Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, p. 1

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New Manager For Walker Stores' CRIEF REPORTS BIG IN--( BU .T PO .anuary -21 st, To the Mayor and Members af the Municipal Council: Number of Accidents Investigated 1959 by Poliq 1958 Motor Vehicle Accidents 121 132 Killed - Motor Vehicie Accidents 0 0 Injured - Moar Vehicie Accidents 11 14 Other Accidents ----_______ 3 1 Kilied. - Other Accidents 0. ' Injured - Other Accidents 3- . Persans Drowned -0O Auto Thefts (Ail recovered, 1959) il Bicycle Thefts (6 Recavered, 1959) 8 4 10 Cars staien in other commlunities and recovercd in Bowmanville 4, 8 171, lf Oher Go<nds t4 olg'n -- .196.0R8 SIS,62-69 ce 8 RAE IN, :ýOSTS 19601 Other Gonds Reçovered - $1,065.79 $ 1,745-40 $5,082.001 1957 117 0 7 0 1 0 la Persans Charged in Court: Maie _____-___ 368 317 345 Female______ 6 3 0 (118. ai these were maies of Bowmanville. plus 1 female af Bowmanville) Criminal Code- 78 48 42 Hîgh way Traffîc Act _______ 181 178 136 Lîquor Contrai Act________ 45 57 38 Revised, Statutes ai Ontaria ___ 5 a 1 Juvenilé Delinquents Act_ _- 5 6 5 Municipal By-Laws 59 40 -102 2. Missinig Persans Located: Maie, 6; Fema1e> 4; Children, 2. (Th ese are persans reported mnissing for more than 48 hours. They have been located but have nat necessariiy returned home'). CRIýME tzLOW 3. We have located husbéids quest of. the Chairman of the who have left their wiveâ and Police Cammittee, Mr. K. La- families as a responsibility for thangue, we made a survey ot the Town of Bawmanville the protection costs in 27 through relief rolis. We are Towns in Ontario about the size pleased to co-operate with the of the Town of Bawmanville. Relief Offîcer, Mr. Welsh and We Faund, he in turn has been ca-opera- Average Population to tive when we have been asked ha '11955 ta investigate and locate people Average Per Capita for Mother's Allowance. This Cost ______- .$1 1.57 daes take people off the relief Lowest Cost______ 9.30 rails and in at least one case, Highest Cast --------- 19.64 disclualified a woman from re- Bowmanvile Cost _. 9.37 ceivîng Mother's Ailowance.. The cost of Bowmanville was Also in the relief line, we have, the *2nd lowest of the 27, rehieved the Churches in Town Townsi for the responsibility af issuing Brampton had a lower cost meal tickets ta, transients. at $9.30. 4. During the year. at the re- 1 CCoitinued on page seven) Within a few days, there will be a new manager at the Walker Stores, branch here, ini the person of William A. Hutchison. Hie will replace Cal< Breen who has been here for about seven ycars. Both men appear quite pleased ini this picture, possibly because 'i hey are receiving promo tion-,. MVr. Brteen will be mariie of a much larger store in Collingwood and this will be Mr. Uutchinsons f irsi opportunity as manager. HIe has been assistant manager iit Kitchener. 1\r. Breen has another reason for his joyous appearance iiithei photo.' Vis wife gave birth i.o their third boy the evening before the picture was taken. MVr. Hutchisonl, who will have no difficulty reaching the higher shelves -hp is 6' 5" tai] - is married arnd he and his wife aiso have tliree cilildire. Home Decoratîng kVîght 15 O ut standing Success The RowvrnanviUle Business arY 4th, 1,as an outstandingý Violet McFeeterý5. Ms lor- aUcd Professional Womnen's; success. ence Tomliniion, Mrg Aleen ClÙb liome Decoratirig Night The Wayvs and Means% Comn-,Turner, Mrs. Rita Widernan 4pônsored by J. H. Abernethy, mittee -of the club. compo.,ed'anid Mrs. Bertha Wi1hiam3, Paints and Walpapers, and of Miss Velma Gay, chairman,1 were in rharge of arrange- Goodbrand Fabrics was held Mrs. Audrey Cookson, Missiments for the rnteresting *t the Town Hall Auditorium Ada Dadson. Miss Rhoda Gar- events;. en Th4rsdçiy evening, Febru- doni, Misa Mary Jewell, Miss ij~ViiaGvc~bh of the presidient oft he club.i J IMis; Maclyn Wjlcox. WOwas Iuniable to be prerelt , welc-on- i ~ il ~ ~ s <I t> f teces ed tie large audience. She expresseri tive apprecia-. lAion of the club to Jackinai ~E MY VALENTINE ..Tn~wIb.oai&n ~~ st&.40r ta.dknu tieair