Te the Éditer of tihe Timets.* Itýàppéîars tbu a Lover ai Truth bas; IMPOTUK ANTI NOTICE exhaumted ail is intellect, and jas sghings fur anthei appellent Ilta throw dirt at. When - Lavr of ruthresorta ta0 abuse R H .BE ' in the place c f aigument and uses the H L E T îrash that ho as written, heotnay wel dectiue ta write any more on the subjecrt.. MYRTLE. Now,$ir, 1 tbnk tht 1 have discoveredf esrst nomhsnmru red thei cause otI is blunders. bInl1861 Prof. ires to nfrm athe bsnrnerou reda Wheatstone învented' an optical ibatru. aldcsoesta e a o~poue ment càlled t6e Pseudo&cope. Thlgtu-. hejts adb strutiiet îabs ingeniously conatrttcted MACHINE]RY AND DIES that i presento evey abject in a lalse light, or in a reverse, posilton. Thus in for tl'e manufacture cf iooking ent a hllow bowl througirte instrument it would appear like a globe D lI NT U I and' Ilglobe 'would cesemble a bowl. A IU I V S OIJJIl hat wii appear ta he turned campietely and wii suppiy the trade wtth the lateat inside ont, and 'a bust viewed in front hste so ais ats n hlrnS camdes a deep holiow inask. A Lover of sye fLdeGns n hlrns Truh inuait have gane to a great deai ai DR.ÇSS BOOTS, trouble ta procure thiisinstrument. V ali, .A1TERS, Sir,*te taker 'ik hlagraugh it, arlr t -B TTNhOOS ïï jh- laught d1; '1liavp alan -BO TS understood that Levi was nt a tribe, alt prices tirat wll cotopete with aoy they .were pqparqted entrirlyto the Priest- soebt ooy '8 hoý., INo.oa" but aq 'igacFam'ura, would makte luch anassertion. i -then ho .iôoks IiPeae:cai &r ad jeave your measilre at againand hecannot finil Loy distinctibnacs rand gel anîd gond, neat, and durable betwvesn Israeliand Jidah.ew, Sir,he 'aiiile. did trot dig deep enoogit or to couitnoct Repairing« pro)?tpÙs:j attended to. have faiied ta se. that they were. divided, T ." - and 9i..I bhe Lrýdivided Op Iothe protent Fartro prodre taken in exchange for t imei but,.wý wil* atot en, »'se a'l ùver of ar thgta aktpie Trut'i's wUntoCilicalresearh urtiter. Âny maderateiy*edîicated Sunday scirool t R. HULBERT. chil çotitd Place bis dnzrr on gross and carelpes iisstatemnentsouf qriptural facts__________________ in every'pliaragrapit. 'A Lovari of Trutht HOME AC~ ~aî rlîu haid botter attend a unday school aind take AtIN ANDMFEUELLIIILI IUUt. hiafatheýr alng wiltih bmm, beire lie dis- eusses the subject any futhir. V *han he HAVING (Qlr my haica9piln geeue hirmef, it will be time« enough for hum ta tare the Lîbie ne a toit book. ILI 91 1 A R et , ;ý Yodm0 WATCMAN. Ad b.%ivin# that the best way te ak ail pasy friendi fuel god la le> ifl hlittrm Gazxir CAL.-TltO fineut véal cal! ever that 1 arn now prepared ta do ail kinda af seen n ta Dwanville, aya the. Stages- man, was exhibited et M. D. William" 3na' T tT G buodiers stali on Saturday the 3th ut. in tire mcet expedinus manner at my Il was bred and fed by Mr. John Camplin !4'Mill haif a mile ni the Township nf, Whitby. The cail wàa% three monliïd- and sold for tweîity-WE T f (lI l11 D Q tlîyee dullars. Mr. Camnplin was offered W ES OF C LUM BIIUS îwenîy-five fur it in Oshawa, but was pr4vio4sl> soin. where 1 shalliendeavorto nive c-ti,;tacln J A edQ.C., cf Tara nte, bas.e l m findsthir wo r me wilh been appoiimid lu tie Chano.lioahip of hrwo. A gentleman writing irom Prince Ed- ward Island tii ttce<ttawva Frea Presis, payii there is but one word which rill express the feelings ai the people of that Province towards thte Doriiioiî Govern- ient-e xasperation- andl tiat no sup- portesr ni the prescrit Ministry lias a particle ni chance of being eiected at the oeil genérai electiont. iGie8t prepitrations are being mnade for