Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1970, p. 9

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Township apprehensive DAM BUILT by beavers on Slderoad near Llmehouse has created a pond on the Black Creek Residents of the district say they have never known beavers in the area before An Acton trapper says hey may have come downstream from Acton where he observed one last year Staff Photo Residents of Nassagaweya are naturally more than a little about their future with the spectre ot two acreage hungry developments looking at the township Ontario Hydro has plans to run a grid line through the northern end of the township but the exact route of the transmission towers has not yet been disclosed The possible route has been challenged as being disruptive to the farming com munlty Nassagaweya council has urged the line be moved into the service corridor outlined in the Toronto Centred Design for Development The other more menacing possibility Is the location of the new International jet airport In It Is believed the Department of Transport has pinpointed as one ot four possible sites It would envelop almost the entire township If the Department decides It Is the most logical spot Councillor Allan Is convinced is the site favored by the government He sees a growing similarity between I think I have mentioned in this column before that as a wildlife or I make a good bird watcher I haven the patience or time necessary to stand still and watch native wildlife haunt their own en vironment excluding Saturday nights Acton of course Consequently when a oil came this week from Mrs Art Benton over way about dam and Slderoad constructed by an active pair of Canadian emblems doubted whether I was the person to go over and interview Paddy and his missus Chi other missions into the Canadian bush to the beaver at work on dnm projects Id been frustrated the absence of the beavers impatience and my suspicion that thi lumberjacks were close by hating a laugh at expense However when Mrs Kenton these long toothed pur of builders ion strutted this particular dam the road I reasoned there could be a 20 years ago Free Press marked its Mh an with a special edition reviewing the history of the and the town The paper almost always had tight page then the special edition had 16 tabloid pages Corp Mason has assumed duties at Acton Municipal Detachment of the Provincial Police On council reiuest Corp Mason wasreturned to take tharge of the local detachment after being located here for a number of years with the County Detachment He was recently moved to to take up a post then Rev A I urrey of Itrowns Corners commenced his duties as minister of Acton Church last A letter was read at the council meeting from the of the Borough of England extending congratulation on Acton elevation to town status and saving he was sending a desk stationary cabinet suitably Inscribed which has been made the students of the local technical college Rev C Gower who has been pastor of the Acton Baptist church for the past three years announced his resignation due to failing health Sympathy of Acton friends goes to Mr and Mr J Russell nee Jean Kennedy of in their bereavement when their IS yearold daughter Margaret drowned at C I T camp An Acton home was saddened when a loving wire and mother Mrs Spielvogel passed away after a lengthy illness her year 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday July 1 iko The Free Press lh anniversary The present editor Moore has held the id Pepper by hartley coles fur my career a a nature writer and phologriphcr I seen the first rate puturcs on slide ind movu thai fountain has taken around Acton They be difficult match but I would settle for a glimpse of at work night I set out alone with the express object of ID taking pictures of the dim observing the beavers at work taking pictures of beavers at work My enthusiasm or the project was not my missus who declared with i shrug that inferred she give a dam ibout So it was lone expedition just at dusk This pair of woodcutters built the dim just opposite Jack and while I looked situation over tarliir in thi hi me after in evening They start work then In and tin night shift ends whin his thins no union ibk to rve them at work I asked is the is long is hi Inn still look svum round in units figured In mum no I followed his irking tin i ir i irds down tin roid mil ikin up imuuum hired i nut i to tin tin dim linn I Mood pirfottlv Mill ind in in ississmtnl of ere no trues of beaver but a dim ind retinl it ihwj wis building Hi it dun sum it lit 111 Iritk up for iini i list mil 1 into tin dim Kind followed up hi tretk bed until mv win Mill of flit linns his It t first cm in mi for lot iimti sum w is hi idir in I missed Hi IS 111 ijml fir rdis of hi lor wen four piges wwklv or hit lent The second rcvitw smut of Methodist was made the of of a mimorial in honor of tht four members of school who madt supreme sainfic in Warren Brown lorp John Moore J I Hurl The shiild wisunveiled hern Brown as Miss Km Ihi organist of the Mrs A Miss IjIj and Mr of Toronto sang The shield is gift of Mr and Mrs and all four of were fur member of the school during Mr Moon suprmtcndeniv tuning poles for a ha Cutting was imprisoned roots and clinging earth of an ire and his death was very instantaneous His horrified companions Thus Titus Norman Deforest and of were unable to release him men Pleas do not form lines on both sides of Mill and Main St and force ladies to walk the gauntlet in passing Thev don like consider it rather 75 years ago Taken from the of the Free Press of Thursday July 1805 The spire of St church was struck by lightning yesterday The bolt struck on the south side a short distance from the top A tew minutes elapsed before there was any indication of fire Smokethcn curled up the spire followed by a little dame which was alarmingly suggestive of destruction owing to its height The fire bell brought out the brigade and the hook and Ladder company soon had ladders placed both Inside and outside of be tower It took very little water to control the fire but It took the courage of several brave firemen to reach a point high enough to work upon It It indeed i r this fun Tin Rib ht irtli if tin Dominion I wis on in i loi mm throughout Dominion Tin turn if i public incur wis I St s ITn of lift nun Hi tin s oris if It I Hi inuif iiiirriulrinn 1 hi Miss I of his s ssn r n Domini in It is 1 ili jiiirwtniii rtie full inns in Id fr f Hundreds f In in nxli town mitt A inmmtrt il nimd I- of hid fr his WO sit off lis a tram I the surveys taken there and those taken in Quebec before the site north of Montreal was selected He predicts the airport would stretch from Highway In the south to Highway 7 In the north and from Highway In the east to Highway in the west The area enclosed would be roughly similar to that of the new site in Quebec There is significant evidence that the township Is being con sldered as a site to land the new jumbo jets although