Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, p. 11

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4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 1 **'#t.w '~~ -- 4.. . r r n ,w---1 f -..---.-~------ -. -- '~- -- e- ,~ t r~ ~DAY~ * IlUs 3505.TME - SAftIM OTATUAAY, UIJWmMAIua, I' um 0n 2 ~ieweate -A resolu wrs pasdat Uic Febi meetiàg of thec Newcastle bog couneil eu Monday el Ing to have the. by-iaw fg twg y@ar ataggened t.ern Esmie and Couneillors Pui th#. ballot et tic neit In cipal election. Village solicitor E.-R. I kian brouelt thse matten be council explulnlng that he prepared the by-law lest bt as there waa no ciec Lord's PrayE Stressed is WMS TI'emg NEWCASTLE: The Fel crymeeingofthe Wor :rCna7ySociety of the te chur wus held iu Surtdby Scisool room on Th day, February 4th, with: .idcnt, is George Allin o( Ing Uic, meeting withs az .agm "'Gods Plan for oui m«," andi prajrer. The devotional pevce thg thexne "The Lord'sP elm ws incharge of Gr1 and was preseted by Mrs C. Wiiser, Mis. T. Sowden: C Carvcth and Mns C. M Mu a]Ruths Hantock dis sed a chapter of tiheSI Bock entitled "Africa Dis bcd", and Mis. M. C. Fi gave a synopsis of e very hercstdig book entitled LdyofChisoniba". Paswere made by members for the annuel t, oferlng meeting and a1so the World's Day cf Praye b. held l in heUxuted Chi on Frlday, Mardi 4th. It was annSioced thse W: Presbytenlel wfll be bel thic Simcoe Street United( rin l Oshawa on W«en February 24th. I 7/ia Peggy Peerce an ..1aneof Toronto. v us etira Wnt Mfr. an< Albcrt Pouice and terniff Mnt. Dooothy McDoug 00 84Mn 2isdefwdd Phone 3621 to Vote Year Coun cil- Term utiou I ie d not been used., pany on Fbuay 6 hesn ruay Reeve Cuninughsam explalu- tUicocmpenys roduta will evil. cd liat a fwo year teins couic! be demonstrated ta members ven- be passed by cowscl on Uice ai Uic council. While speakissg for a sanie terme asthie present aun thà subject, Councillor ifor couuscil, ail electèd af once, Rickard rcported lic haci been if on but a staggered terrni must be lu toucis witls Uic Watci Re- susil- decldcd-by Uic municipal élcc- sources Commission and was tors. Councillor Rickard, who told Uic waterwonks informa- L»ve- proposec! thse esolut ion set- .tien for Uic village visa lu Uie etore cd nita osly resac for viant- liands af thc Municipal Board ec la ng e fwo year terni was for but on contacting Uic Board year continulty of council, se that was unable te find what theî chion ~ ~ ~ ~ I almm ruccon Idouc delay was lu aranging tise -nof b. vcted eut cf office m local Board Heaning. the sanie electian with a com- A letter- weu icecelved, from plete siate of inexpenicncec! the Newicastle Chamuber af Dkr councillors taklng aven Uic Commence urging Imnsediate reins, action on construction efthUe Thtis new plan would wark local Waerworks systeni. Uic same as the piesent School Dogs Agaîn Board aud Hydre Commission Stnay dcgs are causlng-wor- ewiscre hall aie elecfcd eci ries for Uic councillons again, e yer fora w yeer tenm Councillor Hear meutioning ebru- thus ensuring continuity ai tise fie nuniber of stray dogs man'S administration ai Uic business erauud fie scisool sud Reeve Uni- started Uic pievious ycaî. Cunningham statîug ise had thc Tic building inspector, Gea. received complaints. Tie reeste iiuns- Meadows, tendered his rcsig- Pie- nation and thene wau some R c ope« dscssin.on a replacernt R c e t Li:mnindbut it asdecideat. n . te Uink