Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1970, p. 16

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Acton Free Press Wednesday November 1970 the at ACTON BOWLING LANES by Ken Nov IB are till Ions In he top apot two mil tod 1 win Her losing he fame to keeps em up here On the triple ilngl plateaus for were Boyd VB IMS Bob Woodcock Che SIS III White BOH and John Mo Witt Making for Upper were Vin Dor Kooy Riv Atkinson Si Phil and John Dunne with Rime win from mide on the leader Miking with the trlcounU mIo lor Patent MB Roger 2 Rick KM Run Mathews John Dtvldion in ran OetUnjc em for wire Don Harrl Ml John Ml Ml and Belly Finishers grabbed he In l canto from By Rollers evened up In the second with pin win only to hive bounce back with big win to mike with two end totals decides Top iriples and single for were trundled by West Dennii Crook 220 Helen Get tin em or Roller were Phil 204 Dunn Bryan Dunn lot Andre 211 League standing Be men IS Upper S3 Roller CAROLINE GARDEN CENTRE Nov 18 hung onto flrrt place with triple win from Eliminator The triplet of Hiring US Bill Malhlel lis Gerry Unties Top Eliminator were Or lite Porte Ml Tom 241 and Loll Norton won two ram Intruder but toil out or ill whin Inujuden made with a big win In the middle to grab the Up tilt look Rold or wo and totals they were going for the bundle but milled out In the middle canto by Heading Up Poo roll were Karen ST Dive Shannon and Marg Dunn till Topi or Road Runneri were Cam man am Lucy and Bill Si Unknown were a wo and tolali winner their of a triple win by annexing the finale Top In he Unknowns win were BUI Steve Don Perry 233 and Archie Topi for were Helen JOB John Dunn league Handing Born Road Unknown wltchy INDUSTRIALCOMMERCIAL Nov IS Alter pushing Barber Shoo right down to The wire and losing by nine pint In the fir it fame A Supermarket roared back to grab the next wo tolili Heading up the Able win were Tom Browning 7 Ken ill and Gary Jib for the Barber were Jim Bui lough Jeff Fryer and Dave Shannon ITS Jon Hunt Icctrlc gained on he leaden when they won em all from Station Hotel Heading up he win were Terry IB 123 Don 2St and Pete Homer WO Station Hole effort were In the middle to grab the for by pirn Top trio were Lome Norton Betty Cheyne and Careen Mitchell 320 203 Miking with the moil for Intruder were Julei Bert Robert ion Sally 23 and Ruby Mauridcri came up wllh two and totali win after dropping the opening to Zombie Second riame twaa Marauder by IS Top or Marauder were Peter Bouwman Bob Adam 249 and Clarence Hi ring SSI Beit In Zombie effort were BUI Gentle SSI 293 Jim Mitchell SIS and Steve League Hurricane IBM Intruder IB Marauder Zombi IS SPRINGS FLOWER Nov 11 It all or nothing In he League Coral Bell Trillium and being he Ihreo game winner In the Coral Belli go Norma DareenMiichellS202t2 202 along with Helen solo headed up he Coral Belli win Doyle Ellle Smith 131 and 413 were beat In Larkspurs effort In the win agilnit Bleeding Heard It Mary Anderson sis and who were op trio for Beit for Bleeding were Walker Anna Spear 117 and Jill McLaren Heading up Petunln triumph over were Carol lis Laura Treble 102 and Agnes McGlnne OSS Looping the loop for Lupin were Karen Mathew IBB Mar Johmon 473 and Boiler I IIS League Hanging Coral Belli 44 Pel In Bleeding Heard 24 Larkipura SPORTS CORNER MIXED Nov Born are In first place but Ml Ihem back a bit when Ihey took em for wo and Doug Lockerbie SIR John 1 Texaco Service had one of their belter nights and rang up a three game win at Terry Top tripling trio or the Texan were terry Maaalei KM Ml Forest 274 and Keith Andrews for the Terry were MB and Churchill SIS 238 League standing Pete Barber Shop John Hurst John a Texaco Service A Supermarket is Station Hotel IB Terry 12 ACTON Nov IB I A trundling were Storey Audrey and May Nielsen Clothing up Becker milk wagon when game they bounced back to annex the next two and Fran Pierce 197 119 and Shirley 440 133 win Beit far Decker were Be Anderson Grace and Until Pierce June Hunter 210 and 