Acton Frea Pres Tuesday December OPP REPORT THE STONEHOUSES of are splendid examples of the Scottish masons art at any time of the year but silhouetted against the white snow and with stately elms and rail fences as visual aids they assume new pleasures for the eye during winter months The perfect places for an oldfashioned country Christmas Staff Photo The week of December to December was a very busy week or the officers of Acton Detachment Ontario Provincial Police There were three property damage accidents investigated and the total damage in the three accidents was 600 Charges have been laid as a result of these accidents A total of nine charges and warnings were Issued for infractions of the Highway Traffic Act Long three months Two drivers were charged with Impaired Driving over the Christmas period even after repeated warnings by the news media that the police would be extra alert over the Christmas and new year period for drinking motorists I again urge you don t drink and the new year holiday Three months without a driver licence is a long time 3 time loser It Just thlsdny a district man was probably saying to on Thursday afternoon First bis car and another car collided on Highway north of 10 Enqueuing causing W25 total damage Second the driver of the other car turned out to be an offduty Constable Jerry Terryberry Third the man failed a breathalyzer test and was charged impaired driving A total of seven general oc currences were Investigated this week This number Included one theft investigation two charges of having liquor other than In a residence and driving without Insurance A domestic assault was investigated without charges being laid Three charges were laid under I don think they will be the last convictions Proceedings in Provincial Court Milton on December 21 resulted In 20 convictions being registered A total amount of in fines was paid a local youth was sentenced to months probation and a local man received a jail term of months Now that winter season is here many motorists will be mounting snow tires on their cars For safe driving fit all four wheels with the same typo of tire bias Don t intermix bias belted bias or radial ply tires This applies to snow tires as well If your regular tires are bias fit bias snow tires on the rear wheels Tests have shown that intermixing of tires can cause a fishtaillng weaving condition Stuckeij PHOTOGRAPHY Wedding Passports Industrial Portrait PHONE 8531169 A letter from Eden Mills Barrow Dear May climb the The reward however Is the pots of plum Jam stored away for the winter All for now dear I m Just off for a visit with Elizabeth Love keeping a close eye on them and tree again to retrieve a couple of last night when I got home they Mill changed them supper I don t know if I told you I d been growing my hair You can rain but today is one of those glorious fall days with a lovely clear blue sky low humidity and really hot sun and off on the a bank of cumulus clouds white at the edges I went tor a drive down the side roads mis afternoon Although the breathtaking scarlets of the northern maples are lacking the coloring Is good this year yellows bronzes and some reds ditches are long bouquets of golden rod and wild asters ranging from white to deep purple soft browns of the and scarlet leaves of sumac All very lovely the best part of the year I always think I have so enjoyed this porch and shall hate It when I hove to move Inside Inevitable as the year advances because there Is no heat out here But I have used It such lot bringing my break fast out on a tray to watch the early activity around the mill and of course having supper here ton Ive a good reading lamp out here but more often than not stopped reading when dusk fell and lust sat and watched the light fade I especially like that lucid turquoise silhouetting the trees up at the old fence changing to a lemony green just before the stars start to appear Now of course as the leaves begin to thin I can see the friendly light of Gladys porch and other lights along the hill and across on the other side of the valley can hear the children calling their goodbyes as they run home for a last snack before bed Outside the door Is the little elaborate metal lantern Mother and Dad brought from Mexico and sometimes I like to put it on and after a while go outside to see the Infinite variety of moths It has attracted It you take a flashlight you can examine the wonderful coloring and pattern of the wings spread on the white clapboard siding me I never learnt their names On most clear nights just before bed I go out onto the patio to have a good look at the stars Except tor the occasional car the silence Is broken only by crickets and the rustle In the dry leaves as a night prowler passes It then that you hear the rush of water through the Mill race Actually It the quietest place ever lived the first drops of a gentle rain can easily be heard In the GOOD SHEER the New Year clocks in re celebrating by sending our best wishes and thanks to all our patrons FIRST LINE TELEVISION SALES SERVICE Hwy No West of Acton When the clock striken twelve it time to welcome tin great New Year and to thank our friends HARDWARE LTD night The apples were pretty wormy this year my fault of course because dldnt get round to spraying them But the plum harvest was good I had Men JOHNSON OPTOMETRY AND ACTON Burn fully Cooked sunless Smoked Hams Butt Portion Just Heat and Eat HAM SLICES 78f Short Cut Chef Style Prime Rib Roast 89 Red White Loaf Sliced Bread 249 Farm Fresh Grade A Medium Eggs 3 do Canada Dry GINGE ORAM Tins To Case ERALECOLA plus tax FROZEN FOOD Lb Bag GREEN PEAS 35 Chun King EGG ROLLS 59 Supreme 2 Lb Bag KERNEL CORN LAST WEEK To get jour Encyclopedia POLISH SAUSAGE lb BOLOGNA oz SOLD VIENNA SALAMI Oz RED GRAPES Florida Large Size Celery Stalks Spanish Onions firil Large Tin FLOOR WAX Hostess 11 Oz Bag POTATO CHIPS MINI CHIPS 43 and Son Ltd STOREWIDE ON COLOR STEREO OFF Zenith THE MAGIC TOUCH ZENITH ITS KELLYS for SERVICE and Corner Guelph