Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1970, p. 6

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COOL BUYS FOR HOT WEATHER SHOPPERS FOR BARGAINS BIRTHS HILL At Groves Memorial Hospital Fergus July 10 to Robert and Belly Hill ion Joseph Stanley IN ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Gerald Newmarket to announce the engagement of their second daughter Winnifrcd Join to Mr Robert Lewis Watson Tor onto wn of Mr and Mrs Tho mas Elliott Watson The marriage to take plicc Satur day September in St John Chrysostom Church New market COMING MARRIAGES AITKEN McCLINTOCK and Mrs J Kapuskasmg ire pleiscd to announce the forthcoming marriage of their Lynn Esther to Mr James Ed ward son of Mr and Mrs Cilvm Ac ton The wedding to take place on the of September in Ottawa FOSTER Mrs Christina wishes to announce the forthcoming mar of her daughter Marline Ruth to Mr Ray Fos tcr son of Mr Mrs Fred Foster Erin The wed ding will lake pi in Nassi Church it 5 Saturday Septembti HARDING In loving memory of Victor Harding who piss cd away one year ago August From our happy home and God has taken one Borne away from sin and To a better home Ever remembered by family a In loving memory of my son Leon Len who pissed August 1969 A beautiful memory of one so dear cherish still with love sincere A iv lint comes with sad re grits son that I will never for Sadly missed Mom WATSON In loving memory of husband Ch tries Wilson who passed away Aug 23 1963 well he will no more loved of the blest Pain fled as he trod hnvens shore I him it peace and rest Lovingly remembered b wife Audrey FOR SALE fishing box with over brand plugs doens of spinners spoons hooks Icid ers jiH biifes and much more Excellent condition Ren value only 40 for stir defrost refrigerilor full rutin full sue with rolisserie Regent wishing m pump washer and dryer new General ilectrlc power mower 100 wooden choir Phone ln8 PRODUCE FOR SALE 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE PUPPIES for sale mixed breed ideal child pet each Phone or Alton 3b8 148 COMING EVENTS VINCENT MchACHERN The forthcoming mirnagi of or Mrs Mary MeEichern the late MeEichern Ken Vincent or Peterborough son of he late Mr Mrs George Vincent of Toronto The mir riage will take September I9lh it it Churchill Com munity Church DEATHS ANDERSON Nelson At th Generil on TucsdJV August 1970 son Anderson of Aeton form of Nissngnwe i Township in his 84th ye ii of the 1 He Anne M M ind dear or M Mrs Ar of Rockwood Mrs Wilier imn of Cimpbellville ind Doughs Anderson of Acton nny it the Rum ley Shocmiker home Acton service Friday it Internum Ebon Cemetery The finnl Will be it the home pm pm A present itlon for Mrs Lloyd Shortill will be held in dad Community Hall day August to Mi Doug ills i ept this Ladies please provide lu The popular crocodiles it Rossi ike Bob Slob ire soon to hi joined by third Brute Where else Rosslike would you find such vinous looking reptiles ride on Diving tower in only when supervised Joe Ross Lot Con milts of Georgetown on Maple Avmui Phone black gilding broken to ridi western quiet Phone pm Best offer CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES OF IN par line mil lay estate hum rat a to He tm COOES Cor a 1 rod DEADLINES PHONE or The Aclon Freo Press Wedneadoy August 19 RIDE to ind JO returning pm Phone 877 3137 164 8 HELP WANTED 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1965 very Phone 421 four speeds all included condition Best offei Phone 5 posts sue Phone 8531995 1 BABY crib in good ion Phone after 5 m laB143 SOD No nursery John Hun er Georgetown THOR e is dryer excellent condition Phone MALCOLM Slewirt On Su 15 1970 it the Toronto Western Stcwirt Milcolm of Ross more Toronto of Acton of the 1 J Milcolm deli of Stewirl the lite Mrs Stuari Johnston of Stev irt Minim Mrs John Ben Joanne John go II Interment Park Lawn re held at morning ROBERTSON Chirks Piss ran it St Josephs His Guelph onTuesdn Aug 1970 Chirks Robertson or Aberdeen St Guelph be loved huso or Cell Snnoit dear father of Jiek Gordon ill of Don of Guelph ol Trenton ilso survived in three sisters Mrs Margaret Mrs Verm Wright Mrs Finch all of California and grandiluldnn ind a ixindson Kenneth senile was held the Skipper Home August 13 Interment meter CARDS OF THANKS We would like to think the neighbors on Scene Street and Mam Street for the lovely wed ding Mr and Mrs Wilfred Lane IN JOHNSON In