Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1970, p. 8

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Time to Sell those Old Things to You New to someone else BIRTHS MATHIES Greg and Judy nee Mason arc pleased announce the birth of a son Paul Hiller October 7 at Sudbury Mass VSA Doug and Don na West are pleased to announce the birth of their son Gary Douglas lbs 5M on October at the General Hospital A brother for Kim FOR SALE Two portable typewriters I a 182 171 1 NEW 120 bass Bellini Phone lnlM608 MARSH Reginald and Mar- Marsh arc pleased to an nounce the birth of Elaine Michelle lbs on October 1970 General Hospital WILSON Paul and Wilson arc happy to announce the birth of their son Timothy Michael Alexander at General Hospital October 1970 IN MEMORIAMS ALLAN In loving memory of John Allan who passed away October A little tribute small and ten der Just to say we still remember Wife and Family BLACK In loving memory of a dear husband and father John who passed away October 30 A silent thought a secret tear Keeps his memory ever dear Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf Sadly missed by wife Dor othy and family David and Dons FRIG and Stove and Space Heater Best offer Phone laie1522 1 WOOD or coal Entcrprl kitchen range white Phone 9685 la SOD No 1 nursery John Hun tcr Landscaping Georgetown 8777451 TRADE Volkswagen for what have you Phone after la 181514 1 LOG shed 14 made small cedar logs near Acton To be dismantled lb2M76 CHILD S white skates boys skates size 6 ankles of boys hockey equipment Phone lalS1614 SANDWICH grill new woman suits 14 and each girls skates size also winter outfits and dresses Phone la GOOD tires on rims ply for GMC trie motor in good condition I stainless steel double wash sink and 1 Electrolux vacuum cleaner in running order GILMOUR In loving mem of my dear mother Mrs John who passed aw ay October 1968 Tho the parting of a mother Is a sorrow hard to bear It helps to case the burden When you know that others CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank neighbors and relatives and those who sent cards and asked ab out us Vandcrbent for his special care and al Hospital and nurses on the third fioor Rev for his call Again thank you all Ricky and Donna Connor COMING EVENTS Acton Firemen Annual Dance Friday November 6th Acton Legion auditorium 1 per couple Lakeside Chapter I O D E meeting Tuesda November Legion Hall Mrs Laura Dittnch will speak on the Ar a Elephant Sale Satur da October at pm at Crcwsons Comers Hall Acion Ecryone come a Church Turkey Supper November 7th from to Adults children under 12 scars preschoolers free Acton District High School Annual Commencement cises will be held in the audit of the High School on Friday October 1970 at Everyone welcome Halloween Dance Saturda October at Acton Meadows Golf Club Music by The Shay ncs Admission 350 per couple in costume out of costume Limit 75 couples Reserve now Trail daily throughout fall and winter at Rosa Lake instruction appoint mem on weekends For appoint call Joe Ross 3895 Lot Concession 5 Maple Georgetown United Church La dies Unit 3 are sponsoring a Home Fashion and Craft Show Centennial school Thursday evening October at Lunch and door pri zes students Benefit Night sponsored by St Marvs Ukrainian Catholic Churdi to be hold at Paradise Gardens Woodland W Guelph Friday October Hot supper Dancing Re 1000 coupfc Come early for good seats For tickets contact Mkftael Dye after or Joe a euchre dance de bate flower show tur key supper or fashion ow List the event In coming ev ents In Free the column everybody reaai Rune PIANOS We buy and sell and reconditioned pianos See our large selection now for some real bargains We also will take your old piano in on a trade for any new appliance C Kelly Son Ltd corner and Sts Guelph la47 BUNK bed with bedspread TV good condition pair blue drapes lined wide long pole lamp shade Call after 7 pm I 81621 FOR SALE rifle cut down rifle 2 old 12 gauge shotguns May be seen evenings McCabc Road Acton Phone WINDOWS All Sizcs Styles Insul Glass Sliding Doors BIG SAVINGS BUY DIRECT TWINS Woodworking Ltmehouse 8779332 IblB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES DEATHS No TOR BALT FOR RENT ETC IS ml Inu COMING EVENTS CARDS lint IN Una at CUOSITIXD DISPLAY 11EAL ESTATE BOX lo ISO addition CLASSIFIED CODES For Silt I DEADLINES r paid at Mill t PHONE or Tho Acton Press Wednesday October 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE TRIM GYM Worlds Easiest Way to Feel 10 Years Younger For any age Womai Acton Woodcraft Wren Houses Wooden Nick Nacks 1 Main Street South la 19 LARGE GLOSSY