M l TER CANADIAN UTATSMAN, SOWMANVLL,ONTAMI PAMC POUJRTEEN Local DE In dustria Con feren hast lrcdsýesda v ( Fe'bruary erdu te %iriicipal De.'eiap- umenti Srct on o!thie Ontarlo J)epariinît af Planniîîg xîand Dex'elopmenut. i l - * o-opeî'al ian with the Lake Onîtario Devel- opmc'nt Association, wa,-, os*: for an Industrial Developniecu' Couî!ereiice at Port Hope Go!f ai'd Cotiiîtîr.' Club: Invitation,: \vrrc extended i l i uitiiiici- pailrs i the Uniîed Cotuti(cs o: Northuimberland and Dur- hi;înî. and an attendate ut >onîf sixtv per.sons wvas hoped for. 'The ta(t that 89 delegateý, r-gstc'red is pi'oof o! the keeui jr i.'res1 iininr1unsi 1 riigowth ilhM xists in tItis ares. 'r:ýr Boxvmaivilie delegatioui c'nitdo! Ross Steve~ns. Da- v'irl l-iggon and i c Morris e- prcseiting the Bowmanville Inrbisînial Commission aud B. L. Flurk iepi'esetiîig the Cli- inber o! Conmmerce. Messirs. -Ic t""1idMori'n wxxeux' tii- COUTTS - H RUSI CRAFT GE OF Qui NEZ THE NEW.S.. "O LIV Portable T NOW AVA (hîmni in and teIect yuur Spode . . . Royal Dotîlton Bou1e China . . . also Cry! 1- ç1f%4e ..and many Lo U__V Iuw pises %vent Io MiS. R. L.,r tiider lite direction o! tliei uIn 1914 hie aver'age price uf. WrestaNsv o! Caîneroît and AI- teacîtea, Miss Ai'nold. The dait- ittilk'%Va!; 8.9c; ilt î'equi'erl bert St. Pierr-e .A love ' lunihreves vere. Janiet Down. Deat '>r a9qni rtiotes 10 ea nd the pe o! ,anidxvî'hes anîd relisi.Woi'de rt, Sgiriley Piekeli.Peter7 uato niksu0~ farts. tesaiurd cal ee was siel'-IMeAf(e. Lois Dowit, Leo Ci' -waerage3hoPei-' hou' In'the x'ed b bi\,te ladies of tile 91-'P~. stal1. Daîiri ' Br-own tand Kaî'en xvas 23.1cer o r. itPite- booniiîtg year o 1929'tRebprisr 1'î aîdcil: tr'i'~î obît.o! mnilk had advauîeed to 14.4u be held at Maple Grove Chur-ch Mr. Saxage o! Osila\va iý'ii5 peu' qutart: the av'erage houjrl\y on Februa ' v 21 xiii be iin chai-- the guLief speaker. lIe took us %aews5.eadi --ti: -e o!riec cubs andthteiu' iead- on a trip acu'ogsCanadu ho va-xed 1 566e auîd to eur- cu's. Mr~. John Clar'ke o! Bi'oute couver' sud noi'th la Capilaiîo onoîigh ta bojy the quart'f o xiii be guest 4peaiker. The ,;ei-- Canyon. Ile touehed aitinian 'v milk. vice begiliîs at 7:15 pair. subjects. especiali"- vthe B.C. In- In the ps-a'day's o! 1917 Muis. Johin MacLeait utc'daîîs.t'li belicts sud cuafti. lte average pîicc per quart tained severtul o! Roniiie's 'i le illustrated his d-sci'ipfioîî xva. 19.6c: Ihe average hoiv fiends on Saturdavx afteî'uîoon O! totem paies wîlt a nàal îactor'y wage was $1,237 Aiidi iin lonotui-of lus Bili birthda' .carved totem o! "Chie! Joc". if Oiilv eqired 9.5 minutes Mrs. Johnu Macheai and Mi»s Llo d Dowvn thîsnked Mn.ta eai'uî that qtai't bottie o!f Barbar'a Milis ealled on M's. r Savage for- bis iltei'etiug talk rnilk. In 1959 the Janurary-Oc- William Regley . wbO i a pal - i sud also thue talented childvei. bobeî' average price of milk lent iii Memouiai Hoýpitul. onl President Jim MaeGî'egoi' also iii Bowmanville \vas 2Uc. a FridaY evciig. voî ced bis appi'eciaî.ioîx for <lie'quart: the average houirlv Loiiise Paterson utvs a week- excelleuit euitetairtmeitt and'i factoi'y- wsge waq %2.216 ai endi guest o! Hleallici MacLe>aii. asked tîtose present ta form a if r-equireri oiîi.v 6,8 minuutC3ý Tuet'alawiigwe'e .Lustjatciiele t'or'lunch. Calice sari ho tam bbc pu'ice o!f te quart. s lioLise-w'ai'îniiig part.