Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1970, p. 12

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Thd Acton Free Press Wednesday January the ACTON STRIKES At Youth Bowling Council at BOWLING LANES by Ken School dental program Unveil Murphy the Molar Jul 12 It wis a three garnet between Lucky Striker and the league leading with the Luetics coming out bell In a two and total go took the game by pin equalized in the second by the rame margin then grabbed the finale by and the for totals by pint On triple and single for Lucky Strikes were Alf oach 284 Bail West Dinnne Mathewn Crlpps and Skip Vryenhoek Up there for the Unpen wire Conway 333 316 Helen and Phil 217 the zero lign on Mutes with Phil 374 Bob Woodcock 295 and Helen tripling and singling In the win Best efforts for were Artie While 236 Bob Cripps and Jake Van It wai two and totals for Spitfires Shamrock winning the middle Making the Spitfires and solos were Tom Shannon 247 Elmer Andrews 209 Hon Roger Murray 204 and Lynn Dunn For Shamrocks It was Don Harris 260 and Chcs Lcwandowiki League Uppers 95 Lucky Strikes 82 Shamrocks Avengers Splirircs41 Flukes CAROLINE GARDEN CENTRE Jan Heroes won the first game from Saturns dropped the second then came back to annex the finale and grabbed singleton for totals by one pin The two and totals win put Heroes up a share of the top spot Highlighting the win were Emmy rilart 218 June Bousfield 249 and Audrey 408154 Saturn efforts were headed up by Murray 224 Steve Blanch aid 207 and Dot Milson 497 195 Shamrocks handed Ihe league- leading Carnations a bit of a Jolt when they look cm for the works with Mary Anderson 607 236 Cloutier 20B and Lois Norton pacing the win Carnations Jules 670 Jens 216 and Grace Robertson 218 were boil Love Bugs were a two game winner but the oppodng Astronauts made a big win in the middle to ileal the singleton for totals by one pin and grab an even split on the points Lome Norton 659 213 Ruby 185 and Bob Adam i 177 were lop trio for Love Bugs Top triplets for Astronauts wen Bert Robertson 198 Pete 217 and Jerry Landry 2IB League standing Carnations Heroes Astronauts Shamrocks 35 Love Bugs BLUE SPRING FLOWERS Jan In J jam at lop of the lotem pole in the Blue Springs I lowers league Three teams Snowdrops Mums and Jasmines all up for of top rung Mums stayed up there despite being on the short end of a 4 3 go with Sunflowers Mums grabbed the singleton fur with a big middle win Top Irk for Sunflowers SvMj Mages 266 Sherry Moms 567 238 Karen Matthews Making lop spot in for Mums were Mitchell 578196 Lynda Harris 209 and Ivy Martin got up or their share or with two and half game win from managed to tic in bit game to avert a Top trio m lit win were Doyle 221 Palmer 210 and Wjjncr the Tulips efforts were Wannctta Smith 621 216 and Helen 395 140 Snowdrops share of the top boo I with J two and win from Dailies The Snowdrops could been in first by their ownsomc but they the firs game by pins Top trailers for were Line tdmondson 271 Barb Wuhtmjn 524 212 and Marg Hammond 161 Top ftii Daisies were SiikLmi 527 191 Betty IS7 and J Lcupie Snowdrop Mums Jasmim1 Tulips 53 Sunflonri48 Dame 46 SPORTS CORNER MIXED Jan 13 Moon Bugs mode then first plan spot a little more with a triple win it HaAins expense Pacing win were Sheridan 300 John Dunn Harry and Mai I in Making withmoO for were Juan 224 trank Mckcnru Dave McMillan and Bill Conn 534 215 Rioters tabbed needed points with a two and totals win from Outcasts Rioters missed out on a dean sweep when I hey dropped the fust game by pins Heading up the win were John Churchill 211 Che Lcandov ski 1190 and Lany knight Tops in the Outcasts trundling were John Ruth and Frank St 525189 111 fortune mil Jogs the FaJluutt they dropped the bundle All Bits Fallout made a bid Tor the bit canto but were 28 Bill and Smilly highlighted the win Top rac Junes Cam 537 and Jackie Hums League standing Moon Bugs 56 Out Alisons 38H 25 Fallouts Jan The front running Jon Hurt Electric won em all from Pete Barber Shop with Don Harris 2S0 Conway and 241 heading up the wm lone for the Clip pas was BUI Shannon 603 213 Tylers Transport squeezed out pin win Groin J Texaco Service In the fit a made sure of a second win On the triple plateau Tot Tylers were John McGilloway and Keith Andrews 227 Up there for were Fred Landry 654 and Phil LeSueur 615 219 and John 234 A B Supermarket after toong the first to Co bounced back for a two and totals win Top triplcrs for the Abies were 318 and Tom Browning 283 For it was John Dunn Dee Deforest 237 and Ray Atkinson 230 League standing Jon Hurst Electric John s Texaco Service Petes Barber Shop 31 AD Supermarket Co Tyler Transport 24 ACTON LADIES Jan 14 thetf slim one point lead when they made with a two and totals win from Nielsen Clothing Nielsen came up with a pin win In the finale to spoil I A hopes of a clean sweep Nan Hurst 260 Mary 554 206 and Mellon 185 topped the 1 A trundling Tops Tor Nielsens