PRINTS CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER Enquire now at Free Press Office or Dills Stationery Mill St E latf NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY OUR SNOW TIRES New and used car and tractor tires Sales and Service Tractor loaded Antifreezc Texaco grease and oils general repairs farm equipment Burts Farm Service Lloyd Harvey Burt 6th Line Ballmafad TV TOWER SALE tower installed with all chan nel head tower Installed with head SO tower installed with all chan nel head JO Extra heads for second TV set Installed stereo bead Installed 15 element color bead Installed Automatic rotor Installed Repairs of alt types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street But MILTON Phone 878949 with a low cost WANT AD For Tree home demonstration Phone Mr M Tennant 877 5561 la20 Inquire about our prompt and good service Town and Country HEATING OILS FARM PRODUCTS CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS RON DUMPER 877 PRODUCE FOR SALE NEW clover honey lb 2 lb and 30 lbs In your containers lb Rock haven Sidcroad Courtland and Spy Fancy and grade ftxsh cider Bring con Roy 2b2667 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE BEAGLE puppies 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE OLDS all power lies As is Jf 5 5bI6341 1968 AUSTIN automatic Series 9 000 miles Reasonable Phone 5aI61521 1965 Laurcntian 4 door V8 good condition radio Asking Phone after 5 RENT IT HERE RENT anything through Free Press ClaaaiRed LIKE NEW USED CARS 1967 BEAUMONT Shirp Lie LI0744 Wildcit Full power Lie 1966 PONT convert Lie 1965 FORD Camper pecnt Lie 1965 CHEV Econo my Lie 867751 1964 PONT Custom Sport Performance plus style Lie 742872 1964 CHEV dr A buy Lie MILTON MOTOR SALES 388 Mam St Milton 8772355 8 HELP WANTED full time live in only Phone or 5 EXPERIENCED industrial sewing pref DRIVERS NEEDED but to drive semi over road hcip- You can ptr hour after hort training interview it ipplicition 4163624002 or Sifcly Trmsport Training Systems of Canada Queens West Toronto Ontario Canada 18 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Woman wit many years ipliy experience plus siiks lull time wotk ill 6431 1605 LOST OR STRAYED IRISH setter fcmilc children pet of red for her sale return Please FOR RENT FACTORY spice ft No 7 I In Georgetown Call 13b2649 ROOM and bo lunches packed suit iblc I or Phone 133181617 I BEDROOM ipirtr with licit hydro water drap es supplied Nu children Phone I3il81624 BEDROOM utilities frig stove ind drap es Phone BEDROOM just outside town limits Heat hydro witcr supplied 125 pcr Phone being accepted for ACTON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT must be it least years old and preferably reside and be employed PHONE CHIEF HOLMES 853 0636 tu HELP WANTED ASSISTANT to machine preferably milt Apply Jason Knitting Acton REASONS WHY You can income and be a successful reil estate represent alive Real Estate School tram We supply buyers 3 hiit the largest choice of properties for sale We pi for ill advertising 5 Our managers do not sell they just help you You in outdoor posit ion independence and commission ind bonus For further information Call GUELPH 824 MANN REAL ESTATE DIVISION VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR YOUR NEXT NEW or USED CAR TRY Jack Richardson CHEV OLDS Limited Open till Monday through Friday Saturday 5 Highway Milton South 8783812 Licensed Mechanic Required for part time weekend work Apply to Maple Lodge Farms Ltd Norval Line west of Brampton Winston Churchill BUd Half mile north of StcUcs Ave or PHONE Real Estate Career Our Milton office requires ad sales people male and female Rural representatives in the Acton Campbcllvillc and all surrounding areas Experience in asset or will train qualified Contact Mr Neal Longo Real Estate 18B Martin St MILTON or phone for interview 878951 1 RENT a Cascade hot wa tank for per month Enquire it Hydro Eicctnc Of Alice St Acton 13a392086tf BEDROOM semi house he monthly or will make between 5 and 6 I3al8i627 BEDROOM farm home on good road close to Acton Rent A includes water hydro and licit References required monthly Jack Holmes Real Es tate Broker 13al8i619 GOOD NEWS The most personal and portant matter in your life is the underst Hiding of the glad tidings of Gods Coming King the Restoration of the Throne of David as procliimcd by Jesus the Messiah This is the ONLY news available to perish ing men ind women and it or gucs meaning and purpose to life John 32 For free literature Moment of Truth Acton Ontario SERVICES Stanley Conitructlon TRENCHING TRUCKING BEDS CUSTOM HOMES and TOP SOIL I Acton 853 TREE