Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1970, p. 9

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Acton Free Wednesday July After being in hospital Mrs is now convalescing at the Nursing Home Mr and Mrs Harry Norton of Norway are back visiting relatives and friend Firefighters and their wive enjoyed a barbecue Saturday night at the fire hall Misses Cheryl and Charlene Gillespie of are holidaying with their grand parents Mr and Mrs Earl DENTAL DR LEONARD EMBRACK Denial Surgeon Suite No Hlnton Mill St Acton Out For appointment phone ARCHITECT DONALD SKINNER BArch MJUXC Port Credit Residence OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A JOHNSON MILTON Main St Tuesdays and Fridays ACTON 54 St Wednesdays and Saturdays Residence phone 8789678 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone night or day Bruce E Shoemaker Mgr APPRAISING AND INSURANCE WRIGHT Wilbur Street Acton Ontario Phono 85MT720 Appraiser and Insurance Over 50 Years in Acton m The Mutual Life ROBERT S HART Agent Orville Road Acton Bus Res Mr and Mrs Bob Peter Mike and Lynn of Paramount California are visiting with Mrs Darby Donna Doug and other friends in the area Mr and Mrs Gordon and Peter were holidaying al Beach Mrs John is hornet again after being In hospital Mr and Mrs Ronald Murray of Forest Ontario are visiting Mr and Mrs Roger Murray Church St Acton Miss Peggy Lee Valby of Winnipeg is visiting with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mra Stan Norton Mr and Mrs Jeff Walker of Scotland are visiting Canadian relatives and spent an afternoon here with their aunt Mrs Mary Graham Friends wish a speedy recovery for Mrs Harry Murray who is a patient in General Hospital following surgery Mr and William Elliott and son Harold are moving to Joseph St Brampton on July Mr Elliott has been employed at the Hewetson shoe factory in Brampton for years Larry and Bruce Saunders have returned to Newfoundland to visit with their families Mrs Fred White of Weymouth Mass is visiting here with her aunt Mrs Wilfred Coles Church St and other relatives Town men and office staff with their husbands and wives enjoyed a barbecue supper Wednesday of last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Marshall Mrs G of Hud din Sweden Is visiting her daughter Mrs J Wegman and Mr for a month Mrs back in the town office after visiting with relatives In England and taking a tour In Europe The eight members of Acton Citizens Band who attended the Youth Music Camp at are home again after a week of fun music and thrre concerts Mr and Mrs W Huppeler have returned to Cologne Germany after a six week stay with their son Hans and family of Wynford Place This was their first visit to Canada and they were delighted with all they saw They travelled to many places of interest in Ontario Back from a twoweek camping trip through the states right to Florida are Mr and Mrs Murray Scoyne John Judy and Gary They enjoyed seeing all the major tourist attractions all along the way and visited school friends at St Petersburg CHIROPRACTIC RICHARD TELFORD Wellington St Acton formerly Dr office For appointments Wednesday Evenings AH Day Saturday Special appointments arranged Mr and Mrs Allan and family enjoyed a camping trip that took them n far at Sault Marie where they visited her brother Mr and Mrs John Muanlle and two daughters Mrs and Mr and Mrs George Simpson attended the funeral of Mra Simpsons brother Mr Tripp Kingston Pickering on July Mr and Tom MorreU of Denton Manchester England are spending the summer with Mr and Mrs John Foley Main St John Foley Jr who it a policeman on the Lancashire force makes his home Mr and Mrs Fred and Grace Nicholas of Cheltenham Gloucestershire England are visiting with their daughter Julie Kevin and children for a month Mr Peter Gibbons of the Ice Capades is visiting with his parents Mr and Mrs Frank Gibbons Churchill until July Then he goes to Atlantic Qty before beginning rehearsals for next seasons show at Minnesota Mrs Melissa Belrnes has returned after spending eight weeks with her late husbands sister and brotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Ben Cook of Los Angeles Mr Cook is a wine connoisseur They took a trip to En sens da Mexico via the S S Princess Carlo They also flew to Waikiki Hawaii On the return trip she spent a week in Los Vegas She flew on the 621 flight to Los Angeles and had a most en joyable holiday NUFFIELD Diesel Tractor SALES SERVICE FARM EQUIPMENT R R 3 ROCKWOOD TAX NOTICE 1970 MUNICIPALITY OF ACTON SECOND INSTALMENT NOW DUE Attention drawn to of l70tax which t now payable In four Tax are to Municipal Treasurer ink Town of lotos Municipal YMCA BUILDING INSTALMENTS ARE DUE AS FOLLOWS FIRST INSTALMENT SECOND INSTALMENT THIRD INSTALMENT FOURTH INSTALMENT MAY IS JULY SEPTEMBER IS NOVEMBER According to the Tax Collection By law a penalty of I per cent per month or traction or a month will be added on the amount remaining unpaid alter the ism day of May Thi penalty applies to each Instalment in a similar manner The attention of Ratepayers