of electing a Cc-I lust Vstry meeting, namely: AllotiTient for Uic Mission adjutor and a Suffragan Blsb- _Mrs. Ernl>' Parr, Mis. Mabel Board) werc lncreased for the op for thc Diocese. Mis. Nor-, èrnith, Mrs. Florence Bateman, ycar 1960. ma Wolfe and Mns. Bessie M .ROy Bone, Mis. Maude Miss Eva Parr prcsentcd tic Craword wcre again re-elect- Bailey and,!Mrm. Isabeila Rich- report cf thc Envelope Secre- cd as Auditoms ardson. tariT, andc she wes offéed Uic Tise following were appoin- Mr. George Wolfe was again th.riks of the meetig for ici ted and/or elccted as Sides- re-elected as the Vcstry Clcrk, good work in this apecial di- men:-Messrs. P. Staniland, and tUic minutes of the last rection, andc was rc-clccted as H.isqMtaughlin, J. Hailton. Vesti>' meeting were rend and Envelope S eayfrthc H: Hamilton, H. Crawford and àdcPted. year. Canon Cisaperlin gave hLs Canon Chaperliseid that J. Grecn. The Cemeter>' Board report cf Uic affaira of thc he wished ta thank Mr. Frank Fasre-Haelton, n. N e,r Churcis during .1959, andc of- Staniland for his good work Mred.;Hatilton, M. . Len feret! lis sincere thanks toalal as Rector's Wardcn since 1955, Ba.Ùey, Mr. H. MicLaugllin Who had donc so miich and but stated that Mr. Staniland and I M. R. Brown. hec! worked so, lard in var- didc not wish ta be ne-appoint- Canon Chaperlin appointet! loua ways during the ycar. cd for another year. He there- thse following as members of Speclal mention was made o! fore appointcd M~r. George the Great Chapter cf thse Oshs- the diggung cf the well, ta Wolfe to be his Warden, and awa Deanery: - Messrs. F. provide water for thc Rectory was glad that Mr. Wolfe hat! Stanilant!, Lawrence McLau- andi Pariai Hall, under the been good cnough to say tint ghlin Jack Green, Harold leaderâhip cf Mr. George he would accept the position. âÎý!ton and! Haroldi Craw- Wolfe, and the man>' who This was received with accla- fod gave their time and talents mation b>' the meeting. Reports cf tic varlous and strength for this work The election of the Pcople's Church organizations wcre to be nccomplished. The ap- Warden then took place. As tien presentet!, and ail werc peal cf the Primate of the An- several were iiomiiiated for adopted. Tic>' wcr:-Wem- giaiChurois in Canada was tse position it wes decided an's Auxiliar>', by Mrs. F. Stanulanci; Girls' Auxiliar',ý by Mns. IH. cLaughlin; Junior Auxiiary, by 1%&s. J. A. Mc- Arthur; Littie Helpers, b>'à Mis. J. A. McAthur; Church : ]{ fr shBoy's League, b>' Mis. Fred1 Hamilton; Sunday School, b>'1 Mis. Fred Hamilton, A.Y.P.A. andc Cenieter>' Board b>' Mr.j ýjh 0 U Fred Hamilton. Ail the reports1 siowed Ihat good andc salis- w i h o tfaer>' work ad been accam-c plisied during thc ycar, but tie weak spots rcvealed would ho looked into andc!strength- ened by the capable leaders and perhaps others as well. fillingAil wcre warmly tiankeci for their consistent ani!dcvoted Thse following wcîe appoin- i Pesi-olais tse indin; ted and/or clected as mcm- Peps-Coa isthemoden-, bers of the Advisory Council: thse light refreshmcnt. Dry Mi. Franis Stanîlanci, Mir. J. Hamuilon, M. C. Smith, Mr. (net too swee), reduced inl H. .Shemilt, MIa. J. Green and1 calories, it refreshes -With- Mr. T. Hodge, andi thc repre- sentetives cf thse variaus out filing. Have a Pepâ& Churcli organizations were approvcd as members cf Uic Council: - Mira. J. Hamilton for tic W.A.; Mrs. H. Siemilt for thse G. A., Mrs. J. A. Mc- Arthsur for thc J.A.; Mis. P. Chaperlin for the LittleieHelp- ers; Mis. Fred Hamilton for the Ch'uroh Boy's League; Mis. Norma Wolfe for tic Sunda>' School, 1#2r. Lwrence Mc- w- -77ý> eîLaughlin for the A.Y.P.A.; asic!Mr. Fred Hamilton for thc Cemetery Board. Several important matters were then discusset! b> tiose present, asic!t.he meeting was ajourneci afler prayer and tic benediction hat! been pro- nounoed by Canon Chaperlin. Family Night HeId by Hampton W.I. 'fiscFébruary Fanl>' Nigtit of tic Wonien's Institute was: net too well attendet!.1 After regular business and' saine discussions regardingi Buy the famlly cartn oui March 17th concert, the1 centre group tock charge of of 6 big boifes. ,te'rn'unty singing Mountjoy called an Mis. Ad- Lt ansnfo ahmnrosJedi- Coro Costume gfewellery Neakiace and Earriugu or I3.oochand Earringu BOXED$ SETS $2,00 lalenline Special! VALENTINE CUP& SAUCER By ROYAL STAFFORD___ Egish»na- EACHf q 5 NGmlSHBONE CHINA CUP*' SAUCER" 98C M ARR'S JEWELLERY & GFT SHOP 48 RING STREE'!W. MArk.t 3-M41 Mms Clim Archibald, voted best country correspondent in 1959 by Ontario wCCkJy DCwspUI for ber work witîi The Tilbury Tmimes, receives Ontario Hydro'. award .fromn James A. BIay (left), director of information. H. D. McConnell, publisher and editor cf the Tilbury paper, states that Mrs. Archbald reporta fromi "The Lighîhouse" resait area at the mouth of the Thames River and Lake St. Clair. Mis. Archibald, aged 25, has Jour children and says she writes her weekly column as if it were a letter ta a close friend. Ile presentarion was made at the annual convention of thse Ontario Weekly Newspapcrs Association in Hanmilton, Saturday (Feb. 6). Heurt Fund Opens ts Annual Campaign Tic Canadien Heart Fund gifts showing a 20% incîcase announcedth le opening o! the over last yeer. 1960 oanipaign for $1,246,000 Door-to-door canvasses will Ioda>'. Duig lie month cf be held in the Toronto, King- Februar>' - Heent Month h stan andi Gananoque areas on Canada - corporationis, busi- Heart Sunda>', February l4ti. nessmen, office workers and In a two-iou.r blitz, members housewives are being asked ta cof the Ladies' Auxilienies ai support thc fighl against heart tise Canadien Legion will oel disease, aur countiy's Number on homes in Toronto, while an One killer. Kingston Uic canvass wiil be "lWe have ever>' confid!ence conducted b>' students of that~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o tc neraojcie Queen's Universit>'. that theOntrio bjecive Almost 75% ai the $1,246,- $500,000 will be achievcd", re- 000 quota is earmarkec! for re- parteci Martin Wills, campaign search ta develop maie ac- ciaimanof he eer Fud' curate tools for diagnoals, new Ontario division. "AlreadY, dîugs and surger>' techniques. 16% of oui quota lias been "Tic Heart Fund is nol a atteinet!, which is double thechciarity",hdrace Mi. Wiils said. "Al percentage we lad,, cf us have n steke in tic tuis lime lat yea.r . figt ageinst heart disease. The greater portion o! the Our support o! the Canadiean manies receiveci ta date have Heait Funci wiIl helci oui me- been frorn corporations andi dical scientists ta conquer yet employee groupa with most another enemy of manikinci". W.A. Makes Plans For 1960 Con ference. ln Kingston Church Planning for the fortisconi- ing Annual Meeting ai tic Bay' of Quinte Confereaice W.