488190 Firm 1 were headed up by May 103 and Helen Becker Milk 41 Family Store IB Farm Cameo Boutique nothing THURSDAY TOPPERS Nov IB a afternoon for league leading Goof Off Drifter took em for he Donna Slave 209 and Colleen 112 paced the win Topi for Goof Off were Shirley Thompson Audrey 40s 146 and Gloria Alley Hoppers did some hopping In the right place they won alt game from Freak Qui although they were Nov Sunday of course the big day or Sunn Thotnpion Karen Trtmllli David Dunn and Brian For thli wai the day of he aeventh annual Muter- Bantam tournament by he CocaCola company Two hundred and at the Four kept the Sherwood Lane whirling tiling and scene action Theop20eim won and along with Individual and the Acton team of MailerBowler Bill Anderson David Dunn and Susan Thompson with a earn total 272S finished In pin away from the charmed circle The other Acton esm of Andre Conway Brian Linen and Karen Tremllla finished with a learn total if farther down the list Master Bowler bowled games with his girl and boy bantam Partner to make up the team score The Master Bowler bawled while tin bantams had the advantage or their handicaps the were B Anderson Dunn S CMWU Unto- plus III lias phis lis ill a Conway One outstanding highlight of the tournament the bowling at nine- arold ram Lakavtow la started ft with seven strike a raw for total with her other gsnes of 1SS2M plus bet S3 pin handicap gave her a total of Many would be of store When the lut bin was it wa a tired but happy group of Mnngdtra who wended way home to the of Ontario In the I Beat My Avtrift roU ftantam Junior topped their sveragea sod 13 Seniors qualified to win In Bantams bowling one guM ud totals OetoM lost the second game by Ota meowed Into a two win from the Rabbits hopped over Sib Horse both ant with on and totals tram the Crab Teddy Bears hugged op a on game and total win against the Ksnmroo ftd on the by both game turn the Dog Donkey won tbelr second Ronald in 273 David Dunn 128 143 271 Roach 113- 131 Patiy Storey 138 Post lis US Kevin 102 ISO Ricky Van Fleet 109llft 248 Bowling best over their averages to win soft drink were Terry Bate man Brian and Debra Spiel Our moat consilient bowler wa Jimmy Huxley who rolled both game of US back to back LEAGUE STANDINGS First Shift Rabbit mi Cat 10 Sea Horses 9 Second Shin Teddy Bears Donkeys 13 Dogs Kangeroo Crab 9 In Junior Division the Jet tried their belt but came up with only a wo win They tied for total Mod beat out the champion for a two game and total win blanked the Turk by taking ill three me from them The Ten Topper Wade Knight Colleen Valerie 13 JlmKrpek43IM BUI Gentle M8 Janet Storey 41 Marcel Ronnie Moore ISO RonnleTurkosli7 Keith Crosken LEAGUE STANDINGS Rockers game by only two pins The hosted op the Pussycats rounded up day a bowling taking ill three fames from the no s Leading the Seniors In Top Flak Brae Bob Andrews till IN Stent Van Fleet sit Guy Gka McKenile Allan Gtwan n lit LEAGUE STAN DIN a Alley Rockers a In the Wishes and Birthday Department celebrating the happy occasion are Bantams Ann Porte Nov Chris Nov sod Juniors Maria Nov 29 Tony Lambert Dec So for now good luck and good bowling hard 10 win the secandjiameibvllindUDlniinlhit order Top for the hoppers were were Joan Why S3 ferry Dawson and Mary IBS BcM in the Freak Out el fori were Joyce 118 Walter 413 HI and Challenger were a two and winner Hopefuls winning the middle Up or top forChillcngcr were Norma Thornmll 131 and Beit or Hopefuls were Join Lcnora McKlnnon VI 112 and Mamie Allen 400 134 league Handing Goof Alley Hoppers Ireak 10 Hopefuls Major Nov Acton Meadowi got by 111 n ion Store In the flnt game by 15 win In second then dropped the finale a two win Heading up the win were Ron shannon 824 Don ISland 230 Toe trio for Hlnton were Doc Poll 208 Rlgo and Bill Shannon Reliable Taxi made with a triple win Bui Depot taking the loss Phil first Dope Elmer White and Charlie Brown 231 Acton Lanes really drank the bitter dregs of whet they met up with Scenic Pool All ihe Scenic boys