this weekeMtý, I1.Valentinie Day, Feb. l4th 8 atflbai VagaM. You may be îht*retoe1 Jo knoSv that the (Continued b 'Page s*Von) Remnn carriëd ohl Msnoônîsns.4ive centuries ago with the Fea5t of Lupercalia. Maidens fashioned Wa u I Duu love missives and depasited theni in a large urn. W e k y o Young swains drew names out -of the jug and court-T ed the maid whose name they, drew througliout the T our Big 'Stg year. Contrast this with one af the current cards showing a spinster kneeling by her bedside saying: Dur g H o "I'm being as'good as I possibly can, and hopin' and ùrn Hof prayin' for something . .. A MAN! 11 Mamnbers aifllè1i Ont ario: t i. 1 VJeeklv N0ur-,tlalrt' Assoia-il NO HOUSE NUMBERS -- A distraughit delivery man dropped in ta The Statesman office with a complaint which l'e says is casting him money and delaying the hou%àeho1der's deliveries. There are no numbers on many houses.. Sa, if yau want quick delivery, prompt taxi service and happy visitors from ouf of town, may we suggest that you invest about 30c and tack uip some-large, clear numbers in -a conspicuaus place on the front of your house. If we ever gel mai] delivery this will have tu be done, sa it might be welI ta be prepared. NICE GESTURE - The Memorial Park Association is holding a bingo event, Tues., Eeb. 16, wvhich we believe shows quite clearly the type of friendly, heipful citizens who inhabit this tawn. David Park, one of their neighbors, hias hiad a difficuit time due ta .illness and recently underwent an operation on one leg. H-e je now convalescing. The Park Associa- tion hopes ta raîse same money ta help him with the expenses which have been heavy. They would welcome your panticipation with them. Inci- dentally, don't forgzet that tanight the Memorial Park Clubhousç will be ini action too for the Cereb- rai Palsy group J bingo at 8 p.m.. % BIG HOCKEY WEEKEND - Our Midgets will * open their icague playofi series against Whitby tonitht in that tawn. They will return here for the second oi the two game total goals ta coutl -Series on Satjirday, vhcn they wili play ahead ai the Juveniles. Word lias jusf been received that ýMike Osborne's Juveniles wiil meet Trenton on Saturday hiere al, 8:30 o'clock in the start af their seen either of these îèams ini action, you've missed * n real treat. There is alwa". plenty of action and sorne terrific hockey. TWO0 NEW SALESMEN - ht must be approach- t'ing spring wben car salesnîen go ail oufta take r~are of an expanding market. This week, John Walker af Oshawa - a former hockey player - joined Robson Motors sales staff and Ted Miller lef t the mechanical department ai Roy Nichais ta become a salesman. t-i. j- t t 100(b EDITION - Capf. Norm Cales of the Saiva- !Wg Army hard somnething ta crow about last week. INjnewsy "The 13owm4nville Digest", a mimeo olheet -that reaily packs a punch every week, had reath'ed its one hundredth edition. Il was started in 19 57. Ou~r congratulations! t . t - .. i- t SZND A CA19 Chief of Police Bernard R. Kifney has beentaking considerable kidding since Satur- dey evening.HiU uncle who has been staying with ')tih anid s. Kitney 'phoned for a cab. Sorne- )iew, he must have dialed the wrong nuniber. The next thtng they knew sirens were screaming and the, town's two fi-e - trucks were - outaide the door wth our aies-t firemen. hases ini.hand, knocking gt the door. The darkness fartunateiy hid sorne 4. 1h.e mbarrassment. vate tflr lUUt i flMl Pïf lT-U TOLUME 106 -14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY llth, 1960 10e Per Copy NUMBER 6 Whole Class Graduates at Vraffic Clinic The entire class af 32 stu- dentsq aI Eowmanviiie and district traffic clinic which concluded Tuesday was suc-' cessful in graduating, accord-ý ing to ChieS of Police Bernard, R. Kitney.1 Next classes w'il hae held in March and openings are I rsill availabie for the May and! June classes. ISmith Buys Property In Oshawa Wm. I. "Bill" Smith, of 9mith Beverages Lirnited, announced on W.