if- over befane mrn2 A nn ual Spc wli ing e decision. Cauncillors ne- Pray- newcd Uic leese 1 or village lup 1 owncd property witli Mise C. Newcastle - Plans are now Butler ion ici cottage et Uic under way ton tic annual S. M. lake for anothen fhrce year sparts niglif sponsored by tic 'Mis, terni, and e grant af $5.00 was Newcastle Recication Cernm degit. auUiorlzed for tue Salvafion mittee te b. held et Uic local 1scus- Army. Memorial Arena an February tudy Aft ci sanie discûssion ît 20Ui vihen there will be fwo viurwsa decided to write ta tic minai hockey games in fise 1iser village audifois infonmiug Bantam sud Pee Wee divisions y' lu- Uicm thaf Il Uiey lutended to sud figure skating exhibitions. "«ýh audit fhe village books this Plans are being made tc yean Uiey lied bet fer get et have foui figure skating exhi- the if inimediately as sorne books bitions by meassbers aif the four bank muut b. auditec! before Mancls classes being instructed lii c> fo lst, lu aider ta recelve Gav- cir te ernment Crantsaend thaf Uthg 1 linMercis fils year. 'L o s StarJ .M.S In answer ta correspond- Id lu ence froni lie Atlas Asbestos Chu- Co. makeis of waterusains,Fo n u representaflves o! thse cer- - a a I àoNx Eeto Newc astile Électors ewcastle Ind Ykerson c! Mr. Ncwnarket vlsited w vislted sud lin..Carl Gould a d lira. ily on Fricky. IY Mr. sud ?&a. Alise gg1 ofanid iasnly visitad il -ougis on Sundaey with -Mis. Frank McMufl faniily. A meeting o! ail pet tercsted lu Uic Upper Bible Soclety la cal TuesdMy Febrùary 1611 United Clsuîch MT. andlins. C. a sud famnily speut tise1 , friends ln Newmarket The. members cf GQeorge's Osurdi Choi: enjoyable leighridec of dey effernoon, Febru on the tblrd lime and th the nantis. Thomse h miake the~ event a suce Messns Harold Gibsor Miartin. Win Collier a llendrY ho whom tiher of tfhie chair are meutj Tise Mrry Married Club held a skating1 the Memoriel Arene.c day evendng, Februa After two enjoyble skating, lunch was se tise memnberu of thseà a~acharge In thie Aicua -ment boutA. III To Be I-eli INewcastle - The regulari -iftee reort cd on several. Imeeting of tise Newcastle cases of eye trouble lu tise Lions Club was held lu tise village sud was. instructed tc ILions rooru of Uic conmmuiity proceed witis theru and a mn- hall ou Thursday evenlng tion was passcd authorizing 44 jwith Uic president, Lion Chas. tise payment of $25 ta assist t i Megit piesiding. with Uic expenses of au eye Ifis Mn. ollowing e delicious dii,- operation ion, a boy in Clarke Mm-i nsu er s3uived by tnmbeis'cf Uic TÔoWnship. South EAst Gîoup oi Uic Un- Four members o!fisce clubi t Peurce ited Church Womau's Asso- oelebrated bintisdays et this Scarbar- ciation e report was given by meeting Liens Jim. Porter, Mr. and Lion John, Rickard. cliairnan Harry Jase, Harold Gibsor en aud of tise carnival coneitte on and Frank Hoar, which addec plans made by his cominittee considerable weigist te the ýrons lu- for flic 1960 earnival to b. fine box. -Coneda held lu July et Uic comznun- Enterteinsient of thse even- led for lty hall grounds. Plans eall iug was supplied by Lion Ir. s., lu thc for a baud concert, street wiu Colwill wiso pîojectec dance etc., lu addition ho tise several coloureci films on the 1Gould usuàl bingo ami other gamnes screen showing scenes faken weckcnd of chance and draw. Wifis an loclly of apple picking, t'es sund eanly start on preparationa a dcci hunting scenes and the. t. big shocw lu