did to pul a damper on them or all three Head up the win were Jack Gould 7GS Bill Anderson 248 and Tom Browning In the Lines effort were Churchill Mid die Ion 83S238 and Dec I22t league standing Acton Meadows Reliable Taxi I Scenic Pool 10 Acton lOit ACTON Nov IB nipple had no Intentions of losing first place they won all from Road Runner They had to hang on however to win middle by 10 and the third by Sparking the win were Sally Bouwman Gary Ritchie 245 Jack and Ben Casiovl Making with Ihe moil for Road were John Beaullcu Claude Norm and and had a Dusters cried through the then f with a third game win by for a two and a hall game plui win Top tripling trio for Diggers were Lou 228 form Chapman and Alan For It was Chck Milne Mike Noble and Harry Mitchell I Ittlc Darling made with a two and totals win after a First game decision to by nine Heading up the win were Lolt Kevin Clark 499 and Bob Mitchell 191 Best efforts for came from Peter 268 and Langloll 422 139 Little 11 Dusters Road Runners 11 ACTON MIXED Nov A three game win from Plead Illy up the trlco he win were John Gilbert Bryan Billing 8S3 23S Norrle an Wayne Sheppard and Rick Ivany Bert in Nitron efforts were solos Elsie Harry Mlddlelon Don Mino hid em Stow out a two pin win In the tint against had no trouble In winning the hut I make the grade in Ihe finale so for two and totals Top In Slow win Earl West 220 Ken Billings 231 llston Adams Top jiters and for Marie Moore BOB Wfo Near 107 Joan 210 Ted Hancock Anne the next and totali Shorly Doug vtckcrys7B Waiiingford and Bob Price Irndngthchitparade Conn were While Andre rtroulllard 218 and Ed Browne 208 BIG FOUR Nov Fireballs ire Hill rolling along In top a two and win from Hot keeping them ahead of Hottest of the Hot were Little Jake Van 851 Big Jake Van and Web KsmiHnga are looking up for the Happy the middle canto by IB pins Pacing the win ivero Doll Van Harry Fiber and Harry 1nslng Top trio or Red Wings were Larry Bryan Hammond 107 and Von 173 League standing Hot shots Red Wings Happy Gang Mr shannon with tied Nell and one rame wai necessary decide Ihe winner shannon only managed a count but it wnHgood as the best Beddows could do was a 13 In the championship round Terry Churchill was winner and new champion with Man Swan lost his title with a court Shannon bowed out with a In Colonel Kentucky tried Chicken 5pin championships the Acton ladles team Thursday league will he bowling In the provincial finals Doc at the Sherwood Lanes In Hamilton who knows they may make it to the national finals at Calgary In January Here honing up once again my frlendllei Concord City POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Manufacturers of Telephone Water St North Occasions Cut Flowers Potted Plants Funeral Arrangements Corsages Etc Opn Diyt a Wank Sam Daric Nwna WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE Caroline Flower Garden Shop TWO MUSS OF ACTONSOUTH OF HIGHWAY GREY CUP SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND ONLY I WERE PASSING TO YOU OFF CHESTERFIELD SUITES PLUS A FREE TABLE LAMP with Piece Suite GOODLETS Georgetown hospital wants 125000 from Esquesing A request from directors of the Georgetown and district memorial hospital for a grant of towards a now addition was received with sympathy but no pledges by council Denny Charles and Terry Baines hospital board approached council to get the feeling concerning a grant which they suggested could added to the taxes of the Georgetown Fire Georgetown council has already voted as their share towards the addition but the third reading of the by law until they know whether would contribute Mr Charles described the proposed addition for council and fielded questions with the help of Mr Balnea Unique situation Asked why Milton hospital did not ask for grants Mr said there was a unique situation there where a recent addition of 22 chronic beds received 83 per cent in grants plus per bed from the county making It necessary to ask the municipalities for funds The chronic grants were not