Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, p. 5

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Mu 't O'UTLnAv Prffl1+1. -lomSS~ A TEE CANADIAN STATESUM, B OWMANVILZ .ONTARM PAGE MIE M a re n N w a tematerlal s utat>le fur âeaths the foreasu, they 1as hmo od.WtrpwrI ha rgarrieoon Ré or ro r ss and school dresses. àarms and skiasaemd n tisabo aCnda g, ~~~The wu<xlerful advanae into clothesmnuty of shrkxkfast. drip d&Ymte One of the greaetntrl Ms Wsmnstl a ~~~ aSI ~~~~~~~~ials are a boon to modem treasures I& its ret whc wel re r d an v ry ne- P u ' o g e a on i M e i gShe exPlained thet such mat- ber is made and p~ n a v n foronmm erials have been diemlcally per iei. i.Ptil Tecnrgto ofS.Work Board, and three boys ighest In Presbytery to Junior members of the con tre t e al ter re6g s - farn prou lre quti oowd Paul's United Chi4rch field attended the Christian Young In Presentmng the mssion. gregation. The Session extend- tant. heywl stae ofn adhed times !mbte and their Annual Meeting on the Counillors Convention for ary and Maintenance Fund re- d warmi thanks to "everyone tetucr re maer sinals be. un rThs 18 th lessige - Megh t. of January 18. The Rev. three days in Peterboro. fotri. J W o t r i d m e e y o g ni ai n h e, Tile water , andl fa i t offs e d sr i k Canada CHard a ner tda Tte C.G.I.T. (girls 12-17) cated that 112 of our church had done anything to make said. Mn. Kaer wilne fain Ofl uthe i wetn ain Chairm n and Mr. Douglas related their activities during fail~ies do< not us the red the year succesfiI Mr. Mcxr-adlg !wtdi jyhv ag ati ed~ m a X enip was named Secretary. the past year: Studies in the side Of the envelope. In spite Gregor exreseids.cO Mis.a Kerr andig gauins O d t r foo, i-es ar Alte a hortdevtionl pr-ible, Missions, Citizenship Of this, the M. and M. givings word of thanks to the Minis-eswnle.usdorsesetaso oo EL33 3 mdins the vradîn of the and Racial Intolerance; tray showed a sniall increase over ter and Mis. Turner for~ their As wrnmber beuiulf produto fo r om î lcso minutes,~~~~ hevrosogn-avors made and donated to 1958 when St. Paul's >,r re- faithful service. Concern wasrisn recagoe ershp.f P-tsfor he eir re59 th loa optltCri- sident member givings to this voiced aver the number of!isi hrecsep fo the year' theauiece ad uI zations presented wer the h""'es ini Osh- members who do not attend honhe audience nimch Olreieie ae rd ma; ateclO krshawa;~~n.ip~ adniired. Mms. Chisholm *,iaadntk bo gh y a W.A. Raises $1568 tery gteis n sha;awa Presbytey 99st~ onTuinr dMs erfrbritrs-ln ihrpoics hu The Afternoon and Evening one leader and nc girl were wa $4843.16. guilay. M srbe were urged e' MTS iKeadresrads for er snds o at pre!nngt W o m n' A so iat o s reco u n - e e at s a a -d ay con fer- G ood B an k B alan ce ta t y a li t e h rd r a d d gen e d a i n a ieo r af. I o rth r O nt nj ted ~t thi a c it e s enc i Ptroa o ain M . Allen Cuthbertson dis- the year ahead would be the i r cus d aion f a d cra Ohe hav aur tmines cdigcatering tadneswre made to UNICEF, M. and tributed copies of e tw etytfruaewre As r meinweshv u a- and we dî s, f al bazaasi M., W .M.S. and Ontario Girls' nds' Financial Statement fortuebes ls a t e nsbe, w R.R . 