Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 29, 1970, p. 10

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Tha Free Prsti Tuaiday December WW it Editorial SPARKLING SNOW bright nun and blue skies made the which Free Press reporter Denis Gibbons caught during Christmas holidays a picture postcard for thousands who the season Is typical of many others In the district flocked outdoors to enjoy an old fashioned winter This government our religion and ourselves all Badly corroded In the last decade For my faithful and friendly readers Id like to see some special things In the coming year good health a closing of the generation gap warmer personal relationships fine healthy children a small oil bill thing by kicking the bucket may It be quickly and painlessly I also hope that your garden grows that your car docsn t rust that your roof leak that your wife t nag that your husband doesn t drink too much A big order but there it Is For myself I can dream but I don really wont much I d like to Improve my golf fishing and curling But I don t really hope They to go downhill steadily I like to be able to walk without an elastic bandage around my bum knee I like my waist line to stop growing and my hair to start growing I d like to wind up the year with the same number of teeth I have right now These are still in the dream category I like to spend a full two weeks anytime during the year without a domestic crisis cat kids or wife But most of all I d like to be sitting right here a year from now writing a column about a that looked a lot more promising than does And the same to you Now that you didn t get what you wanted for Christmas what would you like In 1071 It a a pretty messy old world has been and nobody Is likely to get what he wants In the coming twelve months But Its the only world we nave so let a make the best of It hope pray dream and equally Important remember that the Lord helps those who help themselves For the world we can only hope for an end to war and pray tor peace in all the touchy areas But there s something Canada can do stop selling arms It hypocritical to talk of peace point the finger at others when you re standing up to the waist In the muck of arms sales yourself I m afraid we can only dream about an end to unemployment pollution terrorism and Inflation They wont be solved In But surely to goodness some progress can be made toward solutions There Is something wrong when a country with the natural resources of Canada looks forward to a long hard winter for over half a million unemployed at the same time that countries like Germany prostrate 25 years ago are crying for workers And we can do something In this country about pollution If every soul puts his back Into It That s a bit Irish but you know what I mean Terrorism That going to be a tough one But surely somewhere In the world there Is someone who can devise something to nullify the new weapon of thugs and fanatics throughout the world the weapon of blackmail through kidnapping and hijacking Man split the atom and hit the moon Surely surely Inflation is a cancer But we re desperately searching for a cure tor cancer Cant we do the same for inflation I personally will take a cut In income if the government will cut my income tax For my country these are some of the things Id like to see In 1971 Full employment or as near as possible Less economic and cultural dependence on our benevolent Uncle A sharp decline In drug abuse and alcohol use Lots of winter days and hot summer days An end to the tension oneway or the other between Quebec and the rest of the country An end to the endless talk about housing and education and equality and me beginning of some action A return to faith in our Lots of good things happened Another year has almost passed and before it recedes Into the pages of history we would liko to acknowledge the cooperation and helpfulness of people in the urban and rural communities of this district In producing this newspaper It Is almost Impossible to Ust all the assists wo have had each and every week Many other fine things happened In the town and district during the last months which wo would like to recognize Number one since It Is recently Is the fine Job the town men did In clearing the business section of town during the heavy snowfall prior and during the Christmas season It was done with a minimum of fuss Unless you had seen the streets before the clearing Job was done It was hard to believe there had been snow We would like to compliment the Board of Parks Management for their Implementation of parks policy by providing plenty of park land for people to enjoy would also like to express our appreciation to the parks and arena manager and his staff for the work they have done at both the community centre and at the parks We would to pay tribute to the mayor for the unfailing courtesy ho displays both in town and outside He Is recognized everywhere as an ambassador of good will for the town and along with the clerk administrator and his staff has been particularly helpful to us during the past year We would like to send a special note of thanks to the men and women who generate such enthusiasm In sponsoring and operating the minor programs In town during the past year Their dedication Is one of the best deterrents to delinquency any municipality can Wed like to recognize the fine fireworks display the fire brigade sponsored Dominion Day Hope there s another this coming year Kudos also must go to the Fair Board the Chamber of Commerce and service for the Fall Fair and the enlarged sportsmen show they operated this year We d like to express our appreciation to the police for their Job In keeping the town relatively free of any major disturbances with a