anticipaed. Newcastle Centennial parade th t A conimittee cf thrce paflun 1956. r hec!an presidents o! Uic club was ep- Tise thauks of tic club was on Sun- painted ta fake charge cf ai- exprcrsed by Lion Murray aay7hrengenients for a fathier and Paterson wiosoaic!tise memn thson niglit ho bc held ou Mercis bers had seen pictuies frm d ae3rd. Memnbers aifisce commit- oveiseas and otiser parts oi elplug ta tee are Lions Chas. Knox, Jim Uic world but tise were tie ,es were Poter and Ken Stepisenson. flrsf picturcu lie iad seen of a, Lenue Lien Percy Haie, qhairnian ai Uic apple picking industry la. Msd Alex thc Sight Conservation Com- caly. asembeis Couples Partyvinu on Tues- ary 2nd. houri ai rvcc! by group lu refresh- Are You Loekiug Doveriio hi Rofrshi nd uISoi Smith Dovonigos- Mode and DofId -. IOWMANVULLE 'I Gordon Agnew, Edilor s f St. Geo rge's Vestry Hears Annual Reports Newcastle-The annuel Ves- iihall2auon onday evening try meeting of St. George's Febnuary 1sf. Following tise Cisurcs was icld iu Uic par- openIng of thc meeting wi±-i prayers lii fiscRector, Mr. _________________ arncom.b, LeGresley was elcctcd clcik of Uic vestry. FerTise Re,. D. R., Dewdney, nectar of!tUic olurcli, gave a sunimary ai Uic Churcis yean F o rA stating tisat St. Gerge's is on a tirm, tinanciel basis attse present finie. H. stated tise people who wornlthUi elsurcis do tuei bit wlthouf I LI thoughlt cf glory on reward, aMdc licmentioncil Uic fine work doue by the wardens, fli c eluicisorgarst, Uic choir mother sud membeis aofisce choir, Uic carefeker, Uic en- 11sf y i velope secret any. Uic Mission tressurer sud the. sidesmen. Mr. Dewc!ney seid Uic work of Uic Wans's Auxiliery lied been beffer tutu ever and was usucis ppicciaf cd. H.saic! durlug tue year tisene werc seven baptisma, four wcddings, a confirmationi clasm aud suc interusents. The church wardcn's finen- ciel Stetement was pncsented by )&. W. Harold! Gibsan who lnvlted questions ironi mens- bers o!f the vestry. Mr. F. Le- Grealey presented fisc Mission report aud tue report of Uic Alteruoou Brandi af thc Wo- mensa Auxillary wes given by Mm. John Ferguson with lirs. Rosa Boyd reading tise report o! Uie c venlng Brassai. lins. Pulls Willams read tue en- výelope aecretary'u report while Mr. Dmwdney reporfcd on the trus tei Sunday St*oôl and thmcemetere. appoluf cd Recfor'u Warden by à&. Dewdney *and Mr. W. Han- ES L T D olc! Gibson visare-elected try Pur ewSidesmen vere Meus. Robert Martiu,Chr les Crovitier, Peter Bclsey ad Douglas Dewdncy. Messrs. Malvia Greheni 4" Tom Wal- nid lichat been lu toucis with a meniber cf Uic Bow- nianville council wlti regard ta joining lu with thse Baw- manville Dog Control systemn and lied been informcd he wouid have to scnd, e letter ta fthc Bownsanvillc Council. A resolution was passed lu- sfructing Uic cleîk ta write ta Uic Bowmtanville council seeking information regard- thec dag centrol fystemn aud asking whether if would b. possible for ti village 9ta join in Uic system Or'n thse request of commun- rity .