Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1970, p. 7

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AUCTION SALE FOR CHRIS DUIKER OF CARPENTERS AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT The reduction shall be made by deducting from the total frontage of the lot liable to tbe annual foot frontage rate so much thereof as Is sufficient to make the proper reduction but the whole of the tot shall be charged with the annual foot frontage charge as so reduced On the basis of these levies a home having a frontage of feet would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made to the proposed water works At his residence Wilbur St Acton near Station Hotel on SATURDAY MORNING AUGUST 22 At AM foot frontage at cents Connection Charge Service Charge Total 2840 1240 TRUCK Dodge ton truck 50000 Certificate avail able CARPENTER TOOLS Rad ial arm saw Rockwell one year old used very little skill saw HD Miller Falls Impact drill with bits from A to electric drill electric drill Black Decker Sabre Saw Cons truction heater and barrel for fuel like new Bolt Cutter new sections steel scaf folding 5 Quantity of scaf folding plank rubbertired wheel barrows aluminum extension ladder Floor tile cut ter Door clamps 6 and 10 Shovels pick crow bars and other hand tools heavy ex tension cord 3 other cords 50 each PROPERTY If not previously sold Consists of dwelling 7 rooms and bath and large back kit chen on a lot by proposed commercial area Gas fur nace fireplace aluminum storms and screens new roof House is in good order Will be offered at AM Subject to a reason able reserve bid For inspection contact the owner Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents 20bS MATERIALS New Alum inum block ventilators of block locks 5 refrigerator locks sets gate hinges sets of inside door knobs sets of outside door knobs quantity of cupboard binges and pulls pairs of door hinges large quan tity of nails various lengths and types quantity of alumin um siding some colored quantity of lumber various sizes pile of patio stone quan tity of cement blocks Angle stone well tile asphalt shing les quantity of copper pipe and fittings sheet lead floor cem ent other small construction supplies USED MATERIALS Set of tops quantity of used lumber many other small items LEGAL NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA At the request of the Council of the Township of the Ontario Water Resources Commission has Investigated the possibility of installing within the Police Village of a water works project to be owned by the Province of Ontario consisting of a distribution system and water supply facilities which will provide a major part of the Police Village with water service It Is now proposed to construct such works at an estimated cost of For services provided from these works It Is proposed to impose an estimated service rate of cents per gallons of water delivered to the municipality frontage rates and connection charges as shown in the third paragraph The project will consist of the following works The installation of water distribution mains to be constructed as follows Any ratepayer may within twentyone days after the first publication of this notice send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Township of Eramosa at the address given below a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to tbe Imposition of the water rates The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the agreement bet ween the Township of Eramosa and the Ontario Water Resources Commission with respect to the provision of the water service and the imposing of water rates but before doing so It may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above Plans reports and estimates may be inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours Township of Eramosa R No Ontario NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA At the request of the Council of the Township of Eramosa the Ontario Water Resources Commission has investigated the possibility of installing within the Police Village of Rockwood a sewage works project to be owned by the Province of Ontario consisting of a collector system and treatment facilities which will provide a major part of the Police Village with sewage service It Is now proposed to construct such works at an estimated cost of For services provided from these works It Is proposed to Impose an estimated service rate of 113 per gallons of sewage accepted from the municipality frontage rates and connection charge as shown In the third paragraph hereof The project will consist of the following works initially The installation of sanitary sewers to be constructed as follows Eawmont 5 of water sic of Main Street Main street Harris Street Easement end parallel to Harris St Easement joining Harm St and Main St Easement west of George St perpend icular to Main St at a point TV NW of George Street of and perpendicular id Main St at a point of George St Easement and perpendicular to Main St at a point 300 5E of Frederick Street Eaiement SW of end parallel to Main Street Easement from the Intersection of Carroll and there streets to Main St sewer at a point the intersection of Harris and Main Streets Street Easement of George St V of George St JBV Of Main St Pumplno station of Carroll Street SE of Frederick Street of Main St of Main St Main Street la to make the proper reduction but the whole of the lot shall be charged with the annual