\ at tbhe arts wecie served by those iiin honr~m ofMr. and Mu-s.Ewald cia'g 'sd a .ocial bal! houin Coii.ineu's seldonm, if vi' Wilhilda. uewcomneus ta Malt le Gî'ove; Mr'. and MVrs. Don. L.~.~rnPê l U 580 cmR 1959 CHEV. EISCAYNE SEDAN fi Cyl Pow'er Glide transmtission, ivindshicid washers. One towner car ami jusut like new. 1958 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Custonbii uilt radio. Onue owmîer car. 1957 CHEVROLET COURH Clean inside anîd out. No rust.. 1953 CADILLAC 4-DR. ý"60," Series Fttil powver eqtuipped. Custoin built radio. Dark bitte. One owner car.' Beatutiftil condition inside and otut. 1955 GNC 1/-TON PICK-UP No rust. Clean inside anîd out. ROY' Oîdsmshile w. NICHOLS aChevrolel and Corvair Cars BOWEAJIVLLE Chevrolet Trucks Phne NA 3-3353 COUITICE .Pkose NI 3-3922 -enjox'ed. gix'e suy tbought ta the l'e EveiliK Auxliary lative stabilit.v o! nîilk pricc' Eve.lng uxiiarv ou' that ift ake.s less 0out.mo! 'Plie Maple Grove Evenintg ite familyv budget. n î'elationi Auixiliary'et nie t lhe Suidav ta uteome than is the case willit Sehool u'ooms xx'heui the !ollowx-: mast other pi'adLîCt!; wh'ich iuig officeî's foi' 196 wetre in- the.v boY. stslled by Rcveî'enîd H-. Sta-in- Milk distuibufors outinti- tout: Pî'esideurt. Mî's. Stex'e ta apei'afe on a rnai'giii il Doyle: Vice President, Mu's. Ce- sli-Ilitiyv mor'e thaut 2c of eaui cil Milis; Sccretaî'y, lVhis. Percv Sales dollar's for aRliet oini"' Flinto!!: Coi-'es.,pondiiig Speci'.- or about 'Lc a quart. Tlieu' tary'. Mî's. Mou-le ' Fliruta!!; Tî'easuuî-er, iVIs. W. H. Br'own., I son on Tltîisday evening w:,Ii Mi.siotiai'N' Monthîs'-.MIus.tMr. R. J. Pay'ne in tiîo elaiu. Ber't Suîowdei'; Christian Stew- The books were sudited .u a'hpMrs. Gor'donî Beech: Mr'. AuIbi'eV Caili and M1' Christian Citizensliip .M r s - Llo « d Bî'aw i. Plans were madc( Lloyd Suîowdell: SUpply , Mrs. for iinpi'oxemenîs -on t4ip local D. Biiey Litriy Secrctany. ccmceteu'y iun 1960. Mn. Col;n Mris. Fani'v Locke: Communily, Rich'andsont xas appointed Sec'- Fiienld.qhip, Mrs. Tom McAGLiî'-k.' retaî'y Ti'easurer ta ucce Pianist, Mrs. Tled Hoai; Auud- bis father wlîo resignied huit itors, Mîs. Mel Edwai'ds. 'ilr.. will still uemaiui on the Boardc. Bent Snlowden: Cr'oup leadeist. A gaodly iiumbei' attetndeci Mr.r. Jack Huri'u' ie rs. Ceciilte regiUlai' meeting o! L.O., IMilis. Mî's. i-Iaiold Stevens snd 82 on Wednesdav eveninir. î Mrs. Tom MeGLiii-k. Some of the membeus had a . - Il \Vas aliInrucedthiat lte telîded tbc Couity. nmeetinîg tu. 1W.M.S. Pî'esbytei'ial xviii be Milibi'ook on bbc previauts e\_- htId lit Silicoe SI.i'eet United eniîîg. IChlie, Os'laxva. on FeirL1a1'Nv Mru. sacd Mus. Ozzie Wiitinec 24.