loving memory of dear mother and grand mother Elsie Mae Johnson passed away August Though her smile has gone for ever And hand we cannot touch Still va have so many memories Of the one we loved so much Her memory is our keepsake With which we II never part God has her in His keeping We have her in our heart Sadly missed end ever re membered by family and grandchildren RCA VICTOR stereo and Phone HOUSE 15 leeps good condition Re is Phone CANOES and Call H Whit Cmoes 3712 after 1 600 NEW oneks new hard lor door of used 2 lumber jnd posts 130 MOBILE home 10 bed mm stove refrigentor wish 1961 model in good Phone PIANOS Wi buy and sell new and conditioned pianos See our large selection now for some real We also will take jour old piano in on a trade for in new appliance W Kelly Son Ltd corner and Macdonncll Sts Guelpil TV TOWER SALE tower installed with all held I lower installed all 50 tower with all net Extra heads for second TV Installed F M stereo head Installed element color head Installed Automatic rotor Installed Repairs of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Maui Street East MILTON Phone 8786949 1965 CHRYSLER Newport door power and new paint condition Phone 215 VISIT GEORGETOWN BRITISH CARS LTD Highway 7 Georgetown Your New Diiler for Austin Triumph MG Volvo Rover BRAND NEW 1970 AUSTIN MINI 1695 for in Aeton Willi Box Aeton Trie Pass HOUSrHFTPTR for 1 pre school school 15 Phone CLrANING lady one ij i week for Line Nissii prefLnbly with own trm sport Phone 8i8 RIDr from Aeton to or 7 a m returning i Phone LADY sit in home 7 i m to 3 30 Moriiliiv tho Hive to Mondiy to Hive to Phone 8 HELP WANTED I It p shop 1529 EMPLOYMENT WANTED by in me I id in yml ind 9 i8 su sclool pre ol In home 1327 DM ype lement by iltTied idler with hilt ind toddlers WISHING hit i ilwn saiiiln and wlitLr will finish Ihos the wiuip t ih I v ir J 1 ink mi 2010 SI S Ait Iftitl TREE SERVICE linnmhift A ol IreA 1 Jib Sm ill II ill id hilly Phone 853 DAVIS JEWELLERS 3 ELGIN STREET ION ONI till pins in on t CEDARVALE SAND and GRAVEL ml SI rushed ivel Ill Run fit lop Soil Phone Erin 833 16i6 S FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Up for lop for old horses GUI Collect Lieense 49R67 24 Hour LOST OR STRAYED house Box C Milton Reply 8b 161 407 pi with heivy ning RroUIRED ir rushme and Also must be ixpei nth ill types of mil equip nenl crushers screens ill he ivy mobile hiuhgc equipment Apply to Indusmin Ltd Post Offni Box 960 Acton 228 FOR YOUR NEXT NEW or USED CAR TRY Jack Richardson CHEV OLDS Limited Open till 9 pm Monday through Fnday Saturday 5 Highway 25 Milton South OUR MID AUGUST DEMO SALE EMPHASIS ON SAVINGS TO OUR BUYERS Pansienne Door Hard Top to from Lie Lie Pansienne 2 Door Hard Top Lu 1970 Le Mans Sport Hard Top Lie 1 il lbs w ik old McU in firm 1 me 15 Side id Weston 247 cill FOUND 1st l INC whil lie Phone 12a COTTAGE per Dorset Phone 13a6151 ROOM ind suit for with 1 Phone 2033 RENT a Cascidc 40 hoi wa tcr tank for per month Enquire at Hydro Electric Of ficc 43 Alice St Acton FULL room ind linn in ition 7 dis use of room per boarder 13 BEDROOM upstairs ipirt heated SI 10 also room apartment Hi and en ranee gas range suitable for etc loth September 1st Phone UPHOLSTERING We in kinds Reeovei ing and Reputing of furniture intique is well is modern Tent car uphol itc Summer pnecs from June to August Tor free ACTON UPHOLSTERY New iddnss 37 Mill St Aeton 16a50tf WATER HAULAGE G water purposes CALL ANYTIME 878 WYGA PLASTERING Work 2 Acton 2358 WEED CUTTING COAAMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ft PRIVATE Phone 853 0359 Anytime Jennings Excavating R R 1 3197 Farm Pond Loading Bulldozing Trenching Beds mi Gravel Top Soil Given CLASS SERVICE 16atf REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many years f experience listing and idling properties in Hal ton and Wellington Counties Christie Woods 189 St MILTON Phones 878 2095 ACTON clients call Roy W Goodwin or T Ross Ballentine Phone 8532000 17a25tf ALL Types of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 853 222 MAIN ST Weddings portraits pass ports visis industrial family team pictures WANTED TO RENT RELIABLE fim bedroom house district 1634 il desires September Phone PAINTING selection of Wallpapers colors to suit your needs Estimate free DAVID COHEN Peel Street Acton Call 8532815 16a34tf RESPONSIBLE mm eking bojrdmfc house Meals Reisontble rate This weekend