SERVICE Trimming it Removal of Tree No Job Too Dig No Job Too Small North Tree Service Fully Injured Phone 853 1010 iflbtf MITCHS ROOFING and EAVESTROUGHING in FREE ESTIMATES 853 1 009 R 1 Acton 16alMf PROCARIO MEATS CUSTOM KILL ORDERS Killing Days Monday Friday fourth Line Erin and So Sidcroad GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor INDUSTRIAL INTERIOR RESIDENTIAL EXTERIOR low for Free Estimates 8786137 Box 114 Milton rile NIELSENS Antique and Used Furniture Shop St S Acton off parking lot BUYING and SELLING Used Furniture and Antiques Stripping Repairing 853 SERVICES TRUCK DRIVER For a 3Ton Van Minimum age years Top salary 5i day week Year round employment Apply to MAPLE LODGE FARMS Township of WANTED GRADER OPERATOR Scaled applications will be received by the Township Clerk RR I Georgetown Ont man as Grader Operator and general work To start November 1970 or earlier on months probation ary period If satisfactory will bo steady employment Refer ences required C E SNOW Road Suprintcndcnt Township of Esquesing GEORGETOWN Ont FLOOR We now have a modem sander and edger We will rchnish your floors or rent you the to do the job yourself J Frank phone 47 Frederick St S Acton 16a tf PAINTING Fine selection of Wallpapers colors to suit your needs Estimates free DAVID COHEN Peel Street Acton Call 8532815 16a34tf UPHOLSTERING We specialize in all kinds of Recovering and Reputing of Furniture antique as Well as modern Tent repitr car uphol stenng etc Guaranteed work For free estimates call ACTON UPHOLSTERY Earl Jensen New address 37 Mill St E Acton WYGA PLASTERING Plain Ornamental Fancy Plastering Stucco Work 2 Acton 8532358 DAVIS JEWELLERS 3 ELGIN STREET ACTON ONT Watch Repairs Done on the Premises Tues to 6 Wed to to Fri to Saturday 9 to 5 16atf ED Contractor ft Cement floors Sidewmlki it Stoops Chimney It Planning Repairs Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 8531818 16atf MASONRY CONTRACTOR Block Work Fireplaces Chimneys Repairs Free Eslimates LES TREVAIL TELEPHONE 8531565 Acton Ont 16 SERVICES BAYNE S FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Up to for fresh dead disabled cows or horses Top prices for old hones Call Collect License Hour Servioo tf Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Prompt disposal of dead or disabled cattle or horses Call Operator Ask for Zenith Lie No CEDARVALE SAND and GRAVEL Cement Gravel and Sand Stone Crushed Gravel Pit Run Gravel Top Soil Phone Erin 8339751 16a12 For ALL Types of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 853 MAIN ST Weddings portraits passports visas industrial family team pictures 16atf Gibson Construction Sheet Metal Ltd Temporary address Mill St West Acton 853 Genera contracting Home renovations and cupboards Sheet metal work furnaces Wrought iron ratlings Air conditioners Dchumidifiers FIRST LINE TELEVISION SERVICE Authorized Admiral Service Department Color Sales and Service R R 3 Acton 7 I mile West of Acton FINANCE RURAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE Your JAMESWAY Power Choring Equipment for Poultry Hog Beef Dairy Excellent Ventilating Systems Tor complete and mechanical installations and CALL Loc Si Side- on Esq Si town Charlton Welding Certified Pressure elder FULLY EQUIPPED FOR Industrial Agriculture Construction Trinsportation Pipe Thawing Snow Removal Acton 8531634 SPEYSIDE Portable Welding Service Free Estimates Commercial Industrial W KAMMINGA No 1 ACTON Phone Jennings Excavating 1 8773197 Farm Ponds Loading Bulldozing Trenching Septic Beds Fill Gravel Top Soil Estimates Given FIRST CLASS SERVICE 24 Hour Approvals 2nd and 3rd Mortgages irrangcd in the convenience of your home Low cost You can call to pm today for helpful courteous service Prompt Investment Corp Ltd Bay St Toronto Call col lect evgs 161tf 17 REAL ESTATE Forced Sale Phis attractive bedroom brick bungalow also includes a large kitehen living room dining room 4 piece bath room finished recreation room and full basement leaving Property must be sold immediately Priced at only Good Comfort Plus Three bedroom brick bungalow close to schools shopping and transportation largo room and kitchen recreation room with bar workshop pc bathroom paved drive nd attractively landscaped lot Asking only Good terms Ideal Location Two bedroom semi detached bungalow with completely re painted exterior situated on a large treed lot in the town centre Featuring a large living room and kitchen ba throom basement and fur nace A real buy for only Exceptional terms G Alec Johnson LTD REALTOR Mill SUM Acton Ontario 8532086

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