~ ~ ~ ~ ,a oonpsiv~ews 'i- s ssDaiîii ansd Riclz\' or duicteri bv Mrs. Moî'lpey Flic'- O.shawa. xisited fricitd-s beir ta!! sud*Mis. W'. H. à,rowxn. on Stuidav'. ,A film on the StUdY 1B001 Mr. Ber:iiiud Neals is; doit'c xvas shlowut bv Messins. Gui and a fine .iob Nith bis Jeep auri H-ar'd.ing o! Bowinanviiie. A' sîîow ploxv. i as been re- i trio o! ladies !rom Ebeîtezem'. maving snow fi'om iii front of Mre. Lloyd Dowîî. Mrs. Wes aur stores sud garages. Kep Doxvn and Mî's. Murr'ay Osbo'-., up tbe goo r'k Bemnard. nie, sanig twa enjoyable num- We undprstauid thaf Mr. Ru) bers. bei-tHalIoi'ait wâ's planning la Luncht served b ite exer'-' go f0 Toronto Stuuda 'NIta spenri r tive and a social lime broug'ht a !ewv weeks witlh bis îîephew the eveniîîg ta a close,.r ihere. ______ --If tItis coluniît s missic'g for a !e-v week.s please excuse PONT POOL this writei' as 1 expect ta b PONTYPOOL oing mb oSuiiînvbmook Ho.qp:- Aiîotlier former citizeni was bai faor an opeî'at ion. Ed's notî2: laid to rest ini McCrse's Ceme-. - We ar'e wighing you wtt! tery onl Friday afterîtoon ili Jack.--- btde persout o! Samuel Webb of Peterboroughi. Deceused hadi regided in Peterborough lately but 'liad made bis home at tle. Aannu home east of McCrae's Ch'uu'ch for rnan.y yeara. Il, hi& yo'uuger days lie had. been iietive ini the lovai football and Xk 3-3»3J basebl teauna. One o! a large Ionîiiy, ail o! whomn prede- eeased him but one brother Ed-. 1wçard who resideg in Peterbor- ough. Due te unba'oui'able roadoi and wéather the meigh ride qponsored for Juvm<ilc Orange Lodge 444 on Seturdia' was A mffl ni o tNe Pntyponl' Cemel.ery Bnerd was held At the hum ai à&. sert Richard - ,Iegaies Attend pe.,Mr. anarnErlM rlnrD ro Club Has I Mr. and M.ler Meline ,, u h ,and Mri. Guy Roach, Mr alnF Mr John Wihlideal, o1, O..-L r e t A t e d nei tyee o m n ava,'. ' ' S"'s i"L'a 1 Sorry to reportMa Percy In Several Years ce in ~ ~ f I-~ ~e Flintof f is a patient in Memor- z e in P o rt o p e I ialHospital, Bowmanvilie. Her Thursday. January 28th. was en o! Orono gave in her care manY friende; ish ber a the occasion for the regular: and keeping the Durham Club bers of preks that deait %vith authority to negotiate on its speedy recovery. :meeting of the Durham Club Shield for the duration of ane ,lie probliemis of organizing and 1eaf ,esoksa msi M. and Mrs. Sam Michael Of 'Toronto at the I.O.D.E. year. operatiug a municipal induist- have ail pertinent data at hU and Evelyn. Pickcring. vere ha9atr nSaiaRa. r .J eduo.aps rialdevlopnen comision figeripsanddea .hneslyjSun'dav supper guests of Mi. The largest attendance of any president o! the Club, elcliht Al.o addressing the confer- witii his indiîstrial prospec1.s, land Mrs. E. WihIidial and fam- meigfrmn cr a c h ag uinewt eî'ce %vere sno