Acton Wodnosday May Seven from Lome Scots attend English regimental ceremonies ia OUR READERS WRITE Charges Liberals tie us to US kite Tin 1 ditoi 1 J Willi IllOll small dlUeC I concern that 1 read Whitings In enlightened eoinments on his fight inflation Irom the llu issue voui ISC III lakes tinid labor dlllUS 111 Ihl held 111 dllld siihsidms ibio id when I miniums nun in owned am i1 pel ill il md Tit midiiti and ilut In- cow i mm lud loiidisniiiiim p Hull its liberal Dunn the past it iiuiiv Canadas cow ruing tin iKiat in tin social and cultural cuius Canada is is lohinal liom American imperial centre As a colonial structure anada is mainland continental union the proponents liberal capitalism lite In- North American approach to development adopted bv iuihwik liberal gov cm men Is I guidance Howe Robert and Slurp lanadas trjdnon role as an exporter raw protected in mtral Canada was altered to make the one vast branch plain oi American capitalism with libnai subservient New York and Washington the economic and centres empire The ot tins ad an made when it realized thai the political and elite Canada nude the not handing our country over the Amen am but above all in tailing to comprehend tin costs of their action both political economic ol an Canadian owned 1 billion doll abroad nuking for a net anidiati international indebtedness JO ii cent IP I 1 per Hi lllispri lit 111 manuljtumii his indissoluble bond which cltiiivdv unites iiononiks I and I tilled Sims in in ibis omen controlled ml the iiudiin lib nil id llu t llu mil till spill Hit i 1 national on the ol With ids list is It wait Itki thi onials c in hi Itint i until lhus tint Ilk mil inlljtHmin link id should iivn the sobirim that then ludetslup has Mild out tiki nidi pi mil colonial will ilk ionom crow both and private mil mm in lot tin in Nurses gain 7 per cent okay two year contract County Public Health contract approvjd both Nurecs will get a seven per tent parties last week wage hike plus an increase m car Prior the settlement nurses allowance and an in 45 per month medical coverage this year The allowance and five cents a mile benefits come as a result of four They will now receive an months of meetings between additional two cents per mile county officials and the nurses Instead of paying 50 per tent of which resulted in a new two year the medical program the county Wind turns Lake view to desert Seven Lome were present lo we military history made in upland The to the Lome Scots the fusiliers was one of four regiments which have been amalgamated in the leoipaiiiaiion the aimed Their old were laid up and new colors piesenlcd the Duke Kent while the septet Irom the Scots were among the special guests m Northumberland Fusiliers The histories of these four regiments have one and all their former colors retired New colors were also presented to each battalion There arc five battalions one hewn one in one in liibraltnr one In the territorial battalion or the mill I There was a march past the Lancashire in he tore their colors were laid up in the church Victoria Cross holders and wore natty mess kit with kilt when they attended sergeants ball ITOILl Canadian and member Iorcslry Associations are public service profit formed to encourage people to use Canadas natural resources wisely Chelsea pensioners included in tlic parade will now assume iwo thirds to have it Talks down a one point and were going to go to conciliation but we met again gave some and icltlem and do have siibdiv mis Lakeview in were in a edition ol the desert last I rulay when high winds whipped sand dredged out Lake into a swilling sandstorm they soon dont get some kind cover lor the sand said one evident in biting tone all the will be back in lake Housewives were particularly vehement when the sand into houses coated windows and covered sills with grit Walking was against the wind with sand blowing into fans and mikiugevcs water Worst offender was the desolation on the latin west ol houses which resembles a desert whin viewed from the subdivision Walls which acted as nets when dredging was being done stopped the wind sweeping some ol ihe sand over houses bill much of it went the lake velocity ol the wind also particles the sand and tend The men who Hew over lor the impressive ageold ceremonies weic I lance Captain Tom Graham Regimental Sergeant Major Noel Weir Tort Regimental representatives also attended this Sergeant Major Doug Wesley traditional ceremony llrampton Master They were guests at the annual Dill Lancashire I Old luners Mister Warrant Jack Association dinner and dance Iliriisou Norvil and Warrant and were welcomed by the Ken All Acton T he new colors were presented weight restrictions to the I itst and I illh prevented from taking new regiment the Royal their full uniforms bill thev ol it Lincolnshire on SI Georges Day April The the regiment Duke ol Kent mide the presentation the new colors colon The regimental colors bear the motto and the list battle honors the oik the loudoi dust oflo- the silt stored at the loot of I Drive to he arena The free Press Parks Hoard Peter Marks the board had nude any plans o provide cover lor the areas dredged onto shore Mr Mirks said there no provision lor seed or sod to cover he bare patches because budget chops this yen council had plans lo iron out mounds and I base tor grass when monev is avail Reception to honor Lawless The County Board Iduiation will hold a public for Mr and Mrs Lawless at General Brock High School Burlington on 10 between The occasion is to acknowledge Mr Lawless appointment as Director I dilution tor the its Ottawa post which lie and a is counts Mi Lawless has been the issisi mi ilii lor lor the ol Mutation mice its inception January I and to that tune he assistant director in the lormer Burlington stern Members the public are lordiallv invited to attend the WOOL Real lie the highest returns for your wool by your Own natron SHIP COLLECT TO No 10 PUc Ontario mint ARCHIE KERR Si SON Acton lit Warden Allan Canadians use between and gallons of water per person daily CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED St Clair En Toronto Ontario regno T lies Euchre winners Winners at Saturdays euchre a the lull Ciewsous Corners Ladies high Mary ladies low Mrs C Storey high TJios mens low Storey Lone hands Anderson door prize Mary the moreforyourmoney 1970 DATSUNS are at NORTH EN DBP All models on display priced from 1845 OPEN WEEKDAYS TO SAT SUN TO 235 Base Line Rd Milton 8782471 A B SUPERMARKET MILL ST ACTON RED BRAND BEEF 8530075 BLADE ROAST BONE REMOVED 75 SHORT RIB ROAST CROSS CUT ROAST 69 CHUCK STEAKS 75 SCHNEIDERS SWIFTS PREMIUM 1 LB SIDE BACON 79 RED HOTS 59 CHEFS PRIDE- FRESH PIZZA PIE FROZEN FOOD MORTON BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY POT PIES 51 ROOM aaa DEODORIZERS DEL MONTE 1DOZ TINS SAVE 51c CUT WAX or CUT BEANS 7 1 CATELLI 3 LB LB FREE READY CUT MACARONI 59 FRESH PRODUCE ARRIVES DAILY NO 3 LB BAG COOKING ONIONS CAN NO I LB BAG POTATOES IS NO LARGE HEAD CABBAGE 49 BANANAS ONT NO 1 A APPLES 559 ONT NO BAG CARROTS 25 WHITE GRANULATED LB BAG SUGAR 90 OZ TINS SAVE Apple Sauce 6 1 DUNCAN H1NES OZ PKG SAVE NESCAFE 6 JAR SAVE tat Coffee AM 7 LOAF BREAD 5 HENLEY OZ JAHS SAVE 060RKI DILL PICKLES 39 OZ JARS SAVE 16c Jellies Marmalades 39 48 TINS SAVE PINEAPPLE ORANGE PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT DRINK3 1 AMBASSADOR OZ TIN SAVE pork Luncheon Meat 3