3, l A<~ tois w l ch ie m l y cooking soo seiget.Wrk Board. The Explorers which showed that the con-fQ h hih] Ms ereYugwsa-mn atosnamkn Their chief doects were (girls 9-1 cmpleted several gregation was starting 1960 mtaisit - uh s ca t u ck, rb e furnishing the manse (includ- interesting expeditions includ- Registers showed 12 weddings, Mm. G one erg Yongveo foru s as, in g d inin g-room suite an d n ew ing visits ta o c<d n .:.- 5 a t s s a d 1 u i l 1 . . . . . . . . . .t e d Lio rn l L adies' r N for dirapes for the living-room and woods where God ini nature ~.1959. There are 30 familles -' ' Dnerobehloneruy dining-room), redecorating the was studied. The group visit- 1 * . . n e asoa v ri h con the ion t s ls L ai nedi Sunday School Hall and ves ed Marnwood Nursing Home .sisting of 1062 persoils. The 22nd th t h WL ll anter for tibule, lmproving church kit- in the Christm'as season and fpi'esent church Roll contains ' teSrnDlneanDac chen cupboards and providing san~g carols for the patients. 394 names, 30 new mmest~t ehl yCutVnue axwbnuttbe.The 15s A contribution was given to having joined in 199 1892 ihe Oaadourn V er mnembers raised $1568. the W.MS. - TansFrSpoti!Freeson prlth 22dYa sSp. The Afternoon and Evening When the rptsadbeen o oetr nArl9h Mr ent rg rsn-Auxiliarles of the W ensheard and adopted, new offi- eda er ecorging report1 iary octy od of *. ~cers for 1960 werc appoînted of the Sunday school showing thecm many fine devotional ' hr eesr.Ms aod-r s t raG O enroilment tobeaanil and inspirational prgrm erusn vcedry Mic arcla leadership of Mr. Wilfnid Car- the spiritual life of their mem Organist, the Directors and <k.~ .S od ruthers, now in his 22nd year bers. These two groups, toge- memnbers of the Senior, Inter--S od asSpnnedn.The Sun- ther wtthiJuorffîmediate and Junior Choirs, "'-t~E e. M eigL QI AE U day School bas 14 teachers lates, raised $1163. for mis- The Sunday School Officers and 5 assistant teachers, and siOnarv work at home and and staff, the Church Tîcas E e .M eigL Q raiscd $16including $270 abroad. uirer and Envelope Secretar- ~ >Ohw rsyeilWMS for Missions. Cards ta Ghana les, adtecpbecso edtepcFrsyeîlE-- PU Jr. Turner told o! the in-. uîgteya h dians, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson hel th pe-rebyerlEx teresting and spinitcd pro- sion Band sent used Christmas Bowman. Mrs. H. A. Turne r M n r neBlm r hw tteUie hrh hreo ehaprMissond th. thank ofs theBlin r hona h President Mrs. M. C. Fisher. gans pented Clb the ee- cds tor ha mssone members to the men o! the reception following their marriage in St. George's Reports from the various sec- M - Counscîlor is iVss Dorothy scrapbooks for the Carmelite congregation who had freely A .nglican Church, Newcastle, Ont., on Saturday, retaries were received for in. . and-Terilnt taClub woser Schog for Tor t eand ge the Stei fm to A A Suoeve f ntalbl conri M rhng tnTrnaadgvnoftertet u December 26, 1959, at 3:30 o'clock. The bride, former eorpoatio ta o pete tr tf buton ! te Cub a mte packed ditty bags for a 1e.HaodA unr a hew garage at the manse.Ni steduhe fM.adMs.Pehtra etn nSmo on Christmas Sunday wben Curch Port Worker i Ral- The. Hanrote Ahake Turne the Peggi Simpsonned tth th nd uener th d uie ton o!fa 's work with ah coofl r q ic n Ui lt t o ds ing onr th e jith pe-labe N l i ps n st e Mis r sb in et in ine tte m o" the meber ocupcdthefa. Te ab Band held ten pihasbtnta akb leI of St. Paul's for their Robert Charles Simpson, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Mr. St. Church, Oshawa, on