staff p-rso'-ý for nothing can be mnort. dam,- i]Y. recorded as over 90 were the showing of the picturest nelo!theDeartnert ! lan aiiî tan o resntincrrc M. nd rs R.L.Wesa-present. Mr. J. P. Lovekin which hie and Mrs. Henderson? nel ofthe Dpartmn-t o Plan'agin thanIo prsent iicorrcl, prandirs.di L his cuisreamaryinef- ctookayduringoktheir thtiptr totoHaa ning afid Developinent and the or misleading information. way,* Camrn-on. xisited dau-lfici ent and considerate man- wvaii. The delightful and in- Departmient of Municipal Af- 3. 'hie comrpetition for ne'x: ghter, Mrs. C. Russell and fa'rn- ner. teresting manner. în xvîicih fairs. industry is exc-eedingi.yý keen. ilY on Satuirday. Among the visitons prescrit hie described sceile ater scenea Ceri îergîug Iroinit- prospects are fe\w in numbe!-,: Mr. and Ma-s. Ceci] Milîs, from a distance were Mr. Alex and skiifuliv set the- stage for talk's aild Iisculssion, -1-01p: and nlegotiatioîis must ahvaVs called on Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Carruthers, MV.P.P. and Mrs. aur pers;on*al participation n E weefour saliclnt fa(.ts coriceri- be conducted ini strictest cont- Bush, Castieton. last Wednes- Carruthers, Pt. Hope Mrs. Fred eachi, was reminiscent of the ng -,le acquiisitih>rmo! ne\v iii- fidience. Bearing in mind thati day. They also visited Mr. and Bowcn and Mrs. Albert Mo:- daYs at Bowmaniville High du\orle wortîw'hile ncw industrv Mrs. Edward ]Bush in Nor- I ton ef Orono, and Miss Haze!ý School ,%,h en the English dut. I cmniutyNpe i. xill fu]ly compensate for, wood. iCannon of Cobourg. It xvas a teacalers.,struggled heroically, - ai tract, new industries. it must iive arsoiot cin tizensust Mm.and , £ d. jlllllspleasure to welcomie MrF. L. B.i but at times hopclessly, ta hae aih 1 biein 1 rasd .Jim, ciowere Sna!Wiilams ;ofBowmanville xvlo'have the students af that prr- assess its stroflg and \veak promotion orogranm and iiul'1 laslogbea itu mc-id lar I cmunac immeliatlv ltine> eXct R'ustsof Mr. and Mrs. qCeib onbenaaihumm-ad ea t cmm ict points. and ireiti a c xetrapid or sensationai re- gMlstad am b.er. iideas clearly and' ith lîvce;y a pi'ogram to elimin ate ts sulits. MlS aud a gess iti V Mis% Peggy Milison of En-1 vocabulary. Orvili&'s perforni- wveaknc:sses. Wiih mari\- thous'- Sauray.v tswiti v 'ý niskîllen gave her prize-win- ance convinced uis that thev ands~I or e4. illonsof ol! ' asiglyand Mis. ÈRon Rogerx tsere Mr. ars tOr iivelt riiost' s sali-ý concernied %vith tile wclfare Of and Mrs. John Aitchîson, BIa-l nîng* Public Speaking address had succeeded well. fiedt iivtb oting ut itebs t mioes hrfr acsok " nd Ms e n~The Buffalo". The aud;- Mir. Gardon Werry, trcasî;.ii- fie wtlinohin bt te est' ilence wax convinc'ed that encported on the financ'ial n location and facilities. 