Phone between 4 and p 4 demos ire equipped with rbrikes nhitcudls wheel discs ind to make dnwng a Pontile a little bit power steering in other add better FINANCE 970 Acadian 4 Door radio dress up molding Lie Convertibles are Still in Season 966 Cadillac Convertible Lie 46599J 966 Custom Sport Convertible Only 795 1965 Pontiac Custom Sport Convertible Lie Only 1965 Convertible Lie L10889 Only JI495 1969 Barracuda 2 Door Hard Top A hard one to V8 with Lie K54507 MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD 388 MAIN MILTON FIRST MORTGAGE S3 pasable months Ste worker Old home in good condition and good location Write Box 26 16 SERVICES SPEYSIDE Portable Welding Service Free Estimates Commercial Industrial KAMMINGA RR No 1 ACTON Phone Charlton Welding Govt Certified Pressure Welder If jour business is industrial agriculture construction or transportation and you need fully equipped and experienced portable welding service CALL Acton 8531634 ED Contractor Cement floors Sidewalks Stoops Chimnej Plastering Repairs Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 8531818 PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Highest cash prices for dead or cows and horses CALL OPERATOR ASK FOR Zenith Lie No 242C70 Fed Up with Apartment Living We have choice selection of homes by Oliver Construction tin builder who cut not corners Let us show you ihesL new homes on Country Club or Cres ALF DREXLER Rockwood 8564695 or Office 8244830 Roy Griffiths Real Estate Ltd REALTOR Gordon St GUELPH Guelph 17aS LEGAL Notice to Creditors In the mntler of the of A late of the of In he County of Hoi ton Medical de ceased All pirllcs hiving ig tin ifortimntlonid of GrORGP Al who or about the day of 1970 are required to file proof ihcreof with the Hilton for Hie AdmlnhtrurU on or the of Annus 1970 which due the est Will be distributed hiving re only the claims then filed Alton 12th day of August 1970 St etc Paisley Street ino Solicitors for tin Other Legal Notices on the Following Page AUCTION SALES Auction Sale ROCKWOOD ROCKERY Sun in St AUGUST Commencing it 7 30 Furniture dishes tools house hold c TurriN Auctioneer Stanley Construction TRFNCHING TRLCKING SEPTIC CUSTOM HOMES FILL and TOP SOD- R R 1 Acton 8530849 Stufl Excavating MILTON Call Milton 8789360 Custom Loader Work Specializing in manure loading and moving No Job Too Big or Too Small Utrtt JohnsonCarney REALTOR 265 St GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN In residential area of George town handyman special substantial brick building lot Had been used as and living quarters with heating system bath room and kitchen facilities with bedrooms Asking price with down Ven dor will hold first mortgage NEW BUNGALOW Move into bedroom bunga low with broad loom living room dining room and bed rooms Large kitdhen with excellent working area This is a well planned home with plenty of closets for sloragc and is situated in a quiet area overlooking Fairy Lake Asking down and good financ ing arranged For appointment call MURRAY SMITH 8530315 OR Georgetown 8775261 CEDAR COWER DISPERSAL of Registered TOR PORTE the firm Lot 5 Con on the Line of Erin Township 10 miles South of Erin Village miles North East of Acton on FRIDAY AUGUST it 1 REGISTERED This is homebred all sired by Unit Sires All cattle arc by Hcrdmaster most females his A sale feature ire ma femiles full ulsters by Ranger The cattle show plenty rale and diiry Cows are bred Dec 18 and Jan and 3 March May 5 and There arc heifers bred Dec 24 Jan and and Miy There arc 5 open This is a choice herd of 111 health of owner the sale BASE Also celling subject to approval is 221 lbs Group 1 Pool DAIRY EQUIPMENT Surge unit milker pump motor and pine Champion bulk tank 1900 lbs TERMS CASH Not for accidents Auction Sale For JOE CRAFPER At the farm Lot Con Twp on the 5th Line West 1 mile South of lies North East of on CATTLE 7 cows all milking well and hand milk beef type cows most with calves bam since Spring also about 12 cattle up to I lbs A good offering of cattle TRACTORS AND ENTS 2 Ford tractors one Skyline loader plow tivator disc fertilizer drill conditioner spreader electric cream separator shotgun etc FURNITURE AND A large offering of old fumitnurc dishes lamps which sells first at TERMS CASH No reserve Farm sold Lunch available Not responsible for accidents MAX STOREY Rockwood Auctioneer

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