were Donna Manet 212 Marion Hunter 197 and Gtaee Robertson 179 Central Cartage failed to gain but kept up to leaders wllh a two and totals win from Family Store who stayed alive by winning the middle ehukker Heading up the Carugo roll were Marion Storey 237 Donna Staves 576 Donna 222 and 203 angle For Family Store Mary Skirrow 216 Shirley and Kitty Allen 180 were best Cameo Boutique won the first game from Beckers Milk then did a fade out and it was Beckers for a two and totals win Tops In Ihe tricounl for Cameos were Mae Swackhamcr 279 Anderson 524 205 and Marg Dcnomne 205 Beckers winning efforts were set up by Elsie Syme 190 Mae Ward 189 Sue Nightingale 506 and single of Annette St Pierre 204 League standing 71 Central Cartage Nielsen Clothing Beckers Milk 55 Cameo Boutique 54 Family Store MAJOR Jan IS Acton Meadows hung the zero sign on Ihe Acton Lanes with Lucky Dollar Wilkes Jim 298 and Mac Harrington 268 loading the hit Acton Lanes efforts were eaded up by Dee Fore it Had 268 and Ken 300 Store got back in second place with a two and totals from Reliable TaxL urn by B1U Shannon Conway 401 Bob Turkon 295 and the solos of Dave Johnson 310 and Top trkounters for Reliable were don Grein 325 Bob Martin 70S 265 and Phil 707 259 It was an easy three game win for Sports Corner when the Scent Pools with sickness riddling their ranks failed to muster a team and were forced to default Top trio for Spoils Corner were Mike Churchill Don Harris 760 310 and Hank 732 309 The three musketeers Pete Walker Pete Sc hip per and Jim Mitchell for Scenic Pools just I bit the triple plateau League standing Acton Meadows Htnlons Store Reliable Taxi 34H Sports Corner Acton Lanes Scenic Pools ACTON FRIENDS Jan The front running Challengers lost tin first game to the Mustangs but got even in the second with an IS pin win then went on to take the finale for a two and totals win Bouwman 568 20tand Mike 181 pjtcd ihe win Ken Thompson 556 207 John Chapman 174 and Floyd Schmidt from Charlies Heading tins and 443 151 Making with the most for Charlies Pals wen karn 615 235 Milne 496 180 and Anderson 487 186 Swingers swung on the Acton Speedway for a two and tot ah win but the last games were close Swingers won the middle canto by 14 pins and the Speedway grabbed then win in thud by Top for the Swmgcis were Mitt 238 Gary Riahie and Bob Snyder Tops for Acton Speedway were John POLLOCK CAMP1ELL ARTHUR A JOHNSON DOCTOIIOF OPTOMETRY AND ACTON Defalk Head Hunters ACTON MIXED 293 Bill Manto 626 and Frank 485 206 pacing the win Top in the Happy Gangs efforts were Ed Browne 225 Billings 548 Helen BrouUUrd 211 and Mel Sheppard 207 solo Slowpokes made a gain on the leader with a two and total win from the Saints Shorty 752 Ed 227 and Joan Potty 567 headed up the win Top for Saints were timet 677 244 Bob Price 237 and Turk It wasa two and totals win for Ml if Us Road Runners taking the short end Tripling and singling with the for Misfits were 229 Andre 638 23B Harry and Lew Running up the best for Road Runners ISO League standing Happy Gang Slowpokes 74 Misfits Saints 54 iters Road Runners and totals with Renee Voskamp 626 254 John Vlletstra Jennie 195 and Anne Harry Ensing Van Arragon and Hairy 192 It was a big night tor Hey won em all from Alley Kill Big Jake Van Der Trudy Hofstede and Harry 483 194 paced Ihe win Alley efforts were paced by Oscar Feonslra Little Jake Van Der and Sid 498226 League standing Duffers Headpln Sock It To Me Alley 61 HEADP1N In keeping with their fun and frivolity motto league will be holding a euchre and dance February at the Legion Beardmore league president Don Harris informs date of their famous annual bowling banquet is May A change of locale this year The bun feast will be held at Band Hall This Sunday will see House Roll 180 and Under Tournament Any bowlers who missed out on siting their entries In can still do so y notifying maybe of interest to know that Lloyd of Hamilton won Ihe an ml la Mailers Five Pin Match Play Tournament at London last Sunday defeatini in the Jon 17 The tanks of u lr bowlers begin to look like a I ospllat e ward Junior Jim Kmpck is blest to show up with stluiies Jim had to fall at school striking a radiator Willi his luJ and his tongue which eight Hitches Never I Jim c consolation is thai you don I bowl with your tongue Just when ourselves on regaining top attendance the flu bug struck and our Assistant Supervisor Sylvia Mages is a victim Bantam Dale Andersons illness was the cause of his mother Muiy not being on hand to coach her team Needless say both these hard ladles were Michael I lelchcr 144259 Bowling best over I heir averages win the Cokes Pepsls and Seven Ups were Danny Thompson Dor Roach Tina Browne Bill Shaw Eric Couture and Chris Landry Our most consistent bowler David Dunn rolled two games of 1 back to back With the the Ronnie Mo With decided ell Wishes and Birthday Ihis sscck was Bantam on January Bantams Wroni illy show the Robins up