1 ,uiymiîb al oo'Gomrhy ~aa a.ad deserved the trophy as thev; condition o! the CIlub and was 2 .Aommuîty ust fer aood health and recreation Mrs. H'aîry S nowden, Bowman-,roaM cd with hier in search O!' able ta as.su.re uis that it waz an~~~~ ofcahaefiite, od hol n vleMx. a'nd Mms. Mlaifo'd~ these interesting animais ovcr satiifactory. spkemn it ood nmunicipal services.Inup Goodnmurph'y. Mapie Grove. j the prairies and even enigagi-d' Mrs. J.* f. Fair <'nivnee ,~looks for aan . atniospher('e Mîs. Robert Rogers and Raipli in a buffalo hi.ut. Mrs. L. 3 the soci aI hou.r which WA \vliere il cao flouirish liJ and weie supper guests of Mr. and Williams prcsented Pcggy xiil thoi-oughl ' v enjovec bv all \xvhere ix,; eniplovees will be: Mis. Ron Rogers on Mondiay. a persoa i t !rom the Club Mrs. W .T. W Ilarand Mrs liappy and pi'oud oof their eii-i Mr. and Msis. Bert Douglas, members and Mrs. F.W. Bow-I W. Lauirenceson poil rcd affee. virolument. ;sud familv'. Cameron. were:r Thle coticicudinýg talk was giv-, weekend guests of Mr. and en b4 Mr. J1. E. Turchuil, Chiel Mrs. C. Russell. A 1 . V ~ ~ ~~1Lidst iaI Consul tant O! the, couiple-x ClubTh e u.o to Deparîmnît o! Planniiig asud' 'l'lie Cotîrtice Circuit Countrv It WOuIld i equliie a very May be many iudividual com- that ail 100 ottenCoLples Club met at Caurti.e gg'essive jiob o! publiceî'ela- pne hc reoeaigo tha iiiicipalities Caitios t covine tc n.sir n- r hc r prtn r ne blx'ouio te 'aLi -urh %wit'h President Jim,'tin to conmabith are obidusies the ,,alie d MacGnýegoi' in charge. Themel- ntlat the 'î'eai'ý price o! aa - r b gn.but wp douht possess. He pointed Out tha'tt ehng ope'ned with a hYrnn tol-i - qt o ikb onacivenuch ha er ar ea it Moast comiilities have arrived, lowed by ail repesting the du ' cline sicen890 but grea n theimberaofiiîarep at tîteir present st age o! devel -;'Laid's Pî'a.er. schatuly asbanti) n sthe o .crl aro- opinent because of the emnpiu v- Secî'etary Jack 1lurrie i-eadý ' TI*t 1\ idti: ot-ce itaerrgn 1T~~lY.ment aiid local purliases ut'. lic nlillLtes O! lite pieviuLIS, i'luepoikts dsi OFutnd eA d ag mateiîn iit- la [ALb1v1AflI ~their existing industries. metig ndalieetorn po int ;uttattereai" And poltisi eas I n stir b id puli e ctîg to adp,.(-wei-, offered foir sale anud.il' ulbi' lte 1nunîlber of ceii1s ta lime raise Il c' r qulaxel-iîîg LEEJN CA DS tht 9) , ! al onx' ii'etedpats atNati1O'ai thc amauint o! work the coin- fbid it ikidusti be made ALITY plantr, aigiîîates witb t'oint- for'cub members...S.>ueuo ar pallies sineadix' established in!The list or t'liose in elharge ThîeU..Bueto!Lb Onîtario: accondiiiglv. a COMon f prograi'an îd lunch commit- Statistics hbas collet ted data M O ' e eisiîuiiit * vo!ten lias better plos-tee xvas reari snd a cliscuissia oli'nd>the iL aumbe 1kof iutes M O V. Pects o! souiîd hiistî'isl g0o- o! aur New 'Yeai"'s dance held 'arud ithe numbrk er o! n it' wvtlî !roin ifs preselit inldust- 'Ple pot uLck supper SChediled !fcor okreurdt REV IEW ries than from its search foir foi- Apî'il was changed to earni the price o! a barnc de- new oles.Maicli 12. and will