Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 29, 1970, p. 11

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Acton free December Comins and Goins A man Is realty getting old when ho Inspects the food Instead of the waltrea Eventful career Rev Peter Tucker leaves for charge at Dundas TOMMY recovers from an upset during a hockey game between local players at rink Photo by Lorraine DAWN LOGAN a teenager who came back over the Christmas holidays was greeted by friends as she outdoor activities at the park She la seen wearing an updated styled max coat and hood and la sitting with Judy and Jean DoVrlcs and McLaren Photo by Lorraine NEIL McMINN and Beaver Hepburn scramble for the puck with Peter Jones holding It down at a Sunday skirmish on the hockey rink Photo by Lorraine LOCAL HOCKEY enthusiasts line up for setting up teams for a quick Rockwood fracas Most of the boys play on teams throughout the township and represent various hockey clubs in the area Top row David LeBlanc Glenn Noble Gary Law John Dyer Charlie Gtddea Front Tommy Pindcr and Bruce Logan Photo by Lorraine News and views Tho United Church or Canada minister who came with his In July of 1068 to take up his ministry In the village of has now loft to continue his ecclesiastical vocation In another place llev Peter Tucker who was according to many of his congregational members the rt quired fresh voice In the community created many now updated religious attitudes as well as making tremendous strides in tho of his own United Church affiliations with other denominational organisations In tho village Including the Inter denominational Saturday morning Sunday School and In his association with the stone Church of It Young People ft roup gave outsiders a now understanding of what today youth Is capable accomplishing under proper leadership and direction Horn In Wales Horn In the village of Mountain In Wales Peter and Nancy Flicker were married In Wales In and In IBM came to Canada where Peter took up employment with tho department of highways of Ontario at the Kcelo Street offices In Toronto in costing operations for tho now proposed Highway Hill stretching from Windsor to the Quebec border Already a qualified dental technician the of Peter Tucker a career one that should be Inspirational to all of us Prove his calling He felt that he had a calling Into the ministry In but with no high school education and only his grade fl public school qualifications he applied to the Board Horn Millions of the United Church of Canada lie requested a way to prove his calling to the ministry and followed their suggestion going to northern to work with the Indians there so thai ho a bettor concept of what he really wanted to do In British Columbia Peter ministered to tho needs of Indian people while his wife Nancy worked In the hospital and after two years he was thoroughly convinced that his ending was a right one at which time ho returned to Ontario Adult student Concluding a scries of preliminary educational tests he was enrolled as an adult specialist student at the Waterloo lAitheran University Four years later he graduated with his B A degree and In 1064 went to servo at the and United Churches While ministering there he also attended the Emmanuel College in Toronto until 1067 when he and his family went to Africa where for five months he was the minister of St Andrews United Church of Zambia Although his congregation was not a large one the beautiful Cathedral of the Coppcrbelt which seated housed one of the only pipe organs In central Africa The dedicated theologian could see the importance and need of his work In Zambia and he and his family enjoyed their stay x Well it over for another year The scrambling and hurrying about Intermingled with dashes off to Christmas affairs and trips to see Santa Clauses who give suckers to little kids Most of the Utter has been cleared away and even the stockings Santa uses to bag all the extra goodies have been stashed away for another year and the only hang remaining are those which usually culminate Into a list of New Year resolutions You know the ones begin saving right from the first of next year get the shopping done earlier make certain that all Christmas cards are addressed well ahead of tune and so on New plans Me Ive got one particular snide thought which has been secretly developing in the back of my minute brain for a number of Christmas Eves but this year topped them all and I have be brown paper bags with stickers for me from now with a green plastic garbage bag thrown In with every ten presents Instructions will be passed on to Santa that no one gets more than one gift until all paper bags have hit the garbage container and little me will sit there in hidden delight at my great planning abilities aa I watch my holiday homepollution Into action Only