The Acton Free Press Tuesday December Coordinate services to children TWO YOUNG ACTON BOYS were among the entertainers at the Ontario Steel Products Social and Athletic Club annual Christmas party for the children held at Ontario School for the Deaf auditorium In MUtoa Taylor and John Pink of Acton dressed up as for CHRISTMAS was the theme of the 10A classroom at Acton District High which was judged the best decorated for Christmas Staff Photo Select winners room decorating Approval was given by representatives of a variety of social service agencies to form a Children Services Co Committee for north during a meeting at MJlton District High School Objective of the organization will be to provide some co ordination between existing services such as education health correction community welfare and family court Concern felt The group was an outgrowth of concern felt by members in the various areas for some co ordination Which could lead to more effective and efficient services A steering committee formed at an earlier meeting recommended establishment of a policy committee with representatives from the various areas of service and an operating committee with a coordlnator that would confer En areas of Joint interest While the policy committee would include north the smaller groups might be centred Help with Whistlers complete with large top hats and many of the youngsters in the audience Brampton will soon be had a hard time figuring them out as they Income tax time again and the danced on the stage Gifts were distributed by Continuing Education Division at Santa to close to children during the SSSftgHA afternoon oT tan and frivolity Photo Sit their own Income tax forms AS USUAL quite a few of the correctly and legally Free Press staff created their Die IDweek course will be held own Christmas cards this year at the Brampton Campus every Pictures of children are the most Monday for hours starting popular decoration January 10 Instructor for the course will be ACTON STORES did an Robert Stevenson a Brampton unexpected amount of business high school teacher who also Jfjlv J the day before Christmas operates a local tax service THE STATION HOTEL ENTERTAINMENT Thursday Night December 31st THE WELLINGTON COUNTY BOYS Friday Night Saturday Afternoon Night THE RAINBOWS around the three urban centres of Milton Acton and Georgetown Representation on the policy committee which will be responsible for funding Includes the Superintendent of Special Grades and placed first and second respectively in the Acton District High School room decorating contest Theme of the first winner was for Christmas The room was brightly decorated with an old fashioned fireplace fish nets hung from the ceiling a Christmas tree and old Santa with his fishing pole Second prize winner featured a peek into Santa s workshop on Christmas Eve Toys labelled for local communities like Silvcrcreek etc were set out on students desks Roams were judged on theme effort originality and overall impression Judges were high school secretary Betty Lou Halton County Board of Education attendance of Bill Coon and Free Press reporter Denis Gibbons Student Council president Joe organized the contest POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Mnufeturera Telephone North SUN THROUGH THURS SHOW TIME frll let twj Sun Turns THE SICILIAN GUN color THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN color Warren Beatty Elizabeth Taylor 7 Sat 9 MM CALLED HORSE color Richard Harris Matinee Sat JUNGLE REBELLION color TORONTO by Bus Low Fares Good Any Day One Way Return 335 WINTER TIME TABLE Effective January 3rd TORONTO TRIP CHANGED TO COMPLETE DAILY SERVICE TO TORONTO Sun Sat EXPRESS 448pm 8 58 i 9 am exc Sat Sun 8 33pm 1133 pm Sundays p m via Yorkdale Centre Late Evening Return Trip Saturdays Only Lv Toronto 30 m For Service To Guelph Kitchener Stratford Owen Sound Ask for Time Table No SAVE MONEY BUT 10TRIP TICKETS Books of tickets have no expiry date and may be used by yourself family and friends TORONTOAIRPORT EXPRESS SERVICE RUNS FROM ISLINGTON SUBWAY STATION BUS PARCEL EXPRESS CAN SOLVE YOUR SHIPPING PROBLEMS Tickets and Information at Adams Bus Depot 18 Mill Stmt G Adams Telephone 8532600 for the Halton County Board the Superintendent of Separate Schools the Medical Officer of Health the Director of Nursing from the Halton Unit a representative from the Social and Family Services of Halton the Children Aid Society the Judge of the Juvenile and Family Court a County Council representative and a news media representative H S HOLDEN Cork SI TA SMI HEBE THE ORIGINAL DISCOUNT FOOD STORE STILL THE AREAS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY MERCHANDISE FROM OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT MAPLE LEAF READYTOEAT HAMS Short Shank Skinless Whole or Half 59 SCHNEIDERS VAC Cooked Meat w 29 Sandwich Chubs 29 SCHNEIDERS PIZZA PIES 59 EPICURE VAC PAK SIDE BACON lb 57 SCHNEIDERS At we approach another we at Foodland pledge to serve you the same Merchandise at the Lowest Discount Price When you shop at foodland You Shop With Confidence BEST WISHES TO FRESH FROM OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT GRAPEFRUIT IMPORTED GREEN CABBAGE TOMATOES can no Cooking Onions ilk FOOD PRICE IS OUR BUSINESS 10 APPLE JUICE 231 Gold APPLE if oi Tin SAUCE 100 Percent Ve ou 99 mum CUPS SWEET MIKt PICKLES KERNEL ox CORN 1 Cemeilon EUPOUTED MILK URGE THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR LOW PRICESII