be heid at h 'e red quart.,tising the fac- Salua hall. I1 tor\' warkeu's' avel nge holilROALTH AR neT îsh___ ledevotioutal oeriad op,,eri sab . efr Mon. - led. Feb. 15 - 17 AP E R VE ed wîùh a hynand SCtiptui n 18quatheavrag oi' THE F'B-1STORY' Lloy, d Dowvn and Clii! Swallow WaS 6.8c and it i'equired 25 57 ý silh James Stpwart. Véra Niv"e tables o! eucire %Vei'e~ gav'e îeadiigs on "Things we nintu1Ltes for a ,vapp ear'îem ho Miles, Mturray Hamiton. pla.yed at a card party 59POn-i have,,ncad" [roni thecObse'vfýr 'al'n eali 9110 bue hielequar-ti(Technicolor) soi'ed bi' the L.N.O. al-OLLP 0on !ollo\ved bV pî'ayer lî& "ýfor in those halc'voiî davs a'Sraviof acofiZd 41 BUV;OY xenpwuVn11by Mr 10sa.1}iowî A gi'ocp o! cildîcu gave t"dctoi'y wage xwas 16c. Stidyeeîig -il n'e!lvlDwilwwse h vrg orx x !UAlweio'e'et 1 ow itr rawlevanda. Seve uo5'ie aund tiiesîî e1acenm. "ASK US - IT PAYS!"I -M I *--------------- :m m - -- - wASHuO-MAT CHURCH ST. -if BOWMAN VILLE Self-Serve ... Coin Operated Lciundry OPEN FOR PREVIEW ... The Iast-mlinut.e check out and inspectione have taken tmp a hi! morf cime than ive thought . . . everything -%vas eheckerl out oni Saturda-,y flic ffit iof February . .. ail that had to happen was to ttrn the gas hback omn . . . the official opening ivili he sornetinie near the end nf Fehruary. . but nîcan- îi'hiie ... wateh for an annotincement on the window PREVIEW FOR BOWANVILLE . . .JttId an% qon x% ibat "open" anno,,înceînent k on the window ...corne un and look things oî'er . . . hetter stilL, (ry out the hrand nic'v ,dryerr.. y'ou îvasb it . ;. let the 11OYT DRYERS do the dry'ing . .. saî'e a flil dAy cî'erv wvash week . . . the dryerw- use tvn ctbic fet of gas per minute al'd tbey resu., do a tumbiing job . . . the tumbling can ie cu.strn controlled to suit your personal wish .. . PINKU WASHERS AT YOUR CONNAt4D! The delightful Pink MAYTAG WASHERS ... t he first nrdered in Canîxr1à -... are youa's for the asking . . . if you want (o shoot the 'work!n . . try the ivashers and try the dryers .. . keep iiin ind there ik sofi., soft vvater ..so soft that you %viII have te) remember te tise î'ery littie detergent if to n nuch is used ut will foam tmp like a bubble pipe.. FINAL BITS AND PIECES ... Items like tbe front Iighting, softdrink eoier . . . sign% . . . ftii'nishinz-% * , * and <aber equipmenh are still being broujbt. in . . . the>, shouid 1w, completed in another two îveeks %%hen ive iili have an exciting official opening . . . nîleanwhile. sbe's yourrs for the asking . . . everything that anyhody, 'ould tbink of to make weekly washing a pietamure and a %ocial get-together .. . PRIZES- PAST AND PRESENT ... Winnpr% of the badminton sets wiii be announred shortlv . . eiwihiie here is a chance to get the head of the house a Ronson Electric shavrr. As %non as you can drop in and browme around . . . whether you.iusg the îvashem's and dryerx or not . . . we would like to know what you like the moNt or