Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1970, p. 8

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The Acton Free Preu J Vestry meeting at St Albans The rector opened tho meeting with prayer and a hymn Hli appointment i are Denny at rector warden board members Newton John La it and Jena Considering bad weather there wai a fairly good attendance at St veitry meeting Sunday evening Harold Denny read reports from the church organizations Minute of the financial campaign were read Tho budget committees was appointed a youth report for was amended to board and accepted Don Lindsay In 1972 St will warden deputy warden Ted celebrate Its centennial and a Pratt lay Pearl Mis G vestry clerk a new venture Jim committee will be formed to prepare a book of historical interest The church parking lot will be graded and prepared for use when the snow is gone William Denny Laura Dittrich chairman of sidesmen George llaggett member of advisory hoard elected Joseph Bray Vic David Hunter ana John Turkosz Newton is auditor New officers elected for Golden Age Club Clerks treasurers work to merge By Mrs Elsie Reed Mn Max Milne was for a delightful program at the Golden Age Club meeting on Jan Hector Dalglo with guitar and Henry with mouth organ entertained with many old time favorites to the rhythm of tapping toes The Old Crooked Stovepipe The Irish Washerwomen Bonnie Dundee and several merry tunes delighted the Golden Mrs Milne gave several wonderful readings surprising all with her remarkable memory Mrs D McNabb readings were also a pleasure to hear Unfortunately the attendance was low owing mostly to cold weather and sickness Tho prevalence of flu and colds kept many indoors Mrs Davidson was reported as doing well following surgery in Guclph General Hospital The annual reports of the treasurer and the secretary were given and approved Rev Dawson presided at the election of officers and the following officers were elected President Mrs George Fryer first vice president Robert Warne second vicepresident L Davidson secretary Mrs Don Reed treasurer Charlie Cutis assist treasurer Mrs Cam Winn Card Convener Mrs N Shoemaker auditors Mrs Jack Lambert Miss Annie Akins Many members paid their fees and a nice lunch was served Gotten annual report had to bt from tout due to lack of mac Watch for it next week dedicated About Girl Guides attended the service at St Albin church Sunday morning and their flag was dedicated by the Rev Harry Dawson TEMPORARY ORGANIST at St Alban ago when Mrs Frank Oukoj took over Mrs Sam Snow happily her successor with silver tray Thursday at Betty Oakos Night Esther Taylor Five year capital budget for education 24915000 The Rchabillu Foundation for March of Dimes helps disabled adults by assessing their capabilities and teaching them a work routine in ten workshops distributed throughout Ontario and then helping them to find jobs in offices and industry A capital budget of was approved by Hal ton County Board of Education Thursday Tho five forecast is less than that released in Tho budget approved for is less than that projected by the 10 separate boards in county prior to amalgamation for the 1969 period The report presented by Superintendent of Business and Finance Bruce indicates 17 000 appropriated to public schools and to secondary schools for tho five package Mr noted the budget was less this year because of a slowdown in the rate of increase in schools The capital budget is not a commitment but merely guidelines for the Board and a forecast for the province very project included In the budget will bo carefully examined at It comes up even after the budget is approved by the province chairman Doughs Wood told the Board Tho estimated tost in was arrived at by a base cost per student in 1969 of SI and adding 10 per cent to that in 1970 and 1971 and eight per cent per to he 1971 cost for years 1972 to 1974 Broken down into years the Board intends to spend in 1970 S3 345 in in 000 in 1973 and 535 000 1974 Budget highlights for for public schools indicates for the six clissroomi purpose room Hid library resource centre at Public School in Georgetown allows for for a now public school in oust 5400 forrcnuvitions addition to I airfield school Also on he the upgrading of futilities at virion to provide five general purpose rooms five resource centres On the second iry level will be allocated for llu addition of a resource centre to High School in Burlington and a similar amount for a resource centre at White Oaks in Government plebiscite will be reworded MAP1E AVENUE CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert C PENTECOSTAL Churchill Rev S M Thoman Pastor SLNDAY FEBRUARY 1st Here our invitation to the whole family to attend church am Sunday School All ages Morning Service Evening Evangel Georgetown CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev BA Acton Ontario 1970 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st 10 in- Morning Worship Service Nursery and preschool Sunday School 11 am Sunday School Afternoon Worship Service JO m Teen Meet at the church Tuesday ecning 7301030 Catechism Classes Come worship and study with us to be better equipped to serve God and men Everyone Welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew H McKenzie BA Minister Mr E A Hansen Organist and Choir Muter SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st to am Sunday School a m Morning Worship Evangelistic Service Tuesday Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday 8pm Ambassadors Friday Crusaders and Verses and Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own under standing On al thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Founded Mr MA Interim Supply SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st a jo Church School for ages lo years a Minister Church Member ship Class for Teenagers am Divine Worship Sermon theme The Faith that Transforms Personalities and Study and Fellowship Everyone Most Welcome CHURCHH1 COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister A Tidcy Ave Phone Tonight Wed Jan 30 pot luck supper annual buMruss meet election of officers Choir Rehearsal Friday 7 pm BHF SUNDAY FEBRUARY 9 Sunday School Morning Worship Religion Tor the Space Age Communion folkxwng Feb 8 Minion Circle at home of Miss Jcie Coles A Cordial Imitation To All THE CHURCH OF ST ALBAN THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Corner Willow St and St Alban a Drive Rev