Countyboards achievements include innovations improvements Acton Froo Press Tuesday December 1970 The past two years have probably been the most In the last century and a half in education circles according to Halton County Director of Education Jim Singleton Many changes Innovations and improvements have altered the education program In Halton In the Halton County Boardof Education report Achievements for the year the staff outlined a variety of the changes and innovations for the year New equipment Perhaps one of the most Interesting departments In the education enterprise as seen from the students viewpoint is the audio visual department Three hundred and eighty three new films were added to the central film library and courier service Improved Increasing the circulation by 25 per cent Educational TV A study is now underway concerning the most economical and efficient way to make use of educational television School library In was kept open for students once a week during the summer and operated by teacher volunteers It averaged a turnover of volumes a week The board recognizes this The use of school faculties by the public has been increased as well School gyms auditoriums libraries and playing fields are being used by the public In Increased in terms as literary gain as well as positive and public reaction There Is a possibility this may be continued and expanded Expand project A pilot project at Kilbride School saw the public library and school cooperate to offer adult books and additional books for children This project too has been a success and will be continued Ontario School for the Deaf has become involved in workshops held by the board and activities at the senior school level Some nearby schools have mode use of the pool and Indoor track as well as spacious grounds outside Parents and resource people in the community are becoming more involved In the schools Parents assist teachers in primary classrooms libraries and assist in supervision of outdoor activities Artists writers scientists doctors athletes and policemen among other people are being brought Into the schools to speak Parents arc visiting schools during the day more than before Lets Play Bridge One bid that continues to confuse and befuddle the average bridge player is the reverse By definition a reverse bid is a sequence of two bids which are not In the usual order For example If you hold both hearts and diamonds and wish to show both suits you would normally bid the hearts first Hence If you bid diamonds first and hearts second you have reversed Important Why Is a reverse hid so Important It forces partner to go to the next higher level to support your first suit Since partner need no additional strength to show a simple preference two suits It follows that opener must be stronger than a normal opening bid The suggested limits of a reverse bid are at least 18 points and the first suit bid Is longer than the second suit bid The reverse bid is a strong bid almost as strong as a jump shift but It la not forcing Best contract Here Is a hand from the Acton Bridge Club where knowledge of the reverse bid should lead to the best contract South dealt with both sides vulnerable NORTH SK432 WEST east J jo C106543 SOUTH SAQ78 10 3 Suggested bidding NORTH WEST PASS PASS PASS ALL PASS EAST PASS PASS PASS Opening lead jack of diamonds South has sufficient strength to reverse the bidding and his hearts are larger than his spades Without one of the minor suit aces South would have to open one spade to avoid reversing North responds two clubs showing at least ten points After South reverses into spades North shows support for both suits and South can bid the slam with confidence In fact North needs only one minor suit king in order to make slam Blackwood South could have used Black wood to check on aces and There is no problem to the play of the hand Declarer wins the diamond lead draws trump and proceeds to knock out the heart ace In all declarer makes four heart tricks two diamond tricks two club tricks and four trump tricks The flaw things I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers the very best in 1971 May the new year bring you more and better bridge and all the other finer things of life Last weeks winners at the Acton Bridge Club were first Kate Coats and Ian Coats second Jack Coats and Bill Coats third Walter and Mary HO HO HO says Santa Claus as Paul Cargill smiles for jolly old St rack Paul was one at many youngsters receiving gifts from Santa Claus at the Legion Cfaristmas party Staff Photo Jofci Salmon Country TV Centre SERVICES Highway 34 Una if TV Strvict to limits Rgchwood numbers Over 240 activities take place in schools each week Because of Ihe credit system and the resulting flexibility high schools have been able to cater to individual needs of students Evidence of this is seen In the several schools where girls are taking shop and boys are taking home economics courses Senior students can now pick up junior skills such as typing and motor mechanics During the summer of 1970 summer school enrolments reached 1462 subject registrations and Included 22 adults The registration far exceeded what had been anticipated Displays Many minor exhibitions of students work have been held as well as a major display of pieces of art shown In five locations In the county Over people saw the display Groups of teachers and advisory personnel known as program councils appear at board meetings periodically through the year Many of their recommendations were enacted in 1970 A computer science option in secondary schools and the purchase of a small instructional computer were approved this year Developmental reading programs In Milton Oakville and Burlington High Schools were started The Board approved In principle the study of French In grade five subject to budget consideration Pilot projects Involving home and school liaison to help the immature type of emotionally disturbed child to develop self control are being considered Also dealing with special education the board decided to extend a pilot project In Oakville Involving volunteer help A course of study In geography dealing with pollution and environmental concerns was developed The main objective the the history council was to develop kits for the study of grade eight history To date one kit on the Canadian North including film strips slides tapes and printed material has been assembled the science council developed a core program for grades seven and eight As in other subjects industrial arts was updated BANJO the Clown paused to have a soft drink and chat with Susan Coe at the Beardmore Christmas party Staff Photo FAMOUS BRANDS FINEST QUALITY LobhwsYmWR DEEP CUT PRICES SUPER BUYS QUALITY MEATS SWIFTS DEEP BASTED CANADA A GRADE Butterball Turkeys SUPER BUYS DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY DAY DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY COCKTAIL to 28 CHEESE ii 10 TO LBS GRADE A DO LB TO DREAM WHIP DEODORANT JS 1 1 LYSOLAIR FRESHENER 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