«all caretaker Stanley Powell for anc full day per t week off if was dlscovered by counicillors that increasig eSunday meetings were mak- Sig his e seven day per week djob. Council decided they tshould have a meeting with Uicth cornmunity hall board in oider ta reassessatUic whole aquestioni af community hall Ifrcsponsibility; wheïre does Uic eboard îesponslbflltv end and efthc council rcsponisibility start. If is hoped ta, be able to straighten out a number of items et this proposed joint imeeting. g The meeting adjourned s1about midnight to resume ta e settlc several uncompleted dmatters et Uic cail af the ,reeve. Planning orts Night v Misa Lynne Bagneil of Bow- it manviUle during the winter ,,.geason. These. skating exhibi- vtions will include solo numn- il bers by Miss Paf Rudeil, Miss y Sandra McGregor and Miss ,Lynne Bagneil. Le Tise. Rcre'ational Commit- itee are selling tickets on a Sbeautiful student's desk don- etcatd te fthc comusittee by Mr. i- Kari Weyrich and ti draw iwill be made at Uic close of q Uic sports night. rPlanning il Carnival 'd in July lace were eleched as lay dole-I gahes to thse Si'nod withhà&. Y. LcGreuley as an alternate delexahe ln cameelIm berboldI not b. able he attend. Mir. Tarcoenb LcGreslc7 wus elccted as Mlso TisaE surer and làr. Tom Waflace jt as head cf Uic Sidemu, Mr. George Douatsais usau- r difor. il Misses Core Butler and Na- cmni Horrockg were appcinfed ta Uic AdvlsoryBoard by thse Rector and Mns. Ted Belaey and Mis. Rois Eoyd weîc elected ta thc Board by Uic vestry. Messrs. Cecil Flney and Ross Boyd were nomin. ated lon thc Great Chapter1 by Uic Recton. Mr. Harold Gibsois gave a report on the. condition of the Ch.urch, the Parish hall and Uic Rectory and Melvin Gra- ham thanked Uic memnbers of Uic Womcn's Anxillary and other organizations for h work they hec! donc during Uic past yeaî. Aiter furtiier discussion perfeining to the upkecp cf thc church and the pariai hall,1 thc meeting was- brouglit to e close with Uic scring of ne- freshmnts. STÀRK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roeers ard family, Oshawa, visited et Mir. M. Shutka's. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ceswell attended a 'party at Mr. Har. old Best's, Wesleyville, lest 1week. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tam- blyn, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. John 'Stark and faxnily were dininer guests at Mr. Orme. Falls. The cubs, unider the leader- ship of Charle Trim, having been holding their meetings in the school. During Uic weekends maiiy -have been enjoyintg skating rat Mr. Len Fall's îink and the -cabin is heated for thens. .Mr. and Mis. Llew Hallo- 3well and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. sBrian Casweli andc family, Mr. and Mrs. Sic! Hallowell andI -famlly were dinsier guests, 1Saturday eveuing with Miss IBeulais Hallgwe}lToronto. SHAWNS Shaw's Home and Sdhool As- sociation held e successfui so- cial evenng-at these choal ne- cently when eigbý.t2en tables of cards were played. The foflowinig wene pnie winners: In Five Hunjdired, La- dies High- Mrs. J. Trudeau, Low- Mrs. L. Hoar; Men's Higl- Barry Cowling; I.ow- James Lave; Most Eight Heaits 1Hands- By ron Oryderman. Euchrc winners were: Ladies )High- lirs. Malette; Ladies - Low- Mis. Harper; Men's cHigh- Howard Foley; Mares t Low- Charles Gilkcs. Most alow hands, Mis. bmnse.' 