Wed- ML chirlot n sntda meetings, sold Church Calen- ance. It was pointed out that kindnesscs to hlmi and bis Toronto. sions at 9:30 a.m., 2 p.m. andL M E b selection o! carols from many dans, and cu]minated their a new pipe organ would be family, and invokcd God's________________________ 8pm Th teewl b Tre iRonaSct.Crstasaty tant future, and .members in the months abcad. "Missio to the Utt~Seil pa ersl lue. EL The igm-C (boys 12-15) The highlights of the Men' wene encouragcd to stant cOn- Atrajunct ers ' . riT e s .H oePeieto and Tyros (boys 9-11) report- Club report w e th La i s t ib t g n w to n O g a e ts w r sc v d b th ' I i e Sic pae! Qu inte Co f nc e $3,25 a l e edayero vrcdatv Night Banquet (preýared and Fund. Mr. Cutbbertson stated Aet wr ed BrancI Cmit e G h pakin Q inthe fer-$32 and progress. The two grouPs srved bv the men); the Lay- that the Renovation Fund ac- heurn W.A. during a social S fnon, an iss Duhce Cook,- set 35toth OtaioBosme'sChrc Srvceco- out adben lo o hurwhich followd. Mr. on andua ATC M is.,ci ok sen $5 a icOnano oy' cn's Church Servic on- coun hade 16 en c19s9 d oNov- Turner showed various col- Il' Cepor missionary on fur- Dulh'ori dATR LEFF RCuctad bye membeiso theu enbe 16, 1959. r ord sldes af the congrega T e r A n u i R pt lough from, Japan, showing F ~ ~ ~ ~ hu 195T REfE F wrveo tcou-reiTeDsMr tion at work in its organiza- The post-prheesenlal of tweOb ervfrte coies r D. A.McGregor pres- tions. Reports were given on the Taylor.Th otpebera ex gro! bere o tecn ented bis 18tb annual report Officens for 1960 are as woîk acconiplisbed during The secretary, Miss Jewellý ecutîve will be at St. Andrew's 20 I gregaChonr as Clerk O! Session. The Ses- foîîows: Uic year at Uic annual mccl- was instructed to write a let Church, Oshawa, On March i MU2 MmerCor in ebesi St. Paul's #SESSION-Wm. H. Carru- ing of the Bowmniivllle-West ter to Mrs. Ross Strike, who a :0pm Mrs. Kenneth Hull told the are clected for life, and an thers, Jas. Abcrnethy, Donald Durham Advisory Comimittee is rctiring from the board, and M S S meeting that there are now important event in thc con- Williams, Alex MGegor, Dr. ta the CNIB which was held express the apruiainr!y twenty niembers in the choir. gregationils life occurned on H. Ferguson, Otto Bragg, Ce- at the Lions Conîmunity Cen- the B hemavîle\ietio Du-of i e CrI- tre on Tucsday evcning. Gco. bam. Advisory Co itcsI I~.YuzR alSor M 11S C L S Mrs. C. H. Dudley, the dirc- Sunday, March 8, whn M. dric Pros ifi ar omnil-etDr tor and organist, has w ork d John R ice w as ordained an thers, J. W . P orter, W iV n i e h i e c a r a , p e . a p e i t o o e as itance I u t i s hardmi, n t onywt u- Elden and pncscnted with a Tccple, Manseil Staccy, John sided in the unavoidable ab- she has given for many year e1 igS.W A357 day usi, bt bhindtheBibe. n Dcembr, ibls Rce.sence o! the chairman, Don as a mexnbcr, and for bier fine T l scenes, m nding folders and were also prsnted to two STE ARD - ap al ila s..w r o e af o! t e C I â - mulcanfilirmanthes a~ yung ldies, iss Jnet M- Allen Cuthbertson, Thomps'on A satisfactory fnnilCmitecana o eL cl W I and MissTaylor, Nelson Wilkins, Mur- statement was prcsented by coing yDa Local appnt 46 recaton ! he re us o yespreenly ttndig he ayWood, Rae Aberntby, the treasuner James Bell. A as