H J Dawson An Acton resolution calling for a plebiscite on regional government was introduced Tuesday afternoon to County Council and promptly withdrawn by Acton for a re wording of the resolution original resolution called for a plebiscite to be held by the County of Halton for all county residents to obtain their preference of either a Halton region or a Hal tonPee I regional form of government Deputy Reeve Percy from Milton suggested another question be added to the resolution Another question we should ask the people is whether they even want regional government Warden Allan Day queued county clerk Garfield Brown on the feasibility of the county even holding such a vole as proposed by the town of Acton and the cleric replied the county was not in any position to hold a county wide plebiscite We will withdraw our original resolution said Actons Deputy Reeve Ted Tyler and take it to our council to hive it reworded We will ask only interested municipalities to hold the vote Representatives from the t of Nassagawcya and as well as those from Milton expressed interest in the Acton council idea of the plebiscite Having accepted the obvious decision that and Peel will eventually bo merged to form a now regional government ctorki and treaiuron have banded together and formed a Technical Co Committee TKCO fur short to submit local recommendation on regional government to Queen Park The committee expects lo have host of ideas ready to present Munlci Affairs Minister McKeough by I J briefs BAD WLA11IER caused several brief power breaks this week THIKl spare school on March professional development day fur school teachers HIGH SCHOOL exams are still on this week so there no High School news column ANOTIILR ISSUE of News goes home to all pnents or school children this week It a special issue explaining the budget OI LIGHT NLW BORN BAWLS AT Guclph General one day 1 week five were from Acton AND Cubs from School for the Deaf toured the Free Press Tuesday to see thoir local paper the Milton Canadian being run THL USUAL bout of colds flu and various complaints Hut follows Christmas must bo at its height these weeks STUDENTS AT the M Bennett school are trying hard to win the safety shield this and the police report this week they re winning so far MONDAY onenight blitz to help disabled adults the Ability Fund Acton s volunteer canvassers wil be leaving leaflets at doors as they accept donations THL OPERETTA at ihe Robert Little school The Girl is slated for midMjrcli The program will involve the whole school And the young people the figure club arc looking forward to their carnival April school classes are starting to think about a closing program too YARD GOODS SAW 25 OFF YARD GOODS FABRICS SAVE FROM OUR SAVE 50 CHOOSE a SAVE FROM OUR LARGE SELECTION OR MORE ON WOOL FLANNELS HINTONS 5tol STORE SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st 1970 Holy Eucharist 10J0 am Church School and Nursery JO am Sung Euchanst TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister The Rev Cordon Turner BA Director of Music George Elliott MA SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st 11 am Worship and Church Sermon subject I Am Persuaded Visitors are welcome at all church gath erings at Church on the HUL Attend the Church of Your Choice on Sunday SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st Morning Worship 10 Nursery Sunday School to Grade Sunday School Grade 15 am Annual Meeting pan HI C and Hi Youth Groups for Teens alternating Sunday evenings We Welcome You and Your Family to Take Part in the Life and of Trinity CHESTERFIELDS CHAIRS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ONf Of A KIHD CUSTOM BUM HOOK TO 30 OFF JANUARY PRICE FOR RECOVER WORK off reg rata jam 3iu Makert of fine Upholstered ONTARIO March they expect ore set up for legislation could be introduced on finance this spring to make a Peal planning public Works water sewage and hydro police fire social services libraries parks and recreation Including cemeteries community centres and conservation legal and it development Thirteen subcommittee have been set up and practically every staff of every municipality will sit In on some of the meetings Safety shield competition license phtes in report During the reporting week of January 18 January he men the Acton Ontario Provincial Police worked a total of hours while itrolling miles of Hie town Occurrences Investigated Included a minor theft four caws involving ilcohol several other minor occurrences requiring little time lo Investigate not so gaud on the traffic scene There were two accidents In town in which the total damage the four vehicles was Two drivers will face the courts for the played in the accidents Provincial Court in Milton Monday January 19 saw eight convictions rcg and a amount of in fines and court costs During the week seven traffic summons were issued and 14 warnings the M Bennett that would win the Safely Shield Well we are the 1 week of January and are winning hinds So it I like shield will bo rem vcd from the walls of Robert Little A Motor vehicle owners Don wait for he deadline date your 1970 Ontario licence plates Do it now and avoid spending time in long line Remember you must have them on your car no later than midnight Saturday February And don forget when a cars ownership is being transferred or when the vehicle is being registered for the first time in Ontario a certificate of median fitness is required Also be sure have insurance liability certificate with you to avoid the extra fee required when such a During the month of cannot be produced December I was insured by the Cons Roy Wood Pirn now to attend the Sixteenth ANNUAL MEETING of your VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES BRANCH Guest Specker PROF ROBIN BADGLEY VOLUNTARY HEALTH AND THE STATE Jan Hall St Johns United Church Dunn St at Randall Oakvlle everyone is invited admission Imported car of the year Ths ROAD TEST has tho Toyota Corona tho Alport car of the year comes as no Wo feel thai tho Corona hos been the of the year ever nee it And year even bolter We ve taken Ihe rough Corona and added oven more luxury and features like headrests seal bolts front rear tinted safety glass oil round a dual ng system shed padded steer wheel What wo haven I added is anything to price It s I same and includes everything lh See the Import Car of Year of Toyota Corona PARK MOTORS

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