there Is similar dismay mother parts of the province concerned it could happen In their area Final selection of the site has been left to late summer and It is expected an announcement will be forthcoming In the early fall Meanwhile the residents of some of whom have roots In which go back well over years and others who have built modern homes on quiet country acreages- are becoming Increasingly alar that their heritage and adopted part of the country respectively will be wrenched from them In the name of progress Strong case With the imminence of regional government It could be seriously debated whether Acton should make application to annex acres of township What s the sense of grabbing extra land when the whole parcel could become part of one region without any expense to the town On the surface there seems to be no real reason to not wait for regional government Cost to the town will be about to acquire land On the other hand there are many reasons for the move when you relate experiences of the past to the present The only way the town can control development on its borders is by achieving actual control Since Acton is one of the areas mentioned in the Toronto Centred Design for Development plan as being chosen for development It Is conceivable land on the towns borders will be bought by speculators interested In earning a buck since township development is frozen If evidence Is needed that the Ontario government intends to stand behind Design for Development it was supplied by events in township the past few weeks Proposals for subdivisions at Moffat and Eden Mills have been discouraged by the Department of Municipal Affairs with comments that they should be considered in the light of the development plan proposed by the province Design for Development indicated only certain urban centres would be allowed growth This corroborates Mayor s stand that annexation of land by Acton will achieve some by bill smile me of Hit list ind one of the few in is it who want to turn holtdiv into wttkmd llu old of ly with scorched finders and puugtnt stink of his been into just holiday re ihipping it Kir Div only of truly national I in importance the birth of our nit ion is dut to go under to the of am body ills it Dominion and mon sumi industries and business firms inori it Whin I w is in it vsis an win bands ind paints ind pinnplv and inttrmmibli ibout our great Dominion of Us with wtial I hi It mt nit that sthxil was really over i I is that glorious summer Im It wis sironj punctuatin had diy off to drut the family thin gel jit the boat out was an illdiy job for old mm with in of about three flat tires in rout If you didn have a and most 1 you to the ball game or swam in the or went fishing or had a punii If had i didn rtiose wen peiceful diys in towns Dure was no fnntit scramblt for the tourist dollar then wen tourists Summer was a Thi das were hot and long The win full of hot smells and voucs pari n Is rocking on front pun or an iriam ion off tin which hours of What a change in those comparatively with good roads a car in ivirv tragi and a restless populace summer back around taster with thousands thronging the highways to get m not or trying to hold up prognss whatevir that is Just feeling a bit nostalgic about the leisurilv of those das and wondering were rustunn If It Is feasible for the hydro line to take the service corridor rather than cutting across townships farms It would be senseless to allow it Design for development has placed the township In an agricultural conservation and recreation area with growth restricted to existing communities It would be a departure from the plan goals to allow the rural character of the area to be spoiled by the presence of the huge towers But of course the Hydro tine problem is Insignificant compared to the disruptions a new would cause The Immediate area would be flooded with up to people Public and private In vestment will likely exceed billion Some residents no doubt are praying the hydro line wilt go through If Hydro receives per mission to go ahead then It amounts to v tual assurance the airport will locate elsewhere Most people in the township would likely prefer both developments locate elsewhere measure control over the price of land on the towns borders There are developers there eager to get started on several projects If they become disenchanted with a long wait they In turn pass holdings onto someone else for a higher price Land could be passed around several times before It Is developed with the final price well above the initial money paid A higher price for land im mediately reflects in a higher price for the houses and anything else developed on the property Houses being built in this area are already well beyond the of most people Speculators could widen the gap more There is a strong case for mediate application for land an nexation iround today But I can tell you thing The a horse and buggy on i was a lot lovelier h in sijuial of tires and the bellow of motor Tins summrr I m in a bit of a dilemma Id planned to go to and and just mosey around looking up som old pubs old cathedrals and old girl m wid isn keen She s not much for pubs considers one old cathedral much inoihir would probably come to rhil blows with the old girl friends To the latter both our student offspring an among the vast army of the unemployed least Hugh a Job List Kim hid an she explained win she i to borrow money on the of job but it was handling food indshi kroiking over glasses of milk and dropping tups was one so we sht fired Hut a beautiful alternative to the In a letter lo weekly editors I suggest I might hire a trailer this sum response was overwhelming though I t fishing for invitations Just warning them so that they could get out of rem the steaks Nova sea food and rum tuna fishing off beautiful Isle Madame Breton And a dozen others offering from aicommodations to libations Cant you see me with a six hundred pound tuna on the other end of a Hope we can make some of them II may jus best summer yet despite the fact tint rr tinkering around with The First THOMAS TAYLOR the teacher posed with his class and his bicycle at Peacock school He was one of the best teachers there ever was claims Mrs L Davidson who second from the right In the front row as Maggie McArthur Back row left to right Howard McArthur Leslie Thompson John Near John Collins Garfield Berry Bob Arm strong Jim Ismond Dave Sinclair second row Clayton Beswick now living in Hamilton Kate Saunders Lizzie Ismond Tress Keeler now of Erin Ada Near Mary Acklt Mabel Hilts Pearl Hilts three small boys In the centre Will Erin Lloyd Marchment Hornby Clayton Near then Harry Swlndlehurst Clayton Hilts third row Leonard Harding Harry Mar chment Will Webster Will Collins Charlie Gar diner Will Near Detroit Hilts Martin Near Donald McLean Acton front row Griffin Erin Kate Sanders Edna Thompson Leslie Erin Waggle Davidson Acton Florence Armstrong

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