2 The cornmittee wlso plaxuicd. .the evenlng were, Mr. end Mrs. bE. Browes, Mr. and Mrs. T. qTaylor, Terry Pnice and Ken ,Bragg who ected as master cf aceremonies Twenty-one child- aren ettended a ciildtren's party 1in the junior rooni when bingo. crokinole and oh1her gaines ,were played. This was super- Ivised by Mrs. Taylor, Mr. dBrowes. Lunch was served eby Mis. Werry, - Mis. Brown, " Mrs. O.0.'ragg and Mis. Ory- ýdernman. Next meeting la Wed. Bowling' SResuits For olio Help* -(00 or over)-Gary McCul- lough"231; Don Rudrnan 231, Newcastle - The recent John- James 218 end Jon Fish-. Mother's Marcis conducted by er 202. Gary McCullougis had the Newcastle Friendship Club the Iiigh triple score of 611. in the village on behaif af the* * Canadien Marcis of Dimnes for Wednesday, Ladies League usc in Polio tîeatrnent and re- -(200 or over)r-Rutis Couch searcis uetted $177.50 for the 268, Florence Tilison 254, organizatian with somne doua- Grace Coucis 220, ireue CUn- tiens stili cxpected. ningiham 233, Dorothy Whit. Tiie Friendshlp Club are ney 202, Alice Rowc 233, Jean most grateful ta Uic cîtizens McCullaugh 217. foir their> generous response *. te tice ppeal and the fine Monday,, Ladies' League- maxiner in which the. canvas- (200 or over) -.Ruths Cotiez sers were received. 272, Bessie Ferguson 211,- Ma. The cauvassers are most ry Garrod 211, Marilyn Coudh grafeful ta Mis. John Nortis- 210. îup for opening lier ho-me ta o them after Uic canvass and usaMn Lge- for Uic lovely lunch and we1 - (2 esdoy, en's Lueague -o corne cup of hot coffce scrved 3250Gordon erruce2T0, soî to tiem on that cold wintcr 306,Gardo G27d3.0 B niglit. -*Wgar273 Canvasers ncluded ln this mardi were Mis. Ross Allia. Tisursclay, Mixed League- Mirs. John Riekard, AI.. (200 ai 'oÏk) - Bilan Rowt fred Graham, lirs. David 245, Çaiy' Harchard 243, Jac] Gray, ?&s. Ben Hoogkamp, Perrin 234, Art Dubesu 231 Mis. lBon Hockin, >Mis, W. Marilyn Coucis 226, Bill Har Jacobson, lirs. George K[imn- isof-211, AMary Garrod 209 bail, Mis. L. Miklos, Mrts. Darothy Whitney 208. Chas. Miegit, Mrs. Stan Pow- ** ell, lirs. George Zweiî, Mrs. Friday,1 Mixed League-(201 Stan Brown sud Mis. Lamne or aver) >.-Doiothy Wlstne] Johnson. 262, Ross Dickinson* 254, He Thc help ai these ladies len Hancock 254, Ted Boisel who tqramped around the 246, Hazel Munro -240, Bettl streets despite tic inclemnent Lees 238, Trecy. Emblcy 229 wether fa collect for a wor- Jean MéCullough 224, Mars the cause la- most deeply ep- low Hancack 216, Bill McCtac preclae d. ken__205.___ - Mkmàwqk. .m &- .- d%-m meA @ »C i A n Here's Econo .my and Magnificence an Action A Six that ctcts like an Eight I F L ~- Dodge engineens have developed au super ecouomy six cyllnder engiue that outclasscsazsy other six! It's an engine that'. slanted at an angle to give you up to 50 extra muiles driving on every tankful cf gag. Just one of the features that makes Dodge the beat buy in the low price field. 6DODGE 1Vcdgeo ut 4.&oorPbmmk x dtop a quatv produot af ChmyserengInerlng, ... .... e e ... e ... .... SO *e * e e e e e e. me e e e e *. e *. os OS *O ** Ce ** * *0 S O .... * 00e*~SO** e e e e e ee e e e e Get Magnificence in- Action There' a heady feelig of sucoem in com- manding a '60 De Soto. Mlil is magnificence in action and, with De Soto's unique Uni- body construction, thia là ailenoe luaction, too. Ratties and squeaks are a tbing of the pat. Be aDe Soto iman and experisnoe the. feelingq of command and muesu. S'60DE SOlO Deneb Adutu ... a quiw prolof cf hvruIoe aglnesrlag. 1. 1 - - . - . 