available now Milton got the grants with the understanding the hospital would look after the needs of chronically 111 patients in the area especially from Milton and Georgetown Mr Balnes said Georgetown doctors any however it la difficult to get chronic patients from Georgetown into Milton despite the intentions of the grant Not in Georgetown Reeve reminded the two man deputation that Georgetown hospital was not even In Georgetown but In and the deputy reeve half takingly suggested the name should be and district hospital But Mr Hill said It was hut feeling that should participate in the drive for funds Moat councillors doubted however that the Georgetown Fire Area was a good indicator for limits of the drive many preferred other hospitals They felt some tax payers would balk at the suggested a year tax hike Councillors Miller and Leslie supported the request for funds with Councillor Marshall suggesting they wait and see bow the people involved think about 1L The reeve also said he thought the township should give but favored stating no amount at this time Councillor Marshall said he wished the request could be put on the ballot Mr Balnes declared much depended on con tributlng towards the addition If Esquesing says no he could see Georgetown following suit and the hospital left to Its own devices Obituar Stanley Swackhammer was retired farmer After a long illness Stanley Johnston died at Kelly Nursing home on November 13 He was a retired farmer Funeral was held at Churchill community church on Sunday conducted by the Rev Robert Hyde and interment followed In the church cemetery Honorary pallbearers were Harold Griffin Bert Davidson Robert Wame Elton Cole Fred Archie Kerr Charles and John Active pallbearers were Jack Cole Ralph Denny Leslie Swackhamcr Wallace Swackhamer Smith Griffin and Angus McEachern Mr Swackhammer was bom in 1389 He was married in lull to Gertrude who died in 1051 He married Margaret Hepburn in and she died in 1065 He retired from farming in He Is survived by sons David of Arthur of daughters Louise Mrs Treble of Margaret Mrs Hall of and Clara Mrs Malott of grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren He was predeceased by two sons two sisters and two brothers He was the son of the late Thomas Austin and Frances Catherine Johnston REELECT JACK GREER for ACTON COUNCIL Yoan Council to Serve Bet far VOTE RUSSELL MILLER DEPUTYREEVE OF ESQUESING TOWNSHIP J YEARS ON COUNCIL YEARS ON SCHOOL BOARD M74 Ontario Is there any place youd rather be Ontanans are the kind of people who wouldnt be here if there was any place better We are people who came from a hundred lands and stayed to build People with backbone and brawn and a hunger to and women whove created a standard of living in decades that other lands worked centuries to build If have a flaw its our chronic modesty Ontarians may be proud to be Ontanans and Canadians they just seldom tell thats right As well we recognize that Ontario senior citizens have a right to more than just a place to live they need a life to live is why addition to new homes for the aged weve built social and recreation centres specifically for elderly Ontarians We need a vigorous economy of course to support these important programs And thats where you come in Though our productivity has doubled in ten years and our anyone From an economic point of view thats incomes in twelve Ontanans dont sit on their wrong The more people we have boosting Ontario successes Theres a demanding decade ahead full and Canada the better is And weve got a lot to of challenges and opportunities to make the quality boost with Human rights for example are real in of our lives better yet To meet these challenges Ontario Our Human Rights code takes what has weve got to believe in ourselves Which when you been theory for centuries and makes it fact And think about it isnt such a bad idea you boost Ontario Ontario and Canada get a little stronger Government of Ontario John Prune Minister A i

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