Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1970, p. 13

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Churchill Wodnostfny October A letter from Eden Mills series of tatters written by Mia Val Barrow relating her experience during five delightful years In Eden Mills Miss Barrow Is writing to show her appreciation to residents of the village Dear May Im sorry to have been so long answering your nice newsy letter But oh what a time weve had to the Lawyers to pick up the key late on the afternoon of and then went to the house Incidentally key Is really something to behold It Is Iron with quite a fancy end to It and Its a bit bent must have been In the forging It Is much too strong to bend when turning the lock Well the house had been shut up for three or four days and did It ever smell musty 1 1 hod a good look around and found that It was all in very bad condition I should have noticed before but I was so beguiled by tho win- and the view I was terribly upset and wished Id never bought It However after supper I felt better about It and arranged to meet a contractor Bill by name In the morning before the family arrived to help unpack There would be no unpacking there for quite a while I felt It had to be before they arrived because you know how optimistic mother Is and I could almost hear her say Oh its not too bad Wo can do It our selves What she actually said was Oh dear It la bad isnt It Well as luck would have It Mr and his brothers were able to get at things right away and had the place within two weeks and two wonderful ladies In the village Mrs Roy and Mrs Herb agreed to do the redecorating So we rushed off to buy wall papers In a hurry Got rather neutral ones for tho bedrooms and a brown speckled for the TV room definitely decided to have my desk books and TV In tho smallest bedroom The paper is moat It makes us think of porridge Wo got a pale green with a bright fleck for the living room and a very pretty ivy one with the odd leaf for the kitchen I went out every night to see how things were progressing They scraped all old paper off right down to the old handhewn lath and plaster There seemed to be stovepipe holes everywhere you could Just near every another hole in the wall Well It was nil ready In two weeks and It really does look beautiful Tho bedroom floors have been sanded and then sealed and waxed and the lovely boards have a mellow glow All the woodwork Is earning white and it looks especially nice the kitchen where there Is a about two and a half feet high We had a new cabinet built in the kitchen too It has a double steel sink and a light over It and II Is ho well designed and made that it doesnt really look new but fits in well In the room and the some time I tho new sink and light Mother and Dad stayed a couple of weeks to help get mo settled thunk goodness How hard thoy worked All thing had been packed In such huge cartons you could hardly reach to tho bottom and mother tore them up when empty and burnt tho lot in the fireplace It took simply ages Dad did all sorts of carpentry Finally we were to sit down and fed satisfied with the place The living room looks particularly nice I think with mv royal carpet and those lovely old dclphlnum drapes Goodness knows how long they will last but Im fond of them shall them up till they drop to pieces Well dear more next week Do when you have time lava Val Thanksgiving guests plan Parents visit with teachers s in news There are federal provincial progmmH of for blind and pernor They provide financial support for those whose capacity In or limited provincial welfare department ruin further Information on those programs OUR READERS WRITE The Libetal game The people of Halton have a right to demand and receive some 1ncst from MP Whiting with respect to the position taken by his government In the sale of over trillion feet of Canadian natural gas to the United States For the past few months Mr Whitings political mentors have been engaged in weak attempts to hoodwink Canadian nationalists of Liberal policy in selling resources to our neighbor to the south The sudden conversion of Energy and Resources minister J J Greene Is a case in point Last autumn Mr Greene ad vised Canadians on national television that the age of petty nationalism was over He maintained at the time that we would still be hewers of wood and drawers of water if we did not recognise that our destiny in the economic sense lay with the United States Changed stance However Mr Greene changed his stance in partisan political manoeuvre with his over publicised Denver speech in which he politely Informed American oil men of Canadas desire to remain Canadian It is obvious that this was an at tempt to buy off nationalist elements But his announcement of tho natural gas sale made his and the position of the government quite clear The hollow nationalist rhetoric of Trudeau and Greene cannot conceal tho fact that it will continue to be business as usual with the United States Sweeten pill Thus the for must ask himself the following questions Just precisely who are the Prime Minister and the Minister of Energy and Resources trying to foot Are they trying to sweeten the bitter pill of complete economic domination by insincere and opportunistic references to Canadian national feeling Unless Mr Whiting makes an attempt to define the great issues Involved this confusion as far as the people of are con cerned will continue In tho absence of evidence to the contrary we can take it for granted that the Liberals are playing the old game of buying votes at the next general election Would Mr Whiting agree Ron Henry Faculty of Law Queens University Kingston Ont WI 4H road problems news By