1 ID Newcastle - The Newcastle velled to, Whitby ho plq a Badminton Club held e veîy friendly tournÉment iwlth enjoyable Round Robin Tour- Newcastle winning thÉec cf nament in the cominunity hall Uic eight matches. The. men's ou Saturday evening when a doubles mnatois was won by Benz draw was made ta choose Dickinson and Bert Kelsey, partners ensuring at least two; while Jean Wagar ami Ben games for every contestant. Dickinson and.Mary Dewduey Winersof hechampion.' and Bud Wagar werc fthc Winnrs c thewinners oifishe mlxed dou- ship round werc Erie Johnýon bles. and Bob while the consolation: match winners were Bert Kel-1 The Whitby Club wihl make sey and Mary Margaxet Bon- a rét urn visit fo Newcastle on athan. Tuesday evening Februeiy Followlng tic matches sand- 16th for a tournameut. wices, small cakes ad coi- fee werc served ini the kitchen. On Thursday cvening sev- IC m For 1960 Dodue has the compe D»!Imm vo %1 tonu to 76,M00 b& GCW job vuOt. W" __________m___- OGi LOMx" DOG-ummWO-m UU1w IA - NEWT@NVILLE GARAGE Newtonvillie c F 1 - Friendship Club Holda First Meeting of 1960 Itonku, accompanied etthe President lMnm.Chas.Mei ngfr1960 of the ftlendship preulded for thebuisspt .'or...a ,Id in the Lions cff tic meetng, w emd ai rmm of the comnzunlty hall the membmrs aud wiahed e wlth 31 members iu attend- a happy 1960. Severil mmm- ance. The meeting was in bers thanked .thelr Sunshine charge of Gîioup 1 under thie Sisters for ards sqnt ta them leadership cf Mis. Ron - Hoc- and Mis. Gardon Darling read kln. thank you tarda from shut-ins, The devotionai service op- tha'kig the club for thec ec! with-the cail ta worship lovely Christmas boxe& sent given bY Mars. Stan Powell ta theru et Cbrkr»stimi. wlth acripture, rcading by lirs, Following the business the Rosi Hockin followed by a meeting was agalu turnmd ever Iovely vocal solo by ?&as. Wm. ta Gioup 1 who lied prepared Newcastle-The finst meet- and conducted a most enjoy- Piano by Mrs. Murray Pater- able social evenlng foflowcd son. Thue meditation was giv. by the scrving cf refreshmelts. en by MIrs. Ron Munro and A- heaîty vote of thnk l tic worship service wa extended ta the. menibers cf brouglit to a close with a Gioup 1 for the lovely even- hymn and prayer by Mrs. ing by Mis. John Scott on be- Stan Powell. half of ail prssent. Badminton Members Hold Tournament'%1 Mothers Ma rdi Raises $117.50 Evening W.A. in WiII Cater. For Wedding Yi NeweItl r-ti. nunbers se or hi.Evnle Brandi f St S Geoigc's Womn's AuilliarY n met et he o cf l,.Ci-ris M BarelsUrd ou FebruarY 3Brd ec with sixteesi mçmbern uah- 01 tendance.M Ihe nminutes or thse lastL meeting wer rcad and ap- g anvo sd Uth teasurer!sI reotgiven asid a thauuk yeu p oued was rmvived by the tc Bîanch froa ns. jack Wade, and s final !eor was given jc ou the Lions Clb 'dinner aerv- dc ed byhe nienben The iauclal reports tram the Vostry meeting wore ne- viewed and lthe proposec! card t parfy planiied by tise Brandi k was postpoued unfil utrEu The braznds vm« akcd cater for e wcdding an Mareh 5tis and Ibis inafer was dis- cusued by thec membens with thc !ailowlssg neres vol- unteering ho serve on Uic corn- mlftee. -sn. Iarpet' Kclsey,19 chaussai, Mi s. B oyd, Mmn. BUi Call, Mra. Robet' Simpson, Mmn. Bill Lake and mes. Phisl Williamis. If was dccçed ta make Talent Mon-a ey tise project for thc Brencisa durang Marcis and if wes de- cided fa isold thse ncxt meetLE lng et Uic home cf Mis. Al- fred Garrod on Febnum y ltb. Fadiowing Uic buiness tUic mnembers worked on e quilt f aud thse meeting was broughf te e close wlih the scrving a! refreshusentfs.t Scout -Mothers Elect Officers- 0f Auxiliary 3 Newcaitle - A Scout Me- " tiser'. Auxiliaiywas foried ',,I Newoastle an Jeu. 21sf *wlitiste officens belng as fol-1 Iowa: President, lins. I. Me- ' Cullougis; Vice