follows* Education, Mrs. The regul>ai meeting o! M IF AIN" the uday fo teRomeeyUie Churcb TaingGreGaam Lld Han- report given by Robent Paden, Ron Hawthorne; Recreation, Bowmanville W.I. was beld at T.hursda fo eching music, School in Toronto, preparing cock, Douglas Kemp, Ross Peterborough, seal secretary Mrs. J. Hobbs and Mrs. D. Ar- the Lions Centre on Thursday Mn.Ddey has purchased for full time service in the Stevens, Ronald Hethcnington, for the district, statcd that mistead; Speclal Events, Mrs. Jan. 28, with Mis. G. A.llchin, and pnesented to the Church Chuich. Througbout the year Kenneth McQuarrie, Ivan there are 25 regsee ln .Tei n r.F rw;Peiet n r.M ic thityne anheaso! wc- he esio prviedcopies Rogers, Howard Corden, Don- people i Uic area. Wcifare, IMSS iss Iabel Davis, man, Sec.-Treas., ln their res- ty opescad, ! he '<Uppier Rand or adKenedy Rccipts froin Uic Blitz and Pîaperty, Howard Gibson. pective chairs. cburchfamlle, ad peset- AUDITORS - Clifford Pur- Campaign conducted in Bow- I a gedt ed1 cd Church Attendance pnizes dy ard Victon Miller. manville on behalf of h git ws forend and ixfo CNIB in Octoben amounted to P~AI Cwomcn o! $1.00o each to the PL N O TT ND S . ou 's W .M -S.$3,777.30, George Vice, theCWY L J ponsors Golden PlOugh Lodge at Ca- > campaign chairman told the bugfrthi itdypr PLA TO ATT ND.. S. P uls W.M S.meeting. Mis. C. Tnewin, the E or Cfoer M is. dina aMi.' U A .convenor, reportcd that $490.30 Lssay C ne tM ausare to look aite H ol Ou Mv eei ng was nealized fîom. thc sale of this. er DeIight yw us, p.d "Int riorwork held here reccntly. An llcatonis otan bl- o echof heladespr Mis. J~. Hobbs, chairman o!«Grad es 8, 9 quls. G. Joncs said ttte "inte ic, - An llcatonis lo a obi o eci a!Ui laie pesent. the recreation committee, in forlt thdl Kope Karmvale gation, but a trust, a pnivil The usual business was befeottlo!th cii nonemn !teCLMrdi t h t lyett ha ve aooeVooiecr cge, an oppoîtunity ta shane tnansactcd. An expression oftisaîndfoth had-Esy onstorppso!bnmdeorUtaa e-j not only Our mateial andi thanks to the leaders a! the te ragdfrtehni sa ots o uisEgtlyte aea rn L ec r in f g t" physical blessîngs but an op- younger groups was voiced capped. She spoke of the en- Grade 8 and 9 was made Lyvcs poruntytodemonstrate îeal and it -was announccd that joyrncnt given those who at- Mis. Stewart Chisbclm, the It was announccd that 10e Conducted by representatives of Christian Love andi Conceî'i Mis. S. R. Collins who for a tended the twicc monthly president o! the Bowmanville a member would be collecteti Canada Paint Co. and Th eua nnhyme-number o! ycars scnved in An- meetings of the Humoresque Sub-Division o! the Catholic ta help finance the borne O! Caada Theae Mg i g.ul rionthl meet awud ete pae Club in Oshawa, and express- Worncn's League hielti at St. Adelaide Hodiess; this as Candia WaipperMfg în o StPau s MS A gaa ou u .M.e fo pek r e~ d appreciation to the Bow- Joseph's Hall rccently. En- thioughaut Canada. tenoon AuJayh a he Apr. W4h MS Thank-offcnin manville Lions Club foi pro- tries must be sent ta Mrs. Jos- As our 60til anniversary houey Jan 26th a ther re 2th Amleber h ere viding tnanspc-rtatian. cph Tully, Lindsay, Peterbor- cornes this. June, members de- Many Valuable Door Prîzes homeno i Ht Fgsof re ta pee U- ic,- anding The report of the norninat- ougb Diocesan con'venor foyr cideti ta have a banquet on Que !eBook Siir talf ande Study ing committec members, Geo. the conitest, befoire Mardi lst, June 23, with a gucst speaker. Tbe president, Mrs. D. W Bokbfr-httre Vice and Miss Helen Cryder- the president staited. Roll cail was "la coimoldity in TO-NiGHTArristead, expressed ga+i_ Fecially wecomeA at the man was adopted. Miss Cry- ins bhsom tod the meet- your own, hom". Ms. G.