is directed to the Penalties and other at printed and explained in detail on every Tax J T HURST Collector Committal Hubert Funk so yearn passed tit homo mid Ave Josephs Tuesday July Ho was born March lUK In Toronto and moved to United States December living In Ho moved to St Josephs Michigan In I where he was secretary to the Whirlpool Corporation Ho retired In IBM Ho is by his wife on October IBM He is survived by two brothers Robert and Edgar of Toronto and two sisters Mrs Mary Armstrong and Mri Bertha Wilson of fori Perry He was a member of Toronto Masonic lodge Corinthian lodge and Antiquity lodge Funeral service was held Wednesday evening In St Josephs Michigan with a committal aervice In cemetery Acton Thursday tomorrow at pm Mr Arthur Oldham of Hut- celebrated his birth day at a family gathering In Acres Sunday arranged by his daughter Mrs Harold Manes and Mr Manes Mr and Mrs Oldham had about 30 with them for the happy reunion He was presented with a comfortable chair Mr and Mrs Ted Tyler Sr have returned after a very in teresting holiday in Great Britain From the point of view of people In the transport business they were particularly Interested in tho advanced pollution abatement controls for cars and trucks and in the driving con ditions In tho quaint village streets As gardeners they were impressed by the gorgeous huge blooms As a hydro com missioner Mr Tyler visited some British installations to see how things ore done there They also visited some Acton friends of years past Mr Scotty Burton and Mr and Mrs Ken One killed five hurt in crash near Norval young mnn was killed and others Injured and IxupllnllEvd when an out of control car slammed Into soma trees guardrail and a fence at interest Cemetery of Friday night Dead is Brian Michael of Louisa St He was passenger In the car driven by Danny of IB1 Main St IN Georgetown driver was hospitalized In hands fence The incident Happened Milton report the car had around Friday at the damage and there was a junction of 10 and the further damage to a steel Town beam guide posts and cemetery Line Mrs Bauer funeral Marlon Win ton Bauer who spent most of her life In Acton died at her home 3 Mill St Acton on July Her husband Jacob Bauer predeceased her in Sic is survived by son Murray Brampton daughter Clara Mrs Jack Crcsswell Brampton brother Robert Acton one grandson John of She was born October 1B89 daughter of the late Andrew Wlnton and Rebecca Hyde TOWING RICHS SERVICE CENTRE No 7 EAST OF ACTON 8532940 GIBSON CONSTRUCTION AND SHEET METAL LTD TEMPORARY ADDRESS 120 MILL ST ACTON 8531526 GENERAL CONTRACTING HOME RENOVATIONS CUPBOARDS SHEET METAL WORK FURNACES WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS AIR CONDITIONERS Serving ftcton and District Leave Your Films with Us JOIN OUR FILM PLAN us develop and print your films BLACK WHITE or Guaranteed expert plus a new fresh film FREE the am a lie and type of your original roll in aires only FILMS CAMERAS SUPPLIES ACTON PHARMACY MAIN ST ACTON RED WHITE FOOD AT MB OUT NO I LARGE HEAD Lettuce 191 ONT NO Radishes Radishes Green Onions ONT NO I HOT HOUSE Tomatoes 39 Cucumbers 2 29 ORANGE 6 99 BATHROOM TISSUE 65 MARGARINE WIENER ROtlS KIDNEYBEANS 6 OFF BIST CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES 31 SAVE cT Coh m MD BUMS LIBBYS BEANS 29 Home Freezer Specials FRONTS OF BEEF CUSTOM CUT AC WRAPPED J POTATOES 35 SHREDDIES 43 Red White Coffee Ice Tea Mix for Coffee Breaks Accent VALUE CHECKED MEATS tetter- JUICY CUT ROUND STEAK FORTH ground BURNS Will Streaked RINDLESSlfl BACON TmaW RUMP ROASTS 09 Iowa Meats Mf 2i85 Four other passengers were also treated for Injur lea Connie Carter possible Virginia fractured pelvis and possible broken ribs Beverley Bradley Georgetown facial lacerations and Marlene Pachnlok IB Georgetown la- Winton She was an Anglican and a member of the Golden Age Club Funeral service at the Shoemaker funeral home July 10 was conducted by the Rev of Glen Williams and interment was In cemetery Acton Pallbearers were Harold Bell Gordon Stuart Wilfred Bert Davidson all of Acton and Kenneth Kirk wood of Georgetown AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THI PRESERVATION OF THE NIAOARA ESCARPMENT AND ITS VICINITY TAKE NOTICE no mining quarry or 1 prorctd tela he Oil prmll to On Affair tpt that in opt ration h raulrm lol not apply nil day IK lh In td by gl Ac I owl of lo u ion North W ait oinouocou A h So Si londm J nabol the Niagara than Act li a in of not man than lor day upon Ontario or MlnoB Alton OP To j To Sat July GEORGETOWN British Cars Ltd ROVER JAGUAR COME ON OVER AND HELP US CELEBRATE ENTER OUR CONTEST GUESS THE NUMBER OF GOLF BALLS IN THE AUSTIN MINI ITS A LOT OF BALLS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE bj CONTESTS PHIZES AND I FREE REFRESHMENTS Win free gas THIS WEEK AT OUR GAS PUMPS GUESS THE AMOUNT OF YOUR FILL UP AND PAY NOTHNG GIVE IT A TRY f GEORGETOWN BRITISH CARS LTD 375 Guelph St Georgetown i AUSTIN TRIUMPH MO JAGUAR VOLVO SALES SERVICE PARTS TOW ON V

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