foot frontage charge as so reduced On the basis of these levies a home connected to the water works and having a frontage of feet would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made to the proposed sewage works foot frontage at cents Connection Charge ISO per cent surcharge on water bill Total SW of St Main Street of Main St Main Street MO of Frederick St Frederick Street Street AW Of Main Street Main Street Division St at Sewage of Main Street plant ill A home not connected to the water works and having a frontage of feet would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made to the proposed sewage works foot frontage at 2640 foot frontage at cents 10924 Connection charge STREET Ciowikl Street Chrlily Street Jackton Street Brady Street Mackenzie Street Station Street Division Street Shan toy Street Village Street Gowan Street Alma Street Mary Street Guelph Street Fall Street Pais more Street Inkerman Street Street of Balaclava Street Ricnardton Street Church Street Main Street Valley Road George Street Laneway and of and parallel Street Street Feeder main to Carroll Street Street Frederick Street Main Street FROM Main street Main Street Main Street Christy Street Street Street Treatment Plant west of Main Street west of Main Street Village Street Shan ley Street Village Street Fall Street Fall Street Street Alma Street Alma Street Alma Street south of Street of Balaclava Street Goelph street Alma Street Wast Village Boundary MS south of 5 north Of Main Street 1770 north of Main Street west of Harris street north of Laneway west of Harris Street west of TO Mackenzie St east of Brady SI east of Brady St Jackson Street Station Street East east of Macktmle Street Main Street Main Street Main Street Main Street Gowan Street Main Street Main Street inkerman Street Main Street Mary Street Mary Street Balaclava Street Richardson Street Balaclava Street Balaclava Street Guelpri Street Valley Road STREET Gzowkl Street Christy Street Jackson Street Station Street E MacKenile Street Street MacKenzle Street Brady Street Main Street Valley Road Station Street W Shan ley Street Village Street Easement of Main St perpendicular to Main St one block E of Gowen Street Highway No Highway No Street Mary Street Balaclava Street Church Street Richardson Street Street Street Easement on the projection of Pais more St of Highway No MacKenzle Street Brady Street of St E of Main Street SE Of Gtowskl St ISC of Christy St of Jackson St of Jackson St Gzowskl Street Main Street W of Main St SW of Village St Street Gowan Street of Main St Mary Street Street inkerman St 300SEofHlghwayNo of St of Guelph St Mary Street Highway No 7 TO Main Street Main Street MacKenzle Street Main Street Gzowskl Street Christy Street Station St E Jackson Street Valley Road Pumping Station west of Valley Rd at Dam Main Street Village Street Street perpendicular to Main SI one block E of Street Main Street Main Street Fall Street Main Street Guelph Street Street Highway No Guelph Street Balaclava Street No of Highway No 7 together with sewers from the main sewers to the tot lines a sewage pumping station on the west side of Valley Road approximately 300 feet south of Highway No 7 a sanitary forcemain and trunk sewers to convey sewage to a sewage treatment plant providing secondary and tertiary treatment to be located in Lot Concession of the Township of For provision of services from these works It is proposed to raise the necessary annual revenue as follows a frontage sewer rate of cents per foot per annum on all lands which abut on or connect to the described above a connection charge of per annum on for which a sewage service connection to the sewers is provided a ISO per cent surcharge on the water bill of domestic users of system surcharge of not less than per cent on the water bill of commercial and industrial users of instances where there Is a connection to the proposed sewage works but there is no connection to the water works the charge for sewage service normally recovered by the water bill surcharge Is to be recovered by the imposition of a foot frontage rate of per foot per annum on the owners or occupants of such lands This foot frontage rate does not reduce or eliminate any other frontage rates Imposed on properties for sewage or water works In computing the frontage charges provision shall be made for the exemption or partial exemption from a foot frontage rate and for the determination of such exemption or partial exemption in the following manner reduction In the case of comer lots at the junction or Intersection of streets of per cent of the and a reduction or increase in the case of triangular or Irregularlyshaped lots may be made If the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient having regajd to the situation value and superficial area of such lots as compared with other lots to adjust its frontage charge a fair and equitable basis bWhere a lot is for any reason wholly or In part unfit for building purposes a reduction may be made In the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient to adjust its frontage charge as compared with that of lots fit for building purposes on a fair and equitable basis Where a lot other than a comer lot has two limits that abut on streets described above and the size and nature of the lot is such that any or all of the works In such streets are not required a reduction in respect of the works that are not required so long as