firm policy of restraint applied by a velvet glove Many of their acts are above and beyond the call of duty enhancing the reputation of the force Wo d like to say word of thanks to the Canadian Transport Commission for their decision not to allow the Canadian Notional railway to discontinue the limited train service now available for people of the town and district And finally we would like to thank all those who in any way to this newspaper through the past year Without their help we d be hopelessly entangled In confusion each week These are only a few of the many posltivo happenings in town and district which we d like to acknowledge There are many many others which helped to make this area a fine place to live We can only hope the incoming year Is as kind Thais our wish to all of you In May you enjoy A HAPPY NEW YEAR Retiring acknowledgment through reams of county council copy this year has not often been rewarding so far as little gems of wisdom are concerned but It was worthwhile waiting for the comments of Deputy Reeve BUI Gillies of Oakvillc at the final meeting of the year Mr Gillies along with six other county councillors of this year arc retiring from the political scene at least temporarily These circumstances often seem to produce candid comments from the political personalities Speaking to those staying as well as retiring the Oakvllle deputy reeve summed up by remarking that if there anything he learned in his three years on county council It was that really end at No High way He further declared one of council greatest achievements was the coming together of rural and urban Ideas These remarks in themselves don really surprise residents above High way because they are self evident but for anyone from Oakvllle or Burlington to publicly recognize the presence of the north end of the county Is a rare and generous acknowledgment It indeed shows Mr Gillies years on county council were worthwhile County council is Intended as a meeting place for ideas from both the rural and urban areas of the county Hie southern end of the county has no prerogative on brains or talent although the north end has to admit they likely have more money We hope Mr Gillies successor has as much perception and the audacity to display It early in the session at the county level as the deputy reeve of had when he retired And we hope further that some of It rubs off on his colleagues at home Stakes are high in dollars The family which won in an Irish Sweepstakes is probably the envy of millions of Canadians They uncovered the proverbial pot at the end of the rainbow after 20 years of buying lottery tickets The head of the fortunate family is reported to have said they want to continue living normal lives after they pay off the mortgage and take a trip to the south But already the family had to leave for some unnamed destination to escape the barrage of phone calls which followed the of their win Most of the calls were from people who wanted to sell them something Although they have every Intention to continue living normally it Is likely they 11 never be the same again It would be very difficult to resume normal occupations when they know there almost half a million dollars In the bank Many of us engage In wishful thinking about what we would do if we won that kind of money but we wonder how we would really react if we were recipients Those of us with the urge to travel certainly t be restrained by lack of money Those who have always dreamed of luxuries for the home or a bigger and better house could satisfy all their desires We could put a Cadillac in the garage instead of a Volkswagen watch a colored picture tube Instead of a black and white There are endless possibilities Cautious winners could gather up their loot and Invest it in some gilt edged securities that would add to the already thick bundle of money Think of the security with all that money behind you No more worry about paying bills a few Instructions about how to avoid taxes and you be set up for life Or would you We wonder If those who enjoy these unexpected windfalls are not trading one type of anxiety for another No more worry about how to pay for lights and heat but what if the stock market should drop No more anxiety about what we should wear early in life and are not around to enjoy all this money Again the possibilities for worry are endless It takes a strong character and iron clad resolutions to live a normal life after you come into a lot of money Wc wonder if any of us are equipped to handle such a situation But there is no doubt most of us would like to have a stab at it Taken from the tunc of the Free Press Thursday December Santa Clous dressed In his customary red suit brought to Tom Nlchol OS to Mrs to Mrs Margaret to Mrs Betty Ryder and to Beverly Ann Bradley when he made his visit to Acton He handed out candy to a thousand children There were 30 other citizens who also won prizes He was welcomed by the down band and carol singing on St south of the post office A large crowd was on hand for the drawing and Parker was master of ceremonies Almost 300 tickets were used in the contest Bannockburn school was specially decorated for the annual Christmas concert and the school was filled to capacity Although there were only pupils with their teacher Mrs Pearl Kennedy those present were entertained for two hours Power cost will rise Jan Acton Public Utilities Commission learned Richard Harris has now been the Rock wood correspondent tor the Free Press for years Over children spent an exciting at the Theatre last Friday afternoon at the annual Christmas party The first skating of the season was in the arena Saturday Bight AU council was returned by acclamation reeve George Currie deputy reeve George