Seasonal phenomenon The Acton Free Press Tuesday December 1970 C9 Bell means elves are checking several little green throughout the past month of the National Society numberofworthyyoimcstersnnd cloaked elves fell from a large December and citizens say that Folklore and Fairytales it also their December visits are A necessary so that children will not get an over or tinder exaggerated supply of Christmas presents which could upset his economy considerably and also develop greed symptoms In the minds of too many young children recently and are often no visibly to Mr but can be heard by noises Fifth line of they were on their way to spot check some of the local children behaviour and good sleeping habits would be best to avoid their discovery Over a period of several years many youngsters have been known to have had their Christmas stocking filled Seem harmless alabaster as the Although the elves are reward for attempting to capture apparently quite harmless and It the elves might be considered pleasingly Authorities claim that these delightful to make their little men are Santa Claus only acquaintance if one Is to apply way of calculating the correct Lets have Christmas 30fh It Is expected that once the date of December 25th has expired such reports will cease more often I says cub ARRIVAL OF SANTA CLAUS at nursery school Friday morning was a happy event for children and teacher Our Christmas lwiah that your shares joy of th Garage News and views by Lorraine It has to do with Christinas shopping a lecturetype sermon from a well known writer and a week of hurry toward compltshment All things wrapped in the facade of living behind which is the true me of Christmas Last Saturday what with the possible visit of Santa I spent a day in the city In an effort to catch up to the whimsies of that bearded old gent It was as everyone knows a hustle and a bustle crowded streets and jammed elevators hurry hurry pushing and shoving with credit cards flashing merrily merrily all over the place Whisper to Santa Christmas carols sickly grins pasted on the faces of scared little kids as they sat glued to Santa s knee and as they shyly whispered what they hoped to find in their stocking for Christmas mothers frantically waved in the background in an attempt to get little Johnnie to Cynthia Santa had gifts for all young tots in his bag of goodies Staff Photo taking the best we can trom every situation but roll with life and look forward for iter things It the dreams of youth that create and build and we must enjoy the mental future as we da the living moment Curiosity deadly Mr further felt that curiosity is the deadliest of all sins referring to It as the cause behind the atomic bomb But surely that phase of ac complishment could be better classified under progress Curiosity Is the stimulus of all learning take away curiosity and the why s from the mind of a small child and there would be no learning curiosity from the scientist and there would be no cures for disease take away the curiosity of the economist and there would be no answers to poverty City wicked Wednesday night was Christmas party time for green cubs who took time from their regular scheduled work outs to sit around on the floor of the Town Hall to play games and sing carols Wow said one of the kids We should have Christmas more often And Hay hammer agreed that such are special ones for the young boys who are usually participating In learning and preparing for new badges Mrs has been involved in cub work for years now and she has been the for the Rockwood youngsters for five of them Her son Gary Is the assistant cub master whose cubbing name Is Both and his mother enjoy working with cubs and feel that it Is a most worthwhile and constructive part of any young boys life At Wednesday party Sylvia Green Jameson helped to organize and serve the sand wiches Christmas goodies and candles which the auxiliary mothers had prepared At the end of the evening run the Cubs sang taps together and took Santa Claus home In their hearts anniversary marked Mr and Mrs Art Diamond celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary at their home R on December The surprise party was arranged by their family About called during the Open House to extend congratulations Mrs Ed Wilson 2 Rock wood made a special cake like a wedding cake for the occasion Parks arrange for snowmobiles as wish a year far past CONFECTIONERY ROCKWOOD A MERRY CHRISTMAS In the happy of the holiday cheer that abounds may offer wishes for a Merry Christmas to all our friends FRANK CARNEY SONS PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD MAIN ST ONT beam happily while the store photographers ensured themselves of another on a picture for some lucky It a wonderful time and it called Christmas Some people hate It but few of us reach down underneath to find what else is there The following day Sunday I attended a sermon at St James Anglican Church In at which the celebrated Globe staff writer Richard presented his depiction of the seven deadly sins He was witty and fun cryptic and sad all wrapped Into one brief sermon He was eloquent and humorous but very general and broad in some of the things he said Now as Richard is considered to be one of the most Imaginative writers of our time who can question why many In his audience commended his every word few of us would dare to question the judgment of someone whose weekly salary must absorb at least seven digits in our monetary system Hope a sin But among other things he talked about hope and said it was a sin