wîhat impreqssed youtheIbe est . . . filout the following coupon îî'îth your thhughts and ideaq and you may get the head o! the bouse a à new Ronson Shaier. WASH-O-MAT RONSON ELECTRIC SHAVER DRAW c/o P.O. BOX 191), BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ADDRESS -- ---- This in what 1 liked best about the WASH-O-MAT when 1 firtst aw it "I - ---~ 5 Rgency's birth end growth.l L. Breen and John Twist jW!manù. Told admirably through hu-1based on the book by Don Others in the Mta are Murý* man terms. A surefire hit. Whtha.A h tr pn ray Hamilton. an FB! agent Whiehad.Asthestry pesýand friend o! Stewart who As one would expect, The Stewart is a. member of the: succumbs to a hoodlum'- bu]- FBI Story is exciting, drama- FR1 field office in Knoxviile. lets: Buzz Martin, Jo'u ay. tic and thoroughly faEcinating' He woos and wins a pretty li. lor and.* Diane JergeW por- popu1lar entertainment. ThisbiainVea il.Hipr-trygthgovncirno story of the growth and high-'bain eaMl-.HspoItaigtegonch!ieno lighis of the îaw-noem t mise to hea' ta quit the FBI' Stewart and Miss Miles. agency loomg es a boxofficeand go into private legal prar-! film of outstanding stature tice is pspoeland ps-~ The tale unfolds also .-as a poned until finallý a whole W Wlm riuman drama telling of the:,lifetime is îpent with theý B K A Ioys. tribulations and adven-; agency. It is a lifetime o( aà-, a I turcs of an FR1 agent whoý venture, danger, and warm l e ari grew with the agency. and amusing persona l luf ftn muad y a. The agent ik played effer- ta tsocasonl ouhe o idney actio. Whea kidneyi let outof tiev b ae tew rl. order, exceast cids and wasma remai. Meivl bvo Jas gStewart. The film rtâches iUs peak of in the ayaeLThen .fi.baclache, dia. Tecnr production h aivn h,,.dramatie action aiid excite-' turbed rest or tat ired-out andheayàp ceedingly' vakillful blend of uuei ment ae somne of the famousý headed feeling may mm oI.w. Thataè -omantir n h ouet cases of the FBI pas.c in hetibmnte te take Detld's Kidney PM&l. ar.. It provides thie typpadt e c 0net-,viev. LeRdo<s direction Ls cf-ý Dodd'a otimulate hekidnys tenorml ap .peal that reaches jus.t abou, 1ectivè1y paced, shifting froni action. Then you lel ktmr-leep ~ve moîeger.documentary style ta %varmn better-work better. Gmt Dodd'a fictional technique with flow-ý Kidney Pille now. n The screenplay by Richard' ing grace and dramatic com -_____ Give your home that.. NEW, MODERN LOOK ..Permfanently with KOVERuLUM* INSULATED ALUMINUM SIDING Beautifies Your Home . . . Ends Painting, Repaira s Culs Fuel Cosis ! See how you can add lasiing beauty Io your homec ai an astoundingly low price during aur DO-JT-NOW jobs Done in Your Area on Request WRITE TODAY TO: Aldec Associc-te5-;r- 157 Collier Si., Tronto 5, Ontario No Obligation . . . of Course jE cwlIV a %,ILAB LE a nd other fine Enlish -tal . . . Genuine India v ober articles ai. ~ LIMITED 27 KING ST. m. BOWMAN VILLE TEU RSDAY, TEE. 1tb_lm 1