Pmeident, Mis. M. Pedwell; Secretary, Mis.i eAlex Ilendry: Trcasuici, lins.j M. Hancock; Sewing Conven-1 ci, Mis. G. Gray; Social Cou- vesser, . irs. B. Stephenson;i Slck Convener, Mirs. MK Rud-q m-uais; Phsone Convenen, Mrs. J. 1%cCracken. Ncxt meeting wilil c lseld Feb. 23rc! ln Uic kifceu of thUi Consmunlty BelL AU 'mothens welcome. s ENNISKILLEN, -u on '., Jeu. 3011, tawc.. n hT. ield e special meeting et 8 p.m. iu the cdurcis base- ment. Buriketon C.G.I.T. andc« their leaders, elso a few ladies fio tmOur communsity were the ce gueeta, Thse filmn on Af.rica "Ill ýk Sjlng- IXot Cry" wassown , wlfh 3m.. G.' CalInen operetlng Uicth p2.ojector. 'fie Senions con- 9p ductied tise Wonasip period and Mmn. Logmu led lu the e gong "Kums-ba-Yah". Tise .grOuP )0 served a dainty lunch whids ýy vasa preparec! by tise Sendors B.assisfcd bby thse luterusedleates, wh wiceazied ouftishe cleaulng ,y Up operuftions. lins. H. McGill 9, expa'esSd appreclet3lon ou be- r. alf fethtie guests ta thse group. T.ise regular C.G.I.T. meet- Iu* hock place on Fois. 3rd wit@Î Presldeiit Doria Wrt*t la t"i ncharge f LOU s - 4M1 Betty W Id*twtbé sOtb"» M tiW éI àbhaýlheltutu". ir. Aslton au.lst by Uru. ja mil, lureG faen -hI& rio>, Caroe Eulq smm Le> WM Fergusozi,. 'r.oumthe Scond seuWoaet M*0SOÙ tudyr entltid '¶"The cl in Africa». AUl partcipa an African gamue ad uwer-. ed the rollpsUwith a picture on Africa. = tig losed with ir. and Mm.0. C. AMhtco Lois and Charles werm SuudVy peste wlth Mri. and Mm.-0. P'. Beach and Mn. 'B. C. A*-. aon, Maple Grove . Misa Kathy Brown and.?&. roc MoGill, ToroWlo, wonm Sffl- Iey visitors wlth Mr. and MM, ltalph Virtue., SoMry f0re0ort lit. IL Goeubb la in Meémorial HoWp- ai, Eowmmnvill, wilh a brou ken an-kle.- We wluh her ,a pedy recovery. Neit service club> mmet~ will b. iield aethle homeo Mfrn. B. MeNair oni Februéry Mr. and Mrs. Cameron 0km, Oshawa, werm wlth Mir. A. Oka ad Miss Elsie Oke. -È f&. and lirs. Reg WmaVla and PRlcky, Thcrnhilworm wlth Mr. and Min. W. MOcM6 Rcv. and Mrs. W. A. logen and- girli were gucots of l3. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgsos, Bowmanvllle, with Mr. s&W lins. Lorrnc Lanib.. Pleased to report Mrs. IL Stevens lies returned hoime from her djauglvter's at Kingb- ton. Mr. Edwin Ormiston, Coezi. tice, was Monday dinner gue#.t aL Mr. and lins. R. J. Qizuta. ton'. Miss Laina Weoen4 GraÇe Hospital, Torontq, spent th*l weekend wlth her parenteMi. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn.. Congr~atulations ta MssBtt 3ane Werny in passlng her 6111 Grade music -wlth honouri, and to MissSusan Weern i* getting a peau In her Gth Grade muslc. br .and 3frs. Donald Wcarnb Oshawa, were Saturday eveue ing dininer guesta with ii par.- -enta Mi&. and !Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and' Mis. Lome Làamb- were recent gueWz 8wlth i. ami Mis. Cecil WilSn, Nestie- ton.r Mrn. Jack Nellis, Kingtoil was with Mr. anid Mirs. Clar- ence Avery, Tuesday. Mmr. Clarence Aver-y aud Linda, were with Mr. sudMiMM Frank Dorland, Bowmanvlleé on Friday afternoosi. Stay at home In your mIn. Don't recite other people's o>j inions.-Raiph Waido Emersori6 To force opinon is like puShe lng the magnetlzed nedIt round until it points ta .whcrm we wish the North Star stood* -Dorothy C. Fisher. N 0os Et AVAILABLE VOl NGITGAGE-S HALPER S. JOUES, 11 Darrister and Solioltor -lin King st. B. Oubawà IRA 8-84

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