because too much hope makes one envious and that envy is wrong and hope too often cannot be fulfilled so that reality then would be better From where I sit hope is to dream and to dream is human Too often the final are not as rewarding as the working to their end One only has to visit some of our elderly citizen sanctuaries throughout the country to know what life is without hope Hope is life and without It we be dead Roll with punches He said that no one should live in the future and look ahead but that we should accept our daily lives as moment by moment doing the best we can under all circumstances But would it not be better to live for the moment Snowmobiles may soon be welcomed officially in some Grand River Conservation Authority porks including Rock wood The authority development advisory board has recommended that the executive committee adopt a policy which would permit to use specified conservation areas subject to certain conditions Attend Mr referred to Toronto as a city of wickedness but felt that any highly populated AA city with too much money could I not possibly expect to be anything else but wicked He forgets or perhaps does not realize that many of the people in Toronto do not have too much money that In that big and vastly populated conglomeration of citizens there are hearts and souls whose only ambition is to love and to give of themselves Greed will always exist and envy is a way of life which can only be erased by understanding The Holy Rosary Church in Guelph was packed last Wed The authority previously had no real policy regarding the snow vehicles said Kao operations director They were permitted in some areas but they had to follow conservation area regulations which say all vehicles must stay on the roads The machines were really more tolerated than anything else Mr But we must face the facts of life that there are more and more of these vehicles around that they are a valid form of recreation and that we have the land where they could be used Season permits The recommended policy suggests season permits should be Issued for snowmobiles and only vehicles with these Rosy cheeked carolers carry our glad message of Yule greetings to everyone ROOT HARDWARE OUT Share goodness If we in generalizing condemn everyone as being consumed by such vices that then would be the greatest sin of all No one Is all good but neither Is everyone all bad and whatever goodnesses wc do possess must be shared to wipe out whatever badnesses exist Behind the hustle and bustle of Toronto shopping lies a tremendous need for communication Many of those lunching alone wished that they had someone with whom to converse Accepting the street corner Evangelical Bible Society literature were those who already knew that Christmas means that Christ is here In the packed elevators there were those who loved the cute little kids who couldn t wait for Santa and behind the hostile facade of the sophisticated sales girl was a personality wanting to respond to the thank you s and the Merry Christmas make ft Its aUChristmasandlt sail fun Like everything else we make it what It Is whether Us Christmas or life itself Christ came into the world to give us hope as a way of life I say to Mr Needham that his sermon stimulated me to the point of refuting that the world has too great a degree of evil and suggest that he needs to climb from his tower of intellectual abilities to find the hearts of the people He in denying the need of hope is denouncing the need of Christ and what Christmas is all about Christmas is appreciation of about us its the understanding of human needs It giving enjoying participating and with all these things it s the Inner fulfillment one receives with the awarenesses of all our blessings That is Christmas and may it be a merry one for everyone morning when the grade pernUts would admitted to the two children composed of many lands from Eden Mills Rockwood and other conditions are that all Guelph and district made their vehicles and operators shall first Confession as students of the comply with the Motorized Snow St Patricks Separate School and Vehicles Act and with any then attended the Holy Rosary provincial regulations and local Church to Join In with that By conservation area congregation as they sang the regulations of the authority shall High Mass of Christmas apply that all vehicles be Father Joy from Holy Rosary operated by persons holding Church celebrated the Mass In operator or chauffeur which a few parents of the licences and that unless children also participated otherwise posted the vehicles During the offertory the various may te operated on between grades went to the altar with a m their gifts of food and clothing The alao which they had been collecting reC that marked since the beginning of the season trails for Advent snowmobiles be established A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR from TOM JESS GEUATLY THE ROCKWOOD MILL END STORE Your Nechi Sewing Centre Mam Street Rockwood WORDPLAY A popular penciland paper game is called wordplay The object of the game Is to see how many words can be made from a phrase such as Merry Christinas to All A time limit is set and the rule is that no letter can be used in any word more often It appears in the phrase With fond hopes that all your holiday dreams come true we Rend our beat wishes for a Merry Christmas MEADOWS BP SERVICE BAKERY glad glorious Christmas cornea and with it best wishes grateful thanks to you LOUS USED CARS Good Tiding of Great Joy Your James A Milne Son BALDWINS SPUR SERVICE