th receptitîn o the Hon Edward Bake in in te Maritime provinces. It s under- stoe4 that thte hon. gentleman will leave Teruto atout the firet ai Auguit and pro. ceéed direct ta St. Johns, N. B., wtere he wîlJ deliver him tiret addres& 'H. wil then speak ii-Georgetownt .Fredericton,- Wopdatock, Charlotte, Susex, Westnrore- lahd, &à. Hle wîli aiso visit - New Btunçwiek- and, Prince Edward Island, sîpeaking on alî'tte principal townsf. Tire tour will lent atout oight *eeks. Danington tas received a fine assort- ment cf new gooda. Please cail and inspect them. The adjorned case of Irisht againar llanbridge and Robesîtan for amia'lt carne up forirhearing aù Saiurday ast. The eiden.çu was nt *ufficien.t ta seurs a canvictian. The agistratea disinissed tt* oaw.-J. - EFareweli, Cennty -At- toreejr,f* tihe plaintif ; N. T. )Pattermek-, of -SW Plsfty, for thiedefence. on Saturdm'y*Mi. 1. Kester howed um an pg*ftsqqa White Legiiorapulles, flot ayfar l4itt rt6tsurd7l by 61 incite,. Cari Brantford béat that f- GRELAT Dicovrar. -To pyramide a ;jk. j*1 yp, alaing tombé ioi kingm of 'tirs lth dynasty, have been. apend lu t.ethe mortuary chapiela tex.pl pe qÇttdbgiving accounsta afi reiiieoua belle? cf titat age. - Ti s gât diF*4g ti4tel7 uots tbr m,,ipIrle alteSr tbearisea. Exospt the discavery cf1 tite Ratttcae 82 years; go no discavery inr Egype àljcalatis à scisotidio value. and ail kinds nf MTiLL FEED -KEPT ON HIAN». AT CUERENT RATES. oatrneal for sa le, or ta erchange at 14 ibs. for a bushel of O;ts. Thsoluinz all my niri friende for Ihpir liberai patronnce wvhen ini the Irooklil Mill% 1I hope to gain, and 13Y FAIR DEALINO to menit.a phare oi their patronage where 1 ar no0W ocated. C. A. ALLEMS, TSTH. WILSON, HARNES& MAKER, BROOKLIN. CiHEhR Ail' TRAM HARNESS, M.4&DE TMo O DE SPECIAL CÂRE PAl» TO-COLLAR MAKINC. BEPAIRING PROMPTLY'ATTENDED TO. Thankftil for î'aat favors, wiil try ta menit a cofiinnance oi the &mre. rJow i. te tine. fo the fayoterata bave their Harnea. repaired and cleaned antd 'hara Collai repaired 4od ro-fit.d for rpring work. Remember the. place, .GLOBE NOTEL BUILDINGS, BROOKLIN ,IN GQLD .GIVE N AWAY to everybody purchasnggoods to the- amount of $1009,a HEPINSTALLS JEWELRY- STORE) CORNER BLOOKe KING SIREET, QS HAWA. B. Particular 'attention p ad to repairing of fine Watches & Jle welry. SP.RIN.G r, 'j II.OLLIDA-Y T. J. HOLLIDAY bas to hand al.arge portion of bis new Spring Goods. The various depart- mente wiII be complete in a short time whezui wiIl show one of the best couty stockù th h county. His facilities for buying are such, that bis gooda are ail bought on the most favor- able termns. He ie therefore in a position to give as good value as atîy in the trade, and much better value than tnany. He solicits a visit froîn purchasers, and desires a careful inspection of his goods and prices, feeling confident that no betteir value eau be had then he is able to give. He is anxious' ato give such value that havîg bought from him once you wiIl feel it a pleasure and a duty to yourself to buty from him again and again. Hie stock comprises Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, choice seleeted Teas% Sugars, and general Groceries, Boots and Shoes from the niost reliable mnakes in great variety, Crockery, Glassware, Nails, Paints, Ois, &c., &c. in ordered Clothing ho tili takes. the lead, and continues to turn out those niee weiI made 04i-NOBBY 8Ul8-Ça which give sueh universal satisfaction. Give him a eall, he will be pleased to show you bis goodg, yon will be received With civility and parted with good naturedly whether yoqu buy or not. TJ.HOLIJIDAY. 81.8 - le