ý A. ccupieci an. important place on tic agenda when tie Exe- cutive met in thse Unitedi Churcis et Shannonville on Monda>', Februàr>' lst, the piesident, Mira. G. W. Dobbs cf Belleville in the chair. An invitation from, tic W-A. e! Chalmers Unitedi Chuicis, Kingaýtois, 1 hold the annuel meeting tiare, was accepteci, the date selecteci for a two-day conierclice being Ma>' 2nd andc 3rd. Mis. W . G. MacLean ai Kingston was eppainteci ta reccive icquests for billets for ail overnight delegates, to be provided b>' Chalmers W.A. Registration will bc.gîn aI 2 P.m. andc opening devo- lions at 2.30 p.m. Gucal speakers ta ho invit- cci fron Dominion Counicil W. A. will include Mms. J. Y. M- Kinnon, President, with Mis. J. L. Halpein>',Peat-president as ealteinate; suggested lopîc ýwil be womnen's work-the New Organizati4in". Mis. Geo. Paul, Programmne Planning Secretar>' for Dominion Cotin- cil W.A., will be akeci ta give guidanc in pragramming in WA so Mis. B. H. Soper, President oai'Bey cf Quinte W.M.S., wiil be inviteci ta speak. Thse theme chasen for thc Conference is "'A Change- 1cms Christ i a Changing World"'. A Springlinie Retreat at Five Oaks Training Centre for Oshawa, ]Lindsay, Cobourg andc Belleville Prebyteries is Reent Pian o Resu Its nec folaowing ila aliaI Of successful candidates in cx- amninaticais icit! icenti>' by tic Royal Conservetor>' cf Music o! Toronto in Bowman- ville, Ontario. The names arc enranged in order af menit. A.R.C.T. Piano Solo Performers Honours - Frances J. Bil- leIt. Grade VII Piano pass-Gwendol>'n Gapeil. Grade VU Piano Honeurs - Esthser A. Rose- vear. pasa--Carol A. Fergusan, Jo Anne Hoar. Grade VI Piano Honours--et>' Jane Werry. Pasu-Susn Wenrn. Grade 91 Piano First Clasm Honours - Lois C. Tigise. Paua-Jean White. Grade B Piano J'lrst Clasu Honours-Brian Peter&. Honeuna'-Lorraine White. Grade I Piano Honours-Martsa J. WiUi. planxied for March 1, 2 and 3; transportation will cost $5, and room. and board for three days $7. Programme this year will include more time for Bible study, also a model W.A. meeting, as requested in evaluation sheets last year. A similar Retreat wili, be plan- ned for Renfrew, Kingston, Napanee. Lennox and Adding- ton, and Hastings and Prince Edward Presbyteries ini the Autumn, in order that more W.A. mernbers may share in this uplifting experience. The Victor Home ini Toron- to is i process of erection of a new wing, at a cost of $200,. 000, one-haif of which will be covered by mortgage. No campaign will be made, but wholehearted support prayer- fully and financiallýe is appeal- ed for, checks to be miade ta the Victor Home. The new wing wiil accomrnodate 25 girls, a modern kitchen, large dining-room nand small cha- pel-a Christian work with unmarried mothers who are so Young, frightened and be- wildered. Reports were received from Cammittee Chairmen, alsa Presbytery Presidents: the Treasurer's report showed sa- tisfactory finances. Warm fel- lowship was enjoyed at the luncheon served by the W.A. of, the Shannonville United Church. Aedical Mirror Manipulating Human Behavior Q. S«"e lmontas «qo masa stores 50tala.of a esa nWthod of advertiusng caIled "invisible ieliuag." Cau the minda asually b. injluezwed without a persffl bel. g assre <4 fa? A.. Subliminal. projection ('invis ible sel!") ta a technic