Brooklin Times, 10 May 1881, p. 1

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~tuu Min ( VOL 1. No. 22 BROOKLIN, faAY 10, 1881. CIRCULATION 1000, GROVERIiEN! Wu aire not like iiome of our neighborm <who have reniniants and uneousonable gonds ta dis-posel o1) offéring as indure- muais a discouru ;,but somnethinà botter, 0lst close «pf çhich as& good ne ibm &M in lieioviaag pain and euring0 disease Amiongst out Stock wail ho Ioomad the following popuolar patent medicines, »lOP BIT.-ERS, AUGUST-FLOWER, DTSPEPTIC CURE, àAtslea& BterToLa' S-ARSAPARILLA, SHOSHONEES, SABSAPAIILLIAN, NEDICAL DISCOVIERY, GERMAN SYRUF, -FELLOWS, AYRUPSC 'r EMULSION, AiP PECTORAL, WISTERS' BALSAM, jzîd many otiier preparationsnu le"ba worthy of meaatao ilae had itpuce. If pao vaut to inurot foney te aponte gomi teuma, bel mme of ont CoaCOMOIto POWD91tu A'&» SPIC£ Ent iâpmavang your Stock. Coooantly oen hanaa a linte aàmortmont of Fancv Goods, Toilet Articlest, ove, Perfumery, ComIas Bruaheii, Sup, eci., ecl. Goodivaluea in Grocerses, & Glasiauvare. Ferget flo t he abuve, nor the. place Tour. respectfully, - JOHN WARREN, 13ALDWII IRIET - BRO0UtLIN. ]PROPESSIONAIL CAEDS. MH. STARRI M. D.. MUI ai. aBrook lin, ont. Çrdae of uelerue Medaical Hospital Collega. New 1a ork; Canadian -Licentiale Momrbor aif fCollete oai -h>aioian. aîad St;ramenu, 'I H. SWEETAPPLE, VgvuîmaasiAv eSuatueom, Gradoua, of thei Onatatio Tus. Colleso. Goverumenit Inspecter for Ib Coataty of Osutanui. Provincial Vtut. ,-Jtgi.-trar e:nd Secretary te tihe Onîarita Vrt- A"aloîo. Jtasidauaa'e, Brooklin. F ÀREWIVE LI. & RUTLEDGE, jBarristers, Attornea'ym, &c., eKolirilaurs fat the CQ)uuay -)I Oiiîurio. Office»:. Fi Dor of io!tîn Royal- Jiotel and ini SuWah Wisag of Court Boume. J. E.FAaEKLLL. S. B., Coenly croton Atersey, * JAMES RUTrLEDGZ, B. A. "AVUol0 ln Il ch»M. nmy» . a . A &«oR Bok Stroot Wusby. B F. CAMPBELL, oreca B*Comniatjoner ait Qoen'. gencta, Insurance, LanJ and mnerai Agent. MYoney to, lan at lovesut te of interest. Noteeand Mortiagage- bý t iand - Id. Ôific.-Opposite Globe Hotel an. F ArFER SON &FENTON, D»mtsns, JEOt& St. -hawu, over 23 7mars l>tactice, wili visit Brookîja 28th, and Claremoot <JSt mach month. »USINSS CARDS. W M. MATHEWSON, Riirlm,. .Bstokîju. Imuer Of MARRIAGE LICENSE&. T OAS H. WILSON, Lc ama Auctiopeer. Sales- atiended on uneoiaahI.Tenus.Globe Hoiel, hald H0MAS; POUCHER, Giei Rivet, T §40kiokng, Lcne nto» o Salesmof alil indecoodoed onressemable Tm. Ord.m lbtathlelnmekMuise J foi V mve jsompt attoatia TEE 07À77 -PRY is now open for the seasotfand under the manage-, ment of ojr2ffici,.lent Milliner MISS ATHEWSON, A fil and r lselected sokof BONNETS & HAITS, 'FEAIHERS, FLOWERS, SIIjEKS2 IR MBO3tse,&C-5; Inc1udinglail the2late t novelties of the season. The Goods are ail ne and selected with great care and taste from, e leading stocks in the markets. No4 arrivin'r NEW SPRING DRESS' GOODS, PRINTS3 *M ~LINS,- &c., &C. la Staples ail cous Llrestock to ianâe Ladies', Gents', anîd Aissis', 41 ail the mîev patterris and colos. %li( tivel 1 heugto direct special attention t ouI. ic is rap)JdIy inercrasiîîg iin ordeî's aîîd thec best salisfiacîioîi $EEDS. %Ve have to hand a large stock of fresb and reliable Garden* "d Field Seeds,. and wiII be sold thottorn prices. A full assortment of Hardware, Spades, Forks, Hoes, Rakes, &C. of the best'makî's. A choice stock of Wal Paper to -hand at prices to suit ail. fuland well âssorted. Re C,. WARREN, PER Se Ma THOMAS. Mur. Jurneî Wulker, riller. lale