wiped them out by bath games Tho also had slow up talent as they too look games from the Sparrows Blue Jays did a loi of yakklng It seems can also as they look two games from the Cardinals In second shiftIt Canaries did a lot of singing Tl sung themselves Into winning both also lo icy look both The match Otmcrod In the ladles division Mary Keren of Niagara Falls won championship a win over Millie Evan of Toronto High single for ihe day was game rolled by Doug Cain of Scarborough I hat winds It up for now my ft lend lies so amigos and Concord City Pigeons decided they mornings bowling as tley look games from It Crows The Top Ten Thompson 129 310 Thompson 127 184 1 Luc Couture 1 Ronnie Jennifer Ktaptk 133 279 Ricky V Fleet Steve III 161 David Dunn Eddy I 263 LEAGUE STANDINGS BANTAMS 1 Shift Oilolcs Sparrows Blue Jays Robins 21 Cardinals IB Wrens Second Shift Dove Canaries 18H Parakeets Swallows 14 Willi the Junior and Senior Division Hot Shots were quite raring go Unfortunately they were not lultc enough and had to two games and from the Seventies also had go with two games and totals of course from Aces Doodlers dldn doodle so mucli and ana ted to lake all Ihreo games from our lop learn the Tie Ten Toppers Wade Knight Guy Payne 229 St Pierre 192 Dave Pink 234 Larry Del Roger Mctachern 200 Steve Van lice Rosalind Hall 495 Glen McKencle STANDINGS JUNIOR AND SENIOR 39 Ace 26 Hoi Shots The Hon Thomas Wells has unveiled Murphy the Molar a new dental health education symbol which is now being tested in two official health agencies Murphy who is a cartoon style character will be introduced to Grade One pupils in selected parts of the Borough of and of Halton County He will provide a focal point for dental health educational programs Tor more than children in the pilot areas Murphy will carry the slogan I m No Tooth Goof lo the youngsters who will be asked to practise his five rules of good health brush your teeth regularly develop good food habits practise tooth safety visit your dentist regularly and have fluoride protection Children who follow these rules will be given a threecolored to wear The concept of Murphy was developed jointly by the staff of the Health Education Service and he Public Health Dentistry Service of the Ontario Department of Health in cooperation with S M Green Director of Dental Health for both the Department of Health and the County Health Unit It is hoped that Murphy will eventually be adopted by all official agencies in Ontario Murphy will be introduced in three areas of Etobicoke north of Highway that between Street and the and that between and Bloor Street Approximately Of a possible Grade One pupils in will meet Murphy The areas in Halton County that will participate arc Milton Georgetown Acton Burlington and Oakville There will be 000 of a possible pupils in County reached by Murphy YOUR CENTRE FOR GIFTWARE TOYS NOVELTIES GREETING CARDS COSMETICS BEAUTY AIDS ETC DOLLAR DADDY Natural Gas keeps things cooking right along seven days a week Take it from the Colonel Colonel Sanders serves up tasty fried chicken and appetizing salads at over different in South Western Ontario n That Ground five million pounds of chicken every year And natural gas plays a very important role in helping him please the palates thousands of hungry customers Natural gas helps him as the heat energy source for his torn built cooking pots Oils used in his famous frying process must be maintained at a se temper ature and the Colonel finds natural gas heat completely dependable He likes the ease of control and instant responsiveness of natural gas too the thousands of customers he serves a day h s cookery must run efficiently The Colonel doesn t mil his use of natural gas to cooking either It heals all his water for normal use And natural gas provides his outlets with clean modern fresh air heat No mean task the middle of winter his doors are forever open ng and closing t it about me you go cook ing with natural gas Or heating your water wth it Or heating United Gas TOTAL TOD TOTAL COMFORT your office or factory or store or home ih it You don need retail local to make natural gasmake for ou quick Chat with gas company represcntalive or heating contractor loll you how it to install and n Just ask Colonel Ho II tell you never had so finger good HANKS HEATING AIR YOUR LOCAL LENNOX GAS SOUTH ACTON HINTO 5c to sto ATTENTION home owners If you ore located on ttis same side of the street as a gas line which was Installed one year as of April You may qualify for 25 PURCHASE ALLOWANCE One years FREE RENT Water Heater If you change to automatic gas water heating now or You may receive an ALLOWANCE of 2 YEARS FREE RENT on a Gas Water Heater If you convert to a natural gas central heating at the same time you Install an automatic gas water heater See your plumbing contractor department store or call United Gas Your Dealer for Gas Appliances

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