slightly tortured by fact that no longer Is It necessary for the Santa Roots to slither about slyly In the wee hours of the morning to get every package into place quietly so that the kids will not awaken to discover the Identity of that furry fairy I ve been contenting myself for the past two years that Christmas wrapping is the thing That way one can keep Christmas In the heart and It makes you feel great that there Is still work to be done come the even If it isn making like a mouse So Instead of staying up until being stealthy its ajn being artistic The final results are the same of course bleary eyes no punch dragged- and defunct with the same awful visions of early morning risings like in the old Santa days everyone awakens Just as we get to bed and the whole house la In motion again on the dot of 00 By approximately 5 30 a however after spending approximately 1H hours reviewing Just about everything you have taken six hours to wrap with precision and care poor old Santa mater finds herself sitting garbed In nightwear and slippers plunk in the middle of tissue and seals cards and ribbons looking weary and worn feeling empty and bedraggled by Lorraine What has happened to all those gorgeous presents under the tree and where are the Christinas cleaning aspirations of the past week In one amazing few moments they have been literally erupted all over the living room floor some of the remains of which have been carried throughout the house and all the littler of paper seals and instructions are there to clear away By magic Oh no mother with her handy little elbow grease and vacuum must hit It again Artistry Never even noticed the little Santa faces and Christmas trees made ot colored tape were ripped apart without recognition and special notes lost in the fray to get to the Inside treasures the same thing could have been accomplished with everything simply left in the department store shopping bags Kick ourselves So that how you feel Brown paper bags with faces stuck on in felt tipped Ink for decoration cheaper faster and less work Well that what we say now but here s a small wager that for everyone like me who has come to similar drastic conclusions we It be kicking ourselves next December for not taking ad vantage of the post Christmas shopping sales and making investments En J halfprice wrapping paper and seals there however Illness forced him to return to Canada and In July he became minister succeeding the Arthur of Itockwood United ITiurch a pastoral duties as well as those of United Stone Church Works on degree Puckers stay In Hock wood has not been eventful This ambitious young man has fulfilled the office of United Church Chaplain for the Reformatory Protestant Chaplain for the training School Secretary of the College Students of the Waterloo Presbytery while also engaging In a theology Degree program at of Toronto In an aim to procuring his Master a Degree Contrary to tho quiet life one consult as that of a rural minister Peter a schedule has been one of successive timing A Sunday for him was an to am service at training School a am service at Stone Church Jo a in found him at tho United Church a rounds took film to the 1 Home for the Aged at ho visited the Hospital In luelph and on every Sunday evening a Young Pi a Group at the Stono Church outside the village Other interest the weekdays he attended many meetings visited hospitals and was a quiet background speurhcader In local pollution drives Me was the of the Itockwood Sunday School Committee and was continually advocating and voicing his great faith In tho potential of all churches In Itockwood Village working together as one great organizational body the Peter David Tucker was recently called to minister at the SI Mark United Church of Canada In Ontario The congregation there are anxious to have him their pastor and his friends in Itockwood though tit progress were unwilling to have him leave Peter eels that experiences In the village have been pleasantly rowardlng and a cording to film his greatest thrill wan rdonominatlonal to operation with Christiana from all churches working together In such particular Instances Taster and Remembrance Day Services and the Rummer exchange services with the Itockwood Presbyterian Church Much Ho feels that much progress had been made In village wise and although lie will miss congregation his ik fluid will also present many new hallcngcs Such Christian attitudes and ambitions for the will always him and his family in good stead In any community He and Ills wife Nancy and their two children Patricia and Douglas left on Monday to take up their now life and tho congregation of Ontario is a fortunate one Visitors for Christmas with Mr A K iliomaaworoMr and Mrs Day of Mary unit of the University of and Mr ami Mrs iJnyd mamas and Mr W Gordon of A Jaunt to