long fa-1 miliar ta psychologists. It con- sista in bni ahowings of.material such as a soap box on a T-V screen or movie scîcen. Tho images ca. be perceived by thse individual without his being con-, sciously aware of it. The devico uscd tp flash the bni exposure is the tachistosco)pe, a gadgetwhich is one of the oldcst pieces of hardware in the psycholbgical laboratory. The pramoters of tiss type of advertising claim that it wil "sIli" Psychologists are more concerned with viether the matis- od - assuming that it works as an advartiaing gimmick - should bc used ;at al. One scientist bas said that playing witis the control of human behavior is more risky Md teniing than iouching off atomic bomba. Amwwm do »« neuardlp ,mgra tis# opinion ol ad docton. Th isada- no*isand treanwnt of diseesIratis# lunction .1thdu patlent'apessonu qiSe sTIlu sv0,Ua M",LLI Mrs. C. Wight Add resses Trinity WMS T'rinit>' W.MS. met Tucsday afternoon, Feis. 2nd., with a very goot! attendance. t The Woîship Service wasa taken b>'Mms. J. Leisismn as-D sisted b>' Mra. W. Woioley.c Mis. C. A. Wigfht gave a mostr inteiesting andc! nlîghteningc nddiess on "Tise Women o! Africe."k Mis. Sedici andc Miss V. Sad-z 1er sang tice beutiful duel, ç "The Oic! Rugged Cross" ac-i companied ib>' Mis. R. Hello- weil aI 1the piano.5 Thse offering wes received i b>' Mis. R. Cowie and Mis. J.*c Wood andc dediceted b>' Mis.j Lelisman. Presidenit Mrs. D.f Aildreaci then took tie chair io conduet the business session1 andc hear reports frei tise ver-1 ious secretaries.1 Tise Ladies were advised ta keep in mind tise Presbyterial on Fcb. 2411., in Simcae Undt- ed Churcis, O*îawa- marning, aftcrnoon. andc evening ses- sions. Meeting close witih thse Mizpah Benediction. BULKETON, nec W.A. will meet in tise church i hllon Thurada>' afler- ivoan, Februar>' lti et 2:30 pi. A Croquinole Part>' wil ho iseld initise church hall on Fri-1 day e-venintg at 8:30. A cordialj invitationla sextendeci to ail. The C.G.I.T. wiil mccl on Wednesdeiy evening, Fcbruaryi l7th ai 7:30 pminh ie churchi hall. Mr. and !Mm:. Jasper Vanden Bos accempamiecib>' Mi. and,! Mis. P. Duivestcyn attendet! thse Ice Folies in Toronto on Fridiayr cveiiing. Mi. andc!Mis. Leslie Argue andc fanuil>' visitet! relatives in BaIIycIuff on Saturdaor. Mi. Geralci Abbott umdci- went surger>' on his ncck on Satuidu>' monning ini Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. Thc conanunity wishes lim a spe- edy recover>' Thceconaunalt>'wishes a speedy> recover>' to ail tise people wiso have been stîleken with this flu bug going around. Mis. Jack Smith andc!Mis. Ether Carnocian spent Thuis- day in iPeterborough. Misa Maryln Stinson, Cad- mus, spent thse weekend witis Mn. anc!Atm. A. C. Stephen- son. Mi. and !Mms. Erie Sinmpson asic fenil>' were Sunc!ay guests ai Mr. andc!Mis. J. A. Tursi- bull and famil>'. Mr. and !Mis. Robert Carter andc fenil>', Whitby; Mi. andc Mms. Abert Adamsrnd sc fam- il>', Bcwmenville, wene Sun- day gucats of Mi. andc!Mrs. E. M. Adams. Mr. Leslie Thiompson, Ha>'- don was Sunda>' guesl cf Mms. Esther Carnochan and famil>'. Mi. andc!Mms. Orvus Smith asic Chris, Oshawe, were Sun- day guests af Mr. asic!Mira. Jack Smniths. Nesileton Station Mms. Jas. McKec la spending thse colt! weeMthr witlh Mi. and Mis. Loine McKce. Mr. and Mrs. John DeVries bave solci tieir faim, stock asic machiner>' b