they are not required may also be made in the foot frontage rate that would otherwise be chargeable thereon sufficient having regard to the benefit derived as compared with other lots to adjust the foot frontage rate on a fair and equitable basis reduction shall be made by deducting from the total frontage of the lot liable to the annual foot frontage rate bo much thereof as Carroll Street Street East aide of dam together with connections from the main to the lot lines a drilled well and treatment facilities located approximately feet southeast of CNR rightofway and all feet of County Road No Main Street and water storage facilities consisting of a gallon located approximately feet east of High way Number and feet south of Harris Street For provision of services these works It Is proposed to raise the necessary annual revenue as follows a frontage water rate of centa per foot per annum on all lands which abut on or connect to mains described above a connection charge per annum on owners or occupants of lands for which a water service connection to the mains is provided service rate of floOO per per domestic user of the water works system and a service rate of not less than per annum for commercial and industrial users of tbe water works system the exemption or partial exemption from a foot frontage rate and for the extermination of such exemption or partial exemption In the tallowing manner A reduction In the case corner lots at tbe junction or Intersection of of per cent of the and a reduction or increase the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable tbereoo sufficient having regard to the situation value and superficial are of such lots as compared with other lots to advert charge on a fair and equitable basis b where lot is for any reason wholly or in part unfit for building purposes a reduction may be nude in the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient to adjust Its frontage charge as ccoipared with that of lots fit for building purposes on a fair and equitable basis c where a lot other than a corner lot has two limits Butt abut on streets deacribed above and the rise and nature of lot such that any or aO of the works such streets are not required a reduction in respect of the works that are not required so long as they are not required may also be made in the foot frontage rate that would otherwise be chargeable thereon sufficient having regard to the benefit derived compared with other lots to adjust tbe toot frontage rate on a fair and equitable basis 89 BAN super my 129 BIST lit VIVA BATHROOM TISSUE 99 SC0TT0WELS SC0TTIES 3 1 SAVE CUT RITE FT ROLL WAX PAPER 35 HYATT TINS BEANS 5177 FOIL PACKS TANG 5 REG RED WHITE Q THI IdUMtlBS iMIiriUfs IfrMSt 25 PORK CHOPS 85 JUICY STEAKS 99 PICNICS SMOKED 49 BACON SAUSAGE UUW SKIM MILK POWDER LB MILK0 SI LB PKG ABC DETERGENT 89 CANADA BRAND WHITE VINEGAR 69 BERNARDIN PIECE CAPS 57 rooo McCain new crop fancy GREEN PEAS BEEF IN GRAVY So SAU88URY STEAK SHOPSY KT RUPERT COO FISH STICKS CUMEV LEMONADE 45c fRESHVEQETABLES NO I SIZE Cantaloupe 3 OUT No JT BASKET Tomatoes us Seedless Grapes 39 Green Sweet Peppers for Total Any ratepayer may within twentyone days after the first publics of this notice send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Township of at the address given below a notice In writing stating objection such approval or to the Imposition of the sewage rates The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the agreement bet ween the township of and the Ontario Water Resources Commission with respect to the provision of the sewage service and the Imposing of sewer rates but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered but such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above Plans reports and estimates may be Inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours and first published this day of Aug Mr ClerkTreasurer Township of R No 1 ROCKWOOD Ontario Car safe place during thunderstorm Wheres the safest place to direct contact with metal avoid lightning during a summer thunderstorm In your car says an official of a large Insurance company Because of its metal shell when lightning strikes an auto It spreads all over the metal travelling through the springs axles and bearings to the wheels and then Jumps past the rubber tires to the ground he points out You get a burn when inside the car only If you are in A thunderstorm is a signal to take care particularly If you are working In the fields golfing swimming or in some other open area the safety expert con tinues Nearly 1000 persons are hurt or killed by lightning In addition to an annual property loss of more than million Lightning seeks out the most prominent object In the im mediate vicinty because it looks for- the easiest path between earth and sky C Kelly Son Ltd Are fighting inflation with these reconditioned appliances SHOP NOW WHILE THEY LAST B W CONSOLE TVS 21 SPART0N RCA now 21 RCA FECIAL RCA A BUY 21 PHILC0 BOO These sets have all been reconditioned and are ideal for the Family Room or the cottage RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS WESTIHGHOUSE MP General Electric THESE ARE IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION SPECIAL BUY THE PAIR Top condition Big Name Brand cu ft Automatic Refrigerator with matching Range Complete with Clock Control large Elements Electric Probe Completely Automatic

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