sunny Tampa I larlidi last wttekend saw Carrie her and Norm Patterson of It It Itockwood plunging Into thu- with degree temperatures but heading alter deciding that there s no place homo ft tin after all lloth hoys Christmas home with their Itockwood villagers were delighted to see moat of the family In vicinity over the weekend Dawn who In from liindon 1 with the at and Hobby at home with tlulr father Mary lAgun and their little Mr ami Mrs and Mr and Mill and their daughter Janet of The family circle would been complete if hud been homo but he Is stationed with the HON In a Christmastime visit with tho minister who officiated their wedding were Danny and liiHeur of Ottawa The of the Jnur Janet a and drat Day drove to to spend a day with the llrlar iVenliyterian minister and family over their holiday in Mrs J mild of Mary Street recently attended the wedding of nor granddaughter Anno Marie the of Mr and Mrs Norman of Brampton Anne Marin married on Saturday 10th to Mr Held of libit iJike Ontario After a whorl honey moon In the young couple plan on completing their studies at Waterloo University Miltaes and their children spent holidays in Ontario visiting with liolss family Hie Sandy Hudson a entertained Mr and John and their two sons William and Stephen from King ity near Toronto They tun wonderful weekend and was a Jolly Itev Allen and Cook and their children Michael were visitors In Itockwood reet when they drove up from looking for snow hints ti toboggan on A great In many friends from I den Mills I load and Joronto fumllles and gathered with Delia Klrkhflvens lln 1st and other heal friends participate in a of tolx gumming skiing and skating the Itotkwood Park last Sunday It was a Units day a delightful Idea an lone which for all REVEREND PETER David Tucker his wife Nancy and their two children Patricia and Douglas are sorry to leave the village of Rock wood The Tucker family left the village on Grand River Authorit Consider 800000 budget for parks The Grand River Conservation Authority is considering an budget proposal to cover planned development and improvement costs In the conservation areas In 1871 The budget which is about less than last years figure has been recommended by the authority development advisory board It will be considered by the GRCA executive committee Dec families About of the proposed budget would go for lane and continued development of the new Brant Conservation Area near The park is being readied for the July 1971 International convention of the Notional Campers and Hikers Association The convention Is expected to attract 10 families from across the United States and Canada Work planned at the new area includes construction of buddings paving of roads and the installation of services fencing picnic tables and signs At About has been set aside for general improvements and development at the Rock wood Conservation Area on High way at Rockwood Another 000 has been earmarked for land buildings roads services a beach area and general development at the new laurel Creek Conservation Area in Waterloo The proposed budget delegates for development at Lake near Drayton including washrooms beach roads services general improvements for the new Shade Mills Conservation Area In Gait Including roads beach services general improvements and for the Luther Marsh Conservation Area near Grand Valley including land general development concessions Tree planting Another has been set aside for general improvements and development at Elora Gorge in Elora for Byng Island at Dunnvllle 21 for near Paris 15 for Belwood Lake north of for the ChJcopee Hear The echo our massage of good will and thanks to our aualomera IWri Monday Dec to live in Ontario where Rev Tucker has token on the pastoral duties at St Mark United Church by Lorraine Conservation Area in Kitchener for northeast of for Lake near Preston for the W Dickson Wilderness Area near the Plnehurst Conservation Area near and 10 for Bannister Lake south of Gait Proposed budgets for almost every area include amounts for general improvements and for tree planting and wildlife The development advisory board also recommended be set aside for land and development of forestry and source areas 18 for conservation services for fish and wildlife studies and for head office design m Distributor of Homo and Firm Products nd Dninci HEATING OILS LUBRICATION OILS GREASES GASOLINES DIESEL FUEL Phone 8532174 oil Young St Acton A PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR May laughter light your way may your dreamt true and may health and thine an you and your loved tn the New Year glNCCItLRBt Hoard jssjeoiWiaaftisai SPECIAL advantage of Our Annual Sal Buy Now and Save I NOW DISCOUNT Also Christmas Wrappings While They Last DILLS STATIONERY 56 Mill ST

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