çdnesday 1that as an expan « son move his company bals purchas- ed four arres of land in the City of Oshawa. Thm location h cop Fareweil %*n 'ormula )er Ediitars Ex-Mayor Wins The Bundie At Lions-Rotary '%Stag li$pieN#n t U ~- sIf~a o ony 1 0~~rmer m*or Nelson ,.fbrnÎe *ho -,"* the ggrand fmnahst Ç h i Lionj> etary "Stag" Night last 'Él1irsday. w4ii# , frpt' tto right: IThe last five ceheta split thew*5OO big prize, with each of fte con- Ki , d rdGri :elco Plant Wa sh.--Mat ijiton Visit Now Open fuiiluB rlf UUgil Fitibi r tion and their famnili(e attend- thec industry, and wiatchedj Afti ing the annual convention icake being pushed fram bat- tions Hamiltonl toured the nation'slteries of 191 avens . They ývertù1 largest steel making plant on!walked through Stelco's No. 3' pdel February 6. Inciuded in the'Open Hearth shap. Here they -.invi group were Dr. and Mis. Geo.1 witnessed construction ai a mnercli ! W. James, ai Bowmanville. incw furnace which-will brin g fichait 'rhy eregte~s a Hnithe Companly*s capacîht'Ot 3,- ai 12: itn Wovre i Te St tHCam- !000,000 tons in 1961, Stelco isi Geu Canada, LmifThe teel Coic- spearhearling an anti-air Pol-,ofIr pan'î of aaa imtdwi lut son drive in central Ontaro' am is n-a.kîng ils Sth Anniver- ybiliga ilondiarî tae ear2,t38,00eatons o teelpr "' iprecipitafor inoathat furnace.' noofi th pad 2.438000 ons eoS 9e11m Lasi stop on the tour al- machi thepas yer cmpaed 113-'owed the Edîtors ta follow operai 000 tons in ils irst ful vear operations in a $25 mnillion ivelco oS pertios. oomning nl whîch bcganý view Located on 86n1 acres ofSpro, production in 1958. It is con-' Inspec perty lanking the soîith shore sidercd tb be onc of themo: pink ai Hamnilton Bay. Harvîlton efficient primarv roiling op-: or to Works refierts a great deal of erations in the steel business»1 bundi the $300 million Stelco has Foliowing the tou.r Stelcal The spent in the part 20 years to was hast ta the Editors at ali Plant, cxpand its capacîty. ýreception and lunchean. monto Ready For Grand 01 1 DubIies ter many camplica- e onnected wlth con- mg a church into a rn lVash-O-Mat, Baw- viile's newest corn- 4ai enterprime was of- ly open for business :20 p.m. Tucsday. irgPe Ba!S, superviar Ista liations for the iany, vishted The iman during the after- tai adviae that the Ines were now in ation. Visitars wili be omp day or îtght ta the modern inlerlor, et the ultra modern washers and dryers t ry them ont wlth a le of clotes. [eofficiai openlng, In ned for later tht. th. pening Today cirlin gton Twp' Declines Tbacco ,GrowerslRequest Adopt Stan dord Timie "So1 8calt am)'unting and t council bas been stu- agreement bas been reached l,,9A4 er assed for dying the matter. He statied regarding the site ai the pro- ëpt at the meeting of Dar- that he "intended te suggestposed. ncw High Sehool in r -Townehfp Council hcld today that wc hold an open Darlington, is this truc?" Mrs. eTownship Hall, Haemp- meetdng oi council, the Plann- Budai asked. She was told ôdï Thûrsdiay, Februery ing Board, an-d representatives that il was decided same time Ali members oS council oS the. Departmcnt ai -Muniè; - ago ta locate the new achool prescrit at the meeting. pal Af fairs ta d(scuss financial narth of Courtice, but therý B.Budai, secretary oS matters."He sai that the mat-: had been s'ore difficulty about >rlington Ratepayers As- teýr of the dîsiiosal of the land obtaining the required amount on, asked if the counicil separation Vax will be brought If water there, but that the lcîded what is ta ibe donc uP at this propasedi meeting nfialwristt mony fornthepay inlim hoe a fidin a olusufficient water haan flw been th on fli 40rishe par-in tehp ffdn or u.- found. ; ftheax 0ln.spr Nio o iNew High School Needed tas. *nome NoRev One Indispensable (Confinlucd on page seven) ý asinome b eee nbehaif of the Darllngton' ________ et Rickard that there arc Ratepayers Association Mrs. angles ta be considered, Budai also inquircd if it *cre Ple anng ord adbere- Stoten trucnnihgardo me benr ite- 15 2 Soe appointcd. On being informed that they have been, she sta-Frm .aro s ted 1that the "peopnle of DaTr-,Fo a t n 'Even before The Statesman is in the mails today, joined their ranks as a staff niember. Thse store is these three gentlemen wili be workîng bard, readying oaed ta thse east ai W. J. Berry's boak store, Bow- their new quality rneat store for opening day business.! manville. There will be bailoons and other speciai Brothers Bill and Dick Firth on the ici t have been' attractions inciuding good prices during their open- painting and installing equipmenf for weeks and, on ing.