of Brookian, and now employed at the Vic- toria BMilis, Guelph, bus been kept in painbul suspense ince Friday 22nd uit.' rezcatdirag the Jate of WilIie, a tour year - old child, who bus been missmng since the ubove (tlte, and is L-upposed te bave heen drowzaed an the river adjoining bis rosi- 'lence. Ail efforts on. the part cf the c.tizens ef Guelph lu reroverý the body t.v rvdoualag. The -grief- ' tricken, pareny - have the emrpathy oi their many -ftaeida hin rutîa a vicinity. Two cir bouda; uf furniture'ieft the Oshawa Gabinit factury for. Manitoba, !art week. CLOCKS t JEWEii<Ry! iCKB I ?lsanktng thse peple-ot Brooktu aand vicînt- ty for Ilueirlberai patronage ln the repatring business, 1 beg to announce I have bouffbt a large stock of Clocks, twonty four Rogar, Elght Day anidAMariam, &c. 1 Alannalfne totqfJewolryChaius Braches Ear Droups, Rine.G uarsts. Plns, S leevei But- tous, Spectacles, &c. es 1 have selertedtbliss stork mayself, wlth cure, 1 can guaraiktee ibenè tu gtvk sattafac- taon. - Repartnsdoncepromptli and securtiey as sasual. Don'tforcet theb plaee-Domnios Tolegrapis Office, oyposlte the Glotbe BoltI. 0. W. WARREN, Brookiu. The champion turner ofi Whitby ine Fred Haîch, and the. champion jusper of Brooklin, Ed. Hamiltoun. Kiang Kennedy held forth ins Whitby on Friday nighl. ?Art. Koox ahippoat ixy-thtee hoad of cattle fiirn Ohawa ou the sud inel., for Livespool, ptar ateamet Duttiuo. Ilis arkableotheonumber of un.cartied women tander 25 yeara of age. Sa oay the conus eiaumerateta. Thae county valuaterst are atout slarting on îlaeir tour tlarough tlae uortheru town-' ahip.. Alrël. flora of Oshawa, has takon action againus Mr! J. 'Brooks for deIIang ieir busharidliaquor aftèr being warne net Io do su. 'flie amnount of datuagres are plaredai a $60. Sirnilar aactas aae te be taKen araiiast otîtor hotel keepeas for the milale otfeaaee. A petation in being circulated thtougla eaet and wvest Whitby lor signatures prayiag lortheia releame of Mn. Hurlop whô as nov ita prit-ion servialg a ,Lutin of five years for forgery. MNany farnaeis throughout the townslhip lire pI.uuglaIing op their flawheat. The tov-n in maovaaag northwatd. Auir. Dawes hastnioved hi& busitaess ona& door nui. itir. D. Faîcheti ocrupies Mr., Dawes oid titaaad. Mr-tINIrPherboia, of the firan of McPher- uoan & Camapbell, hum, purchamedîthe houle Iateîy eevupied by l'airs dates, and aatands mua ing tIlle ame back and lbuilding sa &hop 0Oia hue mte. Mur. B. lulcQuuy in giving the caGlobe »ý a Itiotougla oa-er-haulang. Mn. Pearson Theoiloltn ocaplain of <a suft atet fTMoveaof the. polol E. eddmdk rmbcho Ibo aprieauaeset Ht.l)allu- lunes5 place et businesa. Tho e easng Nesau spacyee cent Toronto Journal is delivered' il towa> wathin- three heur. aller publication, thanka te tise energy of Mr. Davlinten, goisetal novasgent. Mis. Irish, anal ber grand-daughit, Miss Howe, have tmturnmd frotu Roehamster visere tlaey spent the wirater. The License coamiisietera have gritt- ed fotty hotai andl shep licenamfer sentis Ontario. Mr. B. McQuay, cof Brookio, and Mr. AIex WIsitelaw of Ashburn, have been granteal liconses for the ownaship- How are yen geingt.Iocebobrale the Quoen'a bitthdlay. >inco the arrivailoi the new milaner at T. J. Holliday' ahe Young men ba&. been taken with delirium trusassisgw. Son be time fui ft-tui pic-Dims * -j * i---j --1 4' rAILQRING DEPARTMENT, Our Grocery Department willbe. found 1 ecur-in tri tra r 77,

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