Mrs HScott Mrs Keith Laver and daughter Linda spent a month visiting her sister Mrs David Turner In B C recently Mrs G Ontario is visiting her ulster Mrs Marchington for a few days Back to England Mrs Summers Weston Super- Mare Somerset England has returned home after spending three weeks with her daughter Mrs Duffleld and Mr fteld Mrs Bomholt Is a patient In Peel Memorial Hospital at the present Read problems SUvercreek Hill Is the bad spot on the highway this week and most driveways are but soft The dead elm hasnt come down yet The second meeting of and girls was held at the home of their leader Mrs Anderson on Sat Oct There were IS girls present President Wendy Hannah took charge of the meeting Secretary Debbie gave her report also treasurer Appleyard The girls decided on the name of the club New stitch Mrs Anderson took over the meeting and alter looking over the samples of blanket stitch completed at the last meeting demonstrated the feather stitch The girts also showed the material and colors for their chosen piece of work they bad deckled to make this time The October meeting of SUverwood WI was held Thursday evening Oct a at the P Campbell with 15 members and two visitors present The meeting opened with the Ode and collect and rofl was answered with a news headline Mrs Marchington president read a letter from Mr for the picnic honor Mrs G Smith also sent a letter of thanks to the group It was decided to send to the Mental Health Association at this time Mrs Williamson gave a report on sales from the sales bam for catering the I for the A delegate was chosen to at tend the area convention In Guelph on Oct 19 and Mrs volunteered as a voting delegate Mrs W I Norton and Mrs G Iff en are attending also Repair shelter The school bus shelters came up for discussion Both need painting and one repaired and this will be looked after The president thanked members for the extra work done on several projects during the summer Mrs Lindsay SUverwood Mrs Anderson Limehouse are leaders for the fall project of H and report enthusiasm for the course lively discussion Mrs Cossar as convener for current events took over and a lively discussion over headlines proved interesting and en tertaining A social half hour closed the meeting POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Manutacturanol Ttliphom SALT St North By Mrs FMac Arthur Sunday service at Churchill community church at usual hour li will bo taken by Bill a student college Toronto regular meeting of Churchill Community Church Women will bo hold at the home of Mrs Clifford Storey on Wednesday Oct at A paper sponsored by Churchill will bo held tho third week of October All papers cardboard rags and scrap metal may be loft at tho homo of Mrs Wallace from Oct to Oct A sale sponsored by will be on Friday Oct at Watsons Music Store In Acton from 11 am until all Is sold Back from cast Mrs Alfred Saunders returned last week after enjoying a month visiting relatives and friends In Novu Scotia and Newfoundland Mr and Mrs Norman Turner David and Jullann were gnosis on Sunday with Mr Mm Reg Greene of Nor mans slater and husband had recently visited and the Jersey Islands and had so much news to Thanksgiving guoits Mr and Mrs Ward Hamilton entertained all family on Thanksgiving Mlko and Mark and Amy lynn Hamilton of Georgetown Bill and Karen and Stephanie of and Sheila and Paul Hamilton Duncan and Lillian Waldlo visited over tho holiday at their brothers homo with David and Pat in Milton Weekend gatherings Mr and Mrs Fred Nightingale uf Hock wood visited on Sunday By Mrs A Benton Parents visiting night with teachers at limehouse Public with Mr and Mrs Fred Spear School was well attended last Wed evening Warner of Toronto visited at the The teachers had modern soma home teaching equipment sot up In the Mrs Doug Klrkwood of Oak- rooms to demonstrate also Mr and Mrs Kenneth methods of teaching- Simpson of Peterborough wore Holiday Mrs Mervln Smith Messrs weekend visitors with Mrs Mary Angus Edgar Michael Noble and Harold spent holiday tho at Green Bay Jeffrey tod on Saturday evening with Dr Cameron In Guests on Sunday were Mr Mrs Brian Knox of Harris and uncle Mr William with Ids slater Mrs Dawson in called on Mr and Mr Dob Kerr and Mrs MncArthur and Mr Mrs Charles family on Bobs grand- were dinner with Drs parents Mr Mrs Fred and family in MaiArthur on their way home on from visiting relatives at Mr una Mrs Bob Dawson of mid aunt Mrs Jack the holiday weekend District Pag TO FAMILY BRANDS YOU KNOW PRICED WW CHOICE RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF ROASTS PORTERHOUSE CARLTON CLUB LB Pork Side Spare Ribs MINCED BEEF SWIFTS LAZY MAFLI HINDU J J SIDE BACON no PORK SAUSAGE CKOICI CALVES LIVER BRAND 59 Steaks or Roasts Steaks or Roasts A ALL FRANKFURTERS 62 MAID BRAND 59 SOLE FILLETS 95 THICK 1- COD FILLETS GINGER ALE of COLA HOSTESS FIG BURS CHOICE ASSORTED PEAS CHAM COM FROM CALIFORNIA CRISP JUICY BIG BLACK BEAUTIES GRAPES 2 FROM SWEEI REFRESHING HONEY DEWS 39 FROM BRITISH COltlMBIA DOM GRADE SWEET FREESTONE A Mt PRUNE PLUMS OR WAX BEAMS A POWDER DETERGCNT MONARCH POUCH- OZ IKS I or BREACH LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE MM PIE 39 LVER SHRED LEMON GOLDEN oz jARsBlr ROBERTSONS ORANGE THICK CUT SILVER SHRED LEMON GOLDEN SHRED OR SCOTCH am it 0Z JARSf MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE NATURES BEST CHOICE KERNEL CORN CATEtll READY CUT OR 10K0 WHITE SWAN NATURES BEST CHOICE WHQIE BLUEBELL BRAND MEDIUM SIZE EGGS AYIMER CHOICE VACUUM PACKED 1LB BAG 0Z VACUUM I PACKED j TIN CANADIAN PROCESS KRAFT CRACKER BARREL COLOURED MUD MEDIUM OR OLD WHITE tioz PLAZAI

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