ý Everyone is invited ta corne in and look over Tuesday, Len .Richard4 well known local blltcher, Itheir 8uppiy of fine quality mneata. lingtcm abject, and are backî 11 int DC-,imp hLRt N ÂUAil-l9 Dm à Ci. I -~ M~ Attention- AIl1 ,Parents Pupili. lnal the Bow- manville Publie Schools were waaned last week te beware ef a man who mlght ask them ta go for a. ride i hi% car promis- Ing to take thir picture. Lest Tbursday at 1-00 p.m. on Duka Street ln the ivhchnlty of the Ontario Street Publie Sehool a man, who mhght have heen, a salesman, tried te enthce two littie girls lit hi, car. Ha fi" candy ha his hand, and was driving a smail dark forelgn car that may have been a Hulma». Police Chief Bernardl R. Kitnay pointed ont that l l, Important that ail parents in the towîs warn their chidren against getthng Itot a strange car. and to ba on the alert hn. case the mani who accost- indispensable. The majority D us ID l ino>l 1 week,_approaches them. think thaf new members ibe Bowmnanvilce police wereý appointed." informed on Thursday morn- 1 GValuable eviervic ing FCouaming Feb.$1,025 gimen ta the townd§hip by fthe fice or the Garton Coachý twa members rc-appointed, Lines, Lt d., King Street, some the Reeve remarked. He ex. f ime during the night. The piaind that onc is from . the moncy had been locked in a j sout'hei- part of Darlingtan, cuphoard on Wedriesday ati! and thec other ironi fle north. 5:30 pi.rthvb the bookkccpcr,! He pointed ouf that if would Eugerc LaChapeile, Caurtice.ý be ibetter ta, have the people Mr. LaChepelle discotred i who had warkcd an the plan, the lossofa the money shortiy for thec township continue and ater he opened the office i' cansolîdate the Officiai Plan. 8 o*ciock on Thursday morn-, If there ar-e objections thev ing. He teicphoned Clare Gar- I couid be deait with through ton immediately, who calledî counceli whcn the plan is ap- Police ChicS Bernard Kitneyl proved, he said. 'ai once. The amount missingý Water Ha& Been Found was miade Up ai $1,002 in dri- "We he heard that ani vers receipts and $500 from _____________________icash register receipts, Mr. Garton said. i' IThe mnoney must have beeil M usic Resuis- iltaken between 10:30 pirn. Wed- tv~usc Keuits nesday, when the office was >' The is a list of ciosed, and 8:00 a.m., on, successful candidates in 'ex-, Thursday. Entry was made amnmations held recently by'either by a key, or the Yale;I the Royal, ConMervatory ai' lock 'had been slipped. Mr. La-!4 Music ai Toronto ha Bowman- Chapelle found fte dpor of ville. The namies are arrang- tthe office iocked when he ar. Aithur L. Phel»sB.A., F.R.S.C. ed in order of menit. 'Irlvcd in the morning, but re- Next Monday, Feb. 15f b, the Grade IN Theory-Harmony 'portAd lie had same difficul. guesi speaker at the Canadian Honours-Patricia M. Fish- ty ln uniocking. it. The pad- Club oi West iDurham will be er; Joyce C. Fisher. locki and hasp of the cupboard ga well-known radio personality ,Grade. Il Tbeory 1where the money was lait, had Dr. Arthur L. Pheips whase First Class Honours-Betty been wrenched 'off, hie found. Sunday morning "'Neighborly Phillips Robert . L. }Ianiltôn; The malter is under .nve- Içews" program bas ben a Julia Hawke. * tigationa y the local police.1welcome vitort ayDr Honours-Erie B. Shack]e- Abouta year ago $285 wai s ha' '""Dr.' Phelps wilU ton. Gae1Ter stolen ly a man whe broke1 speak on I"Canadian Literature Grad I Teor7 into the Ganton office. When' and Nathonalism" at thé Lions FirEt Clams Hqnours - Jeani the fluai was arrested and'Community Centre at 8:11F .m. FP. Tamblyn: Caral L. Elef on;j convicted $245 of th,*-moneyiAdain bir, bp msbeslp Judy Tamblyn; W. Jean Cole.'-waa zecovcred. Onw7. -- '4 -*~~~~~ Y 'T -' r' ~ r"~k -. aum", 10

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