- afiitdgous$136 ad andi Mis. S. Johann, also Mis. chaimran for the coming monetary prizes, andi the choice programme. bee rmitet t te Pesy-R. Hetherington wbo bas miss-, ycar. Don Williams was ne- o! subjectq offered are- Fiee- Mrs. T. B'uttcry rend the Sec. fzr -Missîonay nhy o! blentis of wool with nylon laes Fu rdrhcm oh BOS Santi Wonld Fmiends, Mirs. IJ. or orlon, anti their washabil- Faiu taderas caeta hunut 27 KIGj. B L O U S E S ~Bawrnan; Litenatune Secnetary,I ity. Wool anti rayon plaid mix- aouanmsthtbugt2KIGS. .BO MN LL Bath Long and Short Sleeves Mis. K. Weriy; Supply Secrie- Thie eiqulsltely trsaeas ahbe h ihpie o hi us u Ai ie i ooatary, Mr.J. Bowman, Mis. G. ueslgned settings sttd nstad. o! hunting the n All Sizs - Al Col97 E. Burnham,Mns. C. Canru- with the dalnty lkarluuosanbe- Reg. 2.98 - On Sale - $ , 7 te f oeor of ant it- heart motif ti!u1, but are not as popular tee or orshp ad Stdyas in previous years, tie speak- Mrs. C. Dudley; Pianist, Mrs. complement the ci saiti. She explained that Uic S PE C1A L! R. D. Whitrnee; Leadensý-Ba- 6 sparklng, lvl ytei ik fe by Bandi, Mis. D. Kemp; Mis- reglstered perlect lovcl snteti sif offen fa sion Banti-Mîs. M.urray Wood, Bluebird diamonds rics, and saiti that th-ese main Mrs. J. Bryson;- Explorers, ..atuybutflmatie matenlils arc not as ex- D R E S S E S Mrs. K. Wcrry, Miss M. Som- . atrUIYbeUlU pensive as silk. Acetate and Lare eletin o Mteralner, Mis. D. Girardi, Miss R. Speclally prloied. iety, anti fine cord taffetas arcl Y, Full Range of Sizes - Styles - Colors Hewitt. panticularly pîctty this scason,; Eleg. $14.98 Mrs. Cecil Dudley conduct- Nvfrs. Kerr assenteti. She also e d the wonship penioti andi Dianiond told o! thc many lovcly tira- ON__SALE__ $9 .97_ with pcrsonal expeniences par- ca, 500 t de antiern thaiabenis.m ON ALE_____________ ~ *trayetheUi importance o! sttmdv cate poatrnd avilae, trasom Reg. $8.98 prayer and -witness not ony $15iueb00 Nylons, bath plain and flocked ~ 7 for oui own neetis, but for the - ' Wedding Rin are cspeciaily attractive tis ON SALE ___________ 97 wholc Faniily o! G-ad, pantieu- go gapns year, thie speaker said. W larly for the millions in Airi- Fo apns iIICottons arc the most versa- Ca strugg-ling ta find a betten 0 * <9 wayo! lfe. spccallywc Itile of a'-l nates-lals, Mis. Ker ~~< rI ~uhul pay f thei leaders.1 , ointed out. She toldtheUi meet- shou&L/J7J A ý fr hi Hedes ig that cottons range frorÀI v i iy In h p and mora g enr rsonen oo eb roaticloths, through organdies, andmet eper csoneno er Jew eiserv t lace. Colons are sun resistant to the plight o! Uic refugees andi easy wasbing is adiather A m p Ladies" Wear is requancti. 1 and Gift Shopdsrbefau. h min 57 King St W. MA 3-3363 Mis. Dudley gave a '«Jan- 29~ King St , B.wmanville tioncd the variaus types o! uary" calendar with inspfrra- tissue girghams from, thc light tionl gdanc an mesageJ an a2 kin te92e rme ,àj

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