Leslie councillors H Craig Wilfrid Bird and Walter Takes of Free Press Thursday Decembers Actons Municipal Council for Is elected without an election as follows Reeve George Barber councillors Jeremiah Bell Stephen Cordiner J H Denny The newly created Hydro Commission will be composed Reeve Barber George Hynds and J Gould The new school trustees are Frank Gamble George Mann Nell McDonald and Robert McPherson The annual high school At Home was held Thursday evening of last week and was unusally wellattended Each year the THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE nmt and Ed tot OHk number of expupils Increases the function Mrs H Stewart Misses Marguerite and Elsie Willie and Robert came up from Milton to The programme of drills dialogues ana selections by the school orchestra contributed a very enjoyable evenings entertainment Mr Chester Plank was master of ceremonies After these numbers a series of promenades were Indulged In and the musical students of the school in turn played the piano for these Home for Christmas Bert Mowat from Mrs James McLam Miss Bertie Smith Mr Linton Kenney Mr and Mrs Roy Miss Hazel Agnew Mrs Ebbage and Clara Mr Mrs Jennie Matthews and Miss Mildred Mr Charles Matthews Mr Harold and Miss Olive Mowat Miss Kathleen Gibbons MissesEttieandMyrtleDills Miss Mary McPherson from Col Claude Gray from and Mrs SomervUle Haileybury Mr Joe Kennedy Anne Token from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday December 19 Within another year all Europe will be entangled in a conflict the final outcome of which is beyond the ken of man states a veteran war correspondent Never were the implements of war so deathdealing as they ore today and he foresees widespread disaster and bloodshed On Peter Tiny farm the other day a horse was hitched to an oak log 12 feet long and inches In diameter and drew it feet on the first draw This was the result of a wager between two men and one of the parties who was doubtful just lost one dollar Last week some tramps who in the area took the school house for a lodging place and when the caretaker went to open school last Thursday morning he found them lying around the stove In which they had kindled a fire They were arrested and brought before Mr Harris but he let them off Mr Cameron Warren has been engaged as the teacher of Dublin school for next year READERS WRITE Christ pushed out of Christmas Dear Sir So another has passed or we say another Xmas I believe that this is what It has boiled down to for far too many people What I am driving at Is this Christ is being gradually pushed out of Christmas Everywhere one hears of the Christmas shopping Christmas has become an annual boom of commercialization Christinas carols lights trees and Santa Claus appear In almost every store After all It helps to put people in a buying mood That ft is blasphemous to use Christmas carols as a sales pitch does not occur to them This year again as in the last few years television programs are cluttered with Santa with Christmas carols as background music It Is sickening to hear some these beautiful songs misused In the name of the almighty dollar It Is probable that many people did not get much out of Christmas Without Christ In Christmas we cannot possibly sense complete joy of Christmas We should rid ourselves of the commercialization of Christmas and celebrate the birth of Christ He was the greatest gift mankind has ever received Can we not at least show some appreciation The Young People Society of the Christian Reformed Church of Acton Ask help to underwrite lighting Dear Sirs It is not my wish to get involved with personalities or to argue for or against local Chamber of Commerce management although I am a member of the 1970 executive I merely wish to state pertinent facts which apply to recent press coverage of a current situation Current membership in the Chamber Is about This is a mixture of interested citizens retailers business professional and industry Our sole Income Is received from membership fees which in recent years totals an average of per year The National Motto of of and or Board of Trade Is Building bur Community ft Is very awkward for an organization of any kind to promote too many projects when it Is required to use more than per cent of its income for one annual purpose We neither attempt or expect to make a profit on any affair in which we participate but continually try to get Involved in anything which will make Acton a better place to live During 1970 It was our intention to complete a survey which might eventually lead to extended telephone service to Guelph andor Milton The cost of survey was estimated to exceed We bad to shelve this as a result of lack of funds This Is but one example of thing which cannot be done many other suggestions are brought to meetings Christmas lighting program has been over recent years at a minbnwn investment for repairs and bulb replacement Much of this has been done by voluntary labour including work done by local Hydro employees We were told this year the lights were not safe without major repairs so we ordered these necessary repairs to be done There have been no funds lor expansion of the lighting program For the first time In my memory we are asking for help outside the to underwrite these costs and I personally will be on a committee to contact members We have people to do the work we only ask community interested Individuals and industry to supply tbe money to get tbe materials Why then should conflict enter at all We have a prlntipl involved which Is much more truly Goodwin PS If it is the wish of any individual a contribution towards tbe above be considered as fee paid for next 12 months

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