Mrn. andc!Mis. Reilsia andc famil>' of nine children who moveci lest week. Mr. asic!Mis. DeVries have movedt! o Bownianvillc but Betty hopes ta finish hci yer aI Cartwright High School. Friendis will ibe picasedt! t know tRat Mis. Mildred Colley was able te leave Port Per>' Hospital on Sundea and is re- cuperating aItihe home o! her ti f t 1 s ti Mitchell's H & S Holds First Meeting- of Year" scotts brothier uufféred a f ai whie skilng here andi is in Dshaw'a hospital wlth a braken collar bone. Friday eveazlng visitors with Mfr and Mms Gordon Metcalf w'ere Mr. and Un'. Don, Met- calf, DavlId, Dean wd Dale of Bowinanville. Womenis imattute TIhe February meeting of 1estleton Wl. wm held at the home of Mrs. G. Bowers. After thse customnary, opersing the Pre- sident welcomied al l iluddng the visitors. The secretary Mis I. Proutt had muoh business ta brlng be- fore the meeting. Since the need for a radio hua been met it was decided ta louve until a further one la required. A splendid bale of infanWs and ehldtren's weer has been sli&p- Ped ta Korea for which a thank-You was reud from the Litarian Service. Mm. lea- slip volunteered to agamn con- vene the project for mother's elothing for the saine service. A hearty cdmp was extended to thse ladies who did the pack- ing. Tue completed. quit was dsisplaYed and Mrs. Vine has another top assembled for quilting. The third class on the Hook- ed Rug course wns ta be held i the Presbyterian Church basemnenrt on Sat., Feb. 6th. Thnnk-you notes were receiv- ed from Mis. Eurxdce Rodman, 1&s. Clarke and !Mis. Margaret Williamson aind verbal thanks expressed by Mm. Herron, Mrs. Mackie, Mis. Goodson and Mis. A. Beacock for rernembrances in sickaiess. Get-well cards wcre signmed by ail present to Mrs. Mairs, Mis. Collcy and Mm. Knight. It was voted to spend $20-00 ta send the Pub- lic Relatdons Officer ta the Coniference at Guelph in May. A comniittee for Radio and TV Evaluation, namely, M-s. G. Bowers, Mis. E. Herron, Mm. A. Hyland anid Mis. G. Thompson will fil!i a ques- tionniaire pro andc con, re radio andc television programs. The March meeting la to be can- celled andc a visit paid to aur neighbouring Institute at Bla- ckstock. Mrs. M. Emerson., His- torica! Research Convener will be in charge of the programn and the Roll CW 1 will be an- swcred by "Eariiest recoilect- ions of thle C.N.E. Each Institute member la as- sessed 10c towards the Adel- aidie Hoodiess fund for pur- chase of the Hoodlcss Home Anotiier $5.00 was received froinMrs. T!nompson f rom Stetesman subscriptions ta be used for hospital. work. Mis. Heaslip nmade a donation of thrce yards of boaodcloth for. thse quilt top. A nomninating Committee composed cf 'Mis. Henslip, Mrs. Fisher, Mis. Herron and Mms. HRed-ge wiil prepare a slate cf officers for the April meeting. Mis. M. Emerson gave a short talk on items from the Feder- atcd Board. We are to remem- ber our Grandniotbes,'s meet- ings, h 1 1n Public Spcaking in theeâàoos and report as well as write up aur meetings. M1&s. Adelbert Beacock had prepared a splendid paper on her topic for thse dey. Agricul- tue and Canadian Industies. Likening the excp'ansion dur.- ing her ]±ietime to tise fairy tales in Aesop's Fables cf her childhood, she reviewed, the 1happeniings of thie 20th Cen- tury: 1914 Nation wide war, inun- itions, gigantic industrial boom. 1927. Tight Money, depression, 1factories closed. 1937. Business slow, pleasures cheap-rnclics, 1939. Hiter- World War II. War munitions and supplies. Luxuries in short supply. 1945. Population increase, ref- ugees, more houses asnd deve!- opinents. 1950's. Indiustrial bail rails on, plastics, detergents, curative drugs, anti ibiotics, 4-lane high- ways, uranium, atom bombs. Al! tiis for te conrvend*ence Both Plalntlff Jones and De- fendant Smith were sportlasg black eyes, when their argu- ment ended up lni court... Judge: "This scema such a, simple case I thln'kfit should hava bean settied out of court.» Jones: "W. were doing Just that, when the cops broke It Up.', A lawyer I knaw toit! me this reailly iappcned. 'One thing you cen settie for youîself. la your decision about thse best place ta, senci youî dry dlean- ing. Ail wc ask for is a fau-i trial. You be Uic jucige of whether airflot yaur clotb"- have ever befare been so0 beautifuil>' dry cleancd andc finished. year for Mltchell'a Corners Haome aid Scisool Association was Icit! recently with Mis. William Nesins presidlng. Mis.1 Arthiur PeeIang readth te min- utes of thc last meeting. Mrs. Han>' Oyler gave tise treaur- er's report. It' was Uic 2nd anrtlvery o! thse association. Tic occa- sion waa celèbrated with a beautiful cake. Tic altendonce bameer ani and comfort cf tise luman race. Mrs. H. McILauglilin dealt with tise motte for tise month "Heigisab> great men reacis- cd and kept- we are toillng upwerds in tise niglil'. She enlarget! on Uic work of Buden Powell founder of thse Boy Scouts and Cub anaic gave a resume' cf the aimsanic ideals of thse Orgiarization. Tic Roll Ca- "Naine a leader cf large industriel dcv- clopinent" -wus well andc ratier humarcusl>' answeret!. Mis. Fiasher gave a readng con Ver- ses and Riddles and Mia. Day- LEAN, BONELESS STE WING BIEF Dowmanville Chamber of Commerce Annual meeting- Feh. 18 4 /osedw. MA END 0F YEAR CLEARANCE S KI1RT S Al Sizes- Plaids and Plains 20% t. 50% OFF 20 % OFF ON ALL C AR COATS GLOVES WOOL AND FABRIC Reg. tO $1.98 ________79C Clearing Pair ________ Çior -7gnn. &oppe Ladies' Wear Carl Leslie 'tos ITS MA 3-5081 D DEEF ONLY! ILb6c IL 59c HAV YO BAl TH S Grand Openig Specials AT FIRTH 51 QUALUTY MEÀ 47 KING ST. , 1SWIFTI'S IlED AUD DLUE'IRAUE LEAN, BONELESS Round Steak or RoaSt - Rump Roast- 00.0a.0. YMIEE O f00 R1EZE. ALLOONS FOR TE IDDIES LEAN, PEMEAL COTTAGE R@LLS I..Lb.39c TO FIRST 50 CUSTOMER THURS. AND FR1. FREE FIER FR EE 1i L PKG. SW'T'S EMMIEc Rtindless Breakfast Bacon3 C »-Màm ILU4 Imm IMUýDAY. YEUL MIL -KEM %ilffliumaim m PAGE ER Ensie Gilbmnk ant! Mrs. Guy' <Csemberlln's classes. ic ban- ner nd prize wll be divided for thse month. It wu decidet! an evening of carde woult! ho held ln the soisool, February Mh, at 8 pa. Thc meeting was adjourned wli Uic singing of tise antheni. Lunch was served iby Mm Arthur Peeling, Mms Gamet Jordan and Mrs. Bernard Wir- cock. lacis reut! "ValentInca". Mis. Muekie tesideret gra- cloua tisanks tc the, ihosteau Mis. Bowcrs, thse gnoup leader Mirs. H. McL«ughfln and the. Canvener cf Agricultureen Canadien Industries forU enjoyable aflieroan, deliclous lunch asic!vcry interesting pro- grami. Anyone la entitlcd ta aM opinion, but no one las a riglit ho